Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1782 The Demonic World Level 1

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1

Half an hour later, Wang Lin left the jungle. His expression was calm, but he secretly sighed in his heart. The python was indeed one of the eight men, but not the real one.

"There are many kinds of men. If we continue to search for them one by one, we will have a chance to find the real men. However, even if we have perfected the practice of the Cloud Dao Heavenly Technique, the reversal of the memory of the third hún is still not dramatic enough... In this case, it will be difficult to find them one by one. Looking for eight men.

Now we can only wait a few months for the Donglin Sect Grand Competition. This competition will be extremely unforgettable for the Seven Colorful Immortal Lord. If his memory is completely reversed during the competition, his memory should be able to be blurred. In a moment, you find your true love! "Wang Lin was in mid-air, deep in thought.

His figure turned into clouds and mist, speeding towards Donglin Sect.

Time flew by quickly, three months later.

To be precise, it was the fifth month when Wang Lin learned the cloud magic on his own, and the Donglin Sect Competition was about to begin!

Donglin Sect, one of the nine thirteen sects in this area, will hold a competition for low-level disciples of the sect every half a century, and the outstanding ones will be selected and trained.

He also has the qualification to practice in Donglin Pond for several days, which makes every competition extremely fierce.

The cultivation of monks, the weak and the strong, is inherently cruel. Therefore, even if the requirements are met in every competition, there will still be casualties. As for this phenomenon, as long as it is not a continuous killing, the sects often ignore it. .

Donglin Sect has a total of 321 series of peaks. Each series will send three to five people to participate in the competition. The winning series of peaks will receive generous rewards, so the competition in the competition is cruel.

Competitions between more than a thousand people often last for a period of time. At this time, it is also a rare lively time for Donglin Sect, and Donglin Star is so big that the disciples in the various mountain peaks rarely know each other fully. Moreover, every competition is often an opportunity to get to know each other.

On this day, Su Dao's master came out of seclusion again. After gathering all his disciples, he selected three of them to participate in this competition. Wang Lin and Zhou Li were naturally included, and the other person was a woman. This woman was beautiful and smiled before she spoke.

This woman's name is Qin Mei. The third hún of the Seven Color Immortal Lord has a deep memory of this woman, and there seems to be some admiration for her. Unfortunately, after this competition, this woman and Zhou Li became The Taoist couple gave up Su Dao's thoughts.

It is difficult for outsiders to imagine Su Dao at this time.

He would become the decisive and scheming Seven-Colored Immortal Lord in the future, but Wang Lin felt the same way. He still remembered that he was completely different from the person he was two thousand years ago.

The environment can change everything, and experience can change personality. This is fate, either good or bad.

"Junior Brother Su, I haven't congratulated you for obtaining the qualification to practice Yundao Heavenly Art. I haven't seen you in these days. I just met you today." While Wang Lin was meditating, a voice as sweet as a lark came to his ears. sound.

It was Qin Mei who looked at Wang Lin with a sweet smile and spoke softly, like a fragrant breeze blowing against her face.

Wang Lin smiled slightly, very calmly and said nothing.

But the smile that fell on Qin Mei's eyes made her feel surprised. In her memory, Su Dao had always been shy. If she talked to him, she would blush and be at a loss.

But now the free and easy expression in the other person's smile is completely different, and it seems to contain an indescribable feeling. Su Dao was originally an extremely handsome man, but now with Wang Lin's smile, he had a unique charm.

Not far away, Zhou Li looked at this scene with a gloomy expression. He looked the same now as he did five months ago, but in fact, the bloodshot eyes and exhaustion in his eyes clearly showed the torture in his heart for five months.

Qin Mei seemed to be about to speak, but when her master flicked his sleeves, an auspicious cloud enveloped the three of them, roaring into the sky, heading straight for the master of the Donglin Sect.

The battlefield for the competition between low-level disciples is on the main sect square of the Donglin Sect. The main sect here, at other times, is not allowed to enter even half a step without being summoned.

Only during this great competition can disciples from all departments enter here. Even many people only have this opportunity in their lives.

The square is not big, but it can accommodate thousands of monks. However, if the competition is to be held here, the scope is naturally not enough. However, the Donglin Sect's ability to become the Nine Sects and Thirteen Men is so deep that it is immeasurable.

In this square, the sect masters and elders of the Donglin Sect in the past dynasties will continue to arrange formation restrictions. During each competition, some of them will be opened, tearing apart the heaven and earth, and entering the Donglin Space Crack belonging to the Donglin Sect. .

There is the battlefield for the first test of the competition.

At this moment, in the main square of the east facing sect, rainbows are roaring in the sky, coming here continuously. In each rainbow, there are masters from various departments leading their disciples.

Because it is a competition for low-level disciples, and there is a high chance that future geniuses will appear within it, the Donglin Sect will not invite any outsiders to watch the competition. It is entirely a matter within the sect.

