Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1773 The trapped beast struggles!

Wang Lin had guessed a little bit of Yun Yifeng's thoughts. He was very scheming and there must be a reason for what he did. But Wang Lin didn't want to pay attention to it at the moment. He sat cross-legged, raised his right hand, and held the golden seal. The moment the golden seal fell from his hand, a cold feeling suddenly spread to Wang Lin's palm, and even more... In his body, after swimming around in a circle, the golden seal shone brightly, and had a vague and strange connection with Wang Lin.

This thing was just created from an illusion, and it was still a treasure without an owner. Wang Lin's cultivation was imprinted on it, and he immediately became the first owner of this thing.

This golden seal exudes a mighty power, and it seals the palm master's art of destroying the divine way. This technique can be used with his Mysterious Tribulation cultivation base, and its power is comparable to that of the palm master himself.

In addition, this object was created by Xuan Luo, so it also contains a trace of the power of Nine Suns. In this way, this treasure can be said to be indestructible.

In the astonishment of the Master, Wang Lin opened his mouth and swallowed the golden seal. He immediately swallowed the seal into his mouth and refined it in his soul.

Xuan Luo stood in front of Wang Lin, looked at Wang Lin meaningfully, and suddenly smiled.

At this moment, the fear in the palm master's heart in the distance had reached its limit. He gave up killing Wang Lin and stepped back crazily without hesitation. He was already frightened to the point of his mind, and his mind was buzzing at the moment.

He has a very high mind and amazing calculations, but he never imagined that Xuan Luo was here. When he thought about it, he thought more that the master's brother had found this place.

Thinking of the terror of his master's brother, the palm master immediately broke out in cold sweat, soaking his clothes and robes in an instant, and almost lost his soul.

The moment he fled backwards while roaring, Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly, he stood up from his cross-legged position, took a step to the side, roared, and chased after him in an instant

"Back then, you used the calamity of life and death to kill me. Today, Wang has also brought the calamity of life and death to you. Since you came here early, do you want to fight me or help me fight this person?" Wang Lin chased out , the sound swirls around the world.

The moment his voice came out, a long laugh suddenly broke out between heaven and earth, but after the palm master's fleeing figure, a tall body appeared in the distortion of heaven and earth.

This body is half naked, showing a sense of vicissitudes of life, but it contains more domineering, it is Tosen

As his figure transformed, he clenched a fist with his right hand and punched towards the speeding palm master. With this punch, the heaven and earth roared, as if all the power here had been absorbed and turned into the power of this punch. In an instant, Suddenly, it fell on the body of the palm master.

The palm master turned around fiercely,

As he kneaded his hands, bright sunlight emanated from his whole body, and his whole body seemed to have transformed into a sunrise, colliding with the fist.

The roaring sound was earth-shattering, and the palm master grunted, and retreated several steps in succession. Tossen was also shaken, and stepped back a hundred feet, raising his head with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Happy Wang Lin, don't use magic to kill people like monks. We, the gods, must use this powerful body to break through the world and fight with immortals." Tossen said, there was a loud banging sound in his body, but he saw it The body suddenly expanded, becoming thousands of feet in size in an instant, but it was not over yet. It continued to expand. Suddenly, a huge ancient god tens of thousands of feet in size, which looked like a huge ancient god supporting the heaven and earth, appeared in this ancient place. The penultimate level of the cemetery

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. There was a roar in his body, but for the first time, his body completely expanded. Under the roar, Wang Lin's body grew crazily. In the blink of an eye, Wang Lin's body expanded wildly. , turned into a body as big as Tosen

From a distance, the two of them are giants here, like two mountains, blocking the master from the front and back.

At the same time, Yun Yifeng's eyes were filled with cold light. He knew that Xuan Luo was around, so he stood up decisively. While making a hand gesture with his hands, he raised his right hand and pointed at the sky. Immediately outside his body, there was A piece of purple light flashed, and the purple light instantly turned into a purple monkey, with a fierce light in its eyes. He left Yun Yifeng's body while roaring, and rushed straight towards the master.

"In the core of this mansion, there is no possibility of Wang Lin failing. I will never go wrong with this plan."

There is also the third concubine Tang Shan. She jumped up after biting her silver teeth. She waved the golden bead on her right wrist and saw the golden gates emerge and immediately merge and overlap. After the seven gates were united, the golden light filled the air. It transformed into a giant golden dragon, rushed out of the door, and roared towards the Master.

Four people shot at the same time, the power was shocking

Especially Wang Lin and Tosun clenched their fists under the loud noise and blasted away, like two huge meteorites from the sky, hitting the master.

The master's face was pale. He had no intention of fighting. The fear in his mind was completely shaken by the golden seal just now. He even suspected that the master's brother was hidden around him.

In this thought that made him tremble, he simply could not use all his cultivation. The only thought at this moment was to escape. In the roar, the fists of Tosen and Wang Lin came at the same time. The moment they fell, the palm master let out a low roar, As if to release the fear in his body from the roar, he waved his sleeves and his hands seemed to be grasping two suns, one behind the other, touching the fists of Wang Lin and Tosen respectively.

