Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1803 Earth Fire Transformation!

This is the first time that Wang Lin has opened his eyes in this Xiangang Continent. This is the first time that he has opened his eyes at the pinnacle of this place!

This is the first time that he has truly seen the Xiangang Continent with his own eyes. This is also the first time that he has experienced the breath of Xiangang while awakening!

The moment he woke up, Wang Lin immediately checked the sky-shielding coffin behind him. After he found out that there was no problem, he felt relieved and looked at the earth fire beside him.

How can a mere fire burn Wang Lin? How dare it burn it?

The earth fire that was released was really insignificant to Wang Lin. He already had the origin of fire. Not only did this earth fire not cause any harm to him, but its range accelerated Wang Lin's awakening. Even because the earth fire was from the Xiangang Continent, This thing made the fire origin that Wang Lin cultivated from the realm undergo an astonishing transformation when it merged with this earth fire!

This kind of transformation is something that has never happened in Xiangang Continent throughout the ages. This is a war between the external flame and the origin of fire brewed in Xiangang Continent itself!

In this war, if the fire source of Xiangang Continent wins, the fire source in Wang Lin's body will be swallowed and assimilated into a part of Xiangang Continent. Wang Lin's cultivation will not change, and he still has the fire source. , but cannot become the master of the fire of heaven and earth, because the master of this fire is Xiangang Continent!

But if Wang Lin wins, then his fire origin will be able to surpass the Xiangang Continent and he will become the true emperor of fire!

Wang Lin stared at the mist swirling above him. He could feel a weak monk circling around him outside, constantly throwing items he had never seen before inside. These items were burned with flames, and at the same time It also triggered the movement of the formation underneath him.

A stream of strange power came out from the formation, as if it was going to penetrate into his body and carry out a series of transformations.

With Wang Lin's mind, although he was in a coma before and didn't know what happened, but now he thought about it and guessed it.

"I was found by this person when I was unconscious, and he brought me here for refining... Judging from the appearance of this formation, it should be related to puppets... Are they trying to refine me into a puppet?" A cold light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes. .

No one in his palace dared to make him into a puppet. Even the Master and others would not dare to do so. They were very afraid!

Dharma King Lin did not notice this formation. Although there was mystery in it, it was not the time to study it yet. Wang Lin was more interested in the earth fire here.

He simply ignored the excited people wandering outside and didn't notice that Wang Lin was awake.

Kang Ren, who had been practicing sacrifices, spread out his spiritual consciousness, merged into the ground, and went straight to the depths in the direction of the earth fire.

He wanted to see where this earth fire came from, and how the earth fire in Xiangang Continent compared with his own fire origin!

As his consciousness spread, Wang Lin's eyes shone with a strange light. He saw that all the mountain peaks within a radius of tens of thousands of miles were covered with fire!

This mountain range is surprisingly a branch of an Earth Fire Vein! This branch seems very big, but in fact it is very thin, connected to the main trunk, which goes deep into the ground and leads nowhere.

Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness spread again. As it spread, he was shocked to find that there were so many complex earth fire veins under this land! Even the further down, the higher the temperature of the ground fire.

"The fire veins here look like a huge fire array..." Wang Lin withdrew his consciousness. He had just woken up and was not aware of his surroundings yet. It was inconvenient to forcefully explore at this moment.

"Although it's inconvenient to go deeper, it's okay to have more earth fire come out to refine and nourish my fire origin." Wang Lin was ecstatic, and patted the formation's ground with his right hand.

With this shot, the entire Canglong Sect was shaken, and the fires under the tens of thousands of mountains seemed to be stung, roaring madly from all directions, and poured into Kang Ren's house.

This sudden change made Kang Ren, who was walking around to make a mark, stunned. He stepped back while screaming, and with his hands clasping, he arranged countless protections, and even summoned the nine puppets and the two wooden men behind him. In front of him, he resisted the sudden burst of flames.

Almost at the moment Kang Ren retreated, under the loud roar in the formation, the sea of ​​​​fire surged up, forming a huge flame pillar, directly burning the mist, covering all sight, and burning crazily.

The mansion obviously couldn't bear it, and cracks appeared directly, as if it was about to collapse. The nine puppets in front of Kang Ren were rushed by the flames and exploded immediately. The two wooden men also collapsed, without the slightest resistance.

Kangren's scalp was numb, and there was a shocking despair in his eyes. Seeing the high temperature of the flames impacting him, like a mouth of death about to swallow him up, suddenly a faint light flew out from the flames and fell directly on Kangren. , surrounding its whole body, so that when the heat rushes past it, it does not harm it.

But despite this, the scene of walking on the edge of death made Kangren so frightened that he lay there, staring blankly at the house filled with flames, filled with fear in his heart.

"I...I brought back someone..."

