Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1771 Do you dare to fight openly and openly!

Wang Lin paused and turned to look at the third concubine. Looking into her eyes, Wang Lin saw seriousness and perseverance in the eyes of Wenxujiao. This was a feeling.

The cold expression softened slightly. With Wang Lin's mind, he could see that the other party really wanted to help him. Especially recalling the scenes between him and his wife in this ancient cemetery, Wang Lin fell silent. After a moment, his eyes fell on the woman's wrist.

"What do you want?" Wang Lin withdrew his gaze and spoke slowly.

"There is no request. You helped me once, and I will help you again." The third concubine said softly.

Wang Lin looked a little strange when he heard what the other party said. After a moment of silence, Wang Lin calmly spoke.

"What happened back then was just a matter of effort, you don't need to take it to heart."

"You have helped me, and I will help you!" The third concubine raised her head and looked at Wang Lin seriously. Her beautiful face seemed to have a unique charm at this moment.

"But I don't plan to enter that mountain peak now." Wang Lin gave a rare smile.

The third concubine was startled, as if she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"What's your real name?

"Wang Lin raised his head and glanced at the sky in the distance, and suddenly a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"Tang Shan..." The third concubine hesitated for a moment and said softly.

"Open your seven-faced golden door and stand back!" Wang Lin's voice suddenly became cold and he stared at the sky in the distance.

Tang Shan's eyes were focused. She was not weak in cultivation. She immediately noticed the abnormality. Without thinking, she immediately chose to obey Wang Lin's words. She waved her right hand, and golden light filled her body. Outside her body, seven sides of golden rotating circles suddenly appeared. men.

In the distance, a long rainbow roared between the sky and the earth, and it came straight to this place in an instant. Inside the rainbow was a huge stone platform, with light shining on it, and a young man wearing a green shirt stood on it.

Wang Lin's eyes instantly met the young man's eyes, and there was a mistake. A roaring sound echoed in the minds of the two of them at the same time, as if the contact of their eyes was like the two of them using their magical powers to bombard each other.

Wang Lin remained motionless and snorted coldly.

But the young man staggered slightly, took half a step back, and looked at Wang Lin with a hint of fanatical fighting intent!

"Wang Lin! I finally caught up with you.

Under Yun Yifeng, the battle between the five planets is too hasty and not smooth enough. How dare you fight me openly and openly today without plotting or using Li Guanggong! "The rainbow dissipated, and the huge stone platform floated in the air. On it, Yun Yifeng's green shirt was fluttering, and he looked towards Wang Lin.

"If you can defeat me, in the core of this mansion, everyone will gather and obey your orders!" Yun Yifeng took a step forward and fell from the stone platform. "Standing a hundred feet away from Wang Lin, in his eyes, There is no third concubine Tang Shan, there is only Wang Lin!

Staring at Yun Yifeng, the cold light in Wang Lin's eyes became intense. He was in need of a soul with great supernatural powers to sacrifice. The arrival of this person at this time saved Wang Lin's time of looking for me. However, this person's cultivation is limited, and only he "One soul" Wang Lin's analysis is still not enough.

Back then, this person was evenly matched with him on the Five Planets, but that was when Wang Lin was slightly injured after breaking through the Five Elements Formation, and at that time, Wang Lin's "Heaven-Tearing Technique" was not yet complete. But now, Wang Lin is in At the peak of his cultivation, he also obtained Ye Mo's left hand. In this way, the art of tearing the sky was completed, and its power was extremely astonishing.

Wang Lin didn't take Yun Yifeng seriously.

However, Wang Lin's heart moved when he said that if this person was defeated, he would follow his orders.

"There is no basis for what you say!" Wang Lin said slowly.

Yun Yifeng's eyes flashed, and he raised his right hand and slapped it between his eyebrows. Immediately, a drop of his sworn blood transformed and bounced towards Wang Lin.

The moment Wang Lin took the blood and looked at it intently, a cold light flashed in Yun Yifeng's eyes. He swung the sleeve of his right hand and a long knife appeared in his hand. He stepped forward and raised it directly towards Wang Lin. Lin Yida cut it off!

Roaring and whirling, this sword was like opening the sky, drawing a rainbow, rolling the power of heaven and earth to condense the blade, and suddenly approached Wang Lin.

Almost at the moment when Yun Yifeng's long sword fell, Wang Lin snorted and took a step forward, clenching his right hand into a fist. As the banging sound reverberated in his body, the power of the ancient Taoism surged, condensed in it. With his right hand, he punched Yun Yifeng!

Under this punch, the color of the world changed, roaring and roaring, and the entire sky was distorted, as if it was about to collapse. Wang Lin's punch hit the void, but an ancient phantom transformed and went straight to the roaring Yunyi Well. The long knife that came was blasted away!

In an instant, the swords and fists collided together. With a loud rumbling sound, the long sword collapsed and turned into countless fragments. The shadow of Wang Lin's fist also split apart and disappeared.

Yun Yifeng stepped back a hundred feet, his hair spread out with a long smile. He raised his right hand and swung it forward. Immediately, a black light transformed in front of him, forming a black mist. The man reached into the mist with his right hand and grabbed it. Suddenly, another long knife emerged from the mist. The moment he raised it and slashed at Wang Lin, his right hand penetrated deep into the mist again.

