Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1802 Bringing Evil Back to Home

Kang Ren first circled around a few times, and after carefully observing for a moment, he slowly walked into the half-collapsed mountain peak, and came to a few dozen feet away from Wang Lin.

He stared at Wang Lin lying there, his eyes unable to conceal his excitement and greed.

"Such a powerful body is extremely rare except for ancient countries! Judging from the appearance of this person, there is no star between his eyebrows. He should not be the ancient god who is famous for his strength, and his body does not have the unique aura of the ancient tribe. This person should It’s not the practice of the ancient country!

As a monk, he actually has such a powerful body. He doesn’t know how he achieved it! "Kangren licked his lips, his heart pounding faster. He felt that his opportunity had come, and this time it was God's destiny!

He didn't expect that he would encounter such an adventure in front of him just by flying in the sky.

"This popularity machine has completely disappeared and is in a semi-dead state. It can be used by me to refine a puppet. With this kind of puppet, I will definitely be able to sweep away the second generation of disciples in the Canglong Sect! Even if I can be valued by my ancestor and be accepted as a disciple, Then it will soar into the sky!" Kang Ren suddenly became excited when he thought about the excitement.

But even though he was excited, he still did not forget to be cautious. He stopped moving a few dozen feet away from Wang Lin, and even prepared to run away and summon his fellow sects if something went wrong. After all, if he couldn't take it all for himself, he would report it to the sect. It's a great achievement.

He raised his right hand to make a seal and immediately a crack on his wrist disappeared in a flash. A handful of dark jade slips flew out from the crack. After the jade slip appeared, a violent aura spread faintly.

Holding the jade slip, Kang Ren threw it forward without thinking. The jade slip turned into a dim light and went straight to Wang Lin. In an instant, it landed on Wang Lin's chest. With a loud bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook. A terrifying shock erupted.

In this impact, Na Kangren's body retreated hundreds of feet continuously, and the excitement in his eyes became more intense.

"He didn't fight back, he was either dead or unconscious!" Kang Ren laughed and seized the moment, swaying forward and reaching Wang Lin's side in an instant.

Although the collapse of the jade slips was powerful, it was still unable to cause any harm to Wang Lin. In fact, even if there were ten or hundreds of these jade slips that only had the power of purification, they would not be able to shake Wang Lin's body.

As for the sky-shielding coffin Wang Lin carried behind him, it was still integrated with his own aura under its protection. Not to mention that Kang Ren could not be harmed or separated. Even a monk who had suffered several mysterious tribulations would find it difficult to do this.

Approaching Wang Lin, Kang Ren suddenly focused his eyes, staring straight at the sky-shielding coffin behind Wang Lin. He saw the sleeping woman inside. Although this woman was not absolutely beautiful, her sleeping appearance was...

But it was Kang Ren who had evil thoughts in his eyes.

"Haha, I didn't look carefully just now. It turns out there is a female cultivator here. It would be a pleasure to train this female cultivator into a puppet and serve me, Kang Ren, from now on!" Kang Ren licked his lips and made secrets with his hands. Zhong pointed upward, and suddenly a crack appeared on his right wrist again. A large net flashed out from the crack, directly covering Wang Lin and the coffin behind him, trapping him.

Then Kangren flicked his sleeves and turned into a black wind, carrying the good fortune he thought he had obtained and flying straight into the distance.

"I've made a lot of money this time! Haha, the sky has eyes and wants to give me a great fortune!" Kangren flew quickly in excitement. He was a little afraid to stay outside. The only thought in his mind at this moment was to return as soon as possible. Sect, go and refine the puppets!

The mountain gate of Canglong Sect is located in several huge valleys in the mountains filled with poisonous miasma. This sect even hollowed out all the nearby peaks and turned them into countless stone chambers as caves for the disciples.

It is difficult to see the boundaries of the continuous mountain peaks with the naked eye at a glance. There are nearly 50,000 Canglong Sect disciples here, but most of them go out or retreat. Except for the annual sect meeting, they rarely meet each other too much. .

Kangren turned into a rainbow and roared close to the mountain gate. Although the poisonous miasma was full of poison, it avoided him. It was obvious that this person had something to avoid poison.

Rushing into the poisonous miasma, soon in front of Kangren, there was a huge valley looming. There were countless attics in the valley, which were faintly visible.

Just as Kangren was about to enter the valley, a low shout came directly from the valley.

"Whoever breaks into the valley must report his name. If you don't report for three breaths, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"Xuyun, what do you mean!" Kang Ren's eyes flashed with cold light, he stopped outside the valley, and spoke sternly into it.

"Oh? It turns out to be Junior Brother Kang. The fog was too thick and I couldn't see clearly. Didn't Junior Brother Kang go out on patrol? Why did he come back so soon? What was it that you captured with a puppet net behind you?" The voice was slow and slow. , as the words came out, a hunchbacked young man walked out of the valley.