The rumbling sound reverberated around the world. Tosun's arm trembled and he took several steps back. Wang Lin also trembled and took a few steps back.

At the same time, the ferocious monkey transformed by Yun Yifeng's magical power took advantage of the palm master's confrontation and pounced directly on him, turning into a piece of purple energy that crazily penetrated along the palm master's seven orifices, and hit the palm master's eyebrows. , the monkey’s shadow immediately appeared.

The Master's body trembled. The bombardment from Wang Lin and Tosen had already caused the blood in his body to boil. He finally suppressed it, and Yun Yifeng's magical power from the Xiangang Continent entered his body. It felt like his body was being torn apart. Immediately emerged, causing the Palm Master to stumble back. At the same time, Tang Shan's golden dragon roared away and swallowed directly on the Palm Master's body.

The palm master turned around, raised his right hand and slapped the golden dragon. At the moment when the golden dragon suddenly collapsed, the palm master spurted out a large mouthful of blood for the first time. His expression was sluggish, and the fear in his eyes was even stronger.

The power of the ancient gods of the four people in front of him, especially Wang Lin and Na Tosen, made the Master very afraid. However, after all, there was a huge gap in their cultivation levels. Although these four people were difficult to deal with and would seriously injure him, they The price must not be

What frightened him the most was the golden seal scene just now. He always felt that there was a fifth pair of eyes here, looking at him calmly.

This feeling was so strong that it almost drove him crazy. In addition, he also felt the aura of Lan Meng Taoist, coming rapidly from a distance. He was afraid that it would be close soon. If Lan Meng took action again, he would be in danger today.

After spitting out blood, the palm master's eyes turned red. He raised his head suddenly and took a step forward. His feet rippled and he was about to leave. But at the moment he took off, Wang Lin raised his right hand and grabbed the void, and the world roared. In the meantime, he opened the crack in the storage, and dozens of ancient leaves flew out from it.

In the flickering light, these dozens of ancient leaves flew away quickly, surrounding the palm master and blocking all escape routes around him.

At the moment when his body was sealed, Wang Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he stepped away, raised his hands, and once again used his strongest technique to tear the sky. Under the roar, a crack was torn open in the sky and the earth. Go straight to the Master.

When the moment approached, the palm master made a secret with his hands and slapped the coming crack connecting heaven and earth directly through the air.

At the same time, Tosun swayed, and saw overlapping shadows immediately appeared on his body. In an instant, the domineering feeling on Tosun's body dissipated directly, and was replaced by calmness and calmness. .

It was as if he had become a different person, as if he had become an awakened Tu Si.

To be precise, it was Tu Si who appeared at the moment. He raised his right hand and grasped it in the air. Suddenly, thunder roared from the sky and the earth. A huge spear appeared directly in his hand. He held the spear. , Tu Si waved his right hand, blasting through all the momentum, and stabbed at the palm master.

Yun Yifeng and Tang Shan took action again, using each other's strongest magical powers.

The roaring sound echoed in the sky at this moment. Yun Yifeng spurted out blood, rolled up his body, and fell to the ground with a bang. There was also Tang Shan, whose mouth was filled with blood, and her body staggered, as if extremely weak, and she continuously retreated thousands of feet. .

The moment Tu Si's spear hit the master, he was grabbed by the palm master's left hand. His expression was ferocious. With a roar, his right hand turned into a huge palm print and slapped the approaching Tu Si in the air.

Tu Si was shaken and retreated Baizhang, but he was not injured.

After repelling Tu Si, the palm master turned his head fiercely. At this moment, the roar of the sky-breaking technique was less than half a foot away from him. The palm master had disheveled hair. He bit the tip of his tongue without hesitation and spat out a mouthful of his soul's blood. This bloody golden color , immediately penetrated the sky-shattering crack in the void as it spurted out, and went straight to Wang Lin's body.

If he is exposed to this blood, Wang Lin will definitely be in crisis

At the critical moment, Wang Lin's expression remained calm. At that moment when blood sprayed out, a word came out of his mouth.


Set the sky, the earth, and all the rules

The blood was like particles, and suddenly paused for a moment in front of Wang Lin. Wang Lin swayed, and while calmly avoiding it, he waved his right hand forward. In the flash of blood, the blood sword flew out directly, but at this moment, the backlash force But it exploded inside his body, and after he suppressed it, his complexion turned slightly pale.

After an instant, the effect of the immobilization technique dissipated, and the blood sprayed from Wang Lin's side and fell on the ground, making a sizzling sound, causing the ground to sink deeply immediately.

The blood sword flashed, followed by a muffled groan from the palm master. The blood sword was so fast that almost as soon as the palm master's blood sprayed out, it went straight towards him and penetrated through the palm master's right shoulder. Pass.

Blood sprayed out, and the Master's eyes were bloodshot. He stepped back and raised his left hand to point to the sky.

"You are looking for the moon in the well of death."

The master of Taoism uses the earth as a well to reflect everything in the sky. He fishes out the reflection from the well and takes the soul to kill. Wang Lin has seen this technique several times, and every time it gives him a deep shock.

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