In an instant, seven long knives were pulled out of the mist by Yun Yifeng, and they fell one by one. They roared and whirled, and the seven knives were almost connected together, forming a monstrous sword concubine. Containing a shocking power, he rushed towards Wang Lin.

"Eight Blades to Kill the Soul!" Yun Yifeng roared, and with a flicker of his body, seven overlapping shadows appeared. However, he saw that his body suddenly turned into seven parts, rushing out one by one, and each part of his body was in an instant. He grabbed a long knife, and like seven people taking action at the same time, they formed a straight line and slashed away.

From a distance, these seven swords and seven bodies, due to their connection, actually vaguely appear like an eighth sword!

Two are the handle, four are the body, and one is the tip!

The world was twisted and dark, as if at this moment, only Yun Yifeng's strongest magical power was left!

At the moment when the eight swords came, Wang Lin's expression did not change at all. He raised his hands and slashed toward the sky!

With this tear, a pair of solid big hands immediately appeared in the void in front of Wang Lin. The arms were rough, and countless rune marks flickered. They were Ye Mo's arms.

Following Wang Lin's movements, these two transformed arms clasped the void and violently tore it apart outwards. With a loud bang that shook the sky, Wang Lin tore open a huge crack in the void. This crack connected the sky and the earth, towards the sky. He suddenly opened up and left.

This scene, seen from a distance, looks like the world in front of Wang Lin is separated and collapsed. An aura of vicissitudes comes from the crack, which contains the aura of destroying everything. The shadow of the eight swords collides with it. , while roaring and whirling, a knife and Yun Yifeng's body were directly destroyed!

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and fourth bodies collapsed together with the knife.

"Are you upright? Wang doesn't even use the body-fixing technique. If you want to be upright, I will give you the right one!!" Wang Lin's voice was cold, still clear under the roar of the sky and the earth.

The moment Wang Lin finished speaking, his hands violently tore apart again, opening the entire connection between heaven and earth in front of him. There was a roar and vibration. Yun Yifeng's fifth body, sixth body, and seventh body were all here. Collapsed in the process of tearing, and with a muffled groan, I saw these seven collapsed and shattered bodies, each emitting a stream of smoke, condensed in the distant sky, and turned into Yun Yifeng's true form!

He spurted out blood, his face turned pale, and he staggered back a few steps. He raised his head and looked at Wang Lin, showing fear. This fear was no less than when he saw Li Guang's bow before!

"Is this a fair fight?" As Yun Yifeng retreated, the cracks in the world slowly dissipated. Wang Lin stood there with his white hair fluttering. He raised his right hand and held Yun Yifeng's hand. Seal the oath of blood you sent before and ask this person.

Yun Yifeng was silent, feeling bitter in his heart, and nodded slowly.

The moment he nodded, the oath blood in Wang Lin's hand immediately emitted a dazzling red light and slowly disappeared into Wang Lin's palm, becoming an oath.

This Yun Yifeng is also a gentleman. He didn't mess with the oath of blood. If you lose, you lose! Little did he know that this behavior saved him from the danger of killing his body and taking his soul!

If he had the slightest clue, Wang Lin would kill him without hesitation, even if killing him would take some time. But now, Wang Lin had a better choice. He glanced at the sky in the distance, and faintly felt three familiar auras approaching quickly.

"I came at the right time... Maybe I can use his power to test that person..."

At the moment when this battle ended, suddenly the mist-shrouded mountain peak in the distance, the mist outside twisted and moved, and suddenly formed the bald head again, a roar came out, and the wind howled.

Wang Lin's whole body was filled with Taoist aura, and he immediately withdrew from Baizhang to resist. After Tang Shan witnessed the battle just now, she immediately tightened her mind and followed Wang Lin back.

The roar echoed between heaven and earth, but at this moment, the sky in the distance suddenly became distorted, and a vague figure came out of the sky.

"Yun Yifeng, kill this person!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed with cold light, and he raised his right hand to grab the void. Blood light flashed out immediately, and the blood sword whizzed straight towards the blurry figure.

A round of primordial sun transformed in front of the blurry figure, emitting endless sunshine, and touched the approaching blood sword. Amidst the loud roar, the blurry figure solidified, and took a step back. It was the palm master!

At the moment when his figure appeared, Yun Yifeng, who was not far away, gritted his teeth, swallowed several pills, and in a flash, he once again used the eight swords to kill the soul. The eight phantoms connected, and the sword opened the sky and went straight to the palm. Go away respectfully!

And there was Tang Shan. This woman didn't hesitate at all. She waved her hands outward while making a seal. Immediately, seven golden gates appeared outside Yun Yifeng's body. Seven golden gates also appeared outside Wang Lin's body. men!

"Protective magical power!" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed.

Most of the magical powers are offensive. Even if they are used for protection, they are often self-permeable. It is extremely rare to be able to use them on others. This is the first time in Wang Lin's life that he has seen protective magical powers that can be used on others!

Tang Shan's Tianmen Dao in Xiangang Continent is just a sect, not included in the Nine Sects and Thirteen Sects, but it is more famous. The reason is that most of the magical powers in this sect are protective techniques that can be used on others.

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