Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1823 The young woman miscalculated!

Wang Lin had already prepared for the fact that the female cultivator who had reached the early stage of the Sky Tribulation in Yanmai Mountain Bu Na would notice him sooner or later. Almost at the moment when the young woman teleported over, the part he left in his body The soul used the flame to wrap around the whole body, merged with the earth in an instant, followed the main vein of earth fire, and went straight to the source of the true body.

As the flames rolled around his body and galloped, Wang Lin did not feel the slightest burning sensation. This was because his original body shuttled away first and absorbed a large amount of fire will. Otherwise, Wang Lin's body would not be in the fire original body. After leaving, I couldn't bear the power of such fire.

This is also the reason why his body did not merge into the earth until the young woman came.

The young woman's eyes showed evil intent. She could clearly feel the trembling of the earth's main vein of fire, as if someone was absorbing it crazily in the depths. This change made her feel murderous in her heart.

"Dare to use such tactics in front of me" You are seeking death! "The young woman stepped directly to the stone room thirty-seven feet away." As soon as her footsteps hit the ground, her whole body merged into the earth and she ran straight towards Wang Lin's body.

The two of them galloped away one after another. As the main veins of earth fire continued to vibrate, the Yanmai Mountain seemed to collapse. All the disciples inside quickly flew out of the retreat, looking solemnly in the air. The trembling crimson peaks.

Fan Shanlu was also among them. She knew that all this must be related to Wang Lin, and she smiled bitterly in her heart, secretly thinking that no matter where Wang Lin Wu stood, it would cause earth-shattering changes.

Fan Shanmeng was also in the crowd. Her eyes flickered as she looked at the red mountain peak. After a while, she suddenly looked at her sister Fan Shanlu.

"Sister, you brought outsiders into the stone chamber, right?" Fan Shanlu's mind immediately echoed the voice of her sister Fan Shanmeng.

"Although you are my sister, don't talk nonsense. I have been used by you for so many years in the cave world, and now I am framed by you. Do you still have a conscience?" Fan Shanlu turned around fiercely and stared at her. Sister, her eyes are cold.

She could never forget that in the cave world, her sister had even designed it for herself in order to control Wang Lin. The dangerous scene made her feel chilled and sober at the same time.

Fan Shanmeng fell silent and did not speak again.

While the Yanmai Mountain was shaking, the auras of several powerful men within the Great Soul Sect roared up, and waves of terrifying spiritual consciousness filled the air and enveloped the Yanmai Mountain.

This mountain is just the main peak of the Great Soul Sect. There are forty-nine such main peaks in the Great Soul Sect! It seems that not every main peak has a monk in the early stage of the Sky Tribulation, but it can also be seen that the Great Soul Sect is huge and powerful.

Let’s not talk about the Great Soul Sect for now.

Deep in the earth's main vein of fire, Wang Lin's body was filled with flames, and he moved forward at an extremely fast speed. Behind him, the young woman's whole body was filled with evil energy, and she was chasing after him.

It's just that the will of Wang Lin's original body is currently entangled in the earth fire main vein. As a result, "Wang Lin is like a fish in water here" moving forward faster and faster, but the young woman is slightly disturbed and it is difficult to exert her power. Go all out.

The distance between the two seemed impossible for a moment, and they were getting deeper and deeper towards the main vein of earth fire.

And in the deepest part of the earth fire main vein, inside the huge head of the earth fire main dragon soul, Wang Lin's original body had already rushed into it, sitting cross-legged inside the dragon head, making seals with his hands, frantically Absorb and devour the will of this dragon soul.

Time is running out and crises are everywhere. Wang Lin has no time to think about anything else. The only thought in his mind now is the will to devour this fire.

As it was devoured, the Princess Dragon Soul let out a painful roar. The original body of Wang Lin inside her head, the chin position had completely turned into skin, and no longer looked like a Suzaku, and this change was slowly spreading. Soon it spread to the mouth of its original body, revealing Wang Lin's lips!

"Faster, swallow some more!" Wang Lin's true form's eyes were anxious, and his heart seemed to be roaring. The Earth Fire Lord Dragon Soul roared to the sky, and its body kept twisting. The pain of being swallowed made it feel At the crisis of death.

As his body twisted, waves of waves spread in all directions, shaking the earth, making the earth inside the Great Soul Sect seem to be shaking, especially the Yanmai Mountain, which was trembling and roaring, but it was at the top of the mountain. It suddenly collapsed and turned into countless rubble scattered.

A sea of ​​​​fire burst out suddenly, and when it reached the sky, it seemed to burn the sky.

This incident attracted great attention from the Great Soul Sect, and all the disciples outside the mountain peak retreated to avoid it.

"what's going on!"

"Could it be possible that someone could sneak into the main vein of Earth Fire!"

Waves of uproar echoed, and more disciples from the Great Soul Sect in the distance also came one after another.

The young woman deep underground naturally felt the changes in the earth more strongly. Her expression was gloomy, and her beautiful face seemed to be covered by frost. She stared at Wang Lin's body in front of him as he escaped. She suddenly raised her right hand and pinched it. Under the spell, an ancient bronze mirror suddenly transformed into his hand.

