Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1925 Tianmen

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"This may be unfair to Qingshuang, and also unfair to Qinglin - I shouldn't have done this - but Zhou Yi's thousands of years of infatuation... that's all, I can't be perfect." Wang Lin sigh

With the roar of the sea dragon beneath him, he left the gate shrouded in dust storms. Before coming, Wang Lin never expected to meet him and her here.

"Situ, Qing Shui, Xu Liguo, Liu Jinqi...and many friends from back then, I wonder where they are now...whether they are also looking up at the sky." Wang Lin sat cross-legged on top of the sea dragon, looking up at the sky. , with a look of confusion in his eyes

"I don't know if Situ has started the princely life he likes, I don't know where Brother Qingshui is, Xu Liguo is cunning and changeable, I don't know how he is now..., Liu Jinbiao has realized his deception, is he still realizing it now...

And... Li Qianmei." After meeting his reincarnated old friend for the first time in this Immortal Gang Continent, Wang Lin's heart was filled with ripples of memories. As he walked forward, a person from that year flashed before his eyes. a fresh face

Hai Long galloped all the way, and under Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts, he went to another extremely powerful sect in this continent, the Meng Tu Sect.

This sect is named after Meng Tuzhou, which is comparable to Dimen.

With Wang Lin's Tianzun cultivation, coupled with the gold-level Hai Long, the Meng Tu Sect and his party went very smoothly. The ancestor of the Meng Tu Sect respectfully presented the map and jade slip, for fear of offending Wang Lin. Lin Buxi

In the Mengtu Sect, Wang Lin also used his spiritual consciousness. Knowing that the possibility was unlikely, he still tried to find out whether there were any old friends in this sect.

But got nothing

With a sigh and blessings to Zhou Yi and Qingshuang, Wang Lin sat on the sea dragon and left Mengtu Continent, galloping towards Tianzhou in Dongzhou.

In the entire Dongzhou, there are only a few monks at the Tianzun level. It is rare to see that there is a sect named Tianmen in this Tianzhou, which is listed as one of the nine sects and thirteen sects. There is an ancestor in this Tianmen, and it is rumored that he is A genius of the same generation as Luo Yunhai

It's just that his cultivation stopped at the realm of Tianzun. He once followed the Twin Great Tianzun, but something happened later. He left silently and returned to Tianmen without going out for tens of thousands of years.

In Tianzhou,

The strongest sect is Tianmen. Among the thirteen sects of Jiuyu, this Tianmen is the only sect in Tianzhou. It can be said to be the overlord of one side.

Tianmen is different from other sects. It does not have only one mountain gate, but has a total of nineteen branch sects throughout the entire continent, completely controlling the resources of a state.

At this moment, a huge sea dragon is galloping across the sky and earth in Tianzhou. Wang Lin is above the sea dragon, looking at the earth below with a calm expression.

The reason why this continent is called Tianzhou is precisely because it is full of low clouds and mist. The clouds and mist should have been in the sky for nine days, but here due to some strange changes, the clouds and mist are on the ground, as if they are reaching out. Just like you can catch it

As a result, today's state looks like a fairyland and is also shrouded in misty clouds all year round.

In this Tianzhou territory, there are countless mountains, among which there is the highest peak. This peak is called Tianfeng by the people in this continent. It is surrounded by white clouds. From a distance, it is impossible to see the complete mountain body like that mountain. There is something special about being covered by clouds and mist

On this day, the figure of the sea dragon outside the Tianfeng appeared under the distortion of ripples and hovered in the sky. Its huge dragon eyes stared at the mountain below. Its cultivation level was equivalent to that of the Golden Lord, and it was completely released at this moment. , covering all directions

Wang Lin above his head, dressed in white, looked like an immortal in the white clouds. His body took a step forward into the void, stepping on the endless white clouds under his feet, walking step by step towards the top of the Tianfeng Peak.

At the top of this peak, amidst the white snow, Wang Lin stood there with his hands behind his back, letting the howling wind blow his white hair. Behind him, the sea dragon suddenly came over, circling and shaking his head. Lift it up and look around coldly

"Wang Lin, I would like to invite the ancestor of Tianmen to meet you at Tianfeng!!" Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness spread out, and a divine thought like the roar of thousands of thunders spread faster around the place where he was, centered on the place where he was. Come, turn into a real sound of thunder, roaring, covering all directions in the blink of an eye, and even filling half of today's continent.

In Tianzhou, all the branch sects of Tianmen, as well as all the monks in the many sects that are dependent on Tianmen, were all shaken at this moment, hearing this sweeping divine thought that was like the power of heaven.

Even the clouds and mists in Tianzhou seemed to collapse at this moment. They spread around with spiritual thoughts and quickly avoided them, causing the clouds and mists within tens of millions of miles around Wang Lin to tear apart!

In Tianzhou, the land of Tianmen's main sect, among the endless mountains, the moment Wang Lin's spiritual thoughts roared in, an earth-shaking aura suddenly burst out. Under that aura, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the clouds rolled, and a The white-haired old man, wearing coarse linen clothes, stepped out of the Tianmen.

