Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1809 Du Qing’s shock!

The changes in the fire veins here must have attracted some attention, but now it is just inconvenient to stay here. "Wang Lin stood up as he pondered, and with a flick of his sleeve, he removed all the restrictions he had left in the cave.

Wang Lin didn't want to leave any clues to those who were pursuing him, especially about his ability to restrain. In this strange continent, more mystery meant more self-protection.

The restriction dissipated without a trace. Even if someone saw it, it would be difficult to tell whether it was caused by a magic weapon or a man-made display. Especially when Wang Lin threw his sleeves, the flames roared away, burning the cave for more than ten feet. Deep, in this way, there is no trace left.

After doing all this, Wang Lin walked out of the cave in a flash and stood between the sky and the earth. It was already white, cloudless, and the sky was blue and bright.

Breathing in the breath of Xiangang Continent, Wang Lin stepped towards the distance and galloped away.

His speed was extremely fast, and he turned into a rainbow and disappeared at the end of the world in an instant. His flying speed was faster than before. At this moment, he used all his strength and flew thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

On the third day after Wang Lin left, rainbows roared over the hundreds of thousands of mountains. The person in front of him was Du Qing, the ancestor of the Canglong Sect. His expression was gloomy, staring at the mountains below. He raised his right hand and pressed towards the mountain peak.

Immediately, the sky and the earth roared, and a wooden arm about a hundred feet thick suddenly emerged from the earth. This arm rose from the ground, carrying a flame, and punched the mountain peak.

With a thunderous roar, the mountain peak collapsed in trembling motion, turning into countless rubbles that rolled back and swept across all directions.

"Three days ago, there was a strange change in the ground fire here. The monk named Wang is obviously hiding here! Damn it, I have already used my full speed, but it's still too late..." Du Qing's eyes showed murderous intent, and Dayou shook his head in silence.

"Spread out on the spot and continue searching. I don't believe he can escape from Tianniu Continent!" Du Qing took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

"If this person hides, it will be difficult to find him... It seems that we need to ask the Great Soul Sect for help..."

Wang Lin had no intention of avoiding the other party at all. If he really wanted to hide, he could just find a distant mountain peak and immerse himself in it. If he came out after ten or eight years, there would naturally be no further trouble.

The main reason why he left was that he discovered a great tonic that made his flame origin stronger!

At this moment, in the sky, Wang Lin's consciousness spread out and enveloped the earth below. His eyes were shining with excitement.

"There are many branches of earth fire in Tianniuzhou.

Judging by the looks of it, there are probably more than thousands of them. If I can absorb them all, and even absorb the flames of the princess pulse, will my fire origin... be able to condense the true form of the origin like in Donglinchi! "Wang Lin's breathing became a little rapid when he thought of this.

He vaguely guessed that no one had ever tried to absorb the fire from Tianniu Continent in the Immortal Gang Continent. They had all been recognized by the fire of heaven and earth, realized its origin, and thus became powerful.

If he reaches the realm and his origin grows stronger, he may be able to become the King of Fire, but in the final analysis, he is still very different from Wang Lin.

Wang Lin is not from the Xiangang Continent, and his fire origin was not realized here. He has not been recognized by the fire here. As a result, there must be rejection.

It's like the relationship between complying with God's will and going against it, but it's also like this that after Wang Lin swallowed an earth fire branch soul, his fire source increased greatly!

"Xuan Luo once said that from ancient times to the present, no one from the cave world has ever forcibly left and entered the Xiangang Continent. And since I was not reincarnated, I naturally did not grow up here!

The Xiangang Continent is not only not a dangerous place for me, but a treasure! "The light in Wang Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter. He crossed endless paths as he moved forward, and soon came to another place filled with mountains.

The mountain peaks here were all emerald green, and there was no trace of earthly fire at all. However, Wang Lin relied on his sense of fire origin and glanced around. He seemed to see a huge fire dragon deep in the ground under the mountain peak. Close your eyes and fall asleep.

The moment Wang Lin's eyes fell on the fire dragon, the fire dragon suddenly opened its eyes. Its eyes were a sea of ​​fire, staring at Wang Lin across the earth and the mountain.

Roar! !

A roar whirled around, the earth shook, the mountain peaks swayed, and there seemed to be a roaring wind. However, the sound of the dragon's roar was inaudible to ordinary people. Even the monks found it difficult to detect it. Only Wang Lin, who contained different fire origins, could I could clearly hear the roar of extreme repulsion among the same kind.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he snorted coldly.

"Fire Branch Soul, you dare to roar at me, how brave you are!" Wang Lin took a step downwards, and in an instant he stepped on a mountain peak. He raised his right hand and grabbed downwards fiercely.

"Pump the Earth Fire Soul!"

As his right hand suddenly raised, the mountains roared, and seas of fire erupted from the ground and rose into the sky. The mountain peaks at Wang Lin's feet collapsed with violent vibrations, and rubble flew everywhere. A head was thousands of feet tall. The fire dragon rushed out directly from the collapsed mountain peak.