"The Dao pattern of the ancient mirror turns into the shadow of heaven and earth, chase this person!" The young woman waved her right hand forward, and the ancient mirror immediately emitted thousands of rays of light, with roars and roars swirling inside. A large amount of steam and black gas swirled around, turning into a huge grimace.

"A roar." The ghost face rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, madly.

In an instant, the distance between him and Wang Lin's physical body was more than half closed! And it was still going on. In almost a few breaths, the grimace appeared less than thirty feet behind Wang Lin's physical body!

Wang Lin's mind was divided into two parts. One part was devouring the fire dragon's will in the original body, and the other part remained in the body and controlled the physical body. At the moment when the ghostly face appeared thirty feet behind him, Wang Lin turned around fiercely, and in his eyes There was a flash of cold light.

", the ghost face magical power of the Great Soul Sect..." Wang Lin's eyelids twitched, and without hesitation, he took a step forward with his right foot. With this step, ripples immediately appeared in front of him, and in an instant, his body disappeared without a trace. Almost as soon as his body disappeared, the roaring grimace came and swallowed the place where Wang Lin had just disappeared.

A loud roar echoed in the depths of the earth. After a moment, the young woman turned into a rainbow and roared over. She paused here for a moment, and her brows couldn't help but frown.

"This is..." While she was deep in thought, she raised her head suddenly, and she faintly felt Wang Lin's body reappearing deep in front of her.

"Being able to teleport within the main vein of earth fire, this person should not be underestimated..." This young woman also tried, but was unable to teleport within the main vein filled with the will of earth fire. Wang Lin can do it, she Although he was surprised, he didn't take it too seriously.

"This person has never teleported before. Obviously, even if he teleports here, it will consume a lot of immortal power. I want to see how many times he can teleport!" The young woman snorted coldly, with her jade hands in front of her. With a wave, the grimace immediately transformed into a low roar, wrapped around the young woman's body, and rushed forward again to chase her.

Wang Lin's physical body kept galloping. Every time when the ghost face and the young woman were about to catch up, they would teleport away from each other, but their direction was unknowingly, not towards the depths of the earth's fire main vein. He went to where the original body was, but made slight adjustments. As a result, there was a slight difference, but in fact it was completely different.

Wang Lin's true body, in this relatively safe environment, attracted the young woman's attention with its own body. No one came to disturb her for a short period of time, and the speed of its absorption and devouring became even faster.

In the constant devouring, Wang Lin's original body slowly revealed its nose!

The Earth Fire Main Vein Dragon Soul struggled, its body twisted crazily, but it still couldn't stop Wang Lin's real body from being absorbed. This had nothing to do with his cultivation. This was a collision and devouring of fire.

The earth fire main vein was obviously no match for Wang Lin in this devouring process!

Soon, the eyes of Wang Lin's original body suddenly changed from the Suzaku eyes and turned into real eyes! The gaze was calm, but in that calmness, one could see two fires burning fiercely.

The Earth Fire Main Vein Dragon Soul's huge body would cause violent fluctuations every time it struggled, causing the earth to tremble and make a loud roar.

Wang Lin's true form made a hand seal with both hands and let out a low roar. However, his forehead also suddenly changed. It was no longer a Suzaku, but a real skin!

The moment his nose, eyes, and forehead all changed, an earth-shattering will burst out from Wang Lin's true body. This will seemed to have just been born, but it was rapidly growing by swallowing the dragon soul.

From a distance, Wang Lin's real body has completely changed from the forehead down. Only the hair above the forehead still looks like a Suzaku, especially the hair, which is clearly the long feathers of a Suzaku!

"With only the hair left, my true body can be completely condensed!" Wang Lin's true body flashed his eyes and swallowed it again. But at this moment, because the dragon soul twisted and vibrated too much, the ripples echoed, and the pursuit in the distance The young woman in Wang Lin's body suddenly froze, her figure appeared from the ghost face, her expression changed, and she bit her silver teeth!

"What a miscalculation! This person also has a clone deeper inside. He used this person to attract my attention, and unknowingly made me ignore his clone in the pursuit!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to pursue. Not only did the vibrations in the earth's fire main veins not decrease, but it became more intense!

damn it! "The young woman reacted, her expression became even more sinister, she dodged, and simply gave up chasing Wang Lin's physical body. Instead, she went straight to the depths of the Earth Fire Main Vein, where Wang Lin's original body was, and she galloped away.

The young woman stopped chasing, and the moment the direction changed, Wang Lin naturally noticed it. He smiled slightly and looked very calm. "The reason why he stayed in the stone room was because the main vein of earth fire in the original body did not devour the sun." Many years ago, apart from being unable to withstand the scorching heat, more importantly, he wanted to distract the pursuers.

Now, it has been successfully delayed for a moment!

I don’t know how many people will regard the name of this chapter as... The first update is here, please vote for me. (To be continued)

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