Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1790 The Dragon King 1 Appears to Open the Immortal Gang

I wish you a safe journey... Mu Bingmei, holding an umbrella in the rain, looked at Wang Lin through the rain curtain, and her soft words floated in the sound of the rain, very soft and not cold.

After all, she did not choose to leave. She came here to see Wang Lin for the last time. After this glance, maybe the next time they meet will be in what year.

Wang Lin couldn't guess what she was thinking. Mu Bingmei was not a simple woman. Since she chose to stay, she must have a reason to stay.

He won't force it, and he doesn't want to force it.

Half a month passed in the parting rain. On the dusk of the last day, the rain seemed to get thicker. The sky and the earth were connected, forming a bead curtain. At a glance, it seemed that the end of the sky and the earth could be seen in the hazy sky. .

Wang Lin stood up and walked towards the sky. Behind him, everyone who wanted to leave rose into the sky and turned into rainbows, blooming with dazzling light in the rainy dusk.

Standing in the sky, Wang Lin lowered his head and glanced at the ground not far below. Mu Bingmei was holding an umbrella and always stood there, his eyes looming in the rain curtain, seeming to be watching Wang Lin.

The graceful figure under the rain umbrella, the long skirt, and the few strands of black silk blown by the wind, filled the sadness of such a farewell evening.

Looking at Mu Bingmei, Wang Lin remained silent in the air.

"If I were still in the world, I would come back..." After a long time, Wang Lin spoke slowly.

"If I were still in the world, I would welcome you..." Mu Bingmei lowered her umbrella slightly, covering her face, and said softly.

Wang Lin raised his right hand and grasped it in the void. Immediately, the seven sources of energy in his body were running at the same time and condensed in the palm of his hand. At the moment when the rays of light penetrated the rain and reflected the earth, a sword of crystal light appeared.

This sword combines Wang Lin's original power and is filled with ancient Taoist aura. Its power is astonishing!

"I don't know when I will be able to return to the Dongfu. Maybe a thousand years, maybe ten thousand years, maybe even longer, maybe until life and death... I give this sword to you, take care of it!" Wang Lin sighed softly, turned towards the sky, and took a step forward. go.

Behind him, all the people who wanted to leave were whistling like rainbows and galloping away. Li Qianmei, including Li Qianmei, looked back at Mu Bingmei on the ground, and then followed Changhong away.

Mu Bingmei stood on the ground, looking up at the departing Changhong in the sky. Two lines of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, making the world in front of her eyes seem blurry. She looked like this at the moment.

Perhaps it is like a wife sending her husband out of the house, looking at the departing figure in front of the house, getting further and further away.

"Take care..." Mu Bingmei whispered softly, saying words that only she could hear. She took the sword of origin left by Wang Lin and walked gently towards the distance in the rain.

In the sky, Wang Lin looked at everything familiar, and his heart slowly calmed down. He had a vague hunch that the matter in the Dongfu world was actually far from over.

"As long as the formation is there, unless there are people like Master Master inside and outside the world, there can be no more war! Even though there are still a few statues still there, they are all seriously injured, including Dao Master Lanmeng, Nan Yunzi, etc. As long as the person is in charge, nothing will happen. I also have some ideas that need to be considered.

General Suzaku has left. If the relationship between the two Suzakus of the previous generation that existed in the treacherous place outside the world is really a clone, they must have also disappeared... I just don’t know if the second generation of old Suzaku and others are still there..." Wang Lin He walked forward silently and left the fairy world with a group of people.

He didn't go looking for it in the fallen place.

"The Land of the Fall is not that simple... the compass pointer of Tianni..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and there was always a guess in his face, but now was not the time to explore.

"There is also the Red Hunzi who was released by me... and the mysterious man who helped me in the battle with Shuidaozi and seemed to be sealed in the Wind Immortal World... This person should have left the Wind Immortal World later. They I don’t know where they have gone now, maybe the opening of the Dongfu Gate will lead them out.”

"There are still many things and things that cannot be explained..." Wang Lin closed his eyes and stepped forward step by step. He left these questions and speculations to be known one by one when he returned from Xiangang Continent. after all.

"Xiangang Continent is not my home, my home is here... leaving this time is like a wanderer who goes out and will eventually come back one day!" Wang Lin opened his eyes fiercely, and a flash of light flashed inside.

"If I hadn't died, when I came back to this world again, I would have lifted the veil on all the remaining secrets here!" With Wang Lin's current cultivation level, he could have explored all these things, but But he didn't do that. Instead, he kept these questions and clues as his memories of home.

It can be said that this is also a kind of obsession. Because of the existence of these unsolved things, even if he forgets everything in the years, he will never forget his hometown.

Dozens of rainbows roared in the starry sky. Led by Wang Lin, they headed towards the main gate of the Dongfu that appeared in the Luotian Star Territory. Everyone had good cultivation. At this moment, they spread out as fast as a shooting star.

Li Qianmei's speed would have been slightly slower, but under Wang Lin's care, it was no problem.

