Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1805 The Ancestor Returns!

The sound whirled around the world, roaring up in the burning Canglong Sect. After connecting together, it formed an extremely weird sound. The sound was not sharp or harsh, but it had a strange magic power that made Wang Lin's soul feel like a ghost. To be separated from the physical body even affected his Taoist artistic conception, indirectly affecting his origin.

This technique is difficult to perform alone. It is a combo technique of the Great Soul Men. It is currently being used by the disciples of the Canglong Sect. It is obvious that they want to use this technique to interfere with Wang Lin and prevent Wang Lin from leaving!

Wang Lin has encountered this kind of magical power in the Dongfu world, but it is not as powerful as it is now. You must know that his cultivation level has allowed him to fight against monks who have experienced several mysterious tribulations, but he will still be defeated by this technique. The impact is evident from this.

However, Wang Lin realized that the heartbeat thunder sound in the Taoist Ancient Cemetery was similar to this technique. He turned his heartbeat into thunder, causing the thunder between heaven and earth to roar away and become closer and closer. Under the influence, the hearts of tens of thousands of Canglong Sect members began to beat wildly.

With this confrontation, we will be evenly divided!

Although Wang Lin came out of the Dongfu world, his cultivation level is by no means weak even if it is placed on the Xiangang Continent! At this moment, he stepped out of the Dongfu. Outside the Dongfu, the four elders of the Canglong Sect all entered. Wang Lin grabbed the void with his right hand.

The entire Canglong Sect's land suddenly roared, and a large amount of flames surged away from the ground, bursting out from the formations in the cave. The flames roared, even more violently than before.

With this capture, Wang Lin obtained magical powers that he had learned in the Dongfu world, such as capturing mountain souls and star souls. What he captured this time was the soul of the earth's fire veins!

There is a huge earth fire vein in Niuzhou today. This vein has many branches. It is intricate and complex, just like a huge formation, and it is unknown what is there to seal it.

With Wang Lin's cultivation level, he was still unable to reveal the soul of the Earth Fire main vein, but the Earth Fire branch vein under the Canglong Sect mountain range caused a huge roar under his grasp.

In the roar, under the large-scale explosion of flames, the expressions of tens of thousands of monks outside the area changed drastically. The expressions of the four elders who had just rushed into the cave showed a moment of horror. These four people saw with their own eyes that their whole bodies were covered with fire. Under Wang Lin, who was surrounded by flames, and under his right hand, a huge dragon head was drilled out of the ground. Its head alone was as big as a mountain, and it was too big for this cave to accommodate!

This is a flaming dragon. The dragon whiskers on its head are waving. The moment it emerges, the heaven and earth roar, and the mountain peak where the palace is located suddenly collapses!

This time the collapse caused rubble to fly, but it didn't fly very far and was immediately burned into ashes.

In the blink of an eye, under the gaze of tens of thousands of monks in the sky outside, the peaks of Wang Lin's palace disappeared into thin air!

The roaring sound was still echoing in their ears, but an entire mountain peak disappeared in their eyes!

As the mountain peak disappeared, a flame dragon with a body of about tens of thousands of feet and a head as big as a mountain emerged directly from the ground. The fire dragon burned. It had no entity. Its body was composed of flames, and it revealed a A breath of soul that has experienced eternal vicissitudes.

What kind of fire dragon is this?" This is clearly the soul of the Earth Fire branch!

On top of the dragon's head, stood a man." This man's white hair was flowing, his eyes were like stars, and he was carrying a coffin on his back. He stood there as if he was standing on the top of heaven and earth!

From his body, there is an aura of looking down on the world, and there is also a sense of dominance, especially the flames that are so bright that it is almost impossible to look directly at this person!

The murmurs of tens of thousands of monks in the sky stopped completely at this moment. A trembling from the heart and a fear from the soul filled the hearts of those tens of thousands of monks at this moment.

It seemed that at this moment, the man above the fire dragon was like the Nine Suns, making everyone's vision blurry, leaving only the trembling and shock in their hearts.

Such a person, such momentum, such a fire dragon, it seems impossible to resist it with human power!

The four elders were curled up at this moment. The impact caused by the collapse of the mountain and the overwhelming force caused by the souls of the Earth Fire branch made it impossible for the four to resist and had to retreat!

Although their cultivation was not weak, at this moment, in front of Wang Lin and the Earth Fire Branch Soul, they were as insignificant as ants!

This is Wang Lin!

In the Dongfu world, he is the ultimate lord, the highest in the world! In this Immortal Gang Continent, even though he has just entered, his aura is still the same!

All this sounds slow, but in fact it all happened in a few breaths. Standing on the dragon soul transformed by the earth's fire veins, as Wang Lin's mind moved, the fire dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a roar!

Roar! !

The roar was earth-shattering, shaking the sky. Tens of thousands of monks spurted out blood one by one. They all rolled back and retreated, not daring to stop them. They scattered all the way.

The fire dragon leaped forward, its body tens of thousands of feet long, transformed, and took Wang Lin straight into the sky.

"We can't let him leave!! Ancestor is just walking. He will be back soon. We just need to contain him for a moment!!" The middle-aged man looked pale and let out a hoarse roar, and his whole body was shaken. He rushed out and headed straight for Wang Lin.

