Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1784 The fish and dragon in Donglin Pond change! !

Donglin Pond, in the memory of Qicai's third soul, was a place he had never set foot in in his life. Even though he was later favored and cultivated by his master, he had never entered Donglin Pond.

The only time, after he finally got the qualification to enter the Donglin Pool, something happened to him and he was expelled from the Donglin Sect. This was a regret in his life.

At this moment, the world collapsed and everything collapsed, but only the Donglin Pond remained. This shows the colorful third soul's persistence in regretting this life.

The eight-meter aura clearly blasted into the collapsing fifth flower's world, triggering the collapse of this world and slightly opening the restriction that other people except Wang Lin could not enter this place.

After all, Wang Lin opened the Fifth Flower with his third soul memory. After he entered, even Old Ghost Zhan couldn't get in.

But at this moment, as the memory fades and collapses, the aura of Old Ghost Zhan is lingering outside, seemingly constantly trying to break in.

Although the Eight Men are now present, which one of them is real has not been revealed. If we continue to search for them one by one, it will definitely waste time. Moreover, Wang Lin's behavior of inducing the Eight Men to come out is after all a trick, and he is using colorful colors. The third soul's confusion emerged in an instant.

This world is in the midst of destruction. It is even possible that before Wang Lin can find the real mén, this place will completely collapse and the eight men will be hidden again. At that time, it will be even more difficult for Wang Lin to search again.

He had finally created the current situation, so naturally he would not let it go to waste.

"Isn't the stimulation not enough? Su Dao, if you stay in Donglin Pond, do you want me to help you fulfill your long-cherished wish and enter Donglin Pond? Well, I, Wang Lin, will help you realize your wish, but you have to tell me where your true soul is." Wang Lin knew that time was running out. , at this moment, Old Ghost Zhan can break through this fragile restriction and enter this place at any time.

Wang Lin did not hesitate anymore, swayed forward, and headed straight for the only Donglin Pond that had not collapsed. He was close to the place in an instant. The Donglin Pond was exactly the same as what he had seen in the Second Flower, except that it was not frozen. Feng, the water in the pool is clear, faintly exuding bursts of fragrance.

His body instantly stepped into the Donglin Pond, and he sat cross-legged in the pond. The moment he sat down on his body and touched the water, the seven origins in Wang Lin's body started to vibrate.

This pool of water was extremely strange. It actually contained an unimaginable source of energy. It rushed into Wang Lin's body crazily and quickly merged with his seven sources.

Under this fusion, Wang Lin's seven origins expanded rapidly and became several times more powerful. As they rotated in his body, they even rushed out of his body.

The origin of the flame in Wang Lin’s left eye,

Turned into a sea of ​​fire, blended into the Donglin Pond, seemed to have absorbed the infinite power of the source, and suddenly turned into a man of flames

This person looks exactly like Wang Lin, but he is made of flames. It can even be said that he is condensed from the origin of fire. At this point, Wang Lin's origin of fire has completely surpassed the previous achievements and has become perfect

The flaming man wore flaming clothes outside his body, and an extremely powerful aura burst out, shocking the world.

At the same time, thunder roared out from Wang Lin's right eye, turned into a thunder dragon, and dived into the pool water. The east facing pool immediately flashed with endless electric light, and a moment later, a roar whirled from the pool water, and he saw The thunder dragon flew out, and when the thunder roared, the thunder also turned into a human form

Like the man of flames, the man who emerged from the condensed thunder looked exactly like Wang Lin. In the thunder and lightning, he looked like a thunder fairy from heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, the origins of life and death, truth and falsehood, and cause and effect emerged from Wang Linmei's heart. The water in Donglin Pond immediately dropped by more than half. The water in the pool condensed these three void origins. Suddenly, in front of Wang Lin, the origins of life and death appeared. incarnate

This body has its hands stretched out, its left hand controls life, and its right hand controls death. It looks like the immortal of life and death in the world. It is wearing a gray robe and its long hair is swaying, which is extremely amazing.

Next to this body of life and death, the two sources of cause and effect, truth and falsehood, merged with Donglinchi, and transformed into two identical bodies.

The body of the origin of cause and effect, with its palms open as the cause and its palms gathered as the effect, its whole body is elegant and immortal, and its eyes reveal endless intelligence, as if it knows all the changes in the world.

The true and false original body has its eyes half-closed, and its whole body is torn between reality and reality. It looks like a fog, but it can give people a trembling coercion.

All the five origins turned into their true bodies, but it was not over yet. Wang Lin's killing origin exploded out, absorbing a large amount of water again, leaving less than 30% of the water in the Donglin Pond. After that, the killing origin appeared in its true form. body

Its true body was composed of evil energy, and it was blood red. The moment it appeared, it emitted a violent energy that could destroy the world.

