Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1775 Ancient Tomb Inheritance!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to take the palm master's half soul, Wang Lin was not happy, but rather sad. The name of the palm master, Wang Lin was already like thunder in the second step of his cultivation, and he was fighting with it again and again in the ancient stars outside the world. wrong.

This person can be said to be an elegant person of a generation, but his fate is tragic. He is just a slave of the madman. After the madman disappeared, he had to worship Qicai as his teacher and obey his orders. So far, half of his soul has been taken away by Wang Lin, and he has ended up like this. All this is very similar to the time when the master gathered all the powerful people from outside the world to surround and kill Feng Zun, until Feng Zun was destroyed and only the remaining roses under the thorns fell into Tianni. It was like reincarnation.

Those who kill will always be killed! Wang Lin sighed secretly and cupped his fists at Taoist Ruo Lanmeng and others. "Thank you for this."

"I can't help you anymore." But no matter what, I will try my best. This is my promise to you! "Taoist Master Lanmeng glanced at the evil dwarf, looked at Wang Lin, and slowly emphasized the last two words in his words.

"You returned the inheritance to me back then, and let me, Mo Liu, become a great master of distraction, and help you, and you can achieve some cause and effect." Tu Si, or Tuo Sen, his body turned into the size of an ordinary person, and said calmly.

Wang Lin couldn't tell who the person in front of him was Tu Si or Tuo Sen, but he vaguely understood what happened to this person.

As for Yun Yifeng, he smiled bitterly and did not respond to Wang Lin's words. If he lost, he would obey Wang Lin's orders here. Yun Yifeng still had this courage, even if he didn't swear blood. He didn't even bother to go back on his word.

"I helped you leave this place before, but today you help me fight against the master. It's a clean slate. You don't need to worry about it in the future." Wang Lin looked at the third concubine Tang Shan and said softly.

Tang Shan was silent for a moment and nodded.

After the collapse of the mountains in the distance where Si Zhigu existed before, a sunken land was revealed, from which bursts of Daogu aura emitted. There was the entrance to the last level of the Ancient Cemetery. . Once you enter there, you can go to where Wang Lin once saw the lonely heart. But at this moment, the sky suddenly became rippled and twisted, and at the end of the world in the distance, several long rainbows roared in, and an extremely powerful power of divine consciousness swept across the sky.

This incident immediately caught Wang Lin's attention. He looked up at the sky, his expression slowly dimming. Old Ghost Zhan is here!

"Go down, I promised to help you. This time, I will still help you!" Taoist Lan Meng sighed softly, and the whole body was filled with blue light. In an instant, a shocking fighting spirit burst out from his whole body, and his eyes were bright. , staring at the sky.

In silence, Tu Si glanced at Wang Lin. He didn't speak, but there was a loud bang in his body. He raised his head and clenched his fists. "Ma Shishang will also take action. This time, I will help you delay enough time." Yun Toufeng smiled bitterly, took out a lot of pills and swallowed them.

He raised his right hand and grasped it, and immediately five elements of light shone all over his body, faintly forming a set of pure armor.

Tang Shan did not speak, but waved her right hand, and seven golden lights suddenly appeared outside the bodies of everyone around her. She took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

Wang Lin opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. If he is not here, he cannot control his actions. He must follow him. In this case, if he does not stay here, he will not be able to control his actions. It doesn't work.

Bowing deeply to everyone, Wang Lin knew that now was not the time to say anything. He wanted to obtain Daogu Yebin's last inheritance except for his left eye, and then leave the fourth flower and enter the fifth flower to find the truth. But these things, the prerequisite It was Old Ghost Zhan who never caught up, but now the opponent is approaching...

Wang Lin took a deep breath, without any further hesitation, turned around and headed straight for the collapsing mountain peak. The moment his figure disappeared inside, the sky roared, and the figure of Old Ghost Zhan suddenly appeared from the inkstone.

The colorful light outside his body flashed. It was after he devoured the colorful Taoist. Although the two souls in his body did not merge, they gave him great benefits and the cultivation he could exert was even higher!

And he is different from Qicai. He is both Qicai's soul and Zhan Laogui. Zhan Laogui himself is a person with advanced cultivation. After merging with his soul's perception, he swallowed up Qicai Taoist. Now Zhan Laogui has unlimited power. He is so close to the Seven Colorful Immortal Lord back then!

"You ants, get out of my way," Old Ghost Zhan's voice boomed out, like the sound of g roaring in the penultimate layer. The earth collapsed and the sky tore apart pears.

On the last floor of the ancient cemetery, Wang Lin's figure appeared. The moment his teeth appeared, he immediately heard the faint sound of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction, and the beating of his heart.

