Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1928 Breaking in! !

Volume 12: Immortal Gang Tenth Yang Chapter 1928: Break! !

However, in the starry sky, there were nine stars, which seemed to have been changed by a strange force. They suddenly moved from nine directions and roared towards Wang Lin.

These nine cultivation stars looked like nine huge objects. They roared and approached Wang Lin in an instant.

This sudden change made Wang Lin sway and he was immediately in the same place. However, the nine huge cultivation stars changed their direction instantly and roared towards him again.

"Could this be the first layer of Tianzun's pinch?" Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he no longer dodge, but took a step forward. In an instant, he came to a Cultivation Star that was thrown at him. He raised his right hand and pointed towards the Cultivation Star. Xing suddenly punched out!

"Call the wind!" This punch contained nine times of Wang Lin's wind-calling technique. It made this punch form a storm that seemed to sweep across the starry sky, turning into an extremely real black dragon, and the cultivator The stars touch each other directly.

During the roar, the Cultivation Star collapsed directly. When the debris was scattered in all directions, Wang Lin turned around and kicked the second Cultivation Star with a spinning kick.

With a loud bang, Wang Lin's body flashed, as if an afterimage appeared, and he transformed in front of the third, fourth, and ninth cultivation star, and punched several times in a row.

The rumbling sound shook the starry sky, and all the cultivation stars that hit it collapsed and turned into fragments. But at this moment, a powerful force suddenly appeared from the starry sky, and suddenly passed into Wang Lin's body, pushing his body Rewinding the scroll, he was directly pushed out of the starry sky.

Wang Lin's eyes blurred. When he regained consciousness, he realized that his body seemed to be out of control. He was forcibly ejected from the palace on the first floor and landed on the ground outside the palace. He continued to retreat for hundreds of feet. Only then did he stand firm.

"Failed?" Wang Lin raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of contemplation.

The palace did not emit golden light, which meant that Wang Lin failed when he broke into the first floor!

This scene was seen by all the Tianzun monks around, and they were all surprised. Especially those Tianzun who had fought with Wang Lin were in disbelief.

"He hasn't even passed the first level...this person..."

"Among the Immortal Clan Heavenly Lords, it is extremely rare to be able to pass the first level, but I saw one today."

"It shouldn't be. This Wang Lin is extremely powerful. How could he fail even on the first floor?"

this moment,

Wang Lin was stared at by all the Tianzun monks around him. In those eyes, there was surprise, contempt, and indifference.

It is extremely easy for everyone here to pass this level. Seeing that Wang Lin failed to reach the first level at this moment, it is inevitable that he is a little indifferent to him. Although it is not shown, there is a faint presence in his eyes.

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord in the distance glanced at Wang Lin, then closed his eyes and stopped looking.

Wang Lin was silent. After a moment, he looked up at the huge dark palace. A cold light flashed in his eyes. He swayed forward and turned into a rainbow and rushed towards the palace again.

His actions were seen by the surrounding Tianzun monks, and most of them shook their heads secretly.

"After failing once, it is rare to succeed the second time. Instead of wasting time, it is better to leave here and practice harder."

"It seems that he still has some luck. Haha, whatever, maybe he can get through this first level."

Wang Lindu was very fast and rushed into the palace in an instant. In front of his eyes, a flower appeared in the starry sky.

His expression was calm, without the slightest embarrassment of failure. Instead, he stood in the starry sky and looked ahead with bright eyes. He saw the strange whistling sound in front of him echoing again, and the nine cultivation stars suddenly changed their trajectory. As if being manipulated by pairs of invisible hands, Wang Lin came screaming straight from nine directions.

Wang Lin didn't move. His consciousness spread out and enveloped the surroundings. At the moment when the nine cultivation stars were getting closer and closer, barely a few hundred feet away, and at the moment when the overwhelming pressure came down on his body, he raised his right hand fiercely. , with one grip, nine wind-calling techniques were integrated into one punch, and he suddenly punched forward into the void of stars.

With this punch, the starry sky roared, and the nine cultivation stars shook together. Looking from a distance, it seemed that Wang Lin's body disappeared and was replaced by a nine-headed black dragon. The nine-headed black dragon had nine huge heads. Swallowing and impacting toward the nine cultivation stars.

There was a loud bang, only this sound echoed, but it set off endless echoes, and saw the nine cultivation stars suddenly collapsed at the same time!

At the moment when the nine cultivation stars collapsed, endless golden light emitted from them. This golden light instantly enveloped the starry sky, and even spread out from the first-floor palace, filling the continent outside the palace.

The cross-legged Tianzun monks outside were immediately attracted by the golden light. When they looked at it, they all had strange expressions. In the golden light, they saw a figure in white clothes suddenly rush out from the top of the palace, step toward the sky, and move towards the sky. With great speed, he rushed towards the second palace above!

