Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1806 The Problem of Storage Space

I, Du Qing, have always been the only one who robs other people's things and destroys other people's sect houses..." The young man spoke slowly in silence. There was no hint of joy or anger in his voice, but his body showed a strange appearance. It was distorted, and it seemed that its body could be seen changing, as if it had turned into a wooden man.

"No one has ever dared to destroy my Du Qing's sect!!!" The young man looked up to the sky and let out a roar that shocked the world!

Under its roar, the sky roared, large clouds were torn apart and shattered, and a large amount of black smoke rose into the sky and rolled back in all directions, roaring away.

"No one has ever dared to do this!!!"

"Destroy my sect and kill my disciples. No matter who you are, you are dead!!!"

"You are dead in Tianniu Continent!!! I will catch you, I will tear you apart, I will make you suffer for tens of thousands of years, I will make you regret cultivating immortality!!!", the young man roared in a shocking voice. , an extremely terrifying aura erupted from his body. This aura swept all around. Suddenly, the thousands of disciples closest to him didn't even have time to scream. They were all shocked and collapsed and died.

"I'm going to kill you!!" The young man turned around fiercely, raised his right hand and grabbed the disciples around him. Immediately, a young man was grabbed by the young man from the air in fear and pressed on his head.

His majestic consciousness crazily integrated into the disciple's mind, searching for his soul forcefully, without caring that this person was his disciple. The young man let out a shrill scream, and died of breath as his body trembled. His whole body exploded. It opened and turned into a bloody mist.

After obtaining the desired memory, Wang Lin's appearance clearly appeared in the young man's eyes.

"Old... ancestor... that man claimed to be Wang. He said that he did not kill anyone from our sect." The reason why the mountain gate was destroyed was because someone wanted to make him a puppet..." An elder who lost his body, that The old man who once turned into a dragon spoke while trembling.

As soon as he said these words, the middle-aged man next to him who had lost his arms immediately felt his heart skip a beat and sighed secretly.

"Sun Mengde has not been in the Canglong Sect for a long time, and he still doesn't understand the character of the sect master. How can the sect master care about his life and death? What he cares about is face..." The old man had just spoken. "The young man turned around fiercely, staring at the old man named Sun with a ferocious look in his eyes."

"Thousands of disciples who died just now were killed by him! And you, as an elder, even if you lose your body, you have to have God Yao explode to stop you." Since you didn't do this, I will turn you into wood and seal you for a hundred years. punish! "The young man raised his right hand and grabbed the air. The old man surnamed Sun was shocked and was about to step back, but his body trembled and he was grabbed by the young man without any resistance.

I don’t know what magical powers this young man has used.

Gray light flashed all over his body and merged into the old man's soul." In an instant, the old man let out a shrill scream, but his soul was blurred and turned into wood!

Let go." The old man who turned into wood fell directly to the ground. A vortex suddenly appeared on the ground, swallowing him up and disappearing.

Seeing this scene, the Canglong Sect disciples all around were trembling and did not dare to speak.

"Use the power of the whole sect" to find this person for me! ! I only give you three months. If you can't find it after three months, you will all die! !

Announcement to Niuzhou today, anyone who shields this person will bear the consequences! ! "Let's not mention the Canglong Sect here for the moment. Wang Lin was galloping in the sky of Xiangang Continent, his consciousness spread out and he slowly adapted to this strange world.

"With my cultivation, my consciousness can be spread out in the Dongfu Realm" enough to cover most of it, but here, it is suppressed by an invisible law, only half of what it was in the Dongfu Realm...

This kind of thing is obviously not just me, but everyone here! "The basis for Wang Lin's judgment is that during the time he left, no spiritual consciousness emitted from the Canglong Sect locked onto him.

"Shrunk to an inch, it has no effect in this Immortal Gang Continent..." Wang Lin frowned, and tried several times while stepping forward, but was unable to merge into the world.

"This matter is probably not a special manifestation of me. Judging from the time when the ancestor of the Canglong Sect rushed back from his trip, even if his cultivation reached the early stage of the Sky Tribulation like Qicai or Zhan Laogui, he still did not arrive in time. Even if he hurries back, it’s obvious that he can’t even shrink to an inch!” Wang Lin was so fast that he turned into a long rainbow in the sky. He vaguely wanted to understand: “The world of Dongfu Realm, and the world here, look at it. Looks the same, but is actually completely different.

Dongfu is fake, but here is real!

"He can blend into the world of the Dongfu Realm" but cannot blend into the world of the Immortal Gang Continent. In this case, naturally there is no way to shrink into an inch.

"There should be a way to do it, but the requirements for cultivation will be higher." Wang Lin was silent, his eyes filled with thoughts.

Having just arrived here, everything here was unfamiliar to Wang Lin. Fortunately, he searched Kang Ren's memory there. Although he didn't know much, he still knew a lot about Tianniuzhou.

"This is the Tianniu Continent in the Dongzhou within the Immortal Clan of Xiangang Continent... The first sect of Ping Ping, the Great Soul Men is the strongest sect of this Tianniu Continent, and it is also the second of the nine thirteen sects... Wang Linshen The color is a bit complicated, and he is no stranger to these two sects.

