Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1776 A group fight against the old ghost!

The majestic energy and breath rushed into Hu Lin's body along the heart below, roaring in Hu Lin's body, rolling around his whole body, making Wang Lin's whole body feel like he was in a violent storm at this moment.

The stars of the three races between his eyebrows and eyes were spinning crazily, and there were faint signs of becoming the ninth star.

The sound of the huge heart beating disobediently was consistent with Wang Lin's heartbeat. Wang Lin even felt that he had an illusion that he had merged with the huge heart. It was as if the heart belonged to him. His heart beat, and his heart moved accordingly. Slowly, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

At the end, there was no other sound in Wang Lin's ears, except the sound of dissatisfied and dissatisfied heartbeats. The swirling sound caused Wang Lin to feel an extremely comfortable feeling all over his body. At the same time, the pain in his heart slowly dissipated as he felt warm.

A kind of enlightenment emerged in Wang Lin's mind. This enlightenment was felt from the beating of the heart. After experiencing the last layer of the ancient cemetery, Wang Lin felt that the beating of the heart caused his heart to feel like needles pricking him, as if he was going to collapse. The feeling is extremely strong.

After Wang Lin calmed down and kept his heart in line with the heartbeat, he slowly found some traces of this attack method that was neither supernatural power nor magic nor Taoism.

Using one's own heartbeat to cause the heartbeat of others, changing the rhythm of the other person's heartbeat, causing the heart to collapse and die...or, after making the other person's heartbeat match your own, indirectly controlling the killing method, this method is difficult to guard against! Maybe I can use this enlightenment to create another magical power of my own! "Wang Lin opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes. While absorbing the ancient aura of the Heart Dao, he deduced the feasibility of this idea in his mind.

The heartbeat is like a sound. The spread of this sound requires some assistance to make this sound come out... In my origin, there is the roaring sound of thunder origin, which can achieve the same effect. If I condense the origin at the heart, my The heartbeat expanded countless times and spread out from the body... Wang Lin's eyes flashed.

This also needs to be combined with my dream method. The sound of the beating heart is integrated with the dream method. When it is transmitted to the other party's ears, it can cause some hallucinations and cause changes in the heart beat. In this way, a certain level can be achieved. Effect! "The light in Wang Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

If combined with the virtual fire technique in my flame source, it will also be integrated into the sound of heart beating. In this way, when the other party's heart beat is changed and he becomes irritated, the virtual fire will burn... Wang Lin closed his eyes His eyes were constantly deducing in his mind. Beside him, the evil ghost-like Si Zhi Ni squatted there, his eyes became more ferocious and violent, and he let out unconscious roars one after another. Just when Wang Lin merged with Ye Mo's heart inheritance and realized the magical power of heartbeat, at the second to last floor of the ancient tomb, outside the entrance to the last floor, there was an earth-shaking roar, and a fierce battle was going on.

There was a loud bang,

The world seemed to be torn apart, and the body of the third concubine Tang Shan was swept up by the howling wind, and was quickly thrown out of the sky, landing on the collapsing earth. A large amount of dust was stirred up. Tang Shan's face was pale, and she struggled to get up. Blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth. Her mind was shaken and she was seriously injured. Not far away from her, Yun Yi's cover was ashen, his eyes closed and motionless. He was injured and hit, and just now when Old Ghost Zhan rolled his sleeves, the injury broke out and he almost died.

There is also Tosun, whose whole body is surrounded by three black war words, sealed and unable to get out. film. The sky was dark, and the storm was howling, covering the sky and the earth. Several Xuanwu warriors could be seen faintly inside, including the two Suzaku warriors. The two of them were fighting against the two middle-aged monks from the five planets. , the four of them are filled with magical powers, roaring back to the dang, and it is difficult to defeat each other. But compared with them, in the distance between the heaven and the earth, the real war is going on fiercely.

That's where Old Ghost Zhan is. Outside his body, Taoist Master Lan Meng and the old man named Ma from Five Planets are attacking together to surround Old Ghost Zhan!

Lanmeng Dao Zun was stunned and staggered slightly. Most of his magical powers were defensive, so he could not get too close to the old ghost Zhan. Only the old man named Ma had helplessness in his eyes, but when he took action, the heaven and earth roared, and the magical powers filled the air.

He had to take action. He came here with his five-star clan members because of Xuan Luo's request. If he didn't take action, he might make Xuan Luo unhappy and there would be no possibility of leaving this realm in this life.

There was a cold light in Old Ghost Zhan's eyes. If the two people in front of him hadn't stopped him, he would have entered the last level of the ancient tomb and killed Wang Lin to obtain the third soul. But now these two people are very difficult to deal with, and they are even more indifferent. Even if you are injured, you have to hold yourself back. As a result, even he couldn't catch up to the last level for a while.

Fellow Taoist Lanmeng, I want to use my great supernatural power! "During the three-person battle, the old man surnamed Ma took a few steps back. His face was slightly pale, and he immediately transmitted the message. Almost at the moment he transmitted the message, Taoist Lanmeng flicked the big pomelo, and the whole body was filled with blue light, shrouded in In Bafangzhong, he rushed straight towards Old Ghost Zhan and roared back to the party. As soon as Old Ghost Zhan waved his arms outwards, a word "War" suddenly appeared. It expanded rapidly outwards and directly turned into a monstrous force blasting towards all directions. As it blasted away, the blue light twisted and immediately collapsed.

