Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1884 The Heavenly Ox Ding Yang

This kind of silence seemed to be specially designed to let him go. The pupils in Hu Lin's eyes shrank. The reversal of the previous things was too sudden. He had many things that he didn't understand, but at this moment, he didn't have time to think too much. His body swayed and his whole body turned into a ghost. Changhong roars away

He ran as fast as he could and headed straight to the gate of Guiyi Sect, roaring all the way. Behind Wang Lin, the old man Bian Yun's eyes showed a strange light. With his cultivation in the late stage of Kongjie, he crossed endless steps and headed towards Wang Lin hurriedly chased after him.

The two of them, one behind the other, galloped through the Guiyi Sect. They soon crossed the Guiyi Sect and flashed out from its mountain gate. The moment they walked out, another purple rainbow flew out, and then, that The Guiyi Sect's mountain gate suddenly moved and returned to normal.

Wang Lin flew out of the mountain gate of Guiyi Sect and flew thousands of miles at a gallop. Within thousands of miles of Guiyi Sect, it was not suitable to use Shrink to the Ground, especially the operation of the mountain gate formation, which disrupted the world. breath.

Just when Wang Lin left the chaotic area and was about to use Shrink to the Ground to leave, the cloud behind him was already chasing him. His expression was cold, his right hand suddenly raised, and the sky suddenly changed during the seal. But in the bright blue sky, seven shining star points suddenly appeared. Those seven star points, like the seven stars in the night sky, were still shining during the day.

"Seven Star Kill!" A cold light flashed in Bian Yun's eyes. In order to get the valuable treasure that was rewarded after killing Wang Lin, even though he noticed that there was something wrong with Gui Yi Sect's attitude towards Wang Lin, he didn't care at this moment. He wanted, It was just the soul order mission of Wang Lin's rebellion issued by Gui Yi Sect's leader.

"If you take this Wang Lin head, you can use it to return to the Guiyi Sect in exchange for rewards. Even if there are some problems, I pretend not to see it. In this case, it is considered to be executing the order of the leader of the Guiyi Sect. I think that big Soul Gate, I can't say anything, Wang Lin, Niu Jing, rebelled first, and I am the one who kills the rebels!" Bian Yun, as a casual cultivator, can practice to the middle stage of the Sky Tribulation, and can even be recognized by the Heavenly Bull. The beetle soul armor must have its beginnings. At this moment, an idea flashed in my mind and I made a decision.

The moment Yun Yun raised his right hand, the seven stars in the blue sky suddenly shone brightly, faintly, as if there were forces of heaven and earth condensing in the blue sky from all directions. In an instant, the seven stars gave out an earth-shattering sound. Howling, as if falling, suddenly falling from the endless sky.

The roar seemed to be able to pierce the sky, forming an indescribable force. There were ripples under Wang Lin's feet. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at the sky.

But he saw in the blue sky, at this moment, seven black rainbows like meteors were roaring towards him at an extremely fast speed. At the head of the black light, a black meteorite the size of a fist could be seen, approaching crazily. .

From such a distance, you can see that the meteorite is as big as a tou. If you are closer, it must be extremely huge.

In Wang Lin's glance,

The meteorite that was as big as a fist in his eyes had turned into a basin and was still expanding rapidly. Judging from its appearance, it is afraid that it will cover the surrounding area for thousands of miles, turning everything within these thousands of miles into ruins.

This kind of magical power can only be achieved by Na Bianyun after his cultivation has increased dramatically with the help of the Longhorn Soul Armor.

There were more and more ripples under Wang Lin's feet. His eyes flashed, and he was about to shrink down and leave. Nayun Yun obviously didn't know about his magical power. In this way, no matter how strong his magical power was, he wanted to There is no possibility of retaining Wang Lin.

But at this moment, suddenly, a purple rainbow came speeding behind the cloud over there. Inside it, Tang Jia, with a complicated expression, stared at Wang Lin in the distance. His speed was extremely fast, and he was about to approach the cloud in a blink of an eye. Look at its appearance. , as if trying to pass through it.

"Senior Bian Yun, Jiajia helped you, and as a reward, I only want the Five Elements Fire Armor!" Tang Jia's soft voice filled the air as the world roared. Before Bian Yun could reply, Tang Jia was approaching Bian Yun in an instant. Baizhang.

Bian Yun frowned, but didn't say anything, but Wang Lin suddenly stopped before leaving. In his eyes, he clearly saw that Tang Jia was galloping towards Bian Yun. There seemed to be something fishy at the moment.

"What are you doing!" Bian Yun also noticed the abnormality, his eyes flashed, and his big sleeves suddenly flicked. As he stepped back, a black wind transformed from outside his body, forming layers of protection. However, he saw Tang Jia, with both hands There was a piece of golden light flashing in the pupils of his eyes, he raised his jade hand and pointed forward, and immediately eight golden gates suddenly appeared in all directions around the cloud.

"Eight-door seal!"

The eight golden gates emitted endless golden light. After appearing, they went straight to the side clouds to shrink and condense.

This sudden scene made Wang Lin's eyes freeze. In a very short period of time, his mind was full of thoughts, but he did not hesitate at all and gave up leaving. Instead, his body flashed and his whole person turned into a faint light. , heading straight for the sealed edge cloud.