Behind the Six Paths Origin, the restricted origin transformed into the bloodshot eyes of Wang Lin appeared in front of Wang Lin, filled with bloodshot eyes, which looked faintly like the pupils of his eyes.

The water in Donglin Pond decreased again, with less than two layers remaining. The origin of the restriction was completed, forming the true form, floating in front of Wang Lin, becoming his seventh true form.

The shock in Wang Lin's heart at this moment has reached its limit. He even forgot that Old Ghost Zhan was wandering outside and was trying to rush in frantically. He even forgot that the eight doors here were shocking and hid the true location.

He never expected that the Donglin Pond of the Donglin Sect could have such a powerful magical effect that it could make the origin evolve again and condense the essence of the origin that he had never heard of or seen before. body

This change was beyond his expectation. He could not imagine such an amazing change.

But he understands that all of this is illusory. The Donglin Pond is transformed by the colorful memory, and all his changes are only a possibility. Once the world transformed by the colorful third soul memory completely collapses, he will still You'll get back to the real world, and then all this will dissipate.

But this gave Wang Lin hope and let him know the importance of Donglin Pond.

"If you can go to Xiangang Continent, you must go to Donglin Pond." A voice in Wang Lin's heart was shouting crazily. Wang Lin could clearly feel that although he was fake now, his cultivation level had increased dramatically. several times

But all this is not over yet. An even greater shock occurred. From the less than 20% of the pool water, there was another sudden change. Wang Lin did not have seven origins in his body. He also had an eighth.

This eighth source is the source of water, which he obtained in the five-planet formation. Although it is only a complete achievement, it is far from the great achievement that has turned into a real existence, which has improved his cultivation.

But at this moment, the water from the Donglin Pond roared up, quickly penetrated along the pores of Wang Lin's body, and merged with the source of water in his body. Wang Lin's heart roared, and he felt that the eighth source was rapidly expanding. , at the moment when all the water in the Donglin Pond dissipated, the eighth source was suddenly completed.

It even formed the original true body. The true body was dressed in water-wave clothes, and its whole body was radiant, as clear as crystal. The moment it condensed, Wang Lin's late-stage ethereal cultivation level suddenly increased.

Almost instantly, he broke through the original late stage of Kongling and climbed directly to the peak of Kongling. He was only one step away from Kongxuan.

If he can have the ninth source, he will immediately step into the realm of Kongxuan. From then on, he will return to the peak of the source.

After the Donglin Pond lost all the water, countless cracks suddenly appeared. With a clicking sound, it collapsed directly, turned into countless fragments, rolled back, and became nothingness.

Donglin Pond, the only thing that existed in the world that was in ruins, completely collapsed at this moment, and Wang Lin opened his eyes.

At this moment, the world transformed by colorful memories was completely destroyed. The aura of Old Ghost Zhan suddenly entered and headed straight for Wang Lin.

At the same time, this destroyed world of colorful memories pushed the auras of eight men into the sky. One of them immediately erupted with an extremely strong aura. This aura immediately overwhelmed the other eight men.

This is the gateway to the Immortal Gang Continent, the real world of this palace.

Wang Lin raised his head fiercely. At the moment when the old ghost roared towards him, his body jumped up, and there was a loud banging sound in his body. Although the powerful cultivation in his body was all false, this feeling, this Experience has opened a bright door for Wang Lin's future.

As he stepped forward, the world was completely destroyed under his feet. The world of colorful memories finally dissipated, but the aura of the true disciple became stronger and stronger, just ahead.

Old Ghost Zhan came as fast as if he was crazy, but his speed could not be caught up with Wang Lin, who had learned the Cloud Dao Heavenly Technique here and condensed eight true bodies.

Wang Lin just took one step and suddenly appeared at the real door.

This was originally a mountain peak, but it had been destroyed long ago. It was replaced by a huge door. This door revealed the vicissitudes of the ages and was extremely large when closed. In front of it, Wang Lin's body was like an ant.

The moment he approached the door, Wang Lin raised his right hand without any hesitation. At that moment, all of Daogu's power and cultivation power suddenly merged into this palm, directly pressing against the majestic door. superior.

"Open the main door of Dongfu," Wang Lin roared, and the eight true bodies immediately appeared outside his body, and all of them struck out with a palm like Wang Lin, and landed on the main door.

The big door trembled, and the roar was earth-shattering. A gap suddenly appeared in the door, and it opened with a roar.

Outside the crack is the Xiangang Continent, the huge real world.

Wang Lin came here from the inside for the first time after the gate was closed. He pushed away the person in the gate. His mood at this moment was indescribable. Perhaps the Master Sanling in the Seven Million Heavens and Earth had to leave where he was. World, the moment he stepped into the ancient stars, he felt the same as Wang Lin.

The moment the big door opened, a pure breath of Xiangang Continent was released crazily from the crack.

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