Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1779 Rain falls in the east and green smoke rises!

At the core of the Dng Mansion, inside the huge cauldron shrouded in black energy, there are various formations.

Five flowers bloomed in full bloom, but the third flower withered, but the eight gates were hidden in the fifth flower. When fused with it, these eight gates could be a plant or a tree, a person or a beast, or all living beings in the world. , all can become men.

As a result, it is really difficult to find the eight-meter-long true man in this fifth flower!

Wang Lin had no clue, but he still had to step into the fifth flower and enter the core of the Dng Mansion, the last level.

The opening of the fifth flower requires the third soul of the Colorful Immortal Lord as a guide. This third soul is the memory of the Colorful Immortal Lord's life. In the absorption of the fifth flower, after undergoing strange changes, the world that opens is colorful. Memory world.

The sky is not completely blue, but filled with dark clouds. Behind the dark clouds, nine suns can be seen hanging high at the end of the sky, emitting bursts of scorching light. However, the land is too vast and boundless as far as the eye can see. Even the nine suns seem to be shining. exists in places that cannot be reached.

The wind, with a touch of moisture, swept across the ground, kicked up dust, and spread far away to fill the endless mountains on the ground. The mountains whined and blew the large leaves.

Surrounded by the mountains, built on the mountains, there are carved railings and pavilions everywhere, one after another. From a distance, there are no less than thousands. They overlap with the mountains, making it difficult for people to distinguish. They are mountain lining carvings. The column is still the palace and the mountain!

Every attic, hall, and every balustrade is different. Among all the differences, they are connected to each other by the mountains. From a distance, it looks like a heavenly palace in the mountains!

A thin layer of clouds, like white fog and fairy air, filled the mountain, covering the heavenly palace looming, and even more mysterious meaning emerged. Sometimes hundreds of cranes would rise up and fly through the clouds and mist in the mountain. It's like playing.

There were still a few people sitting on the crane, but they couldn't see clearly because they were hidden by the clouds.

In this mountain range, behind the clouds and mist, at the end of the carved balustrade attic, outside the hall, in a mountain peak, the river flows, but it is a winding river flowing down from the top of the mountain. Over the years, During the flow, a river channel more than ten feet wide was slowly washed out, flowing down the mountain and connected to a pool at the bottom of the mountain. It was unknown how many branches it had scattered and where it went.

Wang Lin was sitting on a bluestone beside the river, looking at the water and frowning. There were bells ringing on the distant mountain peaks, but he didn't pay attention.

It has been more than two months since he came to the world of Fifth Flower, but he is looking for traces of his true sect.

But there was no sign of it.

The water in the river was clear, and even more reflections came out. That figure belonged to Wang Lin. He was wearing a green Taoist robe, with bursts of green light faintly emitting from it, which obviously had a certain degree of protective power. On the middle belt of his waist, there was a jade pendant hung by a red rope.

This jade pendant is crystal clear, it is not an ordinary thing, it flashes and twinkles, it is very beautiful.

However, the appearance of Wang Lin reflected in the river was completely different from his own. With that look, his lips were red and his teeth were white, his eyebrows were sharp and his eyes were starry, especially his eyes, which seemed to contain infinite magic power. At a glance, if If they are the same, they will be impressed by them; if they are different, they will definitely admire them.

With this look, he looked about ten years old. He could be said to be the most handsome person Wang Lin had ever seen in his life. But if you add some years of vicissitudes and helplessness in life to this face, it will be very similar to the colorful statue Wang Lin got from Tanlang!

Looking at the reflection in the river, Wang Lin still looked weird even though he had spent two months.

"Entering the memory of the Fifth Flower, the Seven-Colored Immortal, I became him..." Wang Lin withdrew his gaze, sat there, looked up at the sky, and in his ears, the bells in the mountain hall behind him, It rang again.

"Xiangang Continent... This is the Xiangang Continent. I didn't expect that I would step foot on the Xiangang Continent for the first time in the colorful memory world in the fifth flower of Dng Mansion." Wang Lin looked up. Looking at the nine suns in the sky, a wry smile appeared on his face.

This world belongs to the Seven-Colored Immortal, and is transformed by his memory. It can be said to be an illusion, but everything in it was born and existed back then.

"The sects in the Xiangang Continent are indeed not comparable to those in the DNG world..." Wang Lin touched the Taoist robe on his body. The protective power of this object can withstand a full blow from the cultivator who aspires to the throne.

"It's just that how can we find the true location... Perhaps only the third soul of Qicai Immortal Lord knows this... My appearance now is also affected by the third soul, but I can feel it, and Not fully integrated with the third soul...

I can't integrate either. "Wang Lin reached out to scoop up some river water and spread it around at will, but at this moment, he suddenly frowned again.