The moment it appeared, the blue sky immediately turned red, as if it was burning with flames. There was a loud magnetic sound, but cracks were torn open, and strips of fire were flowing.

The fire dragon was larger than the one Wang Lin had devoured before, and the power of the flames emitted from its body was comparable to the full blow of an ethereal monk.

With the roar, the huge head of the fire dragon approached Wang Lin directly and hit him head-on. The heaven and earth shook, like a flaming meteor descending from the sky and heading straight for Wang Lin. The astonishing momentum was enough to make all the monks face him. Discolored by it.

But Wang Lin's expression was calm and unchanged, with a cold light in his eyes. The moment the fire dragon rushed towards him, he raised his right hand and punched the fire dragon!

A roaring sound rose from the sky and the earth at this moment. Wang Lin swayed slightly and stood there without taking a step back. However, the fire dragon let out a shrill roar, and its head suddenly collapsed and exploded backwards.

In the collapse, the fire dragon's head turned into a sea of ​​fire, showing signs of condensing again. In the sea of ​​​​fire, the dragon's eyes were the first to condense, emitting an angry light.

But Wang Lin didn't give the fire dragon's head a chance to completely condense. He took a step forward. The flames in his left eye flashed, and a Suzaku transformed into his pupil. It suddenly rushed out from his pupil and transformed in front of him. Take a deep breath towards the fire dragon.

"The soul of the earth fire branch has not returned to its place!" At the moment when the Suzaku swallowed it up, Wang Lin's majestic voice echoed in the world.

The golden body of the fire dragon shook, and the sea of ​​fire formed by its collapsed head was immediately twisted and sucked into Suzaku's mouth. The suction force became stronger and stronger. In the end, the earth shook, the sky and the earth changed color, and the entire fire dragon His body suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire and was sucked away by Suzaku!

After absorbing the souls of the two Earth Fire branch veins, the Suzaku's body immediately swelled and became tens of thousands of feet long. It floated in the air and seemed to cover the sky.

The fierce flames caused the Suzaku to let out a shocking neigh.

This scream turned into layers of ripples, with the Suzaku as the center, and continued to spread out in all directions. Wang Lin took a step forward and stepped on the head of the Suzaku. His whole body was filled with a sea of ​​fire.

The Suzaku screamed and immediately galloped forward. From a distance, it looked like a cloud of fire flying across the sky!

Wang Lin could clearly feel that the source of fire was growing stronger again! This kind of growth made him excited. You must know that when he was in the cave world, the fire source had stopped changing and was fixed there. Wang Lin originally thought that this was the limit of the fire source and thought that it was the real success.

But he always felt that something was missing, but he couldn't figure it out.

Until the drastic changes that occurred in the various gates at the core of the cave and in the east pond opened a door to a higher level for Wang Lin.

Let him know that his flame origin can actually turn into his true form! He would never forget the powerful feeling he felt after his true form appeared.

The simplest change is that the magical power is no longer used once, but twice overlapping. The power is far more powerful than it is now! Wang Lin had never imagined this kind of change before.

Now in this Immortal Gang Continent, the source of fire is growing stronger again, rapidly closing the distance in the direction of its true body!

In this strange and powerful Xiangang Continent at this moment, there is nothing more exciting than the increase in cultivation. Without thinking, Wang Lin stepped forward on the huge Suzaku, and his spiritual consciousness spread, looking for The next branch of earth fire!

Two days after Wang Lin left, a long rainbow roared from a distance. The person inside the long rainbow was none other than Du Qing, the ancestor of the Canglong Sect! This time, he arrived so quickly that Du Qing's body transformed on this land. His expression was gloomy with a hint of shock. His eyelids subconsciously jumped a few times as he looked at the mountains below.

"Something's wrong. This person caused the earth fire to change. It could be said to be an accident once or twice, but now it's three times! He obviously did it intentionally, but why did he do it?"... Du Qing frowned, He couldn't figure it out.

His body swayed down and he stepped on a mountain peak. Du Qing's consciousness spread out, he took a careful look at the earth, and even went deeper into the ground.

Upon seeing this, he suddenly took a breath and his expression changed drastically!

"The earth fire veins withered, the earth fire dissipated, and this branch actually died!! He was absorbing the earth fire. This... This is simply impossible... Even if a monk possesses the source of fire, he cannot If you dare to forcibly absorb the earth fire, once you do so, it is very likely to cause the backlash of the fire source in the body, and you will be repelled by the fire of heaven and earth in Tianniu State... Jia..., how did he do it, what on earth is he going to do!" Du! There was horror in his blue eyes.

He has never heard that someone can absorb and devour the earth's fire veins. The source of fire in the Immortal Gang Continent often enshrines the earth's fire. After gaining recognition and understanding its origin, he does not dare to swallow it at all, and he cannot swallow it!

The second update is here, please vote for me!

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