"The Great Soul Men, the sect of Fan Shanmeng and Fan Shanlu! The sect with multiple illusions and such terrifying magical powers...and the Yun Yifeng in Kangren's memory. This person has now become the Tianjie of Guiyi Sect. …………

Alas, "I'm still late. Master must have thought that I was dead and wouldn't wait any longer..." Wang Lin sighed secretly, "But what makes him happy is that this Tianniu Continent is where the Seven Colorful Immortal Master Seven Dao Sect is located." land.

"This Tianniu Continent is too big, almost equivalent to dozens of dòngfu realms. Now there is no need to shrink it into an inch." It is too slow to travel by relying on one's own cultivation alone, let alone going to the ancient country of Xiangang Continent from here. The thirty-six counties in the country, this journey would probably take hundreds of years even if they were running at full speed. "

Wang Lin frowned, "Xiangang Continent" is too big...

"That's all, no matter what, I have to go to the original site of the Seven Dao Sect. If the master is not there." Since I promised him, I must complete it. No matter how much time it takes, I must go to the Dao Sect. Where is the ancient lineage!

This is a long-term goal. Before that, I must go to the Donglin Sect. Even if I try my best to enter the Donglin Pond! Wang Lin's heart suddenly pounded when he thought of the mystery of the Donglin Pond.

"But before that, we still have to solve the problem of the storage space. The madman and the silver-clothed lady inside don't know what to do..." Wang Lin knew that the two of them had the blood of Xiangang. Even if the storage space was broken, There will be no surprises.

In the deep sleep, he walked towards the rainbow in the sky, heading straight into the distance. This kind of flying that relied entirely on his own cultivation was a bit too much for even Wang Lin after a long time.

Moreover, the mosquito beast looks too unique, so it is inconvenient to summon it here.

Half a month later, a vast mountain range appeared in front of Wang Lin. This mountain range was endless, with no boundaries visible. A rough calculation suggested that there were tens of thousands of peaks.

Tianniu Continent is full of mountain peaks. Wang Lin knew this from Kang Ren's memory and saw it with his own eyes in the past half month.

"This place is nice." Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he ran straight to the mountains below. In an instant, he rushed into an unusual mountain peak in the middle. In a flash, he entered the mountain.

With a flick of his sleeve, the interior of the mountain peak immediately dissipated and turned into a huge cave stone chamber, which became Wang Lin's temporary retreat.

Sitting cross-legged in the mountain peak, Wang Lin made a secret with his hands. Restrictions appeared, filled the surroundings, and were imprinted on the mountain one by one. Now that he could not take out the magic weapon, he could only use the restrictions to hide his aura.

After sealing the mountain and doing some defense, Wang Lin did not put down the sky-shielding coffin he was carrying on his back, but kept carrying it there. The Immortal Gang Continent here is no better than the Dongfu Realm, and there are many powerful people. Wang Lin must always be cautious to prevent the appearance of the coffin. Accident.

He will feel at ease only if he carries it behind his back.

"Kangren also has a storage space, but it's different from the one in the dòngfu world. His storage space is carved out of his own body. In this way, there will be no restrictions and items can be taken out anywhere. .

This method is very strange, but I have seen it before. In the government world, there are also people who have done it. That was the case with those "immortals from the Dongfu Realm" back then.

They are from the Seven Dao Sect, and the methods are the same... I should have been prepared at that time..." Wang Lin shook his head secretly. Although he was very intelligent, he could not cover everything, and there were still many omissions. .

Sitting there cross-legged, Wang Lin raised his right hand and hesitated because he couldn't guess what the consequences of opening the storage space would be.

"My storage space is opened in the dòng Mansion Realm and can be opened in the void layer." But it will be disturbed. After all, the void layer is still connected to the dòng Mansion Realm. But in this Xiangang Continent, the What should I do..." Wang Lin had a headache, and Shen Yinzhong suddenly waved his right hand.

But he saw a crack suddenly transforming in front of him. The moment it appeared, before he could take out the items inside, the crack suddenly collapsed and dissipated into little crystal lights.

Wang Lin's face was calm, but his eyes were twinkling. He had already guessed about this. The storage crack he opened this time was a newly opened storage crack he opened back then, specifically for the purpose of placing debris. Even if it dissipates, there will be no heartache.

This experiment confirmed that his guess was true!

"Not all items will collapse. Some of them will not suffer too much damage, but they will dissipate and go everywhere." Wang Lin looked thoughtful.

"The blood sword must be taken out, as well as the golden seal where the old ghost ghost's magical power was solidified by the master. This thing has the power of a monk in the early stage of the Sky Tribulation. It is of great use to me now..."

There is also the Kunji Whip, which is specially designed to defeat the soul. If it is lost in the cracks of the storage, it can be obtained...

In addition, the Puppet of Si Si, this thing is comparable to the Sky Tribulation..., and the Ghost Face Sail, "!~!

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