Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang Chapter 10 Yang Chapter 1801 There are weird things, problems, and treasures

Tianniu Continent is one of the inner continents of the Eastern Province of Xiangang Continent. It is located in a remote area and is surrounded by many mountains. If viewed from the sky, almost the entire land of Tianniu Continent is covered by mountains. . 35

It was rumored that very early on, Tianniu Continent was transformed after the death of a ferocious beast from outside the world that was beheaded by the Immortal Ancestor. There were even rumors that each of the seventy-two continents of the Immortal Clan in the Immortal Gang Continent was actually a huge Formation to suppress the seventy-two evil spirits from the sky

Even in the thirty-six counties of the ancient country, there are similar legends, but the specific authenticity is very few people know because it has been too long. Perhaps only the supreme identity of Jiuyang, or the two immortals Only the royal family in the clan can know it.

For other monks, it doesn't matter whether it is suppressed or not, and they will not feel the presence of the evil that does not know whether it is true or false.

Rumors about Tianniu Continent have been circulating since ancient times. It is said that the reason why there are so many mountains here is that in fact every mountain range is transformed from the bones of that evil spirit.

In Tianniu Continent, there are two extremely famous sects, Guiyi Sect and Dahun Sect.

These two sects are extremely large, occupying Tianniu Continent, and are even listed as two of the thirteen sects of the Nine Sects of Dongzhou. They have many disciples, but because the entire Tianniu Continent is so large, it is almost equivalent to dozens of cave worlds. First of all, it is difficult to meet each other in most places, and although there are frictions, there are not many.

Among them, the big soul gate is extremely weird. It has a variety of techniques, the most important of which is the soul and illusion.

Fan Shanmeng is a disciple of the Great Soul Sect. The power of her multiple illusions can give a glimpse of the Great Soul Sect's methods. It is rumored that the illusion skills of the Great Soul Sect can be cultivated to the extreme, and can be transformed into the ninth level, and finally reach the level of illusion, which is extremely terrifying.

As for the Gui Yi Sect, it focuses on the art of Miao Lian's Five Elements, and is even more famous for its unique armor forging skills.

Under the two major sects of Guiyi Sect and the Great Soul Sect, there are also many scattered small sects scattered throughout Tianniu Continent, each under the control of Guiyi Sect and the Great Soul Sect. They are like worshipers, and they come every once in a while. They must send something similar to an offering,

The Qidao Sect of the Qicai Immortal Lord was one of such sects back then. However, because it formed a pair of monks with the disciples of the Great Soul Sect, it was protected by the Great Soul Sect in Tianniu Continent, and there were also some Rather than having amazing talent, there is a reason why he is valued by the Great Soul Sect.

However, in the past few decades, Guiyi Sect has been at its peak, and a core disciple Yun Yifeng has emerged from it. This person is rumored to have been in seclusion for a long time. After he came out of seclusion, he had extraordinary cultivation. He challenged the core disciples and enemies of the Great Soul Sect and won all of them. Even the ordinary elders of the Great Soul Sect are no match for this boy.

In this way, Yun Yifeng's reputation doubled, and he became the first among the new generation of disciples in Tianniu Continent.

Some people even rank him with the four original geniuses in Dongzhou.

Together they are called the Five Mountains

But Yun Yifeng is very humble. When someone compares him with the four geniuses of Dongzhou, he will shake his head, not because he feels inferior, but because he is very contemptuous of the so-called four geniuses.

As time went by, in a competition between the Guiyi Sect and the Great Soul Sect ten years ago, Yun Yifeng swept with his sword, injuring nine disciples and three elders of the Great Soul Sect.

At that time, when someone once again ranked the four great geniuses of Dongzhou alongside him, he said something that shocked all the cultivators of the sects in Tianniu Continent.

"My sword can seriously injure many people. Even the four geniuses, I dare to fight against them.

Fight, although the outcome is uncertain, it will not let me back down even half a step.

But in this world, there is a monk who has only practiced Taoism for more than two thousand years. I stand in front of him, and I... dare not draw my sword.

Not to mention me, even the four great geniuses are worthy of being called proud in front of him? In my opinion, no one in this world, among the new generation of monks, is his opponent."

This sentence caused an uproar and caused an uproar. Everyone who heard this sentence was shocked, and the same thoughts kept popping up in their minds.

Who is this guy

Who can make Yun Yifeng say such words, so that he dare not say anything in front of that person?

And it only takes more than two thousand years of cultivation to achieve this. If all this is true, then these so-called four geniuses of Dongzhou are indeed unworthy of weighing in front of that person.

While this sentence caused an uproar, it was also questioned by countless people. However, if f6 was questioned, none of them came from the Great Soul Sect. It seemed that the disciples of the Great Soul Sect knew this person.

This strange change has once again raised the uproar to an extremely high level. The silence of the Great Soul Sect seems to have opened up various speculations for countless monks from other sects.

Who is this guy

He can make Yun Yifeng not dare to draw his sword, make the four great geniuses not worthy of being called the sedan chair, and make the Great Soul Sect not refute at all after hearing this, as if he has acquiesced that such a person does exist in this world. Even within the Guiyi Sect, there was no sound at all when their own disciples said such words. It seemed that they also knew that there was such a person.

