Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1781 Swallowing clouds and spitting out mist, one door appears

The memory of Caixianzun No. 3 was extremely profound about the competition five months later. In that competition, Zhou Liyin obtained the qualification to practice Yundao Tianshu. In addition, his cultivation was already outstanding. He was outstanding among the Donglin Sect of his generation. He reached the top ten in one fell swoop, achieved ninth place, and received the reward of entering the Donglin Pond to practice.

As for Su Dao, because he lost the qualification to practice Yun Dao Heavenly Technique, his timid character became more serious, even slightly distorted and dark.

In that competition, he failed. It can be said that this competition was a huge turning point in Su Dao's life and the cause of a drastic change in his personality.

In the following years, Su Dao almost fell into despair, rarely talking to others, and practicing alone in seclusion all day long. It was not until he accidentally met his master and was personally taught by him that he slowly showed his prowess.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After an unexpected encounter, Su Dao was expelled from the Donglin Sect. After that, for endless years, there was no more Su Dao from the Donglin Sect. Some of them just relied on their own struggle and unwillingness to turn into cruelty and killing. In the end, Create your own Seven Ways Sect and become the Seven Colorful Immortal Lord of the sect!

As for Zhou Li, he was captured by the Seven Color Immortal Lord on the day he attained enlightenment and died of cruelty and bloodlust.

These scenes echoed in Wang Lin's mind like a picture. He was sitting in the middle of the mountain peak, beside the winding river, still with the big blue stone, looking at the river, as if he saw something in the river. The memory flows.

This was the third day that Master Su Dao taught the Heavenly Technique of Cloud Dao. His master had gone into seclusion again. As for Zhou Li, he left dimly during this teaching and began practicing in seclusion. However, his inner feelings towards Su Dao His hatred was just like Su Dao's hatred towards him back then.

The river water roared, and the memory of the third soul in Wang Lin's mind slowly became blurred, replaced by the formula of the Yundao Heavenly Technique.

The Donglin Sect is one of the nine sects and thirteen sects in the Xiangang Continent. Although it is not as powerful as the Ziyang Sect, it is extremely mysterious. The disciples of the sect rarely go out.

The three great magical powers of his sect are famous in Xiangang Continent and have been passed down since ancient times.

Among the three great magical powers, the Cloud Dao Heavenly Technique is even more extensive and profound. It focuses on the clouds of heaven and earth, which are as ethereal as the great road. The clouds are used to understand the Tao. After fusion and unification, they are born in the appearance of the sky through the clouds, absorb the power of the clouds of the heaven and earth, and transform into human beings. Make your own art and use the great method of Yundaotian!

Among them, it condenses its own cloud beast, swallows clouds and spits out mist, which is the first form of magical power! this! The magical power of the Shiki is hidden in the entrance formula. If you can practice the entrance formula to the extreme, you can clearly understand this first move!

To others, it would take a lot of time to perfect the formula of Yundao Tianshu, and it also requires a strong ability to understand. However, Wang Lin has a high level of cultivation.

Far from being comparable to Zhou Li or Su Dao back then.

In addition, the seven original paths are all realized by oneself, so it is very simple to practice the entrance formula of the cloud path and heavenly art.

In the river in front of Wang Lin, traces of white air floated up, as misty as smoke, and headed straight for Wang Lin. After circling around his body several times, they penetrated into his body along the seven orifices.

Slowly, the winding river from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain was filled with white air, filling the air like clouds and mist, wrapping Wang Lin's body and slowly blending in.

Wang Lin's figure was looming in the white air. After a long time, not only the white air appeared in the river, but also the white air on the vegetation on the mountain peaks spread out and blended in.

Soon, Wang Lin's area was already 100 feet away, and he couldn't even see his fingers. Everything was filled with white air, rolling around as if there were dragons inside.

"I wonder if I can continue to practice this Cloud Dao Heavenly Technique after I leave the world where the Fifth Flower is..." Wang Lin looked deep in thought in the white aura.

Although he had only practiced this technique for two days, he could see the breadth and vastness within it. This kind of magic that absorbs cloud energy into the body can change the structure of the body. Eventually, it will become like clouds in the sky, as if they are separated from the heaven and earth, which is difficult to understand.

Sitting next to the river, time passed by for a month. During this month, Wang Lin has been sitting cross-legged here, constantly absorbing the white air emitted by all creation in the world, integrating it into his body, and turning it into an extremely comfortable and warm feeling.

The more he practiced this technique, the more signs of distortion and collapse appeared in the world around him. This was caused by changes in memory. However, if it were not for an extremely violent memory change that turned everything upside down, these distortions and collapse would There are no signs that allow Wang Lin to find the location of the real door.

