Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1930 The spirit that is not Immortal Gang!

"I don't need to defeat you, I just need to stop it!" Wang Lin's body swayed, and the vortex formed by the five divine veins in his body suddenly turned rapidly. However, Wang Lin's body was suddenly struck, and ninety figures suddenly appeared in the sky. Seven afterimages!

Added together with its true body, there are ninety-eight bodies!

Each afterimage body is exactly the same as its original body and is extremely real. They appear because Wang Lin's speed is too fast. With one movement, ninety-seven afterimages transformed in an instant.




Ninety-seven residual images, one body, all used a magical power in this instant. This magical power was exactly the body-fixing technique! !

As soon as this technique was performed, the color of the world changed, and the ninety-eight Wang Lins in the sky all stretched out their right hands and pointed towards the beautiful woman below!

Under this finger, the ninety-seven afterimages suddenly condensed together. After merging with Wang Lin's body, a huge phantom suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. This phantom was like a stick that could support the world. fingers! !

This finger transformed and went straight to the Haizi Tianzun to point at it! !

Fifty years ago, Wang Lin put on the soul armor and used the Speed ​​God Technique to use the technique of integrating ninety-eight magical powers, which could make the ancestor of the Dao Demon Sect Tianzun rewind in shock, and even activated his life-saving Dao Da Tianzun. The robe given.

Even a trace of spiritual thought from the Great Heavenly Lord appeared, and then he punched away Wang Lin's earth-shattering blow!

Now, Wang Lin has been challenging for fifty consecutive years, and has completely mastered his rapidly increasing cultivation in the Scorpion Temple. In those challenges, his cultivation has reached the level of perfection that he can control. Now, he does not even need to wear With soul armor, he can defeat many deities, even the ancestor of the Dao Demon Sect, Wang Lin, can defeat him without wearing soul armor!

He himself has become powerful, completely different from fifty years ago. Now he puts on the soul armor again and uses the Speed ​​God Technique to use the 98 magical powers to fuse and unify. His power far exceeds that of back then!

The face of Tianzun Haizi suddenly changed, showing a look of disbelief. This was the first time she saw Wang Lin using his full strength. Those ninety-eight magical powers shocked her!

With the pointing of the sky, everything in the heaven and earth seemed to come to a standstill at this moment. The sea breeze stopped, the waves were quiet, and the movement of the heaven and earth suddenly stopped.

This power can make everything like this,

When it landed on Na Haizi Tianzun, even her whole body was shocked, her right hand stopped in mid-air, and the soul in her body was immobilized by this finger! !

Ninety-eight body-fixing techniques!

Ninety-eight times of body fixation!

Wang Lin looked pale, and with this finger, he unleashed all his strength.

Moreover, after the ninety-eight times of the Body Holding Technique, a change that Wang Lin could not describe has appeared faintly." It was strikingly similar to the scene when the clone of Tianzun Divine Mind appeared.

"There is no enmity between you and me, I don't want to kill you!" Wang Lin glanced at the frozen Haizi Tianzun, and in a flash, he went straight to the bottom of the sea, and disappeared without a trace at such a fast speed.

"Back then, even though he had fused ninety-eight magical powers into one, he was unable to truly form one like the most powerful Heavenly Lord who could merge ninety-eight magical powers. It was like he only had soldiers but no generals." Due to the situation, the Great Heavenly Lord could be blasted away with a single punch.

But at the moment, he himself is not considered a real body. He can integrate nine magical powers into his body. If he is considered a real body, "because of the strangeness of the real body, it can be compressed and condensed to the level of thirty-six magical powers. In this way, the power can be said to be Big difference!

It's like there was a group of scattered soldiers back then, but now there is a general. Although this general is not powerful, it makes the power of this magical power increase dramatically!

With Haizi Tianzun stilled, Wang Lin knew that the time would not be too long. It was so fast that it sank into the depths of the seabed in a blink of an eye, and went straight to the bottom in a blink of an eye.

Time passed slowly, and at the fourth breath, Wang Lin had already arrived at the deepest point of the seabed. There was a lot of pressure here, which was enough to burst the body of an ordinary monk, but for Wang Lin, who had the body of a Taoist, it was not a problem. .

On the land at the bottom of the sea, Wang Lin raised his right hand and punched directly towards the bottom of the sea. With this punch, the water swirled crazily and turned into ninety-eight whirlpools in front of Wang Lin, heading straight for the bottom of the sea. go.

During the roaring and swirling, the seafloor collapsed, revealing a huge hole. A large amount of seawater poured into it, turning the hole into a black hole-like existence.

