Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1927 Tianzun Nirvana

There is an inland sea in Nanzhou Shanhaizhou. This sea is called Shanhai. It is vast and sometimes has a large number of seabirds circling in the blue sky. With the sound of waves crashing, there are bursts of moist sea breeze. Blows towards the coast.

The mountains and seas account for nearly 70% of the entire Shanhaizhou, and the remaining 30% of the land is surrounded by mountains and seas.

At this moment, on the coast to the north of the mountain and sea, in a land of mountains, Wang Lin stood on one of the peaks, looking at the sea in front of him with a calm expression.

This is the closest location to the seabed mountains and trees, but Wang Lin did not immediately choose to go back to the mountains and seas. Instead, he swayed and disappeared from the top of the mountain. When he appeared, he was already inside the mountain. In a cave that was carved out.

Wang Lin has lived in this cave for three years. He has placed a lot of restrictions around it during these three years. This place can provide a certain degree of protection for him.

In this cave, there is also a looming blue weapon. The mist fills the surroundings, and a much smaller sea dragon is faintly visible inside.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Wang Lin slowly closed his eyes, put his hands on his knees, and constantly changed the seals. Each of these seals was extremely special, and Wang Lin knew it after verifying it many times.

"Before taking the mountains and sea trees, let's go and see what is so mysterious about this land of Heavenly Lord's Nirvana!" Wang Lin crossed his legs, following the methods he had known for the past fifty years to enter the Heavenly Lord's Nirvana, and his spiritual consciousness slowly emerged from his body. It spread out from within the body and condensed on the Heavenly Spirit. Under constant condensation and compression, it turned into a bright light.

This light was the light of divine consciousness that condensed on Wang Lin's Tianling for a moment, then suddenly burst out, flew straight into the sky, and suddenly disappeared at an indescribable speed.

It penetrated this cave, penetrated this mountain peak, rushed directly from the mountain peak, and went straight to the sky. Outsiders could not see or feel this scene clearly. Therefore, the appearance of the light of divine consciousness condensed the king's consciousness. Lin is now cross-legged with a special seal on his hands. The function of this seal is to hide all fluctuations in spiritual consciousness and protect the Tianzun monks from being noticed when they enter the land of Tianzun's nirvana.

It is said that this seal is passed down from the Immortal Ancestor!

Wang Lin's consciousness continued to rise into the sky, breaking through the nothingness all the way, heading straight into the endless sky, like a sharp sword that broke the sky, silently, as if it was going to pierce the heaven of Immortal Gang!

At the moment when his consciousness reached its highest point, Wang Lin's mind suddenly reverberated with loud sounds. In his consciousness, it seemed as if the sky had turned into a huge whirlpool at this moment, and his consciousness was Inhale completely.

His eyes were in a daze. After a moment, when everything became clear, Wang Lin looked around fiercely.

There was a look of shock in his eyes.

The place where he is is a continent about ten thousand miles away. This continent is very small, floating on the sky. There are countless howling winds on the periphery, and there are even black threads flickering away. Within each thread, They all contain terrifying power, as if just a few touches can destroy both body and spirit.

In the center of this continent, there is a huge palace. This palace is full of ancient atmosphere, completely dark, and exudes a ferocious majesty that makes everyone who sees it can't help but feel a sense of awe in their hearts.

When Wang Lin first arrived here and looked around, a stream of spiritual thoughts immediately roared from around the huge palace, sweeping past Wang Lin.

Each of these divine thoughts contains the coercion of the Tianzun monks, and there are nearly two hundred of them.

"Wang Lin?"

"White-haired Heavenly Lord!"

"It's him!" Some of these consciousnesses were Tianzun who had fought with Wang Lin in the past fifty years. When they saw Wang Lin's arrival, they immediately recognized him.

Wang Lin's expression was as usual. When he glanced around, he saw clearly where he was. It was an ancient teleportation array. This array was extremely complex. Wang Lin felt as if his consciousness was about to be swallowed up by this array at a glance. A general illusion of absorption.

After a long time, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. When he walked out of the teleportation array, he carefully observed his body. His body was the same as when he had a physical body. If he hadn't known that he was With his spiritual consciousness, it was difficult for him to see the difference.

"This place of Nirvana was created by the Immortal Ancestor back then. It is indeed mysterious!" Wang Lin swayed and headed towards the ancient palace in the distance where many divine consciousnesses came from.

The closer he got here, the more shocked Wang Lin was. This ancient black palace looked extremely huge from a distance, but when he looked up close, it became even more so. What was even more astonishing was that it was only after he got closer that he discovered that it was huge. Above the palace, there are still huge palaces!

There are a total of nineteen palaces, floating in mid-air, seemingly connected to each other, like a long dragon. The top few palaces are even deeper into the sky, and only a vague outline can be seen clearly.