Who is this person?

"He will appear, and when he appears, you will know" This is about this mystery

The last words he said in Yun Yi's sealed mouth.

Although several years have passed since this incident,

The rumors about this mysterious man did not dissipate in Niuzhou until that day, especially after they spread by word of mouth, they became more and more intense.

It's just that this is a question without an answer. Those who know the answer have not said it.

After some time passed, the rumor gradually became less intense and gradually became hidden in the hearts of all those who heard it. Perhaps one day, they can know who this person is...

Canglong Sect is a middle-level sect in Tianniu Continent. The scope of its mountain gate is comparable to half of the Kunxu Star Territory. For monks in the cave world, it is still not as good as the Thunder Immortal Palace or the cultivators of the year. The Alliance is also a behemoth, but in this Xiangang Continent, it is just mediocre.

The Immortal Gang Continent claims to have thirty thousand immortal sects. The authenticity is unknown, but it is true that each sect is very different. Although the name of the Canglong Sect is related to dragons, in fact the skills practiced by its disciples , but it has nothing to do with dragons.

Most of the disciples of the Canglong Sect are good at making puppets and use them as an aid to develop magical powers. Beginner disciples often need to refine their own puppets before they can go out and walk. The puppets are also divided into levels, each with different powers.

The best of them, in addition to some special wood-mechanisms, can also be made into puppets with the bodies of some murderers or monks.

This technique is not mysterious, and monks from various sects are usually more common. However, the Canglong Sect's mechanism puppet technique is magical in another way and can be transformed into it in order to achieve the goal of eternal immortality.

It is said that the first person in the Canglong Sect to reach the early stage of the Sky Tribulation, Supreme Elder Du Qing, is a wooden man. He usually looks like an ordinary person, but once he uses his magical power, he can clearly see that his wooden body Body.

In Tianniu Continent, the Canglong Sect has a notorious reputation. Its disciples and even the elders of the sect "mostly use various means to obtain what they need, including killing people and seizing treasures, not to mention killing people."

It's just that because the Supreme Elder Du Qing has a deep relationship with the Lost Soul Sect, he is wreaking havoc in Tianniu Continent, and few sects dare to provoke him.

Moreover, the people and sects that the Canglong Sect kills and robs will also make choices. If they are inconvenient to provoke, they will avoid them. Part of their main target is on outsiders. If there are monks from outsiders passing by the Longhorn, they are their best targets.

For a year, many disciples of this sect wandered around, searching for all kinds of information and reporting back to the sect. If there were enemies that were difficult to defeat alone, they would often gather their fellow disciples to attack in groups.

Kang Ren is a third-generation disciple of the Canglong Sect. He is cunning and cruel by nature. He has a very bad reputation among the third-generation disciples and is highly valued by the sect. Moreover, this person has extremely vicious eyes. He can often tell at a glance whether the opponent is capable of taking action. It will cause some trouble to the sect.

He looks like a handsome young man, and it is difficult to imagine how vicious he looks. Even some second-generation disciples are reluctant to provoke this person.

On this day, Kang Ren was flying in the sky with his eyes squinted, preparing to go to the border of Tianniu Island to see if he could encounter aliens coming. Just as he was flying, something suddenly appeared in the sky far away from him. Changed

He saw that the sky suddenly opened a gap, and the moment a faint light flickered out, a figure flew directly out of it. The figure seemed to be carrying a coffin behind it, and in an instant it fell straight into the distance. go.

All this happened in an instant. Almost at the same time as the figure flew out, the cracks in the sky disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Kang Ren was stunned by this sudden change. He rubbed his eyes. He had never encountered this kind of thing before. He glanced at the place where cracks appeared in the sky before, and he even had the idea of ​​hallucination.

But soon, he became excited, his eyes gleamed, and he swayed straight to the place where the figure carrying the coffin fell and flew quickly.

"There are weird things, there are problems, and there are treasures." Kang Ren's heart was pounding. Canglong Sect was founded by Du Qing. When he founded the sect, the first sentence he left in the sect rules was these three words.

Over the years, this sentence has been remembered by every Canglong Sect disciple and regarded as good advice.

If there are weird things, there must be something wrong. Most of the problems are because of the treasure. Kangren unfolded his full speed, and even cautiously used his magic weapon to protect himself. It turned into a rainbow and flew away quickly. Soon, in front of him - There was a muffled roar.

But in the distant mountain peak, the figure carrying the coffin crashed into it. The back of the mountain peak suddenly collapsed due to the impact, and the white body lying motionless inside was exposed among the rubble. make youth

"What a strong body." Kang Ren's eyes showed greed and he approached cautiously.

The third update has been for two days in a row. The third update will be continued tomorrow. Is there still a five-day monthly ticket that aims to break the record? I know there must be one. Don’t wait for the end of the month. The beginning of the month. Let’s keep fighting.

Ergen uses updates to fight, fellow Taoists use monthly tickets to fight, let’s fight together and it’s not over yet

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