"It actually succeeded?"

"This Tiantian Zun is quite interesting."

"If you fail the first time, you should succeed the second time by luck. But in this second-level palace, no matter how lucky you are, it will have no effect at all. Only strength is the only thing!"

Just when the surrounding Heavenly Lords became interested in this matter, suddenly the second-floor palace in mid-air suddenly erupted with dazzling golden light again! !

The golden light on that level had not dissipated at this moment, but the golden light on the second level of the palace suddenly rose up, intertwining with each other, almost completely illuminating the continent!

This sudden scene immediately stunned some of the arrogant and indifferent deities around them.


"We passed the second level so quickly!"

"How long has it been? This person failed once on the first level, and now he is on the second level and passed it in one try!"

In the flashing golden light of the second-level Tianzun Nirvana Palace in the sky, Wang Lin's figure rushed up, without any pause, and roared straight towards the third-level palace in the sky.

His move immediately attracted the attention of some monks among the surrounding Heavenly Lords. Most of these monks were at the third level. Looking at it attentively, due to Wang Lin's first failure before, It made them a little unsure whether Wang Lin could survive it.

"In the third level, in addition to the twenty-seven gods that need to be integrated into the body, one of the twenty-seven cultivation stars is golden. This golden cultivation star is the key point!"

"I can integrate thirty magical powers in my body, but I still failed at this third level. It is precisely because of that golden cultivation star, one of which is comparable to all the cultivation stars!"

"It will be difficult for this person to get through the third level!"

Most of the more than 200 Heavenly Lords around raised their heads and stared at each other. While they were guessing at each other, incredible exclamations immediately came from the mouths of several monks.

Following those few exclamations, almost everyone saw that the palace on the third floor suddenly erupted with dazzling golden light within a few breaths of Wang Lin entering! !

Now the golden light of the first-floor palace and the second-floor palace has still not dissipated. While the light of the third-floor palace is shining, the golden light of the three-floor palace seems to be connected together, reflecting each other like a line. The dragon is slowly growing its entire body.

The golden light shrouded the surroundings, making the eyes of the heavenly monks below shine brightly.


"He passed three levels in one go! How could this person fail on the first level with such a level of cultivation!"

"It's such a fast speed. To pass the first three levels continuously at this speed shows that this person is extremely strong!!"

"The palace light keeps rising, I wonder how many more times this palace light can rise again!"

In the golden light of the third floor of the palace, Wang Lin swayed out and looked up at the fourth floor above. Without hesitation, he went straight to the fourth floor in full view of everyone!

"This land of Tianzun Nirvana requires one move to destroy all the approaching cultivation stars at the same time. If you blast them away continuously like I did the first time, it will be considered a failure!" Wang Lin looked calm. The first three levels were not too much for him. The challenge xìng.

At this moment, his figure disappeared into the fourth floor of the palace.

Among the Heavenly Lords below, even the Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord opened his eyes, facing the golden light of the three-story palace, and looked towards the fourth floor. Not only him, but almost everyone looked at it intently.

The fourth level of Tianzun's Nirvana is a watershed. Among the more than a thousand Tianzun in the entire immortal clan, only two hundred people can survive this fourth level! Most of them stop at the fourth floor!

Therefore, at this moment, Wang Lin's actions attracted their attention. Those who can step into the fourth level are considered strong among the Tianzun!

Time passes slowly, breath by breath...

The three palaces shimmering with golden light seemed to be connected by the light. As time passed, the golden light on the first palace at the bottom gradually dimmed, and there seemed to be signs of dissipating.

In this fourth-floor palace, Wang Lin entered the palace after the time of the third one.

But just when the golden light of the first palace was about to completely dissipate, suddenly, dozens of Tianzun monks around him suddenly stood up from their cross-legged postures and looked straight at the sky. The fourth palace exploded. The golden light completely overwhelmed the previous three palaces! !

As soon as this golden light came out, the four palaces were perfectly connected together, and half of a dragon's tail appeared faintly. Looking up, this scene was extremely amazing!

"The fourth floor, he passed!!"

"He actually passed the fourth level. This kind of monk is also a strong one among the Heavenly Lords!"

The Bamboo Forest Heavenly Lord shrank his pupils and stared at the figure walking out of the golden light of the fourth floor of the palace. This figure made him feel threatened.

High in the sky, Wang Lin stood in the golden light of the fourth-floor palace, looked up at the fifth-floor palace above, and his eyes flashed.

"In these four levels, among the thirty-six cultivation stars, there are two golden cultivation stars. I have dispatched all the clones. Under the soul-impermeable armor, this fourth level is the limit.

But if I put on the soul armor... I wonder how many more floors I can break through! It's a pity that I'm going to get the trees from the mountains and seas right now, so I can't reveal my strength. After I get the trees from the mountains and seas, I can try again! "

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