Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1822 Earth Fire Main Vein!

"Fan Shanlu walked all the way into the largest cave at the bottom of the mountain without encountering any obstruction. Even when she met fellow disciples who were meditating here, they didn't take a closer look after realizing it was Fan Shanlu.

They simply don't think that any outsider can enter here under the eyes of the master, and Fan Shanlu is a core disciple on Yanmai Peak. Not only does she have a high status, her sister is also valued by the master, and she seems to want to pass on the mantle. look like.

In this way, the other disciples would not be embarrassed or troubled by Fan Shanlu, allowing her to enter the cave smoothly and step into the deepest part of the cave, a closed stone room.

The door of this stone chamber is red, emitting endless heat. Once an ordinary monk approaches this place, the blood in his body will immediately feel like burning, let alone retreating inside it.

To be precise, this stone chamber was carved out of the main vein of earth and fire. Meditating in it is equivalent to meditating in the body of the main vein of earth and fire.

It is not that only the fire origin can be practiced here. Under the will of the earth fire main line, except for the water origin, all other virtual and real origins can be cultivated within.

The main purpose is to use the will of the flame to squeeze and form a pressure. In this way, an effect similar to time change can be achieved. If you practice within it for one day, the existence of this pressure is often equivalent to many days outside.

This stone chamber is the most precious place in Yanmai Peak, and only core disciples can enter it.

Fan Shanlu sent a message to Wang Lin as she approached all these matters. At this moment, standing outside the stone room, Fan Shanlu raised her right hand and waved forward. Then she saw the red door slowly opening, revealing a gap that could pass through. The moment the gap appeared, a low roar came from There was crazy noise coming from the crack.

Immediately afterwards, a sea of ​​fire spread from the gap, turned into a fire dragon, and engulfed Fan Shanlu.

Fan Shanlu's eyes flashed, and at the moment when the fire dragon came, she spoke softly and made a strange sound.


As soon as this sound came out, the fire dragon immediately trembled and collapsed in front of Fan Shanlu. It turned into dots. Sparks spread out in all directions. Fan Shanlu did not hesitate anymore and took a step toward the crack in the stone door. She stepped directly into this place. In the stone room, as he entered, the door of the stone room slowly closed.

At the moment when the fire dragon accident occurred in the stone chamber, in the cave at the top of Anmai Peak, a young woman in her thirties, wearing a white robe, suddenly opened her eyes while sitting cross-legged.

This young woman's appearance is extremely stunning, enough to make everyone's heart beat with excitement after seeing it.

Her eyebrows are like crescent moons, her eyes are like phoenixes, and there are some shining five-star chips on her forehead, which is very charming.

She glanced forward seemingly casually, and her spiritual consciousness roared up, filling the stone room below the mountain peak." However, she did not go deep into it, and then took it back after scanning.

"This is the first time Lu'er has gone there for retreat since she came back. It's good for her. She can forget those troublesome things." This young lady is Fan Shanlu's master!

Opposite the young lady, there is a woman who looks very similar to Fan Shanlu, but is obviously a bit colder. This woman is also familiar to Wang Lin. She is Fan Shanmeng!

Her eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes. After a moment of silence, Ran sighed to herself, closed her eyes again, and sat up to meditate.

In the stone room under the mountain peak, "As soon as Fan Shanlu entered, she immediately felt a heat wave hitting her face." Sweat broke out on her forehead immediately. This heat wave was the second best thing. "In this stone room, there was a will coming from all directions. This will It is extremely powerful and turns into a pressure. Anyone who steps in will be immediately enveloped by this pressure. They need to sit cross-legged and meditate immediately to get familiar with it.

"I can't go too deep into this stone chamber. I haven't been here for a long time. I can only wait for you here." As Fan Shanlu spoke, a wisp of tobacco flew out of her sleeve and turned into Wang Lin, standing aside. .

As soon as Wang Lin appeared, heat waves roared around him, but the moment he approached Wang Lin, Wang Lin opened his mouth and inhaled sharply, and all the heat waves were sucked into Wang Lin's mouth.

Wang Lin's expression remained as usual, and the heat wave he breathed into his body immediately turned into traces of fire source, nourishing Wang Lin's whole body.

"Sure enough, it is where the main vein is. Just this heat wave is equivalent to more than ten branch veins..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed. This is the place he wants.

Looking around this stone chamber, this place is not square. It cannot even be said to be a stone chamber. It is a long place with walls all around it red. The deeper you go, the more amazing the red color becomes.

"One foot is a degree. There are thirty-seven feet here. You can choose the position to absorb according to your own needs." Fan Shanlu's clothes were almost wet with sweat after a while. She sat cross-legged by the door and whispered softly. Open your mouth.

"You can leave on your own after three days. I may stay here longer. In this way, even if some changes occur, it will not have much impact on you." Wang Lin cupped his fists towards Fan Shanlu and turned around. Go straight to the depths of this place.

He was more than twenty feet tall in a flash. The moment he landed, the thick flame power roared from all around, but it had just enveloped Wang Lin, but it was immediately absorbed into his body.