He stood there, as if the whole world was trembling, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was looking towards the distant place. The sight of Tianfeng flashed, and the old man flicked his sleeves, and his body suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared, he was already at the top of the peak. Among the twists and turns, the old man's body transformed. He didn't even look at the huge sea dragon on the mountain. Instead, he looked directly at Wang Lin with majesty in his eyes.

Thousands of feet of void separated the two people. The moment the old man glanced at him, Wang Lin raised his head, his eyes flashing with golden light, and he made eye contact with the old man for the first time.

It seemed silent, but in fact, there was a roar in Wang Lin's mind. The old man's gaze was like billions of needles, penetrating Wang Lin's eyes and seeming to pierce into his body.

Wang Lin's body was shaken, and the golden light in his eyes became more intense.

The white-haired old man was also shocked. He felt that Wang Lin's gaze seemed to contain a golden sword. This sword was filled with extremely rich immortal power, and it was also extremely sharp and cold. It even contained... A suppressive force like the power of God

After being transmitted into my mind, it felt like the golden sword was whizzing towards me and piercing directly into my body.

"Your Excellency called me to come here. I don't know why!" The white-haired old man withdrew his gaze and looked at Wang Lin with a solemn expression.

"This is the first time I have entered the ranks of the Heavenly Lords. I would like to ask my Taoist friends for some advice. I have no other intention." Wang Lin had no grudge against this Tianmen. He spoke politely and gave the white-haired old man a fist in his arms OM

The white-haired old man immediately laughed when he heard the words. His eyes fell to his knees, and there was a fighting spirit among the Tianzuns. There were rarely life-and-death battles, but there were still ordinary exchanges. It was just that in the entire Immortal Clan, the Tianzun Tai There are few, so if you have a chance to fight, you will rarely give up.

Especially this kind of discussion is beneficial to both sides

"Okay!" The white-haired old man took a step forward, raised his right hand, towards Wang Lin on the top of Tianfeng, and suddenly flicked his big sleeve. With this flick, he saw everyone on the peak. The white snow all flew up in a sudden shock, turning into a snowstorm and heading straight towards Wang Lin from all directions.

This snowstorm contained nine magical powers. At this moment, there was a hint of violent roaring, and Wang Lin's figure was submerged in it in the blink of an eye.

Wang Lin raised his right hand with a smile, and suddenly punched forward!

This fist also contains nine magical powers, and it is the same spirit seal that Wang Lin has used nine times!

The roar rose from the sky, shaking the world in all directions. The snowstorm shook, and the sudden collapse spread all around, covering everything here.

The roaring sound continued to echo here in the following time, and the sound of long laughter was mixed in it, which was earth-shattering.

A few hours later, in the endless snowflakes, Wang Lin rolled back and stepped back thousands of feet away with his right foot towards the ground, standing firm.

"My fellow Taoist has extraordinary cultivation. This battle has helped me gain a lot. Thank you very much!"

At the same time, the white-haired old man also retreated thousands of feet in the other direction before he stood firm.

"You have just stepped into the ranks of the Heavenly Lords, and you can integrate nine magical powers into your body with one punch and one kick. Considering how young you are, I admire you!"

The two of them were thousands of feet away from each other, and they had smiles on their faces while holding each other's fists.

"Come again?"

"Come again!"

The two of them swayed and approached rapidly from two directions. In the roaring waves in the sky, even the Hailong retreated in fear. Looking at the two terrifying figures hidden in the snowflakes in front of him, the Hailong blinked. , retreated a little again

In the seven days of this battle, Wang Lin and the white-haired old man fought a total of twenty-three times! Every few times, the two of them would disperse, and while they were recuperating in the cross-legged position, they would also think about the gains from this battle, and even talk to each other.

This type of battle at the Heavenly Lord level does not involve grudges, so it is an excellent cultivation experience for both parties.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I think you still have some reservations. This battle is going smoothly. You and I are about the same fighting strength. How about letting go and fighting with all your strength!" After the twenty-third battle, the cross-legged figure in the distance The white-haired old man said with a smile

"Okay!" Wang Lin stood up, and in a flash, the true form of the Five Elements appeared outside his body!

With only one clone, Wang Lin's combat power suddenly increased sharply, and he could fight against the Tianzun monk with the magical power of Fusion Dao!

"The original true body! And it is not an ordinary original true body, but a true body formed by the fusion of multiple sources!!" The old man's pupils shrank and he looked at Wang Lin's clone.

The two of them took action at the same time, and the white-haired old man no longer held back, bursting out with the power of the Heavenly Lord that incorporated seventeen magical powers!

Three days passed by in an instant amidst the roar. Three days later, Wang Lin stood up with a long smile, stepped on the back of the sea dragon, and flashed away into the distance.

"Fellow Taoist Murong, thank you very much!!"

As the snowflakes fell, the white-haired old man stepped out and looked at the direction Wang Lin was leaving with a solemn expression.

"He probably hasn't exerted his full strength yet... With his cultivation level, I don't know how many levels of Tianzun Nirvana he can get through." The white-haired old man didn't turn around until Wang Lin completely disappeared, and then walked away in a flash.

"My Immortal Clan has an extra monk today. This matter needs to be reported to the Great Heavenly Lord OM." These ten days of fighting also gave him a lot of insights (to be continued)

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