Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1777 Heart-beating Thunder!

"The seven-colored soul in Old Ghost Zhan's [body] came out, and his cloak wrapped around his soul body. His hands moved up and down, and they met with the two big hands transformed from the golden sky and black earth in an instant.

The roar shook the sky, and the strength of Old Ghost Zhan was extremely astonishing." Even without the seven-colored soul, he himself was close to the peak of Xuanjie's cultivation, half of the peerless cultivation in the early stage of Kongjia.

What's more, he was chosen by the Colorful Soul to live in and fuse with him. As a result, his cultivation level is so strong that he is infinitely close to the Colorful Immortal!

At this moment, his soul and body were separated, and the colorful soul waved its arms. The world changed, and the arm transformed from the golden sky collapsed! At the same time, the big hand transformed from the black earth also collapsed in the vibration.

Together with the seal of Taoist Lanmeng's guqin, it immediately disappeared under the loud noise and violent impact.

Taoist Master Lanmeng spurted out blood, and the guqin beside him buzzed, and he was immediately seriously injured. But he did not hesitate, he struck the piano again, transformed into two forces, and went straight towards the colorful soul and the old ghost Zhan.

Even the old man surnamed Ma, because his magical power was broken, suffered the counter-shock force of a large number of colorful souls' magical powers." Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and he kept retreating hundreds of feet, but he gritted his teeth and turned around. Rush out again.

At the same time, at the moment when the colorful soul came into contact with the supernatural power of Zhan Lao Gui, Zhan Lao Gui dodged his body and headed straight towards the place where two middle-aged monks from Five Planets were fighting Xuanwu and Suzaku not far away. And go.

Xuanwu and Suzaku had obviously reached an agreement with Old Ghost Zhan, so they came to help, or maybe they were forced by the situation. They believed that obeying Old Ghost Zhan's orders was the only option here." Even when they felt that Old Ghost Zhan was In the end, he can become the new Colorful Immortal!

At this moment, Old Ghost Zhan was approaching, and with a flick of his sleeves, two words of war blasted out, heading straight for the two monks from the Five Planets. He collapsed in front of them, and turned into a powerful force that directly hit the two of them hard. Spurting blood and retreating.

A shocking fighting spirit suddenly burst out from Old Ghost Zhan. He is the creator of the war calligraphy book. He possesses the origin of war. If he had not merged with the colorful soul and been affected by the soul's pattern, he would definitely not be able to fight. Hesitant to act.

At this moment, the soul and body are separated, and most of the influence has dissipated, allowing Old Ghost Zhan to regain his former dominance!

The tyranny of war!

"You two go to the entrance and kill Wang Lin!" Old Ghost Zhan flicked his sleeves, and Xuanwu and Suzaku immediately dodged out of the way and used their strength to go straight to the entrance formed by the collapse of the previous mountain in the distance.

After finishing speaking," as he turned around, in front of Old Ghost Zhan, an old man surnamed Ma stepped forward.

The two looked at each other in mid-air, as if there was a roar exploding in their bodies, each other's bodies were shocked, and they started fighting.

Compared to the old man surnamed Ma, Dao Zun Lanmeng was anxious at the moment, but he put all his efforts on the sound of the piano to trap the colorful soul and restrain the old ghost Zhan, forming a killing situation. He had no spare power to stop it. Seeing the figures of Generals Xuanwu and Suzaku approaching the entrance in the distance, they were about to step in to disturb Wang Lin.

Tang Shan did not faint. She gritted her teeth and jumped away to stop Xuanwu and Suzaku.

Tosen, who was sealed by three words of war not far away, roared at this moment and punched away the Zhan Zhuo who had been weakened a lot by him. At the moment when the words of war collapsed, he rushed out and went straight to Xuanwu. and Suzaku.

But he and Tang Shan were still slower than Xuanwu and Suzaku. Seeing that the two battle generals Xuanwu and Suzaku appeared at the entrance formed by the collapse of the mountain peak, they were about to lean in. Suddenly, a shocking change occurred.

The fastest is General Xuanwu. He is three feet faster than Suzaku, but at the moment he approaches, the sound of thumping, thumping heartbeats strikes his mind like thunder, causing "His heart" was beating violently at this moment.

This sudden sharp beating caused a heartbreaking pain, causing the Xuanwu warrior's complexion to change immediately." His ears roared, and the stinging pain in his heart seemed like a hand was grabbing into it, trying to crush his heart!

In the sudden severe pain, Xuanwu let out a shrill scream, and his body immediately stopped moving forward. Just when he was about to retreat, a dark hand appeared out of thin air and pressed on his chest and heart.

With a bang, the Xuanwu warrior spurted out blood, rolled his body backwards, and headed straight for Suzaku behind.

While General Suzaku was stunned for a moment, he also heard the pounding sound of his heart. The sound caused severe pain, making Suzaku's complexion immediately turn pale. He immediately retreated without thinking.

But at the moment when he retreated, a harsh roar, with ferocity and irritability, and also containing the meaning of crazy bloodthirsty, came out sharply from the entrance. At the same time, a black shadow flashed, Appeared in front of Suzaku.

General Suzaku only had time to see the black shadow clearly before he spurted out blood and was hit by the black shadow, "thrown out in an arc."

