Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1923 Meeting

Inside the gate of Meng Tuzhou, in the endless dust storm, Wang Lin's voice echoed between heaven and earth, as if the roar of the dust storm could not suppress its sound at this moment. Under Wang Lin's voice, everything seemed to be close to stillness. .

But the dust storm that was just approaching Zhou Dynasty was still changing, and the sand was still flying.

But despite this, this whirlwind of spiritual thoughts gave all the monks in the earth gate a storm that entered their hearts and shook their souls.

Under this spiritual thought, the higher the cultivation level, the deeper the feeling. In the gate of Meng Tuzhou, his ancestor cultivated to the level of Jin Zun. Although the sect leader did not reach the level of Jin Zun, he was also a monk in the late stage of Kong Jie.

These two people are the strongest cultivators in the entire earth sect.

At this moment, the leader of the Earth Sect was reprimanding his three direct disciples in the main hall. He looked serious and pointed at one of them angrily. His words were filled with pressure that made the three disciples tremble.

But at this moment, Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts roared towards him. He had no intention of embarrassing the low-level monks, so the three disciples with low cultivation levels could still resist. However, their expressions suddenly changed, as if there was a strong wind. A sweeping feeling.

But the face of the Earth Sect leader suddenly changed. His mind was like a hundred thousand thunders exploding, making him feel as if the Tianshan Mountains had collapsed on him. In a flash, without thinking, he immediately transformed into A long rainbow went straight to the ground gate.

He didn't dare not go or disobey!

There is also the old man Jin Zun of Dimen who has been in seclusion for many years. He has a high status and will never leave easily. At this moment, he is sitting cross-legged in meditation and immersed in breathing. Suddenly, there is a roar in his heart. Wang Lin's In an extremely domineering way, the divine thoughts forcibly broke through all obstacles and swirled in the deepest part of his mind.

The golden ancestor of the Earth Gate suddenly opened his eyes, showing horror and shock.

"Tianzun!!" At this moment, the Jinzun ancestor felt as if the world collapsed in front of him, as if he only needed one of the collapsed fragments to sweep over and he would fall.

Fear directly filled his mind, and the golden ancestor immediately swayed and teleported straight out of the ground door.

In addition, in this underground gate, in an attic in the area where the fifth-level disciples were, the man named Qing, the moment he heard this divine thought, his body suddenly shook, and there was a look in his eyes. I was even more confused just now.

Not only him, but also the woman next to him trembled, and there was a flash of confusion in her eyes.

The entire sect,

Among the 30,000 disciples, all of them were shaken by this spiritual thought, but they were all in awe, with confusion in their eyes. Only this man and one woman were the only ones.

However, the two of them never knew that in just a moment, the two of them had such a similar scene.

Outside the Earth Gate, Wang Lin stood calmly on top of Hai Long's head, looking at the Earth Gate Jin Zun Patriarch who appeared in the dust storm ahead, as well as the Earth Gate Sect Leader who rushed towards the Earth Gate from inside the Earth Gate like a rainbow.

After the golden ancestor appeared, the first thing he saw was the sea dragon under Wang Lin. The moment he saw this dragon, he was frightened. You must know that the sea dragon is equivalent to the golden level among monks, and it belongs to a higher level. The level is slightly stronger than that of the Demon Sect leader.

"The golden sea dragon is the mount..." The golden ancestor of the Dimen was sweating on his forehead. He looked at Wang Lin, who was looking calmly at the top of the sea dragon's head. When Wang Lin glanced at him, the golden old man's heart trembled. Without hesitation, he clasped his hands and bowed deeply to Wang Lin with utmost respect.

"Dimen Zheng Tianlin, pay homage to senior."

As he spoke, the Changhong transformed by the sect master inside the gate roared closer. After just one glance, his face immediately turned pale. He was shocked by Wang Lin's luxurious mount and stood obediently next to his ancestor, facing Wang Lin in awe. A bow.

"Senior is here, but I am not welcome from afar. I still hope that I will atone for my sins. If I don't dislike it, please come to my sect to have a rest. I will allow you to respectfully meet me." Zheng Tianlin, the ancestor of the Golden Lord, looked extremely respectful and did not dare to offend him in the slightest. , for fear of offending the terrifying Tianzun monk in front of him.

He didn't even dare to use his consciousness to check Wang Lin's cultivation. It would be very impolite for a low-level monk to use his consciousness to check on a strong person at will.

With the terrifying divine thought just now, he could clearly judge that the opponent must be Tianzun, and the mount of the golden sea dragon shocked him even more.

"I have only seen Tianzun monks twice in my life, and each one of them was a person who could make a whole state tremble with his stamping of feet... This man suddenly came to my gate. Could it be that someone in my gate provoked his old man?"

This state, Africa!

"There's no need to join the sect. I'm passing by Mengtu Continent and I need your most complete map of the nearby continent. Can you give me a set?" Wang Lin smiled slightly and slowly spoke to the golden old man.

In his smile, the Jinzun Patriarch felt relieved in his heart. He was afraid that someone under his disciples might have offended Tianzun unintentionally. You must know that there are only a little more than a thousand Tianzun monks in the entire Immortal Clan Continent, and most of them are In Zhongzhou, some of them followed the Great Heavenly Lord, and the rest stayed in a powerful sect and became the true ancestors.