"Su Dao! You are so brave. The bell has rang twice, and you still haven't gone to welcome Master out of seclusion!" A sharp voice sounded behind Wang Lin, but he saw someone walking down the mountain road behind him. A young man in his twenties, also wearing a green shirt and Taoist robe, stared at Wang Lin with a cold look in his eyes.

"I have been ordered by Senior Brother to capture you and take you back. You will be punished according to the sect rules!" The young man sneered as he approached Wang Lin, raised his right hand and grabbed Wang Lin's head, obviously wanting to lift Wang Lin's head. Head, go to the mountaintop hall.

The moment the man's hand approached, Wang Lin turned around and gave the young man a cold look. At this moment, the young man's mind suddenly roared, as if Wang Lin's gaze penetrated his eyes like two sharp swords, directly It was like piercing into his soul.

The young man's complexion suddenly changed, and he stood there dumbfounded, and his whole body seemed to be frozen. All this happened in just a moment. As Wang Lin looked away, the young man seemed to have regained his breath. He stepped back several steps in a row, almost falling, and looked at the late Wang Lin with a look of fear and awe.

"you you……"

In the world of the Fifth Flower, Wang Lin transformed into the appearance of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord in his early years, and even gained the memories of his early years. He knew that the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord back then had many weaknesses and was not as majestic as he would later be.

The Seven Color Immortal at this age should have been protected within the sect because of his excellent talent, but his master has been in seclusion all year round. As a result, his talent was jealous and his life in the sect was not satisfactory.

For example, the young man in front of me is one of those who is often bullied. It's just that his comrades will not openly express their rejection, but will take action secretly. Most of them will deal with it according to the same rules as this young man.

The Qicai Immortal Lord in his early years was not until his master favored and cultivated him more than ten years later, and then he gradually became prominent in the sect.

But Wang Lin is not Su Dao, so he will naturally not let history pass as usual. When the young man retreated in shock, Wang Lin took a step forward and stood directly beside the young man. The young man's face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes became more frightened. He still couldn't imagine why the scene just now was like that.

He was out during these days and just came back yesterday, but he didn't expect that Su Dao was completely different from the two people who had been bullied by him before.

"You..." The young man was about to speak, but his voice stopped suddenly. His neck was grabbed by Wang Lin's right hand and he was lifted up. His breathing was blocked, and the man's face immediately turned red, and even more so. He grabbed Wang Lin's arm with both hands and struggled away.

But no matter how hard he struggled, Wang Lin's hands were like iron clamps, not slowing down at all.

"Don't provoke me, there will be no next time, understand." Wang Lin grabbed the young man's neck, slowly pulled him closer to him, looked at him, and spoke word by word.

The young man's pupils were already a little dilated, and he was almost scared out of his mind. He was trembling and unable to nod, but his appearance clearly showed that he never dared to provoke Wang Lin again.

Slowly letting go of his hand, Wang Lin showed a smile on his face, patted the young man's head, and said slowly: "Follow me up the mountain." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the main hall on the top of the mountain.

The young man touched his neck and gasped for air. It took him a while to recover. His eyes looked at Wang Lin, full of fear and awe. At that moment, he felt death. Even when he felt that the Su Dao in front of him was... Will really kill him? Trembling, he quickly followed Wang Lin.

The mountain road is winding, and the steps here and there are as high as the sky. Wang Lin is walking on it, and the wind blows it away, blowing his clothes. In the wind, there is also a fragrance of earth, which penetrates into the heart. It is very pleasant to smell it. Comfortable.

"With such nourishment of immortal energy, all the creatures in the Immortal Gang Continent will be strong and suitable for cultivating immortals. Even the spirits of plants and trees will appear, and some ferocious beasts will transform into humans..." Although Wang Lin knew that even in this wind, The immortal energy and fragrance are all fake, but this fakeness shows that the Xiangang Continent is indeed like this.

It's completely different from the DNG world.

As we were walking forward, there were dark clouds in the sky, but now they were thicker. Several of them touched each other, and there was immediately a loud banging sound, and even lightning roared past. Looking up, the lightning looked like A silver snake twisted and flashed past.

"It's going to rain..." Wang Lin murmured, walking up the steps to the top of the mountain, and saw the main hall above it. This main hall was about hundreds of feet in size. It stood there and looked like a giant beast inhabited. .

Outside the main hall is a square about a thousand feet long. In the middle of the square is a huge incense burner, with nine arm-thick incense sticks burning its green smoke into the sky.

At this moment, nearly a hundred monks were standing in the square, talking in low voices to each other in twos and threes.

The moment Wang Lin stepped into the square, thunder roared in the sky, and large raindrops fell from the sky like a torrent, forming a rain curtain. In the rain curtain, even the silhouettes of people became blurred.

The raindrops fell on the bluestones of the square, making a popping sound, which was different from the sound of rain. The sound was louder. Almost instantly, the ground of the entire square accumulated rainwater that had made countless ripples while flowing.

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