But the black shadow followed Suzaku's body, hugged him, and threw him with him, biting Suzaku's neck with a ferocious smile.

General Suzaku was horrified to hear that his body was withering rapidly, and a large amount of blood was sucked away by the black shadow. All of this happened in an instant. It was so fast that it was unimaginable. The body of General Suzaku was still in mid-air. Before it fell, the black shadow on his body suddenly raised its head. He stepped hard on General Suzaku with both feet, slamming his body to the ground. At the same time, the black shadow took advantage of the force and flew up, revealing himself in mid-air. figure.

It is the puppet of Si Si!

This sudden scene immediately stopped Tang Shan and Tosen in their footsteps, and even attracted the attention of Taoist Lanmeng, the old man surnamed Ma, the old ghost Zhan and the colorful soul in the sky!

Under the focused gaze of everyone, Wang Lin's figure "slowly transformed" at the entrance to the last floor. His appearance made almost everyone who saw it take a breath. Because at this moment, Wang Lin "His appearance has changed drastically!

He was still dressed in white, but the blood on the clothes looked shocking! His hair is still white, but it is draped over his shoulders!

The clothes were still white, but the skin of Wang Lin's exposed clothes was filled with runes that captured the heart. Those runes flickered on Wang Lin's skin, causing Wang Lin's whole body to exude a sense of vicissitudes of life. breath.

His face was filled with rune marks. It looked very rough, and at the same time, his eyes emitted a silvery light. He stood there with an aura that looked down at the world.

The silver eyes showed coldness and ruthlessness, and a murderous intention that made people feel chilling permeated the silver eyes.

What was even more astonishing, what made Tosun's eyes look shocked, was that between Wang Lin's eyebrows, there were nine star points surrounding him in a whirlpool! In his right eye, there were also nine magic stars swirling around, except for the star point in his left eye. Only eight!

There was blood flowing out of his left eye, dripping down his cheek and onto his white clothes.

"You, you have obtained the entire inheritance of Ye Mo!!" The face of the old ghost Zhan changed, and he immediately felt a crisis in Wang Lin. This feeling "shocked his heart."

Not only him, but Wang Lin at this moment, he was standing there, and everyone who saw his silver eyes were shocked. Taoist Lanmeng was a little better. After all, he was Wang Lin's elder, but that horse The old man's heart roared the moment he saw Wang Lin's silver eyes.

"Silver eyes!! It is said that the Immortal Ancestor has three phases of nine bends when he comes, and the rich gold, sky, black and earth are one phase! There are also rumors that these three phases of nine bends are also the changes of the ancient ancestors of the ancient clan when they came." Among them The three phases are immortal, and the nine tunes are ancient!

I once heard that the two songs of the Nine Songs are Silver Eyes and Golden Body! This... this Wang Lin just inherited Ye Mo, how could he have silver eyes! ! Not even Yemo! "

While everyone was shocked, Xuan Luo, also in this world, looked at Wang Lin who walked out of the entrance, with excitement in his eyes. After seeing the silver eyes for the first time on the last floor of the ancient tomb, he immediately My mind was aroused.

Seeing it again now, it is still the same.

"The soul blood of the ancient ancestor... gave him the first nose among the nine tunes, silver eyes!"

While everyone was shocked, Wang Lin's eyes swept across the land, and he paused for a moment at the place where Xuan Luo was. With his silver eyes, he seemed to see something, but no one knew what he was seeing except himself. Didn't see it.

His eyes swept over and finally landed on the colorful soul that was separated from Old Ghost Zhan. Looking at the colorful soul whose whole body was covered by a cloak, with only its eyes exposed, Wang Lin raised his right hand and pointed at it!

With one finger, the thumping, thumping sound of his heart rose up like thunder. This sound came from Wang Lin's body, spread from his heart, and immediately swirled around the world. .

The face of Old Ghost Zhan changed, and his body moved directly towards the colorful soul. In Wang Lin's eyes, his body and soul immediately merged together and became one body.

Wang Lin didn't stop him, and there was no need to stop him!

After the fusion, the seven-colored ghost shadows filled the air outside Old Ghost Zhan's body, covering the sky behind him. He rushed towards Wang Lin with a ferocious smile. Taoist Lanmeng and the old man named Ma were about to stop him. But at this moment, Wang Lin spoke calmly amid the sound of his heart beating.

"Two seniors have worked hard, I will take this battle." "Wang Lin naturally saw the internal injuries of Lan Meng and the old man surnamed Ma, and he wanted to know what kind of power he had after receiving the inheritance. The moment the words were spoken, Wang Lin's internal injuries The sound of the beating heart was suddenly violent, and the roar was earth-shattering!

The loud banging sound caused the heart to beat. At the moment when Old Ghost Zhan was approaching, it spread crazily into his mind and directly blasted into Old Ghost Zhan's heart!

Old Ghost Zhan's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a heart-wrenching stabbing pain immediately came from his heart. His heartbeat suddenly started to beat, as if he was about to collapse. "What kind of magical power is this!" "Old Ghost Zhan's expression changed, and he raised his right hand and pressed it directly on his chest." He tried to suppress the violent beating of his heart.

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