Renegade Immortal

Volume 11: Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1,780: The world is reversed by turning over the clouds!

The heavy rain fell, and the sound also increased rapidly. However, the nine large incense burners in the incense burner in the center of the square showed no signs of being extinguished. The green smoke was still there, rising slowly. No matter how heavy the rain was, He couldn't make the green smoke dissipate.

Combined with the rain, the smoke and rain form a very beautiful scene, the mist and rain are like a dream.

At the moment when the rain fell, someone held an umbrella above Wang Lin's head. The person holding the umbrella was the young man following him. The young man looked slightly embarrassed and simply didn't look at anyone. Hold an umbrella for Wang Lin and follow Wang Lin.

〖Square〗 Nearly a hundred monks in the square came with focused gazes. A few of them, led by a young man in black robes, frowned and were about to scold, but at this moment, the bell rang for the third time. And rise.

Amidst the ringing of the bell, the green smoke floating in the incense burner twisted in mid-air, quickly condensed together, and turned into a huge vortex. The vortex rotated loudly, pushing away the surrounding rain immediately, and at that moment, the green smoke vortex Inside, a vague figure appeared faintly.

The figure stepped forward and stood between heaven and earth!

"Welcome Master to come out of seclusion!" At this moment, nearly a hundred monks around him all bowed to the figure with clasped fists.

This is a middle-aged man with black hair casually draped over his shoulders. He is not handsome in appearance, but he has a strange temperament and is very fairy-like.

He stood in the sky, his eyes swept over the disciples below, and finally landed on Wang Lin. Especially when he saw the young man behind Wang Lin still holding an umbrella, he couldn't help but frown, but he quickly let go and smiled. laughed.

"Su Dao, Zhou Li, you two will go to the main hall with us as masters. The rest of you, please step back." The middle-aged man spoke softly. When he spoke, he took a step forward, floated into the rain, and stepped into the room next to him. In the main hall.

The young man in black, who had been scolded by several naughty men before, had a very serious look on his face. He quickly said yes, glanced at Wang Lin from afar, turned around and walked straight to the main hall.

Wang Lin looked calm. In the memory of Qicai Immortal Lord in his early years, his master was very kind to him. If he had not been in seclusion all year round and rarely went out, he would not have received unfair treatment in the sect.

Moreover, the Qicai Immortal Lord was somewhat cowardly in his early years and did not tell these things.

As for Zhou Li, he is the Senior Brother of Qicai Xianzun. He is also very talented. He is very gentle on weekdays, but in fact, he despises Qicai Xianzun and mostly ignores the insults of Qicai Xianzun by others. .

Stepping into the rain, Wang Lin walked into the main hall under the slightly jealous eyes of other colleagues around him. "In the main hall,

The middle-aged man sat on the chair, and Zhou Li stood respectfully aside.

"My master, I will be out of seclusion this time. It won't take too long. I will do some things for you two and then I will go into seclusion again." "The middle-aged man spoke slowly, his eyes swept over Zhou Li and Wang Lin, and he sank slightly.

"This scene" was a familiar scene in Wang Lin's third memory of the Seven Color Immortal Lord. He knew that this time, Su Dao's master would teach him the same magical powers as Zhou Li and others after doing some things for him.

This magical power is the entry formula for Yundao Tianshu among the three most powerful methods of Donglin Sect. If you can practice it with tenon and tenon, you can learn this skill if you can reach the ultimate level.

This entrance formula is not long, but it is strange, and not everyone can practice it. Once it is memorized, when the body is running, there will be clouds and mist. If the clouds and mist are thin, it means that it cannot be learned. This technique, similarly, is best if the clouds are dense and there are phantoms.

In addition, the time it takes to run this technique is also one of the assessments. Within the Donglin Sect, for countless years, those who have obtained the entrance formula and run it in their [body], the fastest one has completed seven breaths, and the slowest one, even several hour.

When Qicai was learning this technique here, he felt timid due to Zhou Li's cold look. He hesitated and could not help but slow down his movements, and finally completed one circle within the body in twenty breaths.

And that Zhou Li was completed in eleven breaths.

And after the operation was completed, clouds and mist rose up in the body. He was distracted because of Zhou Li's gaze and could not focus all his efforts on it. Therefore, there were very few clouds and mist. When he was completely overwhelmed by Zhou Li, he was even more distracted because of Zhou Li's gaze. Zhou Li's cloud and mist turned into a shadow, swallowing up the cloud and mist that Su Dao dispersed in one gulp.

This scene was seen by the master of the Seven Color Immortal Lord, who turned into a sigh. Instead of teaching Su Dao, the three great magical powers of the Donglin Sect, he taught the second-level Seven Color Immortal Technique.

All these things are in Wang Lin's memory and seem unable to be changed.

Today, this scene reappeared. Wang Lin stood there, thinking deeply in silence. He didn't know whether he should follow his memory and choose the same experience as Qicai, or whether he should reverse his memory and change everything.

Logically speaking, he needs to adapt to Qicai's memory, so that he can integrate more deeply with Qicai's memory, or many years later, when he deeply integrates with Qicai's memory, he can know the true location of Qicai's arrangement.