There are only a few days left until the one-month deadline passes! Wang Lin led everyone to the main gate of Dongfu in the Luotian Star Territory. The golden gate stood in the starry sky, emitting bursts of soft golden light. It was very spectacular from a distance.

The door was so big that it seemed to support the starry sky. Next to the door, Xuan Luo sat cross-legged in the golden light. An astonishing coercion emanated from him and enveloped the surroundings.

Almost at the moment Wang Lin and others arrived, Xuan Luo's eyes suddenly opened. His eyes were filled with light, and his eyes swept over Wang Lin and the people behind him.

"It doesn't matter if I have been working hard for a few days. These people are all qualified to be reincarnated!" Xuan Luo's words echoed in the starry sky. After seeing the specific number of people, he felt a little relieved. Twenty can save him a lot of effort.

He originally thought that there would be hundreds or even thousands of reincarnations at the same time. If that were the case, Xuan Luo would be very reluctant. After all, the greater the number of people, the greater the difficulty. It is best to do this as it is now.

In fact, this time Wang Lin did not tell everyone in a big way that they could leave. Otherwise, more people would definitely try to leave. The reason why he didn't do this was because of Xuan Luo.

Wang Lin didn't want to owe any more favors. This time, it was already his limit, and he didn't want to burden Xuan Luo with too many people.

Xuan Luo stood up, made a hand with his hands and suddenly waved to both sides. The starry sky immediately shook. Ripples appeared out of thin air and swept away in all directions. There were even more roars and loud noises swirling in the starry sky.

The sound was not too violent at first, but it only lasted for a moment, like the roar of thunder. In the end, it almost replaced all the sounds in the starry sky. In this loud sound and ripples, the clothes of Xuanluo Great Heavenly Master danced, as if there were a lot of things inside. The air was expanding, and his head was shaking.

A huge bloody sun suddenly blurred out from behind Xuan Luo. As soon as this sun came out, the golden color of the starry sky also dimmed, and it seemed that it could not compete with it.

At the moment when the sun appeared, Xuan Luo made a hand gesture with his right hand and grabbed it towards the void.

"The Dragon Emperor's Heavenly Spirit, in the name of my old man Xuan Luo, manifested his destiny!" Xuan Luo's voice was filled with a strange power. Under this voice, the starry sky roared fiercely again, but in an instant, countless ripples were seen rolling. A huge vortex appeared in the starry sky. The vortex rotated rapidly, and it seemed that the entire starry sky was being sucked into it.

The depths of the vortex were even pitch black, as if they were the same as another world.

At the moment when the rotation of the vortex reached a certain level, a dragon's roar came out crazily from the vortex. This dragon's roar was earth-shattering. When it came out, it turned into a buzzing sound in Wang Lin's ears.

Roar! !

The sound became more and more violent, spreading across the starry sky, causing the faces of everyone behind Wang Mo to change drastically, and their eyes looking at Xuan Luo were full of fear.

The roar shocked Wang Lin, but his body remained motionless, staring at the whirlpool.

However, the roar of the whirlpool continued to come out. Although Wang Lin could not see the scene deep in the whirlpool, in his mind at this moment, he could imagine that there was a dragon struggling inside to tear open the whirlpool and roar out.

A moment later, as the roar caused the starry sky to collapse, the vortex roared together, and a huge head rushed directly out of the vortex. Because the head was too big, the vortex seemed to be unable to bear it, and it suddenly collapsed and turned into Little bits of dim light spread rapidly to the surroundings, like air swirling and moving.

That huge head is a dragon head! !

There is a single horn on top, two dragon whiskers about several hundred feet long, swaying, purple-black scales, a ferocious expression and those cold and gloomy eyes.

All of this forms a behemoth that is enough to scare people at just one glance!

What's even more weird is that the top of the dragon's horn is not sharp and pointed, but square. From a distance, it looks like the tip of the dragon's horn is like an emperor's crown!

The head alone was nearly a thousand feet in size. After getting out of the crack, the dragon twisted its body, and the stars blasted down, as if it was about to rush out completely!

"This dragon is the Dragon Emperor Tianyi of my Nine Soldiers! It is taken from the wilderness in the eastern suburbs of Xiangang Continent. There are countless ferocious beasts there, and this dragon is one of the pinnacles!

Possessing the power of a monk in the middle stage of the Sky Tribulation, he was killed by me back then. His soul was taken, his body was refined, his bones were cut, and he was sacrificed to become this weapon! This weapon is a whip, and I will use this dragon whip to break the rules of the Immortal Gang and open a gap for you and other reincarnations. ! "Xuan Luo's voice swirled, and he raised his right hand to grab the long dragon.

The dragon raised its head and roared, and rushed out of nothingness with a roar. Two thousand feet, three thousand feet, five thousand feet, until ten thousand feet, tens of thousands of feet suddenly appeared. It went straight to Xuan Luo, shrank quickly in Xuan Luo's hands, and finally transformed into A bloody dragon whip that was a hundred feet long!

This whip sent out an astonishing pressure. Even Wang Lin's pupils shrank when he saw the whip, and he was secretly frightened. He had a feeling that even he could not withstand the power of the whip!

The power of this thing is beyond imagination!

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