Wang Lin's character has always been like this. If others don't provoke him, he will not only have to do it, but he will not provoke others easily. But now that Yun wants to kill him first, his wife Lin will fight back immediately if she finds an opportunity. The moment he saw Tang Jia using Golden Gate, he recognized why the other party made him familiar. Therefore, the aura and feeling of the woman were very similar to that of the third concubine Tang Shan!

After contacting her name, Wang Lin could already tell that there must be a deep connection between this woman and Tang Shan.

All of this happened in an instant. The clouds over there were caught off guard. Three of the seven stars that descended from the sky suddenly lost control and disappeared into the sky, but the remaining four still roared. Come on, judging from its appearance, I'm afraid it won't be long before it falls to the ground.

As the four stars fell, a black flame burned on the meteorite, making it astonishing. Before it fell, layers of heat waves rushed straight to the earth, and there was a power that seemed to reverse the transformation of heaven and earth. Covering all directions.

Ignoring the stone falling from the sky, Wang Lin instantly approached Bian Yun who was blocked by eight golden gates. He suddenly raised his right hand and waved forward fiercely.

But the sky and the earth roared, and the seven-color spear transformed. Its color suddenly changed three times, and finally became the seven-color three-change technique, roaring straight towards the edge of the cloud.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Lin used his unparalleled casting speed to make a clap as he stepped forward. Immediately, the huge six-finger demon handprint suddenly transformed and went straight to the cloud over there.

If only these two magical powers were not enough to severely damage this side of the cloud, Wang Lin gritted his teeth at this moment, made secrets with both hands at the same time, and pointed towards the sky at the approaching moment.

Suddenly the sky and the earth roared, but the earth turned into an ocean, the sky and the earth were dark, and the scorching sun suddenly appeared in the distance.

The Can Ye technique was performed for the second time in Wang Lin's hands after putting on the soul armor.

And Tang Jia, now that he had taken action, he didn't hesitate at all. He waved his hands forward during the seal, only to see a huge golden whip suddenly appear in the dark world shrouded by the Can Ye Art.

The whip roared and whipped, heading straight towards Bian Yun with a momentum that seemed to collapse the sky. Her spell casting speed could not be compared with Wang Lin. She only completed one after Wang Lin used three magical powers in a row.

Bian Yun's complexion changed drastically. He was now blocked by the eight gates. These eight gates were the magical powers that Tang Jia was best at, and they were exerted by her at the peak of the mid-air calamity after putting on the soul armor. Their power was mainly entangled, Murderous intent flashed in Feng Yun's eyes. At this moment, he no longer considered anything else. He bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out blood. The blood turned into a blood mist, forming countless blood-colored ferocious ghosts. They roared towards the Eighth Route Army with a shrill roar. The door crashed open.

With a bang, the eight gates collapsed. As soon as Bian Yun resumed his actions, he was immediately faced with the colorful three-change spear that was speeding towards him. He had no time to dodge, and flicked his sleeves with both hands, and a small white palm-sized hand suddenly appeared in front of him. The shield, its light flashed, collided with the colorful spear.

Under the loud rumbling sound, the spear collapsed, but the small white shield also had countless cracks. Before it could collapse, Wang Lin's six-finger magic seal was seen rapidly shrinking from endless size, and finally turned into an indescribable weapon. When it reached ten feet, it hit the small shield.

This small white shield no longer had the slightest resistance and shattered directly, causing the palm print to fall in front of Bian Yun.

Roaring and whirling, Bian Yun's complexion immediately turned pale, his body was curled up, he raised his right arm, pointed his eyebrows fiercely, looked up to the sky and let out a low roar.

Under his low roar, a beetle soul shadow suddenly appeared behind him. It also roared, forming waves of ripples. The ripples spread out and collapsed the six-finger magic seal. However, Wang Lin's magical power disintegrated three magic seals in a row. At that moment, shrouded in the art of residual night, the scorching sun on the other side completely raised its head, bursting out with the power to tear apart the night!

"Xin... Xinjutsu!!" Bian Yun couldn't clearly see the clues of the scorching sun's memory until he was hit by the continuous blows. Suddenly, his eyes showed unbelievable horror and he quickly retreated.

But just as he was retreating, Tang Jia's golden whip seemed to shine with the scorching sun. With a flick, it drove away the darkness and came straight to the clouds. It was approaching in an instant, and with the roar, it hit the clouds. In front of you.

Bian Yun spurted out blood, looking extremely embarrassed, and rolled back again. The only thought in his mind at this moment was to withdraw from the range of this magical power. However, he was still a step slower. The scorching sun rose into the sky, and the light spread crazily to the surroundings with a tearing force. The clouds over there spurted blood again, and his eyes were blood red. At this moment, he felt the crisis, and in his heart, in an instant, There was a decision.

While retreating, Bianyun suddenly stopped, raised his hands, and pressed them between his eyebrows. The moment his body leaned back slightly, he violently swung forward.

At the moment of this swing, a phantom of a beetle appeared outside Bian Yun's body, which seemed to raise its front hooves and use its horns to blast away the sky. The phantom let out a shocking roar and faced the rising sun. , bumped into it!

Recommendation votes are needed! There will be explosions, but they don’t necessarily have to be in double... (To be continued

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