Wang Lin did not hesitate. In the past three years, he had already surveyed the mountains and seas and knew how to find the mountains and sea trees that supported the mountains and seas!

His body swayed, heading straight towards the black hole, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This moment is the sixth breath! The golden octopus and sea beast on the sea was also within the range of the immobilization technique and remained motionless. The beautiful woman on top of it maintained the same movements as before and could not even close her eyelids.

Hai Long stood aside, with pride in his eyes, and roared at the immobile octopus sea beast, as if shouting words that only they sea beasts could understand.

As for what was said specifically, I'm afraid only it, or the octopus sea beast that could hear it or not, could understand.

Time passed by, and at the eighth breath, Wang Lin had already appeared at the bottom of the mountain and sea. The world inside the black hole was a void. Submerged by the sea, there was a huge tree!

This tree is so big that it is half the size of the mountain and the sea, and the edges cannot be seen at a glance. Its trunk is withered, but the branches that have grown are spreading and supporting the entire mountain and sea.

In comparison, Wang Lin was almost undetectable, and the tree was filled with an aura of death and covered with layers of seals. In addition, there is a strong sense of killing that permeates the surroundings, as if this tree has killed countless people!

Outside the huge withered tree trunk, seven green light groups floated around the layers of seals. Each of the light groups was only the size of a fist, and seemed out of proportion to the huge tree.

This green light group is what Wang Lin needs. After the death of the mountain and sea tree spirit, the mountain and sea tree spirit transforms. This spirit can allow a monk to give birth to the wood source!

This mountain and sea tree originally had many such tree spirits, but throughout the ages, after their souls died, many people took away many of them. Now, only these seven are left!

These mountain and sea tree spirits are not within the seal, but for some reason, they all leak out of the seal and float outside. The seal seems to have no effect on the tree spirits.

Ten breaths have passed at this moment!

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Lin stood up under the mountain and sea trees nearby. With a flick of his sleeves, six of the seven mountain and sea trees suddenly came straight towards him and were put into the storage space by him. He turned around and was about to leave. Leave.

The moment he turned around, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly felt stinging, and golden light flickered out of his eyes uncontrollably. This sudden change made Wang Lin's body suddenly freeze.

Amid the stinging pain in his eyes, there was a faint and strange calling. It seemed that there was something strange in the mountains and trees, which aroused the existence in Wang Lin's eyes!

In Wang Lin's eyes, the old man from the Green Scorpion Temple had a fragment of the Immortal Sword integrated into his eyes, making his eyes majestic and possessing the power of suppression like a sword.

Turning around suddenly, Wang Lin immediately noticed as the golden light in his eyes flashed, that within the mountain and sea tree, there was a golden light coming straight towards him.

All this happened in an instant. The moment Wang Lin noticed the golden light, he saw a palm-sized golden fragment in the approaching golden light inside the mountain and sea tree! !

"Fragments of the Immortal Sword!" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed.

But he saw this palm-sized golden fragment coming straight from the mountain and sea tree to Wang Lin, as if it was not summoning Wang Lin, but Wang Lin was summoning it.

However, the seal outside the mountain and sea tree burst out with dazzling light at the moment when the golden fragment was about to penetrate, preventing the fragment from going out. A wave of ripples reverberated, and the fragment penetrated into the seal, revealing half of the seal. Outside, but his body is stuck by the power of the seal and cannot come out completely.

As he appeared half outside, the golden light in Wang Lin's eyes flashed more intensely, and there was a stinging feeling, as if a similar fragment was about to burst out of his eyes.

"How could there be a fragment of the Immortal Extreme Sword in this mountain and sea tree!!..." During the past fifty years, Wang Lin deliberately searched for the origin and provenance of the items that the old man from the Green Scorpion Temple integrated into his body. After all, To fully master it, you need to understand this item.

Legend has it that the Immortal Sword was smashed into pieces by the Green Demon Scorpion's tail during the battle between the Immortal Ancestor and the Green Demon Scorpion. However, Wang Lin has heard no fewer than ten such legends in the past fifty years!

In almost every continent where the legend is located, the sealed spirit from outside the world has caused the Immortal Extreme Sword to collapse. As a result, Wang Lin couldn't tell which one was true and which one was false.

There are even legends that the Immortal Extreme Sword collapsed and exploded on its own after the Immortal Ancestor disappeared, turning into several fragments and spreading to many locations in the Immortal Clan's domain!

These thoughts flashed through Wang Lin's mind, and he hesitated for a moment.

"This seal was arranged by the Immortal Ancestor. If you want to get this fragment, it is very likely to activate