When this sound entered his mind, it did not cause Wang Lin's heart to beat according to a certain pattern. Instead, it disturbed Wang Lin's heartbeat, making it feel as if there were two different heartbeats echoing in his ears. , Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he looked around. This is the last level. There is no sky or earth here. Some of them are just blood vessels as thick as a hundred feet, spreading in all directions. Every time I hear the sound of the disobedient heartbeat, all the green blood vessels here start to move. In Wang Lin's consciousness, he clearly saw a huge heart in the distance where the large blood vessels connected. Every time the heart beats, Wang Lin felt a pain in his heart, as if his heart was about to Like breaking apart and collapsing. Everything here is a little different from what he saw in the inheritance hall back then, but it is the same for Da Mei. After all, he just vaguely glanced past it, and now he has truly stepped into it.

Wang Lin knew that time was running out. He didn't know how long Lan Meng and others on the upper level could delay Old Ghost Zhan, but every time he spent a breath, he might be chased by Old Ghost Zhan. At this moment, he could not move forward slowly after careful observation. Instead, he swayed and used his fastest speed. Changhong whizzed away, shuttling between the blood vessels.

Fortunately, there are no ferocious beasts here. Wang Lin moved forward at such a fast speed without encountering any obstacles. In an instant, he crossed the endless karma, but the huge heart here seemed to be aware of Wang Lin's arrival. , as Wang Lin moved forward, the sound of heart beating became more and more intensive, and the sound of dissatisfaction seemed to possess some kind of strange power. His own heartbeat was completely confused with the sound of dissatisfaction, and there was no trace of it. The synchronization with one made Wang Lin's face pale, and the sharp pain in his chest became stronger the closer he got to his heart. In the end, the dissatisfied sounds were almost connected, as if there was a needle pricking him. The severe pain that penetrated Wang Lin's heart cannot be explained in words! But all these strange changes had no impact at all on Si Si's puppet, who had always followed Wang Lin and turned into a mist. Its tongue stretched out very long, and the evil aura in its eyes became more intense as it moved forward. There was a faint feeling of irritability. Although the pain was severe, Wang Lin's steps did not stop at all. It was like a strong wind sweeping past. The severe pain was enough to drive people crazy. His figure suddenly appeared in the center of this floor! He saw the huge heart and saw that there were countless blood vessels connected to the outside of the heart, spreading in all directions. As the heart beat, all these blood vessels moved.

Here, Wang Lin's heartbeat was even more inconsistent with the huge heart he was looking at, as if it was out of place. A mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of Wang Lin's mouth, which was a sign that his heart was about to collapse and explode. All the blood vessels in his body swelled, and the blood flow inside them was fast and sometimes slow, and it was faintly squirming with the heartbeat, and was about to burst. This is not a magical power, nor a magic, nor a Taoist magic, but the lethality of this heartbeat is extremely astonishing. Even Wang Lin's Taoist body seems to be unable to resist it, unless he has no mind.

With a pale face, Wang Lin put his right hand on his chest and held it tightly. He could clearly feel the irregular beating of his heart, and even shook his hand!

Staggering in his steps, Wang Lin gritted his teeth and let out a low growl. The moment he spat out blood, he appeared directly on top of the huge heart. His body was rising and falling with the disobedient beating of the heart.

Forcibly suppressing the pain, Wang Lin let himself sit cross-legged on the heart. He closed his eyes and concentrated all his strength on the heart.

"Yemo, I have inherited your god, your blood, and your arms. Now I am here to inherit your heart, so that this inheritance will be complete! If you agree, stop this wrong heartbeat. , keep one with me!" Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts were transmitted into his heart. But at the moment when his spiritual thoughts came out, the beating of his heart started to beat violently again, but it was not at all like Wang Lin Yimei, and even more cruel intentions filled the air, creating a strong rejection of Wang Lin.

"I have survived most of the ancient gods' calamities and gained the recognition of the ancient ancestors. I have obtained most of your inheritance. Now, I know that your heart is beating unwillingly, but you are already dead.

You are already dead, you passed the inheritance to me, and I will fulfill your unfulfilled last wish! ! I, Wang Lin, will take care of your relatives in Xiangang Continent and ensure their safety! !

You fought with the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord and were defeated and died. I, Wang Linhui, will find the Seven-Colored Rose. Regardless of victory or defeat, we will continue the battle of the past! "

Wang Lin's heart suddenly stopped beating, and there was a moment of calmness, but slowly, it seemed to start beating wildly again.

At the same time, an extremely sad spiritual thought filled with resentment rushed into Wang Lin's mind like an hallucination. "Give me my left eye!!!"

"I will definitely help you find your left eye!! This is my promise to you, Wang Lin!" Wang Lin opened his eyes fiercely and spoke immediately. The moment he said these words, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. At the epicenter, he gradually no longer missed the wrong beat, but gradually chose to keep in line with Wang Lin's heartbeat.

A majestic Taoist aura suddenly emerged at the moment when his heart beat in line with Wang Lin's, rushing into Wang Lin's body. Being rushed by this aura, Wang Lin's white hair fluttered rapidly, as if he was making wild and ordinary music. The eight ancient star points between his eyebrows suddenly rotated, and there were faint signs that they were about to become the ninth star!

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