Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1926 50 Years!

Time flies, it’s fifty years!

Fifty years is often the majority of a lifetime for mortals, but for monks, it is mostly just a short retreat. However, during these fifty years, a legend has risen in the Immortal Continent!

This legend is spread between Dongzhou and Nanzhou. In this legend, it is about a Tianzun monk. This monk is dressed in white, has a white head, and is followed by a golden sea dragon. .

He traveled through more than thirty continents in the two states, looking for the Tianzun monk to fight!

There are nearly a hundred Tianzun in the two states, including those who have not been recruited by the Great Tianzun, as well as those who have been in seclusion all year round and do not care about worldly affairs. Especially in Nanzhou, the number of Tianzun monks far exceeds that in Dongzhou.

After all, Dongzhou was originally ranked second among the five immortal states, but now, as the reincarnated souls of the twin great gods split again, it has gradually become the state with the fewest gods.

This white-clothed Heavenly Lord challenged all cultivators who were also Heavenly Lords. The battles and the roaring of heaven and earth made almost everyone in the sects in the two states aware of it.

In Nuoyunzhou, fight against the ancestor of Nuoyun Sect!

In Hailuozhou, fight against the ancestor of Damen Tianzun!

In the Nine Demon Continent, fight against the ancestor of Demonic Heavenly Dao!

In Linglong Continent, Hangtao Tianzun, a great war god, is under his command!

In Lingzhou, Shan, fight against Chifeng Tianzun under the command of Wu Feng Great Tianzun!

Battle after battle, each earth-shattering event, created a legend and created a name!

Bai Tian Zun! Not many people knew Wang Lin's name, and it was impossible for rumors to spread here. So based on various clues, after learning that Wang Lin had white hair, he was called Tianzun by all the monks!

Rumor has it that out of the nearly one hundred challenges that Tian Tianzun faced, he only failed more than twenty times, but the rest were consecutive victories. With this amazing record, his reputation spread to Beizhou, Xizhou, and even Zhongzhou. within. .

Almost all the Immortal Celestials know that there is an unknown monk named Tianzun who has extremely strong combat power!

According to rumors, the unknown monk Tianzun's last battle was with Haizi Tianzun in Shanhai Continent in Nanzhou. In this battle, he failed! After the failure, nothing was heard from him for several years.

"Speaking of this Tianzun,

In the battle with Haizi Tianzun on the mountain and sea, the sea water collapsed in that battle, and the world seemed to collapse. At that time, I was on the edge of the mountain and sea, and saw the roar of the sea, and even vaguely saw the figure of Tianzun! "In Shanhaizhou, there is a trading place specially prepared for monks from various sects. In a restaurant in the city, an old man wearing a Taoist robe drank wine and spoke slowly.

There were four or five monks beside him, all of whom listened attentively.

"It's a pity that Bai Tianzun lost this battle." The old man sighed repeatedly, as if he was very familiar with Bai Tianzun and felt sorry for him.

"Haizi Tianzun is said to be very close to the legendary Yue Tianzun. Even if Bai Tianzun is the supreme being, he will definitely lose against Haizi Tianzun!" A young monk next to him said with a sneer.

"Everyone knows that due to the existence of Dao Dao Tianzun in our Nanzhou, there are many Tianzun, and because Dao Da Tianzun never forces Tianzun to become his subordinate, as long as the Tianzun in Nanzhou is under the command of Dao Da Tianzun or not, Everyone can go to Daoyizong to listen to his sermons delivered once in a hundred years. Therefore, many deities who were originally from Dongzhou also came to our Nanzhou.

Let me tell you, the reason why Tianzun has been so challenging in the past few decades is to attract the attention of Daoyida Tianzun and wait for him to recruit him as his subordinate. "Among the four or five monks, a middle-aged man holding a fan said with a smile.

"How do you know that Dao Tianzun didn't seek out Bai Tianzun to recruit him? I heard that Dao Tianzun had already recruited Tian Tianzun more than fifty years ago, but was rejected..." An old man in black robes remained silent at the side. , glanced at everyone, and said slowly.

"Oh? There's still this matter!"

This restaurant is not big, and is specially prepared for monks. It does not sell food, but only sells the mellow wine. This wine is very famous in the nearby area, and only sells so much every day, which is very popular among the monks.

At this moment, while these monks were talking, in the corner of the restaurant, a young man in white was sitting there calmly, looking at the sky outside the restaurant, drinking the wine in his hand.

He has white hair, but in this restaurant, he is not the only one with white hair, but there are three or five white monks. As Bai Tianzun becomes famous, there are more white monks.

Listening to the faint words in his ears, Wang Lin put down his wine glass, frowning all the time, looking at the sky outside, and fell silent. In the past fifty years, he had continuously met with many Tianzun, while gathering fame, he also During those battles, I gained insights and became familiar with Tianzun's magical powers, and even tried to make myself stronger.

Three years ago, he came to this mountain and sea continent and had a battle with the strongest Haizi Tianzun in that mountain and sea. In this battle, Wang Lin was defeated! He sent out all the clones, but still failed.

"That Haizi Tianzun can already integrate seventy magical powers in one finger. I am no match for him at all, unless I wear soul armor... But if I wear soul armor, it will not have the effect of training." Wang Lin picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

"In fifty years, after all my two clones appeared, I was able to compress my current limit of nine magical powers nearly three times! It achieved an effect comparable to thirty-six magical powers.

