Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 1924 Wait until the autumn wind blows...

Wang Lin took a step forward, and all the disciples of the Earth Sect who were between him and the man quickly dispersed to both sides as if they were not under his control. When Wang Lin's footsteps fell, the man named Qing stood there. around.

"Senior..." The man was stunned and looked at Wang Lin, at a loss. The same thing happened to the woman next to him, with a look of panic. From their point of view, Wang Lin must be a shocking person if he can have Patriarch Jin Zun and the sect leader by his side!

This scene fell in the eyes of the golden elder Zheng Tianlin, making him stunned. Doubts immediately arose in his heart, but no matter how much he thought, he could not find the real answer, but he did not act rashly.

The Earth Sect leader next to him immediately showed a cold light in his eyes after seeing this scene. He was suppressed by Wang Lin's momentum and never dared to speak. He could not see Wang Lin's expression and could only see his back. But at this moment, He consciously found an opportunity and immediately pointed at the man named Qing and started to drink.

"You two are so brave. I will expel you two from the sect without senior taking action!" As he spoke, his body swayed and he was about to step out.

"Stupid!!" When the old man Jin Zun heard this, his expression immediately changed. He turned around and flicked his sleeves, about to stop the actions of the sect leader of the earth gate.

But before he could take action, Wang Lin suddenly turned around, and the softness in his eyes turned into a chill.


The sound of rolling words was like thunder exploding at the gate of the earth, turning into a roaring sound, and filled with countless echoes, forming a huge wave of sound, which immediately hit the sect leader of the gate of the earth. It trembled, spurted out blood, rolled up its body, and ran straight into the distance.

One word, one sound can cause a monk in the late stage of the Sky Tribulation to be seriously injured and retreat. The pupils of the golden elder Zheng Tianlin's eyes contracted and he immediately stepped forward and bowed to Wang Lin with cupped fists.

"Senior, please calm down. This junior's descendant has not been practicing Taoism for a long time. Although he is talented, he acts recklessly. He is spoiled by the junior. The junior will abolish his position as the sect leader and leave it to the senior to deal with it. The junior will then create a new one." !”

This sudden scene caused the thousands of fifth-level disciples around to freeze, looking at Wang Lin with eyes full of indescribable fear.

The man named Qing was even shaken. The woman next to him held his hand, and their palms were already sweating.

"You...what's your name now?" Wang Lin looked at the man named Qing. Looking at him, in a trance, he seemed to have seen the burning body of the year. He also wanted to protect the female corpse in white. He even took out the aspiration crystal while laughing wildly. Give yourself the majestic appearance of burning your soul to fight the enemy!

Even more vaguely,

After seeing the sword spirit, looking at Qingshuang who had forgotten his memory in the indifference after waking up, and the countless years of silent companionship in the bitter pain, forever, forever, he never gave up, even in hell, even in waking up. The strangeness behind.

His love is shocking, his love is earth-moving! !

The magical power of magic cannot cover up your thousand-year obsession...

"My name is Qing..." The man looked at Wang Lin and spoke softly. On his body, even when facing Wang Lin now, there was still that coldness in him.

" that a word..." The moment Wang Lin heard the name, his heart was stung. His pain came from his understanding of the man in front of him, and from witnessing the other man's rough feelings with his own eyes. lifetime.

"Well, I am an orphan. I named myself Qing." The man was silent for a moment and then spoke slowly. The woman next to him held his hand tighter.

"A love that cannot be forgotten even in reincarnation... He was infatuated with her all his life in his previous life, guarding his body for thousands of years, looking at each other strangers after waking up, waiting for countless years, waiting for the day she remembered him... Obsessed for life... Reborn in this life, his name , called Qing... This is his name, this is clearly the woman he is obsessed with, Qingshuang's Qing!!" Wang Lin looked at the cold man and didn't speak for a long time.

That coldness is different from Qingshui. It was brought by the sword spirit in his previous life. In his previous life, he was the sword spirit. The coldness of the sword has nothing to do with love. It will still exist after his reincarnation.

"I changed his and Qingshuang's reincarnations back then... Especially Qingshuang, even though she was Qinglin's daughter, she was still the most changed by me!" Wang Lin sighed secretly and looked at the woman next to the man. , the woman looked nervous, with panic in her eyes, clutching her lover's hand tightly, as if she was afraid of losing him, as if she was also scared in front of Wang Lin, as if she would be helpless if she didn't hold her lover's hand. help.

She was afraid of Wang Lin. The first time she saw Wang Lin, her heart trembled. That fear came from the depths of her soul and seemed to be imprinted on her life and could not be erased.

"What's your name?" Wang Lin looked at the woman and spoke slowly.

The woman's body trembled, and she subconsciously took a few steps back, hiding next to her lover, holding her lover's hand tightly, her face pale, without any trace of blood.