This young man is extremely handsome, but his hunched back detracts from the impression of his appearance and creates a sense of incongruity.

"You're taking too much care!" Kang Ren snorted coldly, swayed, went straight to the valley, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. The hunchbacked young man had a vicious look in his eyes, stared at the direction Kang Ren left, and sneered.

"There's a problem, there's a weird thing, there's a treasure!" As he pondered, he swayed, leaving a puppet on duty, and he flew towards the valley.

Besides, Kangren turned into a rainbow and flashed away in the valley, heading straight for the hollowed-out mountain peak not far away. He approached in an instant and entered a cave inside. As soon as he entered, he immediately moved his left hand backwards. wave.

The door of the cave closed slowly, and a forbidden seal was opened, making the door extremely strong, but he was still worried. As he waved his hand, he saw nine puppets of different ages, all transformed and guarding the door. .

At the same time, there were two dark wooden figures in the cave. The moment Kang Ren entered, a faint light appeared in the carved eyes of the two wooden figures.

Without even looking at it, Kang Ren quickly walked between the two wooden figures and came to the depths of the cave. On the top of the cave, there was a fist-sized luminous pearl, which emitted a soft light and dimly illuminated the cave. Its light is not strong, so it makes this place look a little dark.

On the surface, there is a formation about ten feet in size. In the light of the night pearl, bursts of purple aura are emitted. This aura makes the formation look extremely strange.

Next to the formation, Kang Ren waved his right hand, and Wang Lin, who was brought here by him, fell into the formation.

Rubbing his hands together excitedly, Kang Ren sat cross-legged and stared at the mist-shrouded formation, his eyes gleaming.

"The refining must be successful as soon as possible. That Xuyun is very sinister. If he sees me bringing the puppet back, he might have other thoughts!" Kang Ren raised his right hand, and with one wave, he immediately had a copy of Canglong Sect's refining. The puppet-making materials flew out and headed straight for the formation.

At the same time, he made a secret with his left hand and pressed hard on the formation. The formation immediately roared and slowly started to move. The mist turned into a whirlpool and moved with the formation. A stream of earth fire was forced from the ground by the formation. It was absorbed from the depths and rushed directly into the formation, causing the entire cave to be filled with a wave of heat.

The heat wave hit Kangren's body, immediately causing sweat to break out on his forehead.

"Every time you refine a puppet, you need the cooperation of earth fire. The temperature of this earth fire is too high. Only those who have the power of fire can survive the impact of this earth fire and even use it to practice.

I don’t know what year or month, I can become a great power..." Kang Ren’s eyes showed longing, he accelerated the extraction of earth fire, endured the heat wave, and began the sacrifice.

He kept throwing materials one by one into the formation, looking extremely excited.

"No matter who you were, if you fall into my hands, you will become my puppet, Kang Ren! I will refine you!! I must refine you!"

While the formation started roaring and circling, outside the cave, in a cave on the top of another mountain in the valley, the hunchbacked young man stood respectfully, with an old man with white hair in front of him.

The old man's complexion was purple and black, which contrasted with his white hair, which made him look extremely dazzling. A fluctuation of cultivation level in the early stage of the third step of nirvana spread out from his body.

"It's just a trivial matter, you come to disturb my retreat! Although Kangren has a personal grudge with you, but..." When the old man said this, his eyes suddenly flashed. He raised his head and his gaze seemed to penetrate the cave and see where Kangren was. .

He felt the roar of the formation for refining the puppet.

"Master, there must be something weird about the puppet that this person brought back. Kang Ren is rarely in such a hurry. He and I have known each other since we were children. There must be something wrong with this!

That puppet is probably a treasure! I hope Master will snatch it away and give it to his disciples..." The hunchbacked young man immediately knelt there and spoke in a low voice.

The old man kept looking into the distance for a long time. His pupils shrank and he stood up.

When the old man stood up, the hunchbacked young man immediately showed joy.

"There are indeed some problems with extracting so much earth fire... Well, come with me and see what kind of puppet he has refined!" The old man flicked his sleeves and walked out of the cave. The hunchbacked young man suppressed his excitement and hurriedly Follow behind.

As for Kang Ren, his whole body was wet with sweat at this moment, but his expression was even more excited. He was no longer cross-legged, but was walking around the formation, constantly making seals, and still like various Material.

The excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

"I used all the materials this time. Once this puppet is made, haha!!" Kang Ren completely forgot about everything and walked around at a medium speed.

Within the mist of the formation, Wang Lin was lying there, his whole body surrounded by earthly fire, as if he was burning. However, the flames outside his body did not cause any harm to him. Instead, they seemed to be excited and kept piercing into him. in the body.

At this moment, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly opened!

The moment his eyes opened, the ink totem transformed by the mosquito beast on his right arm also opened his eyes, and there was a terrifying viciousness in the eyes of the mosquito king.

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