Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1,774 Palm Soul!

At this moment, as the Master's words came out, the ground on the penultimate floor of the ancient tomb immediately rippled with roars, forming like water in an instant!

In the water, the figures of Wang Lin and the others immediately appeared, as if they were submerged in the well water.

Wang Lin would not fight the Master unless he had to. His enemies were Qicai and Zhan Laogui. If the Master was added to the mix, it would be extremely difficult. However, even though he didn't want to, the purpose of the Master coming here was to kill. he.

As a result, Wang Lin had no choice but to fight!

And he had a great advantage at this moment. Yun Yifeng, Tang Shan, and Tosen's combined attack injured the palm master. Coupled with Wang Lin's previous judgment and testing, he obtained the golden seal. , and even destroyed the master's mind.

With all the pieces in place to create such a situation, now is the best time to kill the Master. The most important thing is that after the Master and Tosun, Wang Lin sensed the third person coming here. !

This third person is Taoist Lanmeng!

Wang Lin didn't believe it. Five people took action, but they couldn't seal this palm master!

At this moment, the master's skill of fishing for the moon in the well was transformed. He was in mid-air, and his red eyes showed murderous intent. He no longer wanted to escape, because he clearly felt that Lan Meng was coming!

"So what if Lan Meng arrives. If they want me to die here, they have to pay the price! And the time is limited. The old ghost Zhan will be chasing me soon. They can't kill me before the old ghost Zhan comes!"

The earth turned into well water, and at the moment when it reflected the figures of Wang Lin and the four of them, a blue light suddenly shone out. This blue light filled the well water, and shrouded the sky and the earth. However, in the distance, a piece of blue light shone out. In the rolling blue clouds, the figure of Taoist Lanmeng stepped out step by step.

"Senior Lan Meng, can you seal the master's three breaths?" Wang Mo's eyes flashed, and the moment Master Lan Meng arrived, he immediately sent out his spiritual thoughts.

Lan Meng stepped closer and nodded when he heard the words. He flicked his right sleeve, and the ground roared. The earth that turned into well water immediately began to tremble violently. With the clicking sound, cracks filled the ground and collapsed, and the well water exploded!

The blue light merged into the collapsed well water, and with the big hand of Master Lan Meng, it suddenly lifted up, turning into a blue curtain, covering the world.

"I can do it in three breaths of time!" As Lan Meng spoke, the blue light around his body merged. In an instant, the blue light that filled the surroundings went straight to the master.

Three more branches of blue light spread out and wrapped around Yun Sufeng and Tang Shan, immediately pulling them into the blue light.

The last bit of blue light wrapped around Tosun's body, pulling him into the blue light as well.

The four figures all merged with the blue light and disappeared into the blue light. The blue light that filled the world suddenly turned into four rune seals and went straight to the master in the flash of blue light.

The palm master's face changed. All this happened instantly. Almost at the moment when Lan Meng Dao Master appeared, four runes were approaching with a bang. No matter how the palm master dodge, he could not avoid it. This is Lan Meng's lifetime cultivation. As a result, his cultivation level is not weak at all. Even if he does not have the Mysterious Tribulation, he can still fight against the Mysterious Tribulation!

With him as the leader and the other three people working together, the four condensed runes broke through all the barriers and were suddenly printed on the palm master.

As soon as the four rune marks fell, the master's body was suddenly surrounded by blue light, as if it had turned into a big net to seal his whole body! Although all movements were imprisoned, the Master's cultivation was after all very advanced. The moment he was sealed, his whole body was suddenly covered in golden light. From a distance, the Master under the blue light looked like a golden man!

This golden light body protection can protect him from serious damage during the several breaths of being imprisoned!

Three breaths, the first breath starts!

Wang Lin didn't hesitate at all. At the moment when the palm master was sealed by the blue light, he took a step forward and appeared directly in front of the palm master. He raised his right hand and the ghost face in the illusion appeared on his face. The ghost face roared, As Wang Lin's fingertips penetrated the blue light, they directly touched the center of the Palm's eyebrows, which were covered in golden light.

"Dream Road!!"

Wang Lin's voice swirled, and his second breath began!

The dream path merged with the ghost face illusion, and struck into the center of the palm master's eyebrows. It did not damage his body at all, but merged with his soul!

Through the magic of dreams, Wang Lin entered the Master's memory. At the moment when his soul was connected, Wang Lin did not try to change the Master's memory. Instead, he wrote the secret formula with his left hand and pointed at the distance. The mountain peaks filled with black air.

"Sacrifice this soul and melt it into the body of Ji Si!!" Wang Lin knew that he was no match for the master, but he could borrow a knife to kill people. The borrowed knife was Ji Si!

As his words fell and the moment he took his third breath, the mist-shrouded mountain peaks in the distance immediately rolled with mist and let out a shocking roar.

At the same time, the palm master's soul dissipated out of thin air in his body at an extremely fast speed, as if being swallowed invisible. The palm master's body suddenly trembled, his eyes showed struggle, and at the same time he let out a violent roar, his whole body moved violently, and three After the rest time passed, the four seals on his body immediately dissipated.

