Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1885 That sentence!

That sentence in Chapter 1885 of Volume 12 Immortal Gang Tenth Yang!

That day the cow soul shadow went straight towards the scorching sun with a sense of madness. Here Yun Xiuwei was extremely powerful after putting on the soul armor, but at this moment, after he made such an action, as that day the cow shadow rushed towards In the scorching sun, the cultivation aura on Naibian Yun's body dropped sharply, returning from the late stage of the air tribulation to its original middle stage of the air tribulation.

With this magical power, he actually temporarily gave up the soul armor he was wearing, threw it out, and turned it into a real beetle soul, using it to blast away the remaining night in the world!

All this happened in the blink of an eye. The cow soul collided with the scorching sun at an extremely fast speed that day, causing a shocking roar. In this roar, Wang Lin spurted out blood, and at the same time that Can Ye's magical power collapsed, his body retreated hundreds of feet in succession.

As for Bian Yun, his body swayed, and he seemed to have aged for a thousand years. A mouthful of blood spilled out, and his body quickly retreated. But how could Wang Lin let him leave? Regardless of his injuries, he rushed out and ran straight towards the retreating Bian Yun. Go and kill him while his soul armor is scattered.

Tang Jia was silent and did not choose to take action again. Her previous help was only on behalf of her sister. At this moment, she glanced at Wang Lin's speeding figure with a complex look, turned around and disappeared without hesitation.

Wang Lin looked murderous and approached Bian Yun in an instant. He raised his right hand, made a fist and punched Bian Yun. This punch contained the power of ancient Taoism. With one punch, the heaven and earth changed, and the roaring sound echoed. The cloud rolled back and spurted out a large amount of blood.

Wang Lin was also shaken, but gritted his teeth and rushed out again.

There were several roars between the two of them, and there was fear in Yun's eyes. He had never seen crazy people before, but this was the first time he encountered a madman like Wang Lin who didn't care about himself and only wanted to kill people. arrive.

During the continuous bombardment between Wang Lin and Bianyun, suddenly, thousands of miles away in the Guiyi Sect, a big black hand suddenly transformed and grabbed him.

Wang Lin's expression darkened, he gave up on killing, and took a few steps back. The ripples under his feet reverberated, and his body disappeared in an instant, blending into the heaven and earth.

The big black hand came directly, grabbed Bian Yun, and dragged him back to Guiyi Sect.

This battle, from the beginning to the present, was extremely short. It was only after Wang Lin left that the four meteorites in the sky suddenly fell and went straight to the earth. With a loud bang, within a thousand miles, An endless dust mist was set off. After a long time, the mist dissipated and the ground sank deeply. Only the countless broken black stones emitted billowing black smoke after burning.

About two months away from here, by flying alone, ripples echoed in the sky over a continuous mountain peak. Wang Lin's figure stepped out in one step,

His face was pale, and he stood there in silence for a long time after appearing.

After a while, he raised his head and looked around, his expression very desolate.

"Tianniuzhou, it's time to leave..." Wang Lin sighed secretly. He lowered his head and glanced at the ground below him, but his whole body was stunned for a moment.

He is familiar with this place, he has been here before, this is where the Seven Dao Sect was located on Tianniu Continent.

He moved inadvertently and had no fixed direction, but he didn't expect that he would end up here.

Looking at the black mist lingering in the mountains below, Wang Lin sighed, turned into a rainbow and rushed straight into it, speeding through the mist, flying towards the direction of the Seven Dao Sect that he had visited before in his memory.

Not long after, Wang Lin saw a group of palaces that exuded a sense of decay on a mountain peak submerged by mist. On the square outside the central hall, Wang Lin fell down. The bluestones on the ground had been damaged a lot. , overgrown with weeds, he sat cross-legged there, looking at the Qidaozong, the desolation in his heart was slowly replaced by a touch of warmth.

This, in a sense, is his home.

Closing his eyes, Wang Lin sat here and adjusted the injuries in his body. The soul armor had been put away by him a long time ago. In that weakness, Wang Lin released the Protector and slowly began to heal the injuries.

Time flew by and it was three days. Three days later, Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the Seven Dao Sect. He stood up. When he came here for the first time, he just glanced at it. Now when he came back for the second time, he With complicated emotions and the desire to leave Tianniuzhou, he walked step by step through the Seven Dao Sect.

He walked through every building and hall, and every place where the Seven Dao Sect disciples lived.

Finally, Jean walked into the main hall of the Seven Daos Sect and the Mountain Gate. In the main hall, there was a huge seat, which obviously belonged to the Seven Color Immortal.

Looking at the silent hall, the ground, tables and chairs were covered with dust, giving off a smell of decline.

After standing there and watching quietly for a long time, Wang Lin closed his eyes and seemed to feel the existence of the cave world. He suddenly felt homesick.

I miss the cave world and everyone there.

