Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1789 The Sorrow of Parting

If it had been a normal day, a month would not have been as good as Yunyan Scanmu, but in this last month after leaving the cave world, it was different. ####

In a blink of an eye, it was the top ten.

During these ten days, Wang Lin found Fan Shanlu, the first concubine of the Seven Color Immortal Lord, with the bloodline of Immortal Gang. She could leave here and return to her hometown through the opened cave door.

Fan Shanlu's departure left behind the huge boat, which Wang Lin had already refined into the Grimace Sail of the Main Forbidden Center. He could control it freely and placed it in the storage space.

Among the top ten, Wang Lin also found a cultivation star. With extremely strong magic power, he found a body that had just died. After transforming it with the original power, he integrated it into the soul of that little person. In his With the help of him, the soul and body were closely integrated and turned into the soul.

After doing this, Wang Lin walked silently in the starry sky. He looked at everything he was familiar with, but deep down in his heart, he felt a trace of reluctance.

This reluctance was not much at first, but as I walked step by step through the footprints of those years, it became more and more intense.

With a sigh, Wang Lin disappeared into the bright starlight. When he appeared, in front of him was the junction of the four star fields, which is where the fairy world is!

Stepping into the fairy world, Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts spread as the ripples of the earth spread. While covering the fairy world, it also filled his spiritual consciousness with the fact that those who left would have to endure the pain of reincarnation.

"If anyone wants to leave this place, come and find me... Wang will leave in half a month..." Wang Lin sat cross-legged on the mountain peak where he retreated, and closed his eyes silently.

Staying or going is a choice. Wang Lin will not interfere. He just opens a door. As for the world outside the door, Wang Lin does not know whether it is good or bad for the cultivation of the cave world.

Because of this, he leaves this choice for everyone who wants to leave to weigh the pros and cons.

When Wang Lin was sitting cross-legged on the second highest mountain peak, Situ Nan came. He was stepping on the breeze, with white clouds at his feet. The ripples of the earth in front of Wang Lin reverberated. He held a wine bottle in his hand and approached step by step. Finally, Standing next to Wang Lin. **

Situ Nan looked the same as before, with long hair swaying and clothes very casual. After taking a sip of wine, Situ Nan sat on the ground and looked at the white clouds in the sky. Although his expression was calm, there was still a hint of worry. look.

"Wang Lin, do you think I can become the mortal prince of the Immortal Gang Continent after my reincarnation..." Situ murmured.

It was originally a bitter farewell,

Because of Situ Nan's words, Wang Lin's words were somewhat dissipated. With a smile on his face, Wang Lin took the wine bottle from Situ Nan's hand, put it in his mouth and took a big sip.

"If I am really reincarnated as a prince by chance, don't look for me too quickly. You can wait until I have finished my lifelong addiction to princes before you come back to look for me." Situ Nan laughed and looked at Wang Lin.

"Have you decided?" Wang Lin also looked at Situ Nan. The two had been teachers and friends throughout their lives. At this moment, they were saying goodbye. The scenes of more than two thousand years were replayed in the eyes of the two.

"It has been decided. With my huge wealth, it would be a pity not to go to the Xiangang Continent to cause some harm. Isn't it the Xiangang Continent? I will definitely live a much happier life there!" Situ Nan laughed with a very serious look on his face. It's free and easy.

"Then the two of us can live happily in Xiangang Continent. Isn't it okay?" Situ Nan took the wine bottle from Wang Lin and took a big sip.

Wang Lin looked at Situ Nan calmly. The two looked at each other for a long time, and Situ Nan sighed.

"You kid, don't forget to come to me. Grandma, if you reincarnate, I must be reborn as a prince!" Wang Lin nodded as Situ sighed.

"If I hadn't died, I would have gone to find you."

Qingshui was the second person who came to look for Wang Lin. Beside him was Hongdie. The father and daughter came at the same time, walked out of the void and landed next to Wang Lin. ####

Qing Shui didn't speak much. He stood there and glanced at Wang Lin silently before saying anything. The red butterfly beside him had slightly red eyes, and his expression showed reluctance and sorrow, just like the father and daughter. In this choice, there was something that Wang Lin didn't know about.

"Hanyan, there must be a way for you to appear by my side again in the Xiangang Continent! By then, our family will be together..." Qingshui's eyes fell on Hongdie, showing the love of a father.

Besides Situ, Qingshui and Hongdie, the fourth person to come here is Thirteen!

Thirteen's idea is very simple. As Wang Lin's disciple, he must follow him wherever he goes, even if it is a mountain of swords, a sea of ​​fire, or reincarnation. In his heart, he will be his master for the rest of his life!

Sitting quietly cross-legged behind Wang Lin, Thirteen's character is more calm than before. Most of the evil spirit on his body has dissipated over the years. He is all restrained and does not show it. He is shocked by his appearance!

