Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1797 Strange White Light

In Xiangang Continent, in Dongzhou, at the top of Yishan Mountain where the Seven Dao Sects of Tianniu Continent are located, and outside the main hall surrounded by ropes, Xuan Luo sat cross-legged and waited for several years.

Half a year has passed since the ten-year agreement he made with Wang Lin. But Nv Luo didn't leave. He was always waiting here, even though the dim red mark on his eyebrows had completely dissipated at this moment, with no trace left.

The dissipation of the red seal represents Wang Lin's return without guidance, or it may also represent Wang Lin's death.

"Did he fail..." Xuan Luo's eyes showed sadness. He sighed and closed his eyes. He was prepared to wait a little longer, maybe a miracle would happen, although the hope of this miracle was very slim.

In the void layer between the Tears Mansion and the Immortal Gang Continent, Wang Lin, with his hair disheveled, was walking forward step by step, carrying the Heavenly Coffin behind him. He no longer had Si Zhu, and had no strength. At this moment, Ya moved him forward. , is a will existing in his heart.

In this will, he protects his important son with his own body and never gives up!

The red light between his eyebrows disappeared half a year ago, and he could no longer feel the road ahead. The only thing he could do was to keep himself from retreating and keep moving forward in order to find a way out here.

For ten years, in this dark void, in this maddening silence, Wang Lin silently gritted his teeth and persisted. If he didn't have that will at this moment, his mind would have collapsed long ago.

In fact, if he hadn't had another chance when the red light dissipated half a year ago, it would have been difficult to persevere at this moment. After all, his Taoist cultivation had not been much gained in the past ten years.

At this moment, Ren Ran suddenly appeared in front of this piece of nothingness. The light was weak. Looking at it faintly, it looked like the remains of a corpse.

As it gets closer, it becomes clearer and clearer, this is it! The old man in purple robes had his eyes closed tightly and there was no life at all, but the white light emitted from his body was particularly conspicuous in the void of the lacquered fruit.

The old man didn't know where he came from. Even though he was dead at the moment, in the white light, it was possible to faintly see that there seemed to be a strange power condensing in his body.

At this moment when the white light corpse appeared, Wang Lin's dim eyes suddenly burst out with a dazzling light. He raised his head and suddenly moved forward, rushing towards the white light at an extremely fast speed, as if struggling, and in the approaching In an instant, Wang Zhugu raised his hand and went deep into the white light, pressed the corpse's chest, and sucked it in directly.

With this inhalation, the white light outside the old man's body suddenly condensed in Wang Lin's hands, and quickly disappeared. At the same time, the strange power in the chest of the corpse,

It also followed Wang Lin's hand and penetrated into his body.

This power felt cold in Wang Lin, but it was this cold feeling that made his mind clear. After absorbing this power in his body, the withered origins of Jijia were revived, and even his Taoist power was slowly restored. Slowly recovered.

He opened his ancient hand and let the old man's body, which had lost its light, float backwards. In this void, Wang Lin's complexion became slightly better.

Wang Lin didn't know what this power was. He had encountered such a wreckage half a year ago. After absorbing this power, he had the motivation to continue to persevere.

This power is extremely mysterious. It can not only restore the origin, but also restore the ancient power. This kind of change is almost impossible to happen, but now, it appears in front of Wang Lin in this void.

In ten years, Wang Mo only encountered two such corpses!

With his spirit rising, Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he immediately started to cultivate, squeezing the Immortal Gang Principle, and looked at the coffin village behind him. He seemed to be able to feel the presence of Li Tomuwan in it. Wang Mo looked forward, a People walked away silently.

His speed was not very fast, but he did not pause at all. He did not change direction while galloping, and kept moving forward.

"Ten years have passed... I don't know where the end is... I probably didn't go well...*..." Wang Mo gritted his teeth and walked into the distance step by step, disappearing quickly. "This power is very strange. If I can encounter more of it here, I won't die of exhaustion!" Wang Lin spread his consciousness as he moved forward, looking for the light in all directions.

It's just that when you encounter the remains of a corpse that emits white light, it's so pure that if you look for it carefully, it will be difficult to find it without changing the direction.

Until a year later, in this confused search and move forward, Wang Lin never encountered the third such corpse. The cultivation level in his body was gradually exhausted to the limit, and the oil was exhausted. Wang Shi's appearance also became extremely disease-free. Even if he met an acquaintance, it would be difficult to recognize him at a glance. The look in his eyes became weaker and weaker. In the end, there was almost no light at all, like a dead person.

He didn't know how far the road ahead was. It was this unknown that turned into a terrible feeling, which was enough to make people collapse. Even Wang Lin's will, in this terrible feeling, , there were also twists and turns.

But every time his hand groped for the coffin village behind him, a burst of determination burst out in his heart, pushing him to never give up.

