Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1808 Great Replenishment!

As soon as the middle-aged man in the Nine Dragons Emperor's robe was caught, in the main hall, a vortex suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of him. It was spinning rapidly, and there was a dim light inside, and it was unknown where it was leading in the darkness. .

The whistling sound swirled strangely in the hall. Slowly, two vague shadows appeared in the whirlpool, and they were caught by the man in royal robes.

The unconscious man and woman are none other than the madman and the woman in silver!

The middle-aged man in imperial robes ignored the woman in silver clothes, but focused his gaze on the madman. He frowned, stood up and took a step forward. As he moved forward, the madman's body floated strangely on its own, and was moved by the madman. The man in royal robe pressed his right hand on his chest.

A huge stream of immortal power surged into the madman's body. In an instant, a loud banging sound came from the madman's body, like thunder echoing through the hall.

The majestic immortal power roared like a river in the madman's body, sweeping through it, opening up the blocked meridians, and stimulating the madman's bloodline power.

But the madman was still in a coma and never woke up.

"Do it...", the middle-aged man in the emperor's robe frowned, and with a flick of his sleeve, a huge shadow of the sun immediately appeared behind him. When this shadow enveloped the hall, it spread out and filled the sky and the earth. Even from a long distance, you can clearly see that in the sky of the palace, a golden sun emits endless light.

"Daofei, wake up!" The man in imperial robe waved his right hand and pressed it on the madman's chest again. On the top, a golden fairy power rushed into the madman's body and went straight to his head. In an instant, some blocked meridians and blood vessels in the madman's head were opened!

The moment it was opened, some of the depression that had accumulated for countless years was immediately dissipated.

"Brother..." At this moment, the madman's face was rosy, he suddenly opened his eyes, let out a cry of surprise, spit out a mouthful of blood, and passed out again.

The man in imperial robes slowly relaxed his brows, and the shadow of the sun behind him gradually disappeared.

"Send Prince Daofei to rest... let's send this girl with him!" His majestic voice echoed, and immediately there were two golden pipes of smoke lingering in the hall, turning into two girls. After bowing to the man in royal robes, he supported the unconscious madman and the woman in silver and quickly left the hall.

"Dao Fei has been missing for many years. I don't know what happened. He was so seriously injured... and his bloodline power is also a little less... When he wakes up, we must ask him clearly." The man in the imperial robe was sitting on the dragon Sitting on the chair, his expression showed contemplation and he slowly closed his eyes.

Let’s not talk about madmen here for now.

Inside the mountain where Wang Lin was retreating, in the cave where his magical powers were opened, he was sitting cross-legged, breathing out the secrets with his hands, and his whole body was filled with a sea of ​​fire.

As the sea of ​​fire burned fiercely, a huge flaming red bird loomed behind Wang Lin, surrounding Wang Lin, making the sea of ​​fire even more intense.

The sky-shielding coffin that Wang Lin had been carrying when he came to Xiangang Continent had already been put into the storage space he had created in his body. At this moment, with his hands clasping together, the flames outside his body immediately twisted and turned into seven wisps. What looked like seven fire dragons headed straight for Wang Lin's left eye.

It was absorbed by his left eye in an instant, and turned into a flame-shaped brand in his left eye.

The brand flashed and flashed, extremely conspicuous in the dark cave without firelight!

"My own flame origin has solidified, and it is even stronger than when I was in Dongfu Realm... But in this Xiangang Continent, it is incompatible with the earthly fire in Tianniu State...,

Between the two flames, a master and slave must be decided... Otherwise, it will be easier to deal with ordinary enemies, but once you encounter someone who also has the origin of flames, you will be able to tell the clues at a glance, and you will be angry because of it. Very different from me, a bit disadvantageous! "Wang Lin has been in Xiangang Continent for more than a month, and he has gradually felt many differences.

Let's talk about the source of flame. In the Dongfu Realm, all fires in the heaven, earth, stars and sky can be controlled by it. He is just like the Flame Emperor. He doesn't have to worry about the consumption of the flame source, because it can be quickly replenished with just one breath.

But in this Immortal Gang Continent, it is different. Not only is he an outsider, but also the source of the flame. It is very difficult to replenish the power of the flame in large amounts here.

In this situation, during a fight, if you encounter someone who is inferior to others, it will not be a problem, but once you encounter a strong person, it may even be fatal! In Canglong Sect, Wang Lin can challenge the Earth Fire branch soul. It seems easy, but in fact it is not easy.

For him, he could have walked out of the Canglong Sect without choosing to attack the earth fire soul, but in order to test the repulsion of the earth fire here, he took action.

The repulsive power was very strong. Under Wang Lin's forcible control, the fire soul began to bite back after leaving the Canglong Sect. It was suppressed by Wang Lin, and finally merged into the earth and disappeared.

"The repulsive power of the earth fire here is extremely strong. Since the flames of the Immortal Gang Continent do not agree with me, then I do not need to let them agree. I suppress the fusion and strengthen myself!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a cold light, and he snorted coldly. As soon as he closed his eyes, his soul merged into his left eye and turned into a flaming red bird that rushed out from Wang Lin's left eye.