But everyone from the sect master and supreme elders to the various deacons will show up to see if there is anyone like a sedan chair among the lower-level disciples.

When Wang Lin arrived at the square, most of the disciples participating in the competition had already arrived. Although there were a large number of people and they were densely packed, they did not seem to be sluggish at all. They were in order and there was not much noise.

As a result, there is naturally an invisible pressure that permeates the hearts and minds of everyone here. And as the number of people increases, this pressure becomes stronger. It presses on the heart, making people's hearts beat faster and at the same time, they dare not Noisy.

Half an hour later, all three hundred and twenty-one disciples arrived and stood in the square, each one nervously silent.

Wang Lin looked calm, but Qin Mei beside him had no smile, and his face was very solemn, as if he was a little nervous and uneasy. Zhou Li was slightly better, but he could also see that he was extremely nervous.

Wang Lin's calmness fell in Qin Mei's eyes, making her even more surprised, but for some reason, she gradually calmed down.

"Our Donglin sect has produced talents from generation to generation, making our sect one of the nine sects and thirteen sects. All of this was purchased with the blood of your masters and ancestors and has been passed down to your generation of disciples to this day.

Today is the day of great competition for your generation. I hope to see the future of our Donglin Sect in you, and I hope to feel the unyielding and decisiveness of my generation of monks in you!

The first level of the competition is to enter the East Rift. The time is three days. Within three days, take the top 30 with the most tokens from each other and pass the level! "A majestic voice echoed in the square, and hundreds of figures appeared faintly under the flickering golden light all around. These figures were all strong men from the Donglin Sect. At this moment, they were all sitting cross-legged in the air, looking down. It swept over a thousand disciples in the square.

Among them, dozens of eyes fell on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin had seen the same scene in the memory of the Seven Color Immortal Lord. The words were the same, the number of participants was the same, and even the golden light that appeared in the sky was the same. The only difference was the glance that swept over him. Most of Qicai's memories looked towards Zhou Li.

As for Su Dao, although there were a few focused gazes, under those gazes, Su Dao's heart trembled, he lowered his head and flinched, acting very embarrassed.

On the other hand, Zhou Li, although he was trembling, did not flinch. Instead, he raised his head and gritted his teeth and persisted. With his talent and the qualification to obtain the Yundao Heavenly Technique, he was able to shine.

But now, everything has changed.

Eyes also glanced at Zhou Li, but no matter how hard he persisted, it had no effect at all. Those eyes just glanced at him, and most of them were focused on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin, on the other hand, had the same calm expression as before, without any change, as if the concentrated gazes had no impact on him at all, which was indeed the case.

Zhou Li clenched his fists, and his lowered eyes showed overwhelming jealousy and resentment. In the past five months, he had never understood why things had changed like this, and why the cowardly Su Dao had changed so much. , all of this should have belonged to him when he thought about it, but it was snatched away by Su Daosheng.

"Enter!" At this moment, the majestic voice sounded again, and the entire square was immediately replaced by a colorful blaze of light. In the flickering light, a huge vortex appeared in the sky above the square. The vortex rotated like a black hole. , a strange world emerges from it.

The moment the vortex appeared, all the low-priced disciples participating in the competition in the square were surrounded by light, turned into rainbows, and headed straight for the vortex.

More than a thousand people and more than a thousand rainbows all entered the whirlpool. After a moment, they all disappeared without a trace. The square suddenly became empty. Only the masters of the disciples from each department stood there, paying respect to the figure in the golden light in the sky. After cupping fists, they sat cross-legged and watched the ceremony.

The vortex in the sky slowly stopped rotating after everyone entered, and turned into a mirror-like surface, clearly showing everything in the east crack. All it takes is the integration of spiritual consciousness. See everything within it.

In this way, the great supernatural monks of Donglin Sect can deeply search for the future genius!

This is an endless dark land, the sky is dim, like a dust mist filled with dust at dusk. This is the space crack opened by Donglin Sect.

Everything is arranged to imitate a certain area of ​​Xiangang Continent.

When Wang Lin appeared, he was on a plain covered with weeds as tall as one person. His location was the same as the one in Qicai's memory.

Back then, Su Dao was finally robbed of his token in this first level and failed. He could only look at Zhou Li and several other people who stood out from other departments. In this first level, they were shining brightly.

And Su Dao was just an insignificant speck of dust under that light.

Such things stung Su Dao deeply. Here, Su Dao was cruelly treated by Zhou Li. Although he was not killed, the harm was unforgettable for Su Dao's life and was the focus of his character change. !

"When I come, everything will change..." Wang Lin looked up at the dim sky and murmured to himself.

Arriving in Chengdu, at the Kempinski Hotel, updates will be as usual during the annual meeting! This time, you can shout loudly! !

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