However, the cruelty of reality, as time went by, wiped out Wang Lin's sanity after a few months, and he fell into a coma.

There was no breath coming out of his body, but in the coma, he still used his body to protect the coffin behind him. Even though the coffin was full of cracks, if he hadn't been protecting it, it would have collapsed long ago.

A person and a village of coffins floated silently in this void. The moment Wang Mo fell into coma, the squeeze of the Immortal Gang Law suddenly dissipated and ceased to exist.

Wang Lin didn't know about this strange change. He was like a dead person at the moment. Even the Three Life Techniques had no effect. In this void, he changed direction and floated towards another location with the Coffin Village on his back.

Just like the remains of corpses he had picked up along the way, they were floating in the void forever.

One year, two years, three years... I don't know how much time passed, but Wang Lin still had his eyes closed, as if he were dead.

On the Xiangang Continent, in the mist of the Seven Dao Sects in the Black Mountains of Dongzhou, Xuan Luo sighed and stood up. Counting the previous time, he had been waiting for fifteen years!

It's not that he doesn't want to wait any longer, but at this moment, the mighty immortal energy coming from the distance between heaven and earth makes it impossible for him to continue to exist here. The immortal energy is earth-shattering. Before it gets close, it rises up and makes the heaven and earth roar, a golden The sun transformed in the sky, and a tall figure stood in the golden sun.

At the same time, in another direction, another sun transformed, and it stared at it with cold eyes.

Xuan Luo understood that he was leaving.

"Disciple, you... take care of yourself... If you are not dead, you should come to the Daogu lineage to find me...*..." Xuan Luo sighed secretly, flicked the big pomelo, and the blood sun surged into the sky, and his body transformed A bloody shadow flew straight into the sky.

Xuanluo, let’s go. Outside the Seven Dao Sect, there was no one waiting for Wang Lin’s arrival from now on. At this moment, Wang Lin was still floating in the void. He had changed his direction and was floating somewhere unknown, becoming part of the wreckage in the void. .

Years passed, and several years passed. Some people were reincarnated in the Xiangang Continent, and some people were still on the confused road. It might take hundreds of years before they could be reincarnated.

Why this time gap is so big, even Xuan Luo can't figure it out.

On Xiangang Continent, in Xizhou, in a mortal county, this year, a little baby was born... This child was very unusual. When he was six or seven years old, he played with his companions, and often He likes to call himself King Cha...

If any other children disobey, they will immediately fight with fists and kicks. Their ferocious appearance gradually makes their neighbor's playmates scared, so gradually, most of them will follow him and play the game of the prince.

In the Nanzhou of the Immortal Clan in the Immortal Gang Continent, a child was born in a certain year. This child was equally extraordinary. Although his family was broken up in his early years, when he was ten years old, he was already in his family. A famous liar.

It's just that if you become famous as a deceiver, it will naturally be difficult to continue, so the child left his hometown early and took his talent for deception with him to an unknown location.

The years, in this slow flow, gradually passed for a long time.

Xuan Luo had already returned to the Daogu lineage, and he chose Guan Ying with a gloomy look. Seeing Xuan Luo coming back alone, the Dao Ancient Emperor sneered secretly in his heart. Slowly, he no longer thought about the time when Nu Luo left. , the purpose of finding someone to come back.

It seems that many people no longer think about a name called Wang Lin. This is the case in the Xiangang Continent, and the same is true in the Tears Mansion Realm. But there are still a few people whose names cannot be forgotten every time in their memories.

Mu Bingmei is like this, Tang Shan from Xiangang Continent is like this, and Yun Yifeng, who is gradually becoming more and more popular in Guiyi Sect and becomes a new generation of sedan chair, will also think of Wang Lin.

Wang Mo has also not forgotten the King Mei in the void. This beast was stopped by Wang Lin and then went crazy with its nine companions, merging like crazy in the void. There is gold here. The breath of Immortal Gang Law.

Under this fusion, it has transformed four times in the past few decades! With each transformation, the Mosquito King will become several times stronger, as if it is the transformation of the law. After each transformation, the squeeze here will become much weaker for it, until it no longer exists!

Finally, after the fifth transformation, Wang Lin's Mosquito King melted out a breath that shook the entire void. Its body was no longer like a cultivation star, but completely changed, turning into a piece of tobacco. fog.

This smoke mist is like a piece of charcoal, like a mosquito walking out of an ink painting. It has no entity, but its ferocity has reached the peak of charcoal.

Afterwards, the Mosquito King no longer absorbed the invisible laws of the Immortal Gang here, but his body suddenly spread out, turning into a large amount of mist and swallowing up his nine companions, merging into one, setting off an endless thick mist, and heading towards the depths of nothingness. , drifting away rapidly, it is going to find Wang Lin and its master!

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