But whether all this can happen is still unknown, and the most important thing is that Wang Lin is unwilling to completely merge with the third party. In that case, there will be no time for the Thank You Party to wake up. At the moment of integration, Xie Qing disappears, and Wang Lin, It became the new colorful.

Besides, Wang Lin doesn’t want to do things this way!

"...This technique is one of the three most powerful magical powers of our Donglin Sect. It is called Yun Dao Tianshu. But your cultivation level is not enough. Learn this technique of entering the sect first. However, this technique of entering the sect also has requirements. Our Donglin Sect Only one person from each generation in each department can learn it. Today I choose you two to find the one who is most suitable for this technique..." The middle-aged man's voice echoed back into the g hall, and he made his choice as he spoke. The method includes the thickness of the cloud and the time it takes to circulate in the body.

Zhou Li lowered his head, his eyes unable to conceal the desire.

"If the way of heaven is damaged, it will not be repaired if it is left over..." The middle-aged man spoke slowly, and after saying the entrance formula word by word, he raised his right hand and pointed forward twice, and immediately there were two strands. The clouds roared out, fell into the [bodies] of Zhou Li and Wang Lin, merged in and disappeared.

"When the cloud energy enters the body, the two of you immediately sit cross-legged and meditate, and rotate in a circle at the fastest speed. The one who reaches perfection first is the winner! During this process, you two must not be disturbed by external thoughts and move quietly!" The middle-aged man As soon as he spoke, Zhou Li immediately sat down cross-legged without hesitation.

Wang Lin was also sitting on the ground, and just as he was about to exhale the cloud energy in his body, Zhou Li on the side suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Lin, his eyes were gloomy and threatening.

The middle-aged man naturally saw this scene and frowned, but said nothing and looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin sighed inwardly. It was this glance that made Su Dao feel timid and lose his qualifications. But today, he is not Su Dao, he is Wang Lin. The moment Zhou Li glared at him, Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly and he glanced at Zhou Li casually.

At this glance, Zhou Li's body suddenly trembled. He clearly felt that there seemed to be a murderous intention in Wang Lin's eyes, which shocked his heart.

At this moment, Wang Lin had already closed his eyes, and the cloud energy in his body began to circulate rapidly. Zhou Li quickly closed his eyes and began to circulate rapidly.

Time passes slowly, one breath, two breaths, three breaths...

At the moment when the eighth breath came, a large amount of clouds and mist suddenly filled Wang Lin's body. The middle-aged man's eyes glowed brightly, and he stood up suddenly from his seat.

The cloud and mist outside Wang Lin's body became thicker and thicker, and in the end, it almost covered most of the hall. The mist rolled, and there was a faint roar inside.

At this moment, it was the twentieth breath. The three-dimensional body was barely moving in a circle, and the outside of the body was filled with mist. However, compared with Wang Lin, this mist was too insignificant.

At the moment when the mist within his [body] dissipated, the thick clouds and mist surrounding Wang Lin roared to the sky, and suddenly turned into a huge dragon head from within!

The dragon's head was ferocious, its eyes flashed fiercely, and it swallowed fiercely at Zhou Li next to him. After swallowing, the mist all over Zhou Li's body was absorbed into the dragon's mouth crazily, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body became sluggish.

The moment the memory changed and reversed, the hall immediately became distorted. The figure of the middle-aged man Bao Bao, who looked at Wang Lin with bright eyes and ignored Zhou Li at all, also became distorted.

At the same time, the [square] outside the main hall, the mountain peaks outside this [square], the entire mountain range outside this mountain peak, and all the Donglin Sect outside this mountain range, were all distorted in this instant, and the ones further away were distorted. The world is also distorted, as if everything is about to collapse at this moment.

This is a shocking scene after the memory has been changed!

"Okay!! Su Dao, from now on, you will be the second person in the lineage who is qualified to learn this Yundao Heavenly Technique!" The middle-aged man laughed while his figure twisted, and turned around to look away Zhou Lihou, who looked horrified, spoke again.

"Zhou Li, although you are no longer qualified to learn the cloud magic, but as a teacher I can teach you the seven-color magic!"

The moment the middle-aged man finished his words, Wang Lin felt a tearing pain in his mind. In this pain, everything seemed to collapse, and in this world transformed by colorful memories, eight The men's aura rose with a bang, but it dissipated in an instant, and then Zhou's distortion slowly calmed down and returned to normal.

But in Wang Lin's heart, there was a huge uproar!

"I know! Change the memory of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord, causing contradictions and confusion in his memory. In that moment, through the wrong memory, I can feel where the eight gates are! The greater the confusion and contradiction. , the feeling will become clearer, and you can even find the true meaning within it!!

This is my only way! Change colorful memories! "

"Su Dao, you should practice this technique more during these days. There are only five months until our Donglin Sect's grand competition of your generation. Those who rank tenth can enter the Donglin Pond to practice. If you can enter the Donglin Pond, Linchi, your future achievements will be immeasurable!”

Everything has changed.

Wang Lin raised his head sharply. ! .

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