Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1796 Stubborn Will!

Wang Lin entered the sixth year of nothingness contained in the Immortal Gang Law. In this year, the Xianli Continent was peaceful and there was no war. There was not much friction between the ancient path and the Immortal Clan.

This year, in the Immortal Clan's Seventy-Two Immortal Continents, countless proud people shined with dazzling light. One of them was named Yun Yifeng!

This year, the Immortal Emperor lineage, which nominally ruled the entire Immortal Clan's seventy-two continents and was inherited from the Immortal Ancestor, came out of seclusion for tens of thousands of years. Half of the Immortal Gang Continent seemed to be shrouded in the infinite Within the endless immortal energy.

This year, some monks from the Dongfu world were reincarnated quietly, and no one knows where they are.

This year, not much happened in the thirty-six counties of the ancient road, and in the three branches, they spent this year very peacefully.

Each continent and county in Xiangang Continent is equivalent to dozens of times the size of the dòng prefecture. Its scope is so large that it would be difficult for ordinary monks to leave their continent and county even in their lifetime.

Especially between the ancient immortals, there is a Milky Way blocking the way. There is a strange power in this heavenly river, and there are extremely powerful immortal beasts. Only those old monsters who almost live as long as heaven and earth can live in this heavenly river. But it won't go too deep. In this way, these Tianhe rivers will become the first ravine for anyone who wants to break into each other's territory!

This year passed by peacefully.

Among the seventy-two continents of the Immortal Clan, Tianniu Continent is the farthest of the nine continents from the Tianhe River! If the geographical scope of this continent is reduced countless times, it can be vaguely seen, vaguely like a cow.

Hence the name, longhorned beetle.

This continent is relatively remote, far away from the Xianming Continent where the Immortal Emperor’s capital is located. A long time ago, most of them were called the Huawai Continent. This is the eastern part of the Immortal Gang Continent and is united with the other eight continents. Call it Dongzhou!

There are nine sects and thirteen men in Dongzhou, among which Ziyang sect is the leader, Donglin sect is the most mysterious and unpredictable, in addition to Guiyi sect, Dahun sect and so on, there are a total of 21 sects. The detective is the Donglin sect of the Immortal Clan in Xiangang Continent. The most famous sect in China.

In addition to these nine thirteen sects, there are only a few minor sects whose strength is second best and cannot compare with these twenty-one behemoths, not to mention that within the Ziyang Sect, it is rumored that only one of the Nine Sun Great Heavenly Lords exists.

Among them, Tianniu Continent is the sphere of influence of the Great Soul Men and Gui Yi Sect. The Men sect founded by Su Dao, the Colorful Immortal Lord, is located in a remote corner of Tianniu Continent.

There is a vast area of ​​black mountains here. Among the undulating mountains, one can see a dense mountain forest. From a distance, there is still a poisonous miasma like mist in the sky above the mountain forest.

Birds and beasts are rare.

There is only one solitary peak in this mountain range. This peak has the thickest black air, which has persisted for tens of thousands of years. This peak is the Seven Dao Sect Mountain Men. It's just that the Dongfu was closed and Su Dao sealed off the Qidaozong. Over the years, the Qidaozong has declined. It has no living souls and is swayed by the aura of death.

This is where the big door from the Dongfu Realm appears after walking out.

Whether it's Yun Yifeng or Fan Shanlu, all the people with the Xian Gang bloodline who came out of the Dongfu realm appeared from here and left one by one looking at their familiar yet unfamiliar hometown.

One day in the sixth year, on this mountain peak that was ruffled by the black air, if you look through the thick fog, you can see that there is Shiduo's attic inside, and there is a main hall at the top of the mountain. There was the ancestral hall of Qidao Sect, and it was also the retreat place of Qicai Immortal Lord.

On this day, outside the main hall on the top of the mountain covered by the fog, a figure slowly appeared in silence. This was a young man wearing a black robe. Although he looked young, on his body, he was Only the vicissitudes of time.

He is Xuan Luo!

Xuanluo looked at the looming Qidaozong hall that was obscured in the mist before him, and slowly sat down cross-legged.

, Wang Lin, everyone has been reincarnated, but I can’t control the time of their reincarnation. It may take several years, or maybe a thousand years to appear...,

But they are safe. ,, Xuan Luo sighed softly and looked at the main hall. He seemed to be able to vaguely see Wang Lin, who was walking out of the void behind the main hall, fighting against the Immortal Gang Law.

, There are less than four years left. Disciple, I have done my best to help you as a teacher... Now, you have to rely on yourself... , Xuan Luo slowly closed his eyes, in the center of his eyebrows , there is a faint flicker of red light, this red light is the direction that leads Wang Lin to follow.

In the void layer between the Dongfu Realm and the Immortal Gang Continent, Wang Lin's face was pale. He made secrets with his hands and the ancient power in his body was constantly circulating throughout his body, resisting the crazy squeezing force coming from all directions.

