Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1785 Burning Wings to Seek Immortal Gang Dream

The moment a gap opened in the main gate of G Mansion, and the Xiangang Continent and the breath roared in from it, the figure of Old Ghost Zhan stepped forward in the crumbling world behind Wang Lin.

The phantom wearing a cloak outside his body, his eyes revealed the dim light of the sky, staring at Wang Lin. For some reason, he felt a sense of life and death crisis in his heart at the moment when the door of the House of Tears opened. Inside.

Wang Lin stood next to the big door and turned to look at Old Ghost Zhan in the distance. Behind Wang Lin, the door opened a gap, and the aura of the Immortal Gang Continent enveloped Wang Mo's body. The waves of aura that did not belong here made him slump. The Daogu blood in Wang Lin's body seemed to be cheering, and the blood flow accelerated.

It was as if he was absorbing this breath.

Even if the big door is opened, you don't dare to go out! Although the boss has no memory of the Third Rose, there are still some feelings about the Immortal Gang Continent left in the spirit rose. There is an Immortal Gang barrier between the Tears Mansion Realm and the Immortal Gang Continent. Only those who have Only those with blood can walk out!

Even if you have the call of blood and can go out, if you don't get the third rose, after you leave the House of Tears, the boss will kill everyone related to you! ,, the life-and-death crisis in Old Ghost Zhan's heart became more and more intense. He did not come closer, but spoke words from a distance.

Now that this door has been opened, there is no deep-seated and irresolvable hatred between you and me. If you give me the third rose, I will leave here immediately and never step into the realm of tears again! "Old Ghost Zhan's voice seemed to carry a strange power, swirling faintly.

Wang Zhu didn't say anything. It was impossible for him to produce the third rose. In his opinion, this rose was not Su Dao, the Seven-Colored Immortal, but his disciple Xie Qing.

In silence, Wang Lin raised his right hand. In the palm of his hand, two rays of light flickered, turning into two groups of sealing runes. The outside of the seal was dim light, but inside it was surrounded by blood threads. These blood threads were Xie's. Yao’s hard work!

Xie Qing used his reincarnation as the third gem and death as his representative to condense three seals, one for himself and the remaining two seals for Wang Lin. This was what he made for his master before he died. One last thing.

These two seals, after merging with the aura of the Immortal Gang Continent, will have the power to seal the remaining two roses of the Seven Color Immortal Lord!

The moment these two seals appeared, a large amount of Immortal Gang aura emitted from the large door behind Wang Lin with a gap, roared straight towards Wang Lin's ancient hand, and merged with the two seals.

The dim light suddenly increased, as if two ghost suns were floating in Wang Lin's ancient hands. The light shrouded Wang Lin's body into a charcoal, and eventually even the main gate of the Tears Mansion behind Wang Lin was obscured. Inside, it looks very hazy from a distance.

It's just that this sealing power is not complete.

It is still absorbing the immortal aura emanating from the large door, and because the large door has only opened a gap, the absorption is a little slower.

The moment he felt the power of the seal, Zhan Laogui's pupils shrank radially. He finally knew why he felt that life and death crisis. All of this came from the seal and immortal power in Wang Zhu's body. After the breath of the continent is fused, the power of the seal is released!

With a cold gleam in his eyes, Old Ghost Zhan didn't hesitate at all and rushed straight towards Wang Lin. He knew that he couldn't retreat at this moment. No matter how strong the sense of life and death crisis was, he had to rush out to stop him, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

It was so fast that it was less than ten feet in front of Wang Lin. The old ghost Zhan raised his ancient hand, and a golden word "war" blasted out, heading straight for Wang Lin. At the same time, the colorful rose shadow outside the old ghost Zhan's body, When there was an overlap, he saw the colorful light flashing outside the rose shadow. It was the rose of the colorful Taoist, transformed into it, and his whole body was filled with seven colors, rushing towards Wang Lin.

Immediately afterwards, the Seven-Colored Immortal, whose whole body was wrapped in a cloak with only his eyes exposed, suddenly stretched out his arms. The cloak outside his body was like a glove, expanding infinitely as if to cover everything, and enveloped Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was calm, and the two seals in his ancient hands were still absorbing the immortal aura emanating from the door. The moment when the old ghost Zhan and the two colorful roses approached, he raised his left hand and suddenly clapped it forward.

With this shot, the eight true bodies around Wang Lin all transformed, as if eight Wang Lins shot out one palm at the same time.

With a roar that shook the earth and the earth, the collapsed fifth flower world dissipated on a large scale at this moment, revealing the starry sky, revealing the figures of Taoist Lanmeng, the old man surnamed Ma from Five Planets, Yun Yifeng, and the third concubine Tang Shan.

As well as the seriously injured General Xuanwu and General Suzaku, their figures also appeared one after another.

As soon as the original form appeared, the face of the old ghost Zhan suddenly changed. He had no memory of the third gem and had never seen the original form. However, the old man surnamed Ma from Five Planets saw the original form. The moment he stood up, his eyes showed shock and disbelief.

The true form! ! ! Starting... This is the true body. It is extremely rare for ordinary people to have one true body. He... he actually has eight! !