At this moment, hearing that Wang Lin turned out to be just for the map, the golden old man Zheng Tianlin nodded quickly.

"Senior, you're welcome. I have the map of my sect with me. This map covers the entire Dongzhou and even most of Nanzhou." He said, and immediately raised his right hand to grab the void, and a golden Yijian was in the air. Inside, he stepped forward and handed it to Wang Lin respectfully.

Wang Lin took it and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. The map range described in the slip exceeded the tortoise shell on his body and was quite detailed.

"There are actually many maps of Nanzhou." Wang Lin smiled slightly and glanced at the golden old man.

Seeing that Wang Lin looked very satisfied, the golden elder Zheng Tianlin felt more relaxed and spoke respectfully.

"After I just became the Golden Lord, I went out for training, and went as far as Nanzhou. I wrote down everything I saw and heard along the way, as well as the general scope, and then I sketched this Yujian. If necessary, senior, no need to Just take the rubbing and take it away, I still have a backup here."

Putting aside his desire, Wang Lin wanted to offer some benefits, but he had just become a Heavenly Lord, and he had been in the Scorpion Temple of the Green Demon Continent for more than a hundred years, so he really didn't have anything very useful.

You must know that a simple map is very private in Xiangang Continent and will never be easily given out between sects. This is something that has been accumulated by the sect for several generations.

After a moment of ecstasy, Wang Lin raised his right hand and grasped the void. Immediately, a trace of flame condensed in the palm of his hand and turned into a flame. The flame was immortal and contained a small amount of the origin of fire.

"I won't take your map of the earth for nothing. This object contains a trace of the origin of fire. If someone in your sect can understand it and integrate it into the body, it can increase the chance of condensing the origin of fire." As he said this, Wang Lin waved his right hand forward. , the source of fire went straight to the old man Jin Zun.

There was surprise on the old man's face, and he quickly took it, put it into the storage space with great treasure, and bowed to Wang Lin again. But in his heart, he sighed secretly, thinking that every one of these Tianzuns are extremely stingy people. The two they met back then were like this, and the third one they met now is also like this.

After giving Huo Miao and taking Yu Jian, Wang Lin turned around and was about to leave when his consciousness swept over the door of the ground very casually. This was just his subconscious behavior and was due to his cautious character. Hai Long was underneath him. At this moment, it flew out of a hundred feet.

"Congratulations, senior!" The golden old man was completely relieved and bowed with clasped fists.

The sect leader of the Earth Sect beside him, who always accompanied him respectfully but had no right to speak, also quickly bowed with his fists clasped in his hands.

But at this moment, Wang Lin suddenly stopped in his steps, turned around sharply, and stared straight at the ground door. A huge wave arose in his heart! !

At that moment, with the sweep of his consciousness, he noticed for the first time the breath of the soul that shocked his heart! !

With a sway of his body, Hai Long under Wang Lin felt Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts. He roared to the sky and turned into a roaring wind, heading straight for the gate of the earth.

This scene changed so suddenly that the golden old man Zheng Tianlin had no expectation at all. Suddenly, his expression changed drastically, and the sea dragon roared from above his head and rushed into the underground gate!

"Senior!!" Zheng Tianlin looked surprised and uncertain. He immediately turned around and turned into two rainbows and headed straight towards Wang Lin with the equally perplexed Dimen Sect Master beside him.

In the Earth Gate, as the sea dragon rushed in, and as its roar echoed across the heaven and earth, the entire 30,000 disciples in the Earth Gate were trembling, and they had the illusion that the power of God was coming.

The sea dragon was floating in the area where the fifth-level disciples were. Wang Lin stood on top of the sea dragon and looked down, with a trance in front of his eyes.

The old man Jin Zun and the Dimen Sect Master were chasing after him at this moment. The people on the side were even more surprised, especially the Dimen Sect Master, whose face was pale. He didn't know why Wang Lin suddenly turned around and came back, but looking at Wang Lin's expression, But it's like the heart is pounding and beating.

"Senior, this is where the fifth-level disciples of my Earth Sect are..." The golden old man cried out inwardly. After taking a deep breath, he hurriedly introduced with cupped fists.

"Fifth-level disciples obey the order and all go out. Why don't you come and see the seniors!" The old Jin Zun's mind was racing, and he vaguely guessed that the reason why the moody Tianzun monk turned around and came back was probably because of the reason why the fifth-level disciples were here. , someone displeased him, or he was a descendant of his enemy.

"Fortunately, we are the fifth-class disciples. Even if we are all dead, we can't offend this heavenly master!" The golden elder Zheng Tianlin immediately made a decision. Following his words, in the area of ​​the fifth-class disciples below, several monks appeared. Thousands of people, all with pale faces, quickly walked out and knelt down to Wang Lin below, about to pay their respects.

In the crowd, there was a man named Qing, and beside him was the woman.

The two people were about to kneel down to meet each other at this moment, but Wang Lin's eyes flashed down from Hai Long. With a flick of his sleeve, a gentle force spread out, preventing the two people from kneeling down to meet him. .

Looking at the man, Wang Lin's eyes showed softness.

"Brother Zhou..."

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