Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1804 The First Battle of Immortal Gang!

No one except Wang Lin himself knew that this time, he walked through several bridges to the sky. Even the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Path who stopped at the sixth bridge on the Ancient Path Mountain did not clearly notice it.

He just knew that Wang Lin went to the Sky Bridge again and walked across the fifth bridge! As for whether the opponent succeeded at the sixth bridge, he didn't notice, because his limit was at the fifth bridge.

Outside the deep mountains next to the basin that the vast sea turned into, the layers of ripples surrounded it for several months. As the pressure of these ripples dissipated, Wang Lin calmly walked out of it.

His appearance and expression don't seem to be much different from a few months ago, but if you look closely, you will gradually find that Wang Lin at this moment is like a mortal, with no trace of movement in his body.

Wearing a white gown, he stood outside the basin formed by the vast sea. He looked back at the land of the ancient tribe. After a while, he suddenly turned around, his whole body turned into a rainbow, and went straight to the other end of the vast basin. Go to the fairy clan!

"Madman, I swore back then that I would rescue you when I came to the Imperial Palace of my ancestral city again! If you are willing to leave with me, no one in this Immortal Gang Continent can stop you.

If you choose to become an Immortal Emperor, you will also be a true Immortal Emperor who will no longer sleep! "

"There are also Situ, Qingshui, Thirteen, Big Tou, and Starscream. "You are all in this Immortal Gang Continent, but you are no longer an ancient tribe, so you must have been reincarnated on the land of the Immortal Tribe. This time, I will find you. ! "

"And..." Li Qianmei..." There was a hint of complexity in Wang Lin's eyes, and as he sighed softly, his speed became faster and faster, a hundred times faster than when he first crossed here, and he disappeared without a trace.

"In the end, I want to return to the Seven Dao Sect, to the cave world, to the Suzaku Star..." That is my home."

Wang Lin didn't pause at all along the way. It took him only a few days to see the endless sea wall storm that existed in the center of the vast sea.

The roaring sound of the storm can be heard from a long distance away. As it approaches, one can even see the traces of space fragmentation caused by the continuous rotation of the storm for more than two hundred years.

There is even a sense of Wuyou pressure that spreads from the sea wall storm and spreads in all directions.

The moist smell of sea water was strong all around, and the loud roaring in his ears was even more earth-shattering. Wang Lin stood a few feet away from the sea wall, looking here, at the depths of the sea wall, nine huge There was a flash of light in the door formed by the pillars.

He knew that three hundred years later,

This door will open, and when it opens, he will come back and take Li Muwan into it. With the power of reincarnation, Li Muwan can transcend reincarnation while being resurrected!

"There, maybe I can find a truth..." Wang Lin murmured, and was about to step through the sea wall storm, but the moment he lifted his steps, Wang Lin suddenly raised his head.

The sky was dark. This darkness was caused by the continuous rolling of the sea wall, which caused the sound to roar all the time. There seemed to be no second sound.

Everything was very calm, as if nothing was abnormal, but Wang Lin looked at the sky, gave up on leaving, and stood there, as if waiting for something.

Ten breaths later, a clicking sound suddenly came from the dark sky. The sound was harsh and earth-shattering. It actually roared over the sea wall here, making the world seem to tremble violently.

But I saw a huge crack, which was torn open out of thin air in the dim sky. A large amount of mist vented crazily from the inside of the crack, filling the surrounding area. At the same time, I saw a vague figure, coming from the crack. Inside, step out step by step.

"Ancient Road!" Wang Lin's expression remained calm. He looked at the rolling fog in the sky, turning the dim sky into a world of mist. He looked at the figure walking out of it and spoke slowly.

"Wang Lin!" The figure in the fog gradually walked out, but it never left the fog. Instead, hoarse words came out from within.

This scene is of extremely important significance in the Xiangang Continent. This is the first time that the two strongest people on the Xiangang Continent meet face to face!

This is the first time that the only two peerless experts in the entire Immortal Gang Continent, who are also half-stepping into the Heaven-Stepping Realm, gaze upon each other.

As for the ancient road mountain back then, due to the different levels of cultivation, meeting each other and looking at each other across the tower were far from what they are now.

"You already knew I was coming?" The figure in the mist spoke after a moment of silence.

Wang Lin stood there calmly, his clothes dancing in the wind, and a few strands of white hair floating in the air. He looked at the figure in the mist and nodded.

"How many bridges did you walk on when you went to the Sky Bridge for the second time?" The ancient road in the mist was silent again, and he sighed softly for a long time before speaking slowly.

"That's not important. What's important is the purpose of your coming here." Wang Lin smiled slightly, his expression very calm.

"You can kill Ye Dao, the descendant of the ancient ancestor, you can designate anyone as the new emperor at will, and you can even do whatever you want to do in the ancient clan..." But you can't leave the ancient clan! ! "In the mist, the figure of the ancient road was shrouded in mist and said hoarsely.

"Can't you leave the ancient clan?" Wang Lin's eyes flashed.

"Unless I can't stop you, you can't leave." An old voice came from the figure in the mist.