In addition to fighting again and again, I am also searching for the two origins of gold and wood. Once these two origins are obtained by me, one reaches the level of condensing the true body. After the five elements of the true body are completely integrated, my true body can By integrating eighteen magical powers into one punch and compressing time, you can become a deity comparable to seventy-two magical powers! Then you can fight Na Haizi again! "

"The Chifeng Tianzun once said that there is a mountain and sea tree at the bottom of the mountains and seas. The entire mountains and seas are supported by this giant tree, and even the entire mountain and sea continent is sealed by the soul of this mountain and sea tree!

This tree is extremely powerful. It was sealed by the Immortal Ancestor back then, and even the Immortal Ancestor was injured because of it. However, due to too many years, the mountain and sea tree soul has long since become a dead soul, leaving only the trunk, but within this trunk, There is enough power of the wood source. If I can obtain it, it will allow me to condense the wood source and directly transform into my true body! "Wang Lin drank wine, his eyes showing deep thought.

"After the battle with Haizi Tianzun, I have been observing in this Shanhaizhou. What the Chifeng Tianzun said is 100% true! In this case, it is impossible to say. I can only use the soul armor to defeat the guardian of Haizi Tianzun. , enter the mountain and sea tree, and absorb the power of its woody origin!" Wang Lin's gloomy eyes showed determination, he put down his wine glass, left some yuan stones, and walked out of the restaurant.

There are many monks in the city built by the monks. In addition to various shops, there are also some private stalls selling the treasures they have obtained.

Wang Lin was walking in the city, and his body disappeared in a flash. When he appeared, he was already in the sky in a distant place. He was about to gallop when his expression suddenly changed and he turned to look behind him.

But behind Wang Lin, the world was distorted, and a tall figure appeared. The figure was about ten feet tall, wearing a purple robe, completely covering his body. On his face, there was a golden mask. That mask It was filled with an astonishing coercion. With the appearance of this person, this coercion shrouded the surroundings, causing a large number of ripples to appear in the surrounding void.

If viewed from the ground, it would seem that the place where Sky King Lin and the masked man were was turned into a rippling lake.

"It turns out it's Chifeng Tianzun, who is under the command of Wu Feng Tianzun!" Wang Lin said slowly.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, we haven't seen each other for several years. I wonder how you are thinking about it..." The golden-faced monk seemed to be smiling and looked at Wang Lin.

When Wang Lin fought with the Chifeng Heavenly Lord, they were evenly matched, and even though Wang Lin didn't have the soul-piercing armor, they were tied. Afterwards, the Chifeng Heavenly Lord found Wang Lin and conveyed a verbal message from Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord.

Want to recruit Wang Lin as his subordinate!

In addition to Dao Da Tianzun, this is the second Dao Tianzun who has shown the intention to recruit Wang Lin, and Wang Lin, the Wufeng Great Tianzun, has also known a little bit in recent years. It is indeed as the Dao Demon Sect Tianzun ancestor knew back then. Said, it is extremely true that Tianzun cultivators rarely value them, and only those who practice Yue Tianzun will be valued and recruited by them.

But it does not mean that there are no Tianzun under his command, but any Tianzun under his command is an extremely outstanding person. For example, after the battle with the Chifeng Tianzun, Wang Lin clearly felt that this person was just like himself. reserved.

"For the first time that year, the Chifeng Heavenly Lord received a verbal message from the Wufeng Great Heavenly Lord. However, the Great Heavenly Lord did not come in person, and did not even show up with a trace of his spiritual body. Apparently he thought that with my fighting skills, the Great Heavenly Lord did not come in person. His strength is only worthy of allowing him to deliver oral messages... Compared with Dao Dao Tianzun, this aspect is obviously inferior.

But Dao Da Tianzun may have shown up after seeing my combat power after wearing the soul armor. "Wang Lin paused for a moment, then raised his fist towards the Chifeng Tianzun.

"Fellow Taoist Chifeng, this matter still needs to be considered. I haven't decided yet."

Regarding Wang Lin's tactful rejection, the Chifeng Tianzun was not surprised at all. He just looked at Wang Lin with regret in his eyes and smiled bitterly.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, as Heavenly Lords, we have a very high status in the immortal clan. If the Great Heavenly Lord comes to recruit, he must come forward in person. I understand this. Before I come, I will grant the Great Heavenly Lord the title of Wu. If you can get past the Heavenly Lord, In the ninth level of nirvana, he came in person, and he was definitely not the incarnation of divine thoughts!

If Fellow Daoist Wang has time, he would like to see the place where the Heavenly Lord reaches nirvana. If you can get through the ninth level, I believe that any one of the five Great Heavenly Lords will vigorously recruit you. "After Chifeng Tianzun finished speaking, he cupped his fists towards Wang Lin, his body slowly blurred, and gradually disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lin was silent in mid-air, looking up at the sky for a long time.

"The place where the Heavenly Lord Nirvana... The Great Heavenly Lord Dao once said that if I break through the ninth floor, I will come again. The Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng also said the same. Could it be that there is something mysterious about these nine levels!"

In the past fifty years, Wang Lin has repeatedly verified the method of entering the land of Tianzun's Nirvana, but he has never been there. Now in silence, his eyes flashed.

"You should go check it out!"

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