Taking another step forward, Wang Lin arrived at the thirty-seven-foot mark, which is the deepest part of the cave." Sitting cross-legged, Wang Lin made a hand gesture and without wasting any time, he pressed it directly on the ground on both sides!

At this time, he can be said to be in the body of the earth's fire main vein, absorbing its will and the power of the fire origin! And being in the great soul sect where there are so many strong men is like pulling out a tooth from a tiger's mouth.

Fan Shanlu watched Wang Lin's figure go away. Her eyes were distorted by the high temperature radiating from the red wall, and her vision gradually became blurry. After a long time, she sighed softly, closed her eyes and sat up to meditate.

As for Wang Lin, his eyes flashed, and under his hands on the ground on both sides, the power of the flames roared up, went straight to his hands, and rushed into his body crazily.

Gradually, Wang Lin's body was filled with flames. Three days later, his aura completely disappeared and merged with the main vein of earth and fire, making it difficult to detect. Only then did his consciousness slowly spread out and flow through his body. Through this stone chamber, go straight to the depths of the main vein of earth fire.

Wang Lin's body is already saturated with the source of fire. No matter how much he absorbs, he cannot condense the true form of the source. What he has to do is to devour the will of the main vein of earth fire!

Only after devouring that will and becoming the Lord of Earth Fire in Tianniu Continent, could Wang Lin's original body be completely condensed.

"This time, it must be done!" Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness turned into the original body in the main vein of earth fire. The head was still the true body of Suzaku. Although it looked a little weird, it dispersed from his body. The original power and the will of fire "are extremely amazing.

From the perspective of Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness, the earth fire main vein is clearly an endless range, a huge fire dragon lying in the depths of the earth. This dragon's body exudes the aura of vicissitudes and decay. It seems to have existed for countless years. From that earth fire Transformed by the main vein.

It has no intelligence, only a will." This will is like the mighty power of heaven, existing all over the body of the fire dragon, constantly squeezing towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's true form's eyes flashed, and he sneered. Not only did he not dodge, but at the moment when his will came, the flames of his body dissipated and he began to devour it rapidly.

Devour this will!

Nourish your will!

Condensate the hand's own, real will of fire!

In this devouring, the entire Earth Fire Main Vein trembled, and then, an even larger Earth Fire Will, which seemed to destroy everything, came suddenly, covering Wang Lin's whole body, as if to crush him into pieces.

But this is not Wang Lin's real body. "This is his original true body. The coming of this will" not only did not make Wang Lin feel uncomfortable, but after being devoured in large quantities, his true body's head suddenly showed signs of change. , on the chin, it no longer looks like a suzaku, but the skin is exposed!

This change cheered up Wang Lin!

"Follow this will, find the head of the dragon soul of the Earth Fire Main Vein, and go there to absorb" my true body is complete! Wang Lin knew that time was running out, and without any hesitation, he followed the majestic main vein of earth and fire and headed straight into the depths.

He wants to find the head of this Earth Fire Main Vein Dragon Soul! The true body must be condensed before the strong men of the Great Soul Sect discover the abnormality, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

Three days passed in a flash. Fan Shanlu opened her eyes from her cross-legged position. She could no longer feel Wang Lin's presence. After a moment of silence, she stood up and walked out of the stone room.

After Fan Shanlu left, no one came to this stone room, and no one discovered Wang Lin's existence, but this was only temporary! Wang Lin's true body was in the endless place deep underground at the moment, swallowing and squeezing while The coming will, while galloping "towards the deepest point where the will came from, the head of the Earth Fire Main Vein Dragon Soul" moved forward crazily, as if racing against time!

Three more days passed, and at dusk on the third day, Wang Lin no longer knew how far he had penetrated into the main vein of earth and fire." Gradually, he saw the huge dragon soul of the main vein of earth and fire, and its head!

It was a flaming dragon's head that was about tens of thousands of feet in size. It looked old, and even its breath seemed to be filled with decay. "The moment he saw the dragon's head," Wang Lin's original body roared and rushed into the dragon's head. Inside the dragon soul’s head.

The moment it rushed in, the Earth Fire Main Vein Dragon Soul suddenly shook its whole body and let out a shocking roar!

This roar was transmitted from the earth to the ground, which caused the main vein of earth fire to vibrate violently. Under this vibration, the Yanmai Mountain in the Great Soul Sect began to tremble and roar continuously. A large number of rocks fell off, and more A thick sea of ​​fire roared and spread from the mountain peak.

This sudden change immediately made the cross-legged young woman in the cave at the top of the mountain suddenly open her eyes. Her expression changed, and her consciousness spread without thinking, covering the entire mountain in an instant. Under the sweep, her complexion changed drastically!

"How brave!" The young woman swayed and rushed out of the cave in an instant. She teleported and appeared at the bottom of the mountain. She quickly entered and blasted open the red door of the stone chamber with a flick of her sleeve.

The moment the door was blasted open, Wang Lin's body, which was thirty-seven feet inside, was immediately sucked by the "flame cage grass" and rolled straight down along the main vein of earth fire.

"I want to run away!!" The young lady looked angry.

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