The flaming red bird appeared. It was the transformation of Wang Lin's Yuan Shen. In the high temperature of the cave, it instantly burrowed toward the ground, disappeared directly into the cave, and went deep into the earth.

The entire Niuzhou was filled with branches of earth fire. Under the mountain peaks, there were raging earth fires. As soon as Wang Lin Yuan Shen entered the ground, he immediately felt a hot breath filling the air.

This breath was extremely harmful to the soul, but it was not harmful to Wang Lin. The Suzaku he transformed into was galloping downwards. Wherever he passed, heat also spread out from his body, fighting against the earthly fire.

Because when the spirit enters the ground, what he sees and feels is different from when he enters the body. From Wang Lin's perspective, there is no soil here, but only dots of fire, like a world of flames.

As he went deeper, a roar came from the distance. This roar could not be heard by the ears, but the soul felt it very clearly. With the roar, the heat rushing towards Wang Lin's face became stronger.

The high temperature contained in the heat gun seems to be able to melt all magic weapons and burn the soul of all living beings.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly. This roar was more of a challenge, a collision and explosion of two different flames after they met.

At the same time as the roar came, the Suzaku transformed by Wang Lin also let out a sharp roar. This roar was the cry of the Suzaku. In this underground world of flames, it rushed out like a sharp sword and roared straight into the depths. place!

Wang Lin was extremely fast. As he continued to deepen, every time, he immediately rushed out of the endless distance and came to the source of the roar!

It was a fire dragon with a body tens of thousands of feet long, emitting red light, and full of violent aura. The fire dragon was coiled there, with its huge dragon eyes staring at the Suzaku that Wang Lin had transformed into. The moment it came here, Another roar roared away.

This scene is very astonishing. In this underground world, a dragon and a suzaku looked at each other, roaring and roaring, and started a devouring flame!

The spiritual consciousness sweeps away, and this scene is like this, but if someone can come here and look at it with naked eyes, what they see is completely different. All they can see is a huge flame vein that spreads for an unknown distance! The vein was red, emitting endless heat, and was hidden in the soil underground.

This huge mineral vein is the fire dragon roaring towards Wang Lin now! This fire dragon is the soul of the fire branch mine here!

Similarly, if you look at the Suzaku transformed by Wang Lin with your naked eyes, you will no longer see the figure of the Suzaku. What you will see is a different kind of flame that is incompatible with this place!

There is only one word in this world, called fire! Others, whether they are flames or flames, can represent fire at certain times, but they can never use the word fire!

Fire is overbearing and cannot coexist. It can only be merged and unified!

As the fire dragon roared, it jumped away. The thick sea of ​​fire suddenly expanded outside its body, rolled up its body and went straight to Wang Lin's Suzaku. It opened its big mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

The gaze of the Suzaku transformed by Wang Lin flashed, without flinching at all. The soul of this mere earth fire branch was not qualified to make Wang Lin flinch. However, he saw the Suzaku moving forward quickly with hissing, and at the moment when the fire dragon opened its mouth to devour it, it followed its path. The mouth suddenly rushed in.

"All the fires in this world must obey my orders, Wang Lin, and worship me, Wang Lin, as their master! Even the flames of Xiangang Continent must do the same!" Wang Lin's divine consciousness carries the domineering power of flames, deep in the earth. Everywhere returns to Dàng.

The fire dragon swallowed the Suzaku, and immediately showed signs of pain. Its body twisted, and bursts of flames spread out from its body, slowly turning into the shadow of the Suzaku with its eyes closed. The Suzaku was extremely huge, covering the fire dragon. Quickly go from blur to clarity.

In the process of its clarity, it continued to absorb the fire energy emanating from the fire dragon's body, and while it strengthened itself, the roar of the fire dragon became weaker and weaker, but the intensity of its twisting and struggling was even greater.

On the ground, in the 100,000-strong mountain where Wang Lin was, the ground shook, and loud rumbling sounds echoed all around. Huge cracks appeared in the undulations of the ground, and pieces of ground fire spewed out, burning everything. .

But this process did not last too long. After a stick of incense, the earthly fire spurted out from the ground immediately shrank and dissipated along the cracks. Deep underground, the struggling body of the fire dragon slowly stopped, and was finally captured by the outside of its body. Covered by the clear Suzaku, the Suzaku suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a cold light.

"After absorbing the soul of an earth fire branch, my flame source has actually grown so much!!" The Suzaku body swayed, turned into a sea of ​​fire and went straight to the ground above, appearing in Wang Lin's cross-legged cave, and in an instant Rushed into Wang Lin's left eye.

Wang Lin's whole body was shaken, his soul entered his body, and he opened his eyes.

"This is a rare and great supplement for me!" Wang Lin lowered himself to the ground, his eyes showing a strange light.

It’s the fifth day! After today, it will be a record!

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