"Her name is Zhou Yiting..." Wang Lin was answered by the man beside her who was holding her hand. He looked at Wang Lin and spoke calmly.

"Zhou Yiting..." After Wang Lin heard the name, he looked deeply at the woman.

"Qingshuang back then was called Ting'er in Zhou Yi's mouth... The word Yi means both memory and Yi... She should never recover the memory of her previous life in this life..." Wang Lin closed his eyes, he I did something back then.

He shouldn't have done this, because everyone has the right to have their own memory, but Wang Lin secretly erased Qingshuang's memory when he was reincarnated! !

It's not a seal, it's an erasure! ! ! The soul pain caused to Qingshuang when the memory was erased but not sealed, was still imprinted in her soul even after her reincarnation, causing her to have unimaginable fear and fear after seeing Wang Lin. .

"I don't believe that you didn't recover your memory of Zhou Yi back then, but you chose to be indifferent all your life. I have witnessed the experience of you and Zhou Yi for most of your life. Since you chose to forget and you also chose to be in my life, then I think If you did this intentionally, I’ll erase it for you!!

From now on, your reincarnation will never have the memory of your previous life, only this life! ! "These were Wang Lin's inner words when he was erasing Qing Shuang's memory.

He didn't tell anyone, and no one else noticed. This was his own initiative to help Zhou Yi!

" have advanced cultivation, can you help me solve a puzzle..." When Wang Lin closed his eyes, the man holding the hand of love hesitated for a moment and spoke in a low voice.

The moment he opened his mouth, the woman beside him grabbed his hand hard, as if she wanted to merge into one body and not be separated until death. Her expression showed tension and sadness, and even her fear of Wang Lin was forgotten. Similar.

"Qing, that's a dream, that's just a dream!!!"

Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the man who hesitated to speak.

The man held his lover's hand, looked at her, and murmured softly.

"I just want an answer."

"I have been cultivating Taoism so far, and my cultivation seems to have been experienced before, and I quickly reached the level I am today... During these hundreds of years, I have always had a dream, and this dream looks the same every time...

In that dream, there was a woman. I could only see her back. She was wearing a white dress, which made me feel very familiar, but heartbroken and indifferent. I always wanted to see her face. Want to know who she is...

In my vague feeling, it seems that she is like my wife in my previous life... If I really had a previous life... she should be like my wife...

It seems that the purpose of my life is for her, to wait for her to turn around and take a look at me..." The man spoke in a low voice, with deep confusion in his eyes.

He looked confused, as if he had been guarding the cave world for thousands of years, just because there would be a miracle in his life...

There was silence all around, with only the man's voice echoing. The golden old man looked at this scene, then looked at Wang Lin, as if he had some guesses, and remained silent.

Wang Lin looked at the man and didn't speak for a long time. He could erase Qing Shuang's memory, but he was unwilling to change the man's memory because this man was his friend and his benefactor.

He wanted him to choose the life he thought was right.

"Once a year, I walked under a tree and looked at a certain leaf on the tree. I liked it very much. When autumn came, in the autumn wind, I came to the tree again, but I couldn't find it. When I can't find the green leaves I like, I thought I couldn't find them...

But I didn't know that it was still there, but the color changed... When I turned around and left with melancholy, a dead leaf on the tree was rolled up in the autumn wind, surrounding me, accompanying me all the way, but I was melancholy. I still miss the green leaves of the past, but I don’t know that what I am waiting for and looking for is by my side...

This is my answer to you. Wang Lin said softly with memories in his eyes.

"If one day you feel that my answer is correct, just take this pill. It will prevent you from having that dream again." Wang Lin turned around and walked step by step towards Hai Long's head in mid-air, leaving behind A withered yellow pill, like an autumn leaf, floated in front of the confused man.

"Zheng Tianlin, he and his wife were my best friends in the past. Now they are reincarnated in your gate. This matter is your fate. I will take action three times for your gate! If something happens to them, I will only take care of you. Ask!" Wang Lin's voice echoed in the mind of the golden old man. At the same time, a piece of paper with Wang Lin's mark flew out from the sea dragon and headed straight for the old man.

"Thank you Tianzun!!" The old man Jin Zun's whole body was shaken and he immediately bowed to Wang Lin. This is a great gift! !

At this moment, the wind blew, blowing the silk of the man and the woman. The two different strands of silk were intertwined together in the wind, like two butterflies dancing around each other.

Wang Lin did not unlock the man's memory seal, but gave him a choice. He turned around and took a deep look below. Wang Lin withdrew his gaze, and the sea dragon beneath him roared and took Wang Lin away instantly.

"Zhou Yi, Brother Zhou, forget me, forget the cave, forget everything about your previous life. In this life, cherish the people around you. She is the dream you have been waiting for your whole life, and you hope to turn your head and look at you. figure." Wang Lin sighed.

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