"After more than fifty years of knowledge, I know that the rumored place of Nirvana is actually the most powerful magical weapon of the Immortal Ancestor. It exists in nothingness and protects the Immortal Clan." Wang Lin looked at the sky on the sky. Most of the halls were just shadows because they were too far away, but the waves of pressure on them made Wang Lin feel it very clearly.

As he approached, Wang Lin arrived outside the first ancient palace in the center of the continent. More than two hundred monks were sitting cross-legged. These monks surrounded the palace, far apart from each other, as if they did not want to be together. .

After Wang Lin arrived, many people glanced at him. Some of them knew Wang Lin. After paying attention, they smiled and clasped their fists.

After Wang Lin returned the favor with fists in his hands, he stood outside the palace. Looking at the behemoth-like palace in front of him, he had an illusion of insignificance.

"The land of Tianzun Nirvana is extremely strange. No matter where the monks are in the immortal area, they can be attracted by their spiritual consciousness. Therefore, this place is the favorite place for Tianzun monks to come. Even if the two people are far apart, they are in the same place. You can also meet each other here.

And because of this characteristic of this place, this place where the deities reach nirvana is the best place for the deities to get to know each other. "The information he has learned here over the past fifty years came to Wang Lin's mind.

Just as Wang Lin was pondering, suddenly a dazzling golden light burst out from the floating seventh palace above the palace. The golden light enveloped the surroundings in an instant, causing all the Heavenly Lord monks on the continent to immediately He raised his head and looked attentively.

Wang Lin looked at the same thing, and saw a figure in black flying out of the seventh palace where the golden light suddenly flashed. The figure was a middle-aged man with long hair flowing, and powerful waves emanating from his body. Showing his majesty, he suddenly rushed straight into the sky, rushing from the seventh palace to the eighth palace!

"Tianzun Bamboo Forest, he broke through the seventh floor!"

"To be able to break through the seventh level, you need to integrate at least sixty-three magical powers. I remember that the Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord did not have such ability back then!"

"He has followed Great Heavenly Lord Jiudi for a thousand years and has obviously gained a lot..."

"The eighth level is nothing. The most important thing is the ninth level. If anyone can break through the ninth level, I am afraid that all the great gods of the immortal clan will immediately take it seriously."

"The ninth level... is too difficult! Those who can break through the ninth level are already infinitely close to Yue Tianzun. They only need to take one more step to become the 49th Yue Tianzun of our immortal clan!"

"Even the strongest Ming Dao Zun among Yue Tianzun, he stopped at the sixteenth floor and could not get through."

"It is rumored that if someone can break through the 19th floor, he will have combat power that even the Great Heavenly Lord will not want to take action easily!"

In that golden light, the more than two hundred today's deities around were sending their spiritual thoughts to each other.

When these minds were talking to each other about the actions of the Bamboo Forest Master, they saw a roar coming from the eighth palace, and the black-clothed Bamboo Forest Master's body was suddenly ejected from it, turning into a long rainbow. The sky fell rapidly, and finally I stood on the ground of the first palace.

The moment it fell, all the divine thoughts of the surrounding Heavenly Lords disappeared, and their gazes gathered together.

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Master had a gloomy look on his face. He walked forward without even looking around. He passed by Wang Lin and found an area in the distance. He sat down cross-legged and meditated with his eyes closed.

In the following time, Wang Lin saw the palaces in the sky, with golden light flashing one after another. At the same time, people continued to fail and descend. The most, like the Bamboo Forest God, stopped on the eighth floor, and the least... Failed on the second and third floors.

Wang Lin was not in a hurry to rush in, but sat cross-legged and kept observing. The Tianzun monks around him came and went in the past three days, but most of them did not leave, but chose to stay here.

Within three days, the Bamboo Forest Heavenly Master went to the eighth cellar hall to challenge again, but still failed.

On the fourth day, Wang Lin's eyes flashed, he stood up from his lotus position and walked towards the first palace. His actions did not attract too many people's attention. After all, this first-floor palace was too simple for the monks here.

Only those Tianzun monks who had fought with Wang Lin glanced at Wang Lin when he entered the first floor of the palace.

"Since this white-haired Heavenly Lord has broken into the first floor of the palace, it is obviously his first time here. I wonder how many floors he can break through."

"This person is very weird. His cultivation level is average, but his combat power is extremely amazing. I am no match for him. I don't know how many floors he can walk through."

"Wang Lin... has made a great name in Nanzhou in the past few decades. It is said that Dao Da Tianzun once recruited him, but was rejected by him." More than a dozen eyes followed Wang Lin and disappeared outside the palace.

The moment he stepped into the first-floor palace, Wang Lin immediately felt like the world was changing before his eyes. He saw with his own eyes that there was a starry sky in this palace!

The starry sky was vast and infinite, with countless stars. Each of those stars emitted bright starlight, and he was standing in the starry sky.

A strange roar suddenly came from the starry sky. Wang Lin suddenly raised his head, and his eyes suddenly glowed with cold light! (To be continued

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