He seemed to vaguely see that in the fairy world of the cave, a beautiful woman with swaying long hair was standing on a mountain, holding a dragonfly, looking at the dark sky, as if she wanted to find someone in the dark sky. a pair of eyes.

After a long time, Wang Lin opened his eyes and walked out of the hall. Standing in the Seven Paths Sect where he was the only one present, Wang Lin's expression gradually darkened.

The cruel reality still needs to be faced by him.

"In the past few months, there must have been a shocking change in Tianniu Continent! This change caused the Guiyi Sect to change the reward for me...or, in other words, forced me to betray Tianniu...but But they let me leave...

As for the Great Soul Gate..." Wang Lin's eyes suddenly flashed. He vaguely felt as if he had grasped something, but it was not clear. He quickly raised his right hand, and when he opened his palm, a three-inch person suddenly appeared in his palm. .

After the man appeared, he immediately knelt in the palm of his hand and bowed three times to Wang Lin!

Wang Lin was shocked and held his palm. His derivation and calculation just now seemed to be in a fog and he couldn't see anything clearly, but there was a sentence that vaguely appeared in his heart.

"Since this is the reason for the reward, I won't change it. If Wang Lin doesn't abide by it, it can be judged!"

This sentence was the concentrated consciousness of the young ancestor Shitou in the Guiyi Sect. It was left by Wang Lin and conveyed through the leader of the Guiyi Sect.

After carefully recalling the sentence, the art of Soul Expansion, after three prayers, only this sentence emerged from the blur, there must be meaning in it!

After Wang Lin murmured several times, his body suddenly shook violently and he raised his head suddenly, his eyes bursting with light.

"Since this is the reason for the reward, I won't change it. If Wang Lin doesn't abide by it, it can be judged!"

"The last word of each sentence is, cause, cause, change, and judgment!"

"Things have changed, traitor!"

"Things have changed, betrayal!" Wang Lin took a deep breath. This sentence was based on the sound. After analysis, no matter how it was explained, it had only one meaning. The ancestor of Qingniu reminded Wang Lin in this way to let him Rebellion!

"With the cultivation level of the Qingniu Ancestor, he also needed to use this method to hint me, and because he was worried that I wouldn't be able to tell, he negotiated with the leader of the Guiyi Sect to force me out of Tianniu Continent with unfair rewards... "

"Being traitorous to Tianniu Continent means that I cannot stay in Tianniu Continent and must leave as soon as possible... Could this Qingniu Ancestor ask me to leave Tianniu Continent as quickly as possible..." Wang Lin Momo felt that there was a huge mystery in Tianniu Continent. This mystery was an important reason why the Great Soul Sect and Guiyi Sect changed their attitudes.

Similarly, in Wang Lin's guess, this mystery is likely to be closely related to the Green Devil Continent. He had suspected very early on what the war between the two continents was about...

Wang Lin thought a lot, but this was all his analysis, and he didn't know the real secret here. After a while, Wang Lin looked into the distance with a decisive look in his eyes.

"That's all, this place is just a pool of muddy water. Now that this matter has happened, there is no point in thinking about it. It's time to leave Tianniuzhou..."

"However, I am afraid that my departure will not be that simple. There may be obstacles along the way... If one of my guesses is true, then most of the people who will block it are... From the Green Demon Continent!" Wang Lin murmured, and was about to leave when suddenly his expression changed, and he suddenly looked up at the black mist covering the mountain peak, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

After Wang Lin disappeared, he saw the mist rolling, and a figure flying faintly from outside. This figure was very cautious. After carefully observing the surroundings in the mist, he looked behind him to make sure that no one was following him. He breathed a sigh of relief, slowly landed, and stepped on the square of the Qidaozong Mountain Gate.

"Damn, I encountered some twists and turns on the way. I came here a few days late. I hope I didn't delay the ancestor's arrangements..." The figure showed nervousness on his face. After he landed, he looked around again and found a place. In the corner, he was about to sit down cross-legged.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly echoed in the square.

"Du Qing!"

This figure was none other than Du Qing. When he heard someone calling his name, he immediately flew up, his expression showing panic, but soon the panic turned into surprise!

"Fellow Daoist Wang Lin!" He recognized Wang Lin's voice.

Wang Lin frowned, and his figure appeared. He looked at Du Qing, whom he hadn't seen for a while, and suddenly spoke.

"Who asked you to come?"

"Elder Wang, it was the Great Soul Sect Qingniu Ancestor who found me and asked me to go on the road a few months in advance. I arrived here three days ago to deliver something to you." Du Qing quickly fell down and stood in front of Wang Lin, with his right hand He lifted it up and grabbed it, and immediately a black stone appeared in his hand.

The stone looked very ordinary. Du Qing held it in his hand and tried his best to find out the clues, but found nothing. However, thinking of the serious expression of the Qingniu Ancestor, he felt vaguely that this thing It's a treasure.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he took the black stone, held it in his hand and took a look, his pupils shrank, he noticed the aura of Hunyan Dao on it.

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