The light of a grain of rice dares to compete with the bright moon! "Old ghost Zhan snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and walked straight towards the old man named Ma. He didn't care about Lan Meng. After all, Lan Meng didn't go to survive the mysterious disaster.

But that's not the case for the old man named Ma. Therefore, if this old man wants to avoid being entangled by the opponent, he must severely injure the opponent!

The old man surnamed Ma was retreating, pointing his right hand at the sky, and was about to use his magical power, but when he saw Old Ghost Zhan rushing past Taoist Lan Meng, his expression suddenly became extremely dark. , this Lan Ban can't even stop him..." But both he and Old Ghost Zhan are obsessed with Lan Meng. Lan Meng is the master of the five ancient gods. They are all afraid of him. Even if he has not experienced the mysterious tribulation, he must have it. Means! At this moment, Taoist Lan Meng bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The blood merged with the collapsing blue light around him and immediately turned into a guqin in front of him!

The guqin exudes the scent of decay, as if it has existed for countless years. It is invisible and has been integrated into the blood of Taoist Lan Meng. After being sealed in dust for several years, it was taken out by Taoist Lan Meng again and blossomed into its final glory. Strong power!

This guqin is Taoist Master Lan Meng's most precious treasure, and it is also his Su Zhong Killer Copper. This object is the real reason for the master's fear. Taoist Master Lan Meng has only used this guqin once in his life, and that was the battle that made him famous. , a wisp of piano music buries thousands of bones, and looking back is a thousand years. Although he has not experienced the Mysterious Tribulation, he has spent more thought and sacrifice on this guqin than he did on the Mysterious Tribulation. The origin of this object is even more mysterious.

Faintly, it seems that it is not something from this realm!

The guqin transformed, and Taoist Master Lan Meng's eyes showed sadness. He missed his wife. Although her wife was in his storage space, he could not restore her. Sighing softly, Lan Meng sat cross-legged behind the piano, holding down his wife with both hands. Strings, lightly plucked. The sound of the piano suddenly rose, and the old ghost Zhan, who passed Taoist Lanmeng and walked towards the old man named Ma, suddenly stopped in his steps. He stepped back three feet to the side in an instant, and turned around sharply. The moment he turned back, clanking sounds came one after another. In the hands of Taoist Master Lanmeng, the sound of the piano roared, and ripples filled the air, instantly surrounding Old Ghost Zhan, sealing all directions around him.

The eyes of the old man surnamed Ma showed a strange light, and his pupils shrank when he looked at Taoist Lan Meng. He didn't recognize the guqin, but he could see how extraordinary it was. At this moment, without thinking, he raised his right hand and pointed at the sky.

"Five Elements Golden Immortal! Condensate the golden sky!" Endless golden light suddenly rose from the body of the old man surnamed Ma and went straight to the sky. In an instant, the sky roared, but the sky collapsed and shattered, and was directly covered by a piece of Covered in golden light, looking from a distance, the sky turned golden!

Like nine curves and three phases!

"Five Elements Earth Immortal! Condensate the Black Earth!" The old man surnamed Ma raised his left hand and pointed at the earth. The ground was immediately replaced by darkness, spreading crazily around. In the blink of an eye, from a distance, the earth was completely It became a darkness, covering up all the scenery!

After continuously exerting the Five Elements and Two Immortals techniques, the old man surnamed Ma looked extremely tired. He was unwilling to perform any more exercises at the moment, and his hands pointing to the heaven and earth suddenly moved.

At this moment, the sound of Taoist Lan Meng's guqin became more and more intense, turning into an evil spirit, completely sealing the surroundings of Old Ghost Zhan. Old Ghost Zhan's eyes flashed, and he raised his right hand and drew it directly in front of him, and the word "War" appeared instantly. , with a shot outward, the word "war" suddenly collapsed, shaking the sound of the piano and blocking it all around.

The sound of the piano suddenly rose high, and the ripples swirled around. At the moment when the word Zhan collapsed, there was resistance. At the same time, the magical power of the old man named Ma was directed at the old ghost Zhan.

But they saw the golden sky roaring, and a big golden hand stretched out directly from the sky, roaring towards Old Ghost Zhan. Then, on the black ground, a big black hand also stretched out, and fought with The golden hands moved up and down, pressing towards Old Ghost Zhan.

A cold light flashed in Old Ghost Zhan's eyes. At the moment when the magical power was approaching, he raised his right hand and slapped it directly between his eyebrows. There was a loud bang, and a blurry shadow suddenly spread out from the old ghost Zhan's body like a soul. Behind the old ghost Zhan, the shadow seemed to be wearing a cloak, covering the lower part of the eyes, only revealing his dark eyes. Eyes and long hair. But the soul of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord was directly separated from the body of Old Ghost Zhan!

The colorful soul wearing a cloak quickly stretched out his hands like a cross. His hair was fluttering. When his hands moved up and down, they suddenly collided with the two big hands transformed from the golden sky and black earth. It was at this moment that at the entrance to the last floor of the ancient tomb, the Taoist aura was faintly exuding, and at the same time, bursts of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, like thunderous heart beating sounds, echoed. This is Wang Lin’s heartbeat!

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