"I won't stop you for too long. Three hundred years. You only need to stay in the ancient clan for another three hundred years. When the ancient divine realm is opened, you can leave at will."

"Give me an explanation!" Wang Lin pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"There is no explanation. I won't let you go, so you must stay, or defeat me!" The voice of the ancient road in the fog became gloomy.

Wang Jing frowned and glanced at the figure in the fog.

"On the Ancient Dao Mountain, I used your pressure to complete the Immortal Ancient Fusion..." This is one!

In Daogu Imperial City, I killed Ye Dao. With my cultivation at that time, if you took action, I had no chance of winning, but you kept silent. This is two reasons!

From the ancient lineage, Jidu became the new emperor. You didn't stop it. This is three!

I, Wang Lin, have clear grievances throughout my life. Because of these three times, I can stay in the ancient clan for a hundred years without any explanation from you, but I will leave for the remaining two hundred years! Wang Lin said slowly.

The figure in the mist was silent, and after a long time, his words came out.

"One hundred years is not enough..." We must wait until the Ancient God Realm is opened..." Wang Lin, I don't want to fight with you. I haven't made a move with anyone for a long, long time.

I only want you to stay for another three hundred years, and then you can leave, and I can even pay some reward for it! “In the mist, the voice of the ancient road is hoarse.

Wang Lin is also unwilling to take action with Gu Dao. The relationship between the two is very complicated. Wang Lin has no reason to take action unless the other party has completely made up his mind to keep him. Ease.

"I have a question. With your cultivation, you can defeat all the strong men of the Immortal Ancestor. If so, why do you still protect the existence of the Immortal Clan?" Wang Lin suddenly said.

The ancient path within the mist fell silent again. This question was the question of many strong men from the ancient clan, and it was also the same question raised by many monks from the Immortal Clan.

For countless years, no one knew the answer, and no one dared to ask about the ancient path in person.

"The gift I received from the ancient ancestor..." is different from yours..." For a long time, the voice of the ancient path in the mist slowly came out with complexity.

Wang Lin looked at the ancient road in the mist, his eyes full of thought, as if he had some realization.

"Okay, Wang Lin, either defeat me or stay, there is no third choice!" The fog where the ancient road was located suddenly rolled, and there was a loud rumbling sound, which merged with the roar of the sea wall and turned into a shocking sound. The sound waves seemed to cooperate with his words to form a supreme power of heaven and earth.

"If you want to fight, then fight!" Wang Lin raised his head fiercely, his eyes flashing. Since there is no way to avoid it, he also wants to know who is the strongest in Xiangang between himself and this ancient path!

This battle will be the first battle on the entire continent after the ancient Zhouxian ancestor of Xiangang Continent disappears! This is the ultimate battle between the two strongest men!

Ancient Dao, the strongest Immortal Gang, has entered the Heaven-Stepping Realm for countless thousands of years. Although it stopped at the sixth bridge, its combat power is absolutely extraordinary. He is the only one to kill A person who surpasses the Great Heavenly Lord!

Wang Lin, the fusion of immortals and ancients, has not yet reached the end of his cultivation path. After the two true bodies are complete, he has already entered the realm of stepping on the sky with half a foot. He himself does not know if it is the true body of the virtual origin. What will he reach when complete!

And he still has that void clone. After hundreds of years, that void clone has grown up. Once it merges with Wang Lin, it will explode with terrifying power!

At the moment when the fog on the ancient road rolled and made a loud roar, the Great Heavenly Lord of the ancient road inside suddenly took a step towards Wang Lin. As he took a step, the fog outside his body roared into the sky and continued to spread to the surroundings. It transformed into a huge ferocious fog beast, roaring upwards to the sky, shaking the earth and the earth.

This mist beast looks strange, with nine heads. It looks quite similar to the strange beast Ji Qiong that Wang Lin saw in the Land of the Ancient Gods!

The nine heads roared, revealing a ferocious light, and at the same time exuding an ancient sense of vicissitudes, as if this fog beast had a spirit and had existed for countless years.

The Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Dao who existed in the fog beast raised his right hand as his steps fell, and pointed out. His fingertips were also shrouded in mist, but he could faintly see the curved nails, emitting a cold light.

With a move of his finger, Wang Lin saw that the entire world suddenly changed. The sky was surrounded by countless thin lines, and the same was true for the earth. Everything inside and outside the sky was filled with rules.

These thin threads of rules seemed to be pulled and manipulated, and they all moved towards Wang Lin. Wind, cloud, thunder, lightning, and even the magical powers of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth suddenly transformed around Wang Lin, and with a bang, Go straight to Wang Lin! !

As he approached, these countless magical powers suddenly condensed, forming an illusory finger composed of a large number of magical powers and regular thin lines. With its curved nails and destruction, it pointed at the center of Wang Lin's eyebrows!

Dahao has double monthly tickets, and Ergen also plans to have a continuous outbreak in the last three days of this month! Let yourself have no regrets.

I hope that all fellow Taoists along the way can stop diving in the last few days of the New Year and come forward to let Ergen know that you are still there!

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