This force is now indescribably powerful. If it weren't for the mosquito beast under him that was still moving forward, Wang Lin would have stopped here. Even the mosquito king was much slower, and he was trapped in this squeeze. , sometimes making a silent roar.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. All the original power in his body had been exhausted. Without replenishment, it shrank in the body and could not be used again. The only way to resist the Immortal Gang Law was his ancient Dao body.

It has been a year since he saw a single corpse in this void. Obviously, it is extremely rare for people to finally come here.

The blood dragon on Wang Lin's body has long since dissipated, and even the red mark formed between his eyebrows is almost dim and cannot be seen at this moment.

Seven years was extremely difficult for Wang Lin, especially since he had to protect his wife and Li Muwan. As a result, he had to endure more pain every day.

But he has no regrets!

One month, two months, three months... In the blink of an eye, it's another year, in this eighth year! Oh my god, the squeezing force increased sharply, and the entire void seemed to solidify, pressing down on his body, causing blood to continuously flow from the corners of Wang Lin's mouth. His eyes were already blurry, and he vaguely understood that he would not be able to bear it anymore.

While laughing sadly, Wang Lin raised his right hand with difficulty and pressed it on the head of the Mosquito King who was just like him. Over the past eight years, the Mosquito King had always been with him. Wang Lin could tell that this place might really be the place. This beast first rented its hometown, and it is obviously more adaptable here than Wang Lin.

However, it was not born here after all. Perhaps it can fully adapt here after countless years, but now, it is still unable to enter the depths of nothingness.

After forcing his way in, the mosquito beast was already exhausted. It also needs to incorporate more Immortal Gang Laws, and become ferocious in its evolutionary transformations.

, don’t go crazy with me... Since this is your hometown, then you stay here*..., you have been with me for more than two thousand years, today, you... let’s go...

The Mosquito King's whole body was shaken and he roared. This roar spread in all directions in this silent void. The roar revealed a thought. This thought was the first time that it did not obey Wang Lin's advice. It It doesn't want to leave Wang Lin, it wants to get close to all its power, even if it dies, it will send Wang Lin farther away!

A smile appeared on Wang Lin's face. Although he suffered tremendous pain, his smile was very happy. He shook his head and stood up slowly. This simple action was very important to him at this moment. difficult.

The moment he stood up, Wang Lin's eyes revealed the light that had dissipated for a long time. There was a loud banging sound in his body, but his ancient power exploded, allowing him to temporarily be alone at this moment. The power of leaving.

He moved to the right, not allowing the Mosquito King to refuse, and directly slapped the beast on the head with his palm. The Mosquito beast was shaken violently, imprisoned, and suddenly stopped moving forward. Wang Lin jumped up and turned into a wave. Changhong roared towards the front.

,Walk! ! This is your hometown, leave me alone! "Wang Lin's voice was firm. He flicked his sleeves as he moved forward, and immediately the other nine mosquito beasts flew out and headed straight for the mosquito king.

During this pause and movement, the distance between Wang Lin and the Mosquito King suddenly widened. In his ears, a shrill roar came from the Mosquito King. The roar was like that of a child separated from his relatives, uttering despair. The cry.

Wang Lin's heart was stung by the sound, but he didn't look back. Instead, he used all his strength and galloped forward crazily. He understood that this time, he would have a narrow escape from death. In this case, why bother with the mosquitoes? beast.

Behind him, the mosquito king broke free from its confinement, its eyes were red, and it rushed forward like crazy. It didn't want to leave Wang Lin. Even if it died here, it would die by its master's side.

But with Wang Lin's speed, especially the light palm he landed on the mosquito beast's head just now, it turned into ten restraints, appearing again and again to prevent the mosquito beast from moving forward.

Stopping his body ten times in succession, the distance between the mosquito beast and Wang Lin was instantly stretched infinitely. No matter how the mosquito beast searched, it could never find its owner.

That sad roar echoed in the void and spread out to an endless distance. In the void ahead, Wang Lin's ferocious first line could still be heard in his ears. The sad hiss of the mosquito beast. He turned around and sighed deeply. He glanced behind him, turned around, gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

After chasing for a long time, the Mosquito King still couldn't find Wang Lin. It trembled and slowly stopped amidst the violent squeezing, but it did not give up. Instead, it turned around sharply and took the nine mosquitoes with it. The beast is galloping towards the rear. It wants to integrate more of the aura of this place and evolve into a rent-back state as quickly as possible. Only then can it find something in this void at a faster speed. Owner!

The time is the ninth year!

It has been a year since Wang Lin separated from the mosquito beast. Wang Lin's body has reached the limit of exhaustion. He takes heavy steps and uses all his strength to protect his wife behind him. His eyes are dull, but he is able to An astonishing presence of will.

This will is something he has possessed since a long time ago!

More than two thousand years ago, when he was still a child and mortal, he was bleeding all over the steps in front of the Hengyue Sect, climbing to the bottom without giving up. More than two thousand years later, he is still the same stubborn Wang Lin!

First update, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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