As these four seals dissipated, the figures of Taoist Lanmeng, Yun Qufeng, Tang Shan and Tosen emerged from the surrounding hidden light.

The shrill screams shook the heavens, and the palm master broke free from the seal of the blue light Taoist. He held his head in his hands and retreated crazily. The screams penetrated the hearts of everyone, causing a shock.

The palm master's soul was dissipating rapidly at this moment and was being sacrificed secretly. This scene fell into the eyes of Lan Meng and others, and their pupils shrank, which was shocking.

Wang Lin spurted out blood and stepped back hundreds of feet. He stared at the palm master holding his head and screaming in the sky, with a cold and cold light in his eyes.

At this moment, the eyes of the palm master in the sky were bloodshot. The severe pain made him go crazy. He looked at Wang Lin fiercely and rushed towards him like a madman.

"You are the one who made me suffer so much. Kill you, kill you..." the palm master roared and rushed towards Wang Lin in an instant. He was already in a state of confusion and had only one thought in his existence, which was to kill Wang Lin.

"Puppet of Si Si, I have sacrificed enough souls to summon you to come out!!" Wang Lin quickly retreated, without even wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth. The moment the master came, he made a hand gesture and lowered his hand. spoke loudly.

The moment his words came out, the mountain peak in the distance suddenly collapsed, and the black mist roared straight towards Wang Lin. Its speed was so fast that it swept around Wang Lin in an instant, even covering the charging palm master. In the fog.

Blocking the gaze of everyone around him, two different roars came from the black mist. One was the voice of the Palm Lord, roaring with endless pain, and the other voice was filled with monstrous ferocity.

The roars kept echoing back into the black mist. Except for the people inside, no one outside knew what was happening in the mist. They just heard the master's roar becoming more and more shrill.

A moment later, the mist rolled violently, and the palm master's body was thrown out of it, falling to the ground with a bang, his eyes closed tightly, motionless.

The four people in Lan Meng's eyes condensed, and they all looked at the black mist that enveloped Wang Lin. They saw that the mist was squirming and slowly seemed to condense, revealing Wang Lin standing there in white clothes!

The mist is still condensing, not in Wang Mo's body, but on his right side, where there is a vague shadow squatting on the ground. As all the mist is integrated into the body of this shadow, soon , all the fog dissipated, and the shadow was clearly revealed in everyone's eyes.

At this glance, Tang Shan's face immediately turned pale, and she took several steps back. Even Yun Yifeng also took a breath, with shock in his eyes.

Dao Zun Lanmeng and Na Tuosen were slightly better, but they were also shocked when they saw the phantom clearly.

It was a Zhu Confucian with purple-black skin. He was naked and squatting on the ground. He had no hair on his head and was as skinny as wood.

His tongue stuck out of his mouth, which was seven feet long, hanging on the ground, swinging randomly. Especially his eyes, which were pitch black, seemed to absorb the surrounding light, making his body look slightly distorted. .

An indescribable ferocious aura emanated from his body, shocking the earth!

This puppet is like an evil ghost crawling out of the underworld. Its appearance is ferocious. Even though it is squatting there, it is enough to give everyone a pressure from their hearts.

There was silence all around, except for the ghost-like Zhu Ru, who was breathing vaguely.

Wang Lin seemed calm at the moment, but his mind was still agitated. In the mist, he witnessed the battle between the puppet and the crazy master.

After a long time, Wang Lin suppressed the shock in his heart. He knew that this puppet of Si Si did not have a deep connection with him. Even if he could control it, it was somewhat insufficient. If he wanted to completely control this thing, he must continue to kill and sacrifice souls to it.

"This object is somewhat inconsistent with the description of the third soul of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord... According to the memory of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord, once this object is released, it will have the cultivation level of the peak in the early stage of the Yuanjing after having completely survived the nine mysterious tribulations. .

But at the moment, although it is extremely powerful, it is obviously not up to the true Sky Tribulation, and it is probably equivalent to several Mysterious Tribulations..." Wang Lin also had doubts in his heart, but he could not find the answer to this doubt. .

On the ground in the distance, Xuan Luo kept looking at the Si Si puppet the moment it appeared. He knew this thing.

"I felt its aura before. It is indeed a puppet spirit, and it has transformed twice... This Seven-Colored Immortal Lord is quite ruthless!" Xuan Luo shook his head and sighed softly.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and walked towards where the palm master was unconscious not far away. As soon as he moved, the evil ghost Xiuru immediately followed him, silently. As he moved, his body switched between substance and mist.

Looking at the palm master with his eyes closed, Wang Lin felt deeply in his heart, palm master, palm master... After a long time, Wang Lin flicked his right sleeve and put the palm master into the storage space.

"You still have half of your soul. If I don't kill you, you are the slave of a madman. Let him wake up and decide your life and death later."

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