Time passed slowly like this, and several people came one by one from all directions in the fairy world. They sat down cross-legged next to Wang Lin and chose to leave.

When Wang Lin returned to the Ninth World of Immortality, Li Qianmei arrived.

Wearing a white dress, she looked much thinner than before. Her expression was sad, but it contained determination and persistence. In front of Wang Lin, Li Qianmei looked at this figure that she could not forget, with sadness in her eyes. Being hidden.

"Should I go..." Li Qianmei bit her lower lip and spoke softly.

Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at Li Qianmei for a long time.

"Should I go..." Li Qianmei asked softly, but her words were faintly trembling.

Wang Lin looked at Li Qianmei. He saw Li Qianmei's helplessness and the complexity of her heart, which was as complicated as his own. The words from back then seemed to echo in my ears again.

"Should I go..." Li Qianmei looked pale, squeezed out a smile, held her hair in her hands, turned around, and wanted to leave.

"Go to the Xiangang Continent...wait for me to find your place, wait for me to unlock your sealed memories...maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, will you...wait?" Wang Lin She raised her right hand to grab Li Qianmei's hand, her voice swirling in the wind.

Li Qianmei's footsteps stopped in place. She turned around and looked at Wang Lin. She didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

"I will also find you." Wang Lin looked at Li Qianmei, gently pulled Li Qianmei with his right hand, and sat with him.

The moment Wang Lin held her hand, two lines of tears fell from Li Qianmei's eyes. The traces of tears fell from her face and dripped on her clothes, making them wet.

"Father doesn't want to leave... He wants to stay with mom here... I don't know if I should leave... Should I stay with dad here, or wait for you in Xiangang Continent..." Li Qianmei lowered her head. There seemed to be two voices in his heart, but at this moment, when Wang Lin held his hand, there was only one left.

" you really want me to go to Xiangang Continent..." Li Qianmei bit her lip and looked up at Wang Lin with confusion in her eyes.

Wang Lin was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Then... you have to find me quickly... I will always wait for you." The confusion in Li Qianmei's eyes dissipated, replaced by determination.

Time passed slowly, and there were only three majors left before Wang Lin's fifteenth major in this immortal world! In the past few days, people familiar to Wang Lin arrived one by one and chose to leave. However, compared to those who chose to stay, these people who left were too few.

After all, not everyone can face reincarnation, face the unknown outside world, and all these things combined together become a crisis that seems to them to be a near-death experience.

Hong Shizi chose reincarnation, while Na Yunzi chose to stay after struggling to think.

There were also people Wang Lin was familiar with, Zhan Konglie, Yan Leizi, etc. They all chose to stay in the cave world and did not want to go out.

There are only two hours of dusk left in this half month. The earth is dark, and you can't see the details in the distance. You can only see the surrounding mountains. At that dusk, there is a different kind of beauty, just like a picture. Golden scroll.

In this picture-like land, three figures came from a distance. The person in the middle was a middle-aged man with an extraordinary appearance and full of vicissitudes of time. He was Qinglin!

Beside him, his daughter Qingshuang looked indifferently, looking ahead, seemingly not paying any attention to Zhou Yi who was following behind her. Zhou Yi seemed to be used to Qingshuang's expression. He didn't regret it at all. When he looked at Qingshuang, his eyes always contained the longing and memories that carried the years.

Looking at the same face, but a different person, this feeling created a pain in Zhou Yi's heart that seemed to tear his body apart. He must either give up or accept it.

"Wang Lin, my daughter and I are preparing to leave here and reincarnate!" As Qing Lin spoke, he stood next to Wang Lin, turned to look at Zhou Yi, and sighed secretly.

After the remaining three majors were all over, Zhou Ru, Shen Gonghu and others also made decisions one after another and came to Wang Lin. This time, there were not many people who were ready to leave, only less than twenty people.

On the last day, drizzle fell on the land of the fairy world. In the rain, Mu Bingmei, dressed in white, floated over like catkins flying in the rain. The moment Wang Lin raised his head and opened his eyes, he saw What arrived was a beautiful woman holding an umbrella in the rain.

The long black hair, painted like a painting, is even more beautiful and ethereal like a fairy. It seems that her arrival has made the earth quiet, and only the sound of rainwater has a strange power. It makes people forget everything, and even makes that beautiful figure seem to be covered by a layer of hazy rain and fog.

This is the beauty of Mu Bingmei, or in other words, Liu Mei! Because at this moment, Mu Bingmei, her appearance, her clothes, and her expression, Wang Lin could not forget.

At the airport, I have to fly home very late. I will take one chapter today and make up for it tomorrow. I remember I still owed one chapter before. I will make up for two classes at the end of the month together!

To be continued)

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