On this day, the mist outside Wang Lin's body slowly dissipated, and the moment it finally merged into his body, Wang Lin opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with clouds and smoke. They looked blurry, but they were filled with a strange power. , can awe the mind and make people look at it, as if they are immersed in thick clouds and mist, unable to distinguish the direction, and lose themselves at the same time. "This technique... is extraordinary!" Wang Lin exhaled a breath of turbid breath. The breath was like a gray mist, pushing out three feet in front of him like a dragon, and slowly dissipated.

"The clouds and mist on the mountain peaks here are not too strong, and there are some shortcomings in practicing this technique. If you want to achieve the mastery of this technique and trigger memory changes, you need to absorb more clouds." Wang Lin stood up and said, His eyes flashed, and in his mind, there was a picture at the moment. This picture was created by him, and it was more like a map.

This map is the eight-door induction hidden in the fifth flower world that appeared at the moment Wang Lin changed the original memory of the third soul when Master Su Dao taught him a spell a month ago.

However, the eight-door senses dissipated in an instant, and Wang Lin could only rely on his feelings to outline the eight-door map. During this month, he continued to practice the Cloud Dao Heavenly Technique, constantly stimulating the memory of the third soul. At that time, there were signs that the world was twisting and about to collapse, and the map he had sketched in Wang Lin's mind gradually became clearer. There was a door, and its location gradually became clearer.

As he stood up, Wang Lin jumped up and disappeared by the river in an instant. When he appeared, he was already in the sky of Donglin Sect. He did not pause, and his whole body exuded bursts of white energy, like a cloud. Galloping forward.

The art of moving clouds is endless in a blink of an eye.

In the sky, in this area, dark clouds filled the air, thunder roared, and rain fell, pouring down on the earth and the plain below. The scope of these dark clouds was huge, and it even shrouded a city below. Countless immortals lived in that city. Mortals in Gang Continent.

Wang Lin sat down cross-legged in the dark clouds in mid-air. He made a strong suction with his hands, and with this suction, the thunder became more violent, rumbling, lightning continued to swim in the sky and the earth, and the rain became even heavier.

But the dark cloud was rolling, and within it and outside Wang Lin's seven orifices, traces of cloud energy were continuously drawn out from the dark cloud and directly integrated into his body.

Time passed by and it was seven days. After seven days, the dark clouds began to thin from thick to thin, and even disappeared in a large area. Only a piece of cloud and mist as big as a palm remained in the sky. This cloud and mist seemed to be alive, and it was galloping towards the front.

Wherever it passes, whenever there are clouds, it will immediately roll violently upon contact with this cloud. After it is finally absorbed and disappears, the palm-sized cloud and mist will speed away again.

Seven days later, another seven days. In the blink of an eye, two months have passed since Wang Lin learned the Yundao Tianshu. On the last day of these two months, the clouds and mist in the sky had drifted to an unknown place. It squirmed and shrank rapidly, and finally turned into seven cloud dragons, rushing into the seven orifices of a figure revealed in the shrinking clouds.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and opened his eyes. His pupils disappeared, replaced by a cloud of choices. It looked amazing.

"In two months, I have cultivated this Yundao Tianshu entrance formula to the ninth level, and it is still a little short of perfection... This is not the biggest gain. The real gain is in these two months of practice. Constantly changing my memory, I found the location of one of the eight gates!" Wang Lin's eyes showed a strange light, but behind the clouds in his pupils, he looked hazy.

In his mind, there was a door in the map he had drawn, which became completely clear.

"If you are lucky, you may be able to find the location of the real door in one go..." Wang Lin took a step forward and headed straight to the ground below. The ground was an endless jungle, with even tall mountains towering, and from time to time, waves of evil could be heard. The beast roared.

In an instant, Wang Lin rushed into the jungle, walked straight ahead, and left quickly according to the location of the door he felt in his mind.

Not long after, Wang Lin's body stopped next to a very ordinary big tree in the jungle. He stared at the tree. The tree was more than ten feet tall, making people look very small under it.

I don’t know how long this tree has survived. It is as thick as five people hugging each other.

A huge python, about a hundred feet long, was wrapped around the tree. Its huge head was raised, and while it spit out its core, it stared at Wang Lin with its cold eyes.

Wang Lin ignored the python. He placed his right hand on the tree and slowly closed his eyes.

The python wrapped around the tree shrank its head and slowly crawled upwards while its body was squirming. It could feel Wang Lin's fear and did not dare to provoke him.

After climbing a few feet, the python jumped, let go of the big tree, and jumped directly from the side. With a bang, it lifted up a large number of dead leaves on the ground, and swung its body towards the depths of the jungle. Wander away.

At the moment when the python left, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly opened and he looked directly at the python that was about to leave. His eyes flashed and he ran straight towards the python. He suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the tail of the python. , with a tremor, the python roared, and a shocking black light emitted from its body as it twisted and struggled.

Faintly, the shadow of a huge door emerged on the back of the python.

This python is one of the eight gates, not the big tree! This was clearly noticed by Wang Lin the moment the python left.

Staring at the transformed door on the back of the python, Wang Lin stepped forward. (To be continued!

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