While the place was raging, Xuyun and his master arrived outside Kangren's house. At the moment of approach, the old man's face suddenly changed drastically, and he retreated sharply. He grabbed his disciple and withdrew hundreds of people in a row. Husband.

The moment he left, he saw that the main gate of Kangren's house collapsed suddenly, and a wave of heat roared out from inside, sweeping around.

The entire attic in the valley disappeared into smoke at this moment and turned into a sea of ​​fire!

The surrounding mountain peaks were trembling under the rapid surge of earth fire, faintly, as if they were about to explode! This sudden change caused the disciples of the Canglong Sect to change their expressions one by one. They rushed out of the house one after another and looked at each other in mid-air in shock.

"The ancestor was out, why did the earth fire suddenly move at this time!" Master Xuyun's face was gloomy, staring at the sea of ​​​​fire below in mid-air, staring at the mansion where Kangren was located in the sea of ​​​​fire.

At the same time, three powerful auras came out from the Canglong Sect, and they transformed into three people and appeared next to Master Xuyun.

These three people, two men and one woman, one of them is white and the other is middle-aged. All three of them have the third step of breath patterns spreading on their bodies.

These three people have good cultivation, especially the middle-aged man, who has reached the advanced stage of Kongling. As soon as he appeared, he immediately looked up to the sky and let out a low shout.

"Disciples of the Canglong Sect, listen to the order. The earth fire changes once every ten thousand years. This time it is ahead of schedule. Don't panic and set up the Tianshui formation!" His words were like thunder, spreading tens of thousands of miles around.

All the disciples of the Canglong Sect who heard this were shaken one by one. They subconsciously sat cross-legged in the sky, making hand gestures with their hands. Countless clouds of mist rose up all over their bodies. Tens of thousands of disciples densely packed together and used the fastest speed to set up a large formation. !

This formation roared and appeared. From a distance, it turned into a huge dark cloud covering tens of thousands of miles. This dark cloud was dark and heavy in the air, filled with tens of thousands of disciples of the Canglong Sect.

At the same time, except for the middle-aged man and Master Xuyun, the other two third-step elders of the sect walked directly towards the dark clouds without the middle-aged man's orders. The man and the woman rushed into the dark clouds in an instant. In the middle, as they roared back to the ground, the two of them used unknown magical powers, and suddenly turned into two long dragons in the clouds!

These two long dragons, about tens of thousands of feet long, shuttled through the clouds. After a moment, they emerged with huge dragon heads and opened their mouths towards the burning sea of ​​​​fire in the mountains on the ground. Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, and rain fell from the sky, especially those two dragon heads sprayed out. A large amount of water vapor was released, like a strong wind, pressing down on the earth.

"Elder Li, you are the first one to arrive. What happened here?" As the rain fell and fought against the fire, the middle-aged man looked at the old man beside him with a gloomy expression. .

"The earth fire obviously changes once every ten thousand years. It should have appeared three thousand years later. This time it is earlier. There must be a reason!" The middle-aged man looked away from the white old man and glanced at the hunchbacked young man.

At this glance, the young man's heart immediately trembled and he could hardly stand still.

"Elder Zhao, if this is not a normal fire change, it may be related to the third-generation disciple Kang Ren. This person brought back two corpses from somewhere. The strange fire change occurred when he was refining the puppet." Bai Lao The reader looked into the sea of ​​​​fire on the ground and pointed at Kangren's house in the burning mountain peak.

"Kangren?" The middle-aged man frowned, unable to remember the name.

"The sect master and the ancestors went out to the big húnmén. I have already sent word to Yu Jian that they should be on their way back. Since there may be trouble caused by the corpse that Kang Ren brought back, I will go and have a look. These two What ability does a corpse have to trigger fire on earth?" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with murderous intent. This time the fire was so violent that the Canglong Sect was not prepared at all. Although there were no deaths, many buildings were destroyed. He also destroyed many immortal herbs and the sect's reserves.

This price is too high!

As he spoke, the middle-aged man swayed, and a piece of water vapor immediately appeared all over his body. The water vapor formed a three-foot bubble, covering his whole body. As he stepped, he rushed into the sea of ​​fire sprinkled by rain below, and headed straight for the burning mountain peak. Go to Kangren's house.

The main gate of the mansion collapsed long ago, and there was no longer any obstacle. The middle-aged man suddenly entered the mansion in an instant. He seemed to be very fast, but in fact he seemed to be secretly cautious. After all, this matter seemed a bit strange to him. .

But he didn't take it too seriously. He was very proud of his own cultivation!

The moment he entered the mansion, the middle-aged man saw a young man wearing a Canglong Sect Taoist robe inside. The young man's expression was dull, his body was trembling, and his eyes were full of fear. He looked at the rushing man deep in the mansion. A pillar of flame emerges.

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