The remaining three people, including the white-haired old man, gritted their teeth and rushed out desperately. Although they were horrified, they were afraid of the ancestor's rage. When the ancestor was angry, even if they were Kong Nirvana, they couldn't bear it. Yes.

Especially at this moment, the Canglong Sect was almost destroyed, and they could imagine the anger of the ancestor after his return.

The four people rushed out again, transformed into four rainbows, and headed straight for Wang Lin, desperately blocking Wang Lin's way of leaving.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. The moment the four people arrived, his body swayed and he immediately merged into the fire dragon under him, becoming one with the fire dragon. The dragon soul roared and rushed into the sky, but he didn't care at all. The four people blocked it.

The middle-aged man appeared in front of the fire dragon in an instant. He pressed his hands towards the charging fire dragon while making a hand gesture. The veins on his face bulged and he let out a shocking low roar.

Immediately afterwards, the white-haired old man appeared behind the middle-aged man. He bit the tip of his tongue while making a secret with his hands. The blood flew out and was slapped forward by him, turning into a monstrous blood mist. There seemed to be evil in it. The ghosts are everywhere, blocking the fire dragon!

And the two people, a man and a woman, arrived at the same time, turning each other into two giant dragons, blocking all roads!

"The light of the fireflies dares to compete with the bright moon!" A cold voice came out from the roar of the fire dragon, but he saw the fire dragon approaching the middle-aged man in an instant, and when it collided, the heaven and earth roared.

The middle-aged man's whole body was filled with a large amount of water vapor, but it evaporated instantly. His head burned, and fire spots appeared on his skin. The heat hit his face. This fiery power hurt not only his body, but also his soul. And the soul, after all, this is not an ordinary earth fire, this is an earth fire soul! !

He couldn't resist the power of an Earth Fire Branch Vein Soul! Not to mention that Wang Lin's cultivation level was astonishing. After merging with the Earth Fire Vein Soul, an even stronger impact broke out!

The middle-aged man couldn't even hold on for a breath. He felt as if he was in the oven of heaven and earth. It seemed that if he didn't retreat, he would be burned to ashes immediately!

This fear of death exceeded the fear of his ancestors at this moment. At this moment, he spurted out blood without any hesitation, and pushed his body continuously for dozens of feet. After spurting out blood again, he went crazy He fled backwards, but his arms were the first to come into contact with the fire dragon, and the most were burned.

Even though he was retreating at this moment, his arms were blown by the wind and turned into ashes while he was retreating.

There was also the blood mist formed by the blood of the white-haired old man. In the impact of the fire dragon, it collapsed suddenly. His body rolled back, and a loud banging sound came from the body. With a tremor, his flesh and body instantly collapsed and fell into pieces. His soul screamed and fell back in horror. At this moment, he no longer dared to stop it!

As for the two elders who had transformed into dragon shapes, as the fire dragon swept past, the dragon's body collapsed. The two spurted out blood, and their bodies exploded like the white-haired old man with a roar!

The souls escaped, retreating in unison with a fear they would never forget.

The strength of the four of them was actually unable to stop Wang Lin and the fire dragon from taking half a step, and all of them were seriously injured in the rush! Tens of thousands of Canglong Sect disciples all around looked at the scene in front of them, and there was a dead silence.

The fire dragon rushed into the sky, and Wang Lin's body transformed above it. He stood on the dragon's head and looked down.

"Wang didn't kill anyone. Today's disaster is caused by your Zong Lian Wang. You wait and take care of it yourself!" After Wang Lin left these cold words, in the fearful eyes of everyone, he stepped on the ground. The dragon soul of the fire branch moved farther and farther between heaven and earth until it disappeared.

With the power of one person, a sect could not stop him even half a step. This kind of strength and momentum made Wang Lin's figure deeply imprinted in the hearts of the Canglong Sect's disciples.

This battle is destined to make Wang Lin famous in Tianniu Continent!

Until Wang Lin left a stick of incense, in the silence of the three elders who had lost their physical bodies and only their souls were left, and in the trembling body of the middle-aged man who had lost his arms, in the world in the other direction, There was a shocking roar! !

As soon as the roar came out, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the flames burning on the ground suddenly extinguished in an instant, turning into countless black smoke billowing into the sky.

This roar made the four elders tremble. When they looked up, they saw two rainbows roaring between the sky and the earth, one of which almost tore the heaven and the earth apart.

There is a figure in the Changhong, it is a young man. This young man has red lips and white teeth, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He should be extremely handsome, but at this moment his expression is ferocious, revealing a violent anger!

His speed was so fast that he was still far away, but in an instant he was above the Canglong Sect. Looking at the ruins below, the young man was silent for a while.

His silence brought great pressure and fear to the four elders.

At this moment, another rainbow roared over and turned into a woman. This woman was so charming and beautiful that she looked like a woman. But after clearing the ruins below, her expression immediately changed and she left the young man without hesitation. A little further.

First update! Today is the 4th, including today it is already a consecutive day! There is only one day left to equal the record. Ergen is holding back a lot of energy and must break through himself!

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