According to rumors, in addition to opening the divine realm, there is another possibility of becoming a Great Heavenly Lord, which is to have a hero with the true form! Although this possibility has never been confirmed, it illustrates the rarity of the true form! "

With a roar, Wang Lin's eight true bodies and the original palms of the original body were simultaneously touched, and in the dim sky, the colorful roses, the roses of the cloak, and the old ghost Zhan were all shaken. All retreat!

This time, Wang Lin faced Old Ghost Fu Zhan and told him to back off!

Wang Lin's body trembled, as if a powerful force was coming towards his face, blasting into his body along his left hand, and even into the eight true origins outside his body.

His eyes flashed, and with the help of this supernatural power, he drew an arc with his left hand, and pressed the door behind him while retreating.

The big door roared, and at the same time, the eight true bodies around it also retreated and struck the big door one by one.

Under this shocking poisonous rumbling sound, the large door was opened again. From there being only a crack, a large-scale opening gradually became larger, and finally it was opened by nearly 30%!

At this point, this big door no longer needs anyone to move it. The moment the majestic Immortal Gang Continent rushes in, the door opens on its own, roaring continuously, and its opening becomes bigger and bigger.

At the same time, more Xiangang Continent breath roared out and merged with the two seals in Wang Lingu's hand. At the moment when the face of the old ghost changed drastically, Wang Zhugu raised his hand.

There was fear in the eyes of the old ghost Zhan. He had no time to think too much at the moment and quickly retreated desperately. Wang Shi looked at the seal in his hand. He vaguely seemed to see Xie Qing inside, and there was sadness in his eyes.

"Xie are my disciple and my master ghost"...Wang Lin sighed lightly and waved his ancient hand outwards. The two seals inside were sealed under the dim light and went straight to the escaping battle in the distance. The old ghost is gone.

This seal is like fate. No matter how fast Zhan Laogui travels, he can't escape fate.

The two sealed light groups, one behind the other, approached Old Ghost Zhan in an instant. With a look of surprise on his face, the first sealed light group went straight to his eyebrows.

Old Ghost Zhan roared and kneaded with both hands. While his magical power was increasing, the cloak rose outside his body showed fear in his eyes. He raised his ancient hand and waved it rapidly towards the sealed light group, and the void roared.

But all the magical powers and all the colors can't stop this light group from sealing. It's as if everything doesn't exist in front of it. This sealing light group penetrates all the magical powers and nothingness, and lightly seals it on Zhan Laogui. Outside the body, between the eyebrows of the cloaked rose.

The moment it was sealed, the cloaked rose let out a shrill scream, and its body suddenly appeared overlapping shadows. In the flash of seven-colored light, it instantly turned into a seven-colored rose, bowed to the seal, and finally fell on it. Colorful roses between the eyebrows.

With a bang, the seal shattered and turned into a piece of dim light that enveloped the colorful rose. From a distance, it looked like a great unity. In just a few breaths, the colorful rose shrank in the net of dim light. , slowly turned into the size of a fist, and the light dimmed.

At this moment, Old Ghost Zhan was galloping back, with ripples swirling under his feet. The rose of the cloak outside his body, which had escaped the disaster, was filled with endless fear. He looked at the second sealed light group floating in front of him, his eyes wide open. Seeing the light ball imprinted on his eyebrows, it dissipated and surrounded his whole body.

Taoist Master Lan Meng and others in the distance were shocked as they watched this scene. They did not expect that Wang Lin would have such a last resort. The old man named Ma and Yun Yifeng looked at Wang Lin with extremely complicated looks.

They thought that this time, the core of the Tears Mansion, Nv Luo would finally help, and Wang Lin could not survive alone. But now, from beginning to end, Xuan Luo did not show up, and everything was done by Wang Lin on his own. Strength has come this far.

The cloak rose that the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord integrated into Zhan Laogui's body was now like the other rose. It was suffocated by the dim light and turned into a fist-sized Guangtian, which cut off the connection with Zhan Laogui.

The moment the connection was severed, Old Ghost Zhan's eyes immediately dimmed, and a large amount of black blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth. Although his eyes were lightless, they became clear.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Wang Lin and the main gate of Run Mansion behind Wang Lin. Looking at the main gate of Kaijun, Old Ghost Zhan showed a smile on his face.

You are excellent... My life-long dream is to open the gate of Tears Mansion, but ah... When the Mysterious Tribulation failed, it was fused with Gui "... Zhan Laogui's body exuded bursts of black energy. The skin is withered, fruit juice is dripping, and it is rapidly melting and dying.

I should have died many years ago... You accomplished what I always wanted to do and helped me get out... Wang Lin, thank you... "... Old Ghost Zhan's voice became weaker and weaker, and his body was half has dissipated.

But the remaining half of his body, in the flash of light in his eyes, seemed to burst out with the last power of his life. In the process of dissipating, it turned into a rainbow and headed straight for the half-open door.

But even if he dies, he still wants to take a look at the Xiangang Continent that he has longed to go to all his life...

Wang Lin didn't stop him. He watched half of Old Ghost Zhan's body rush into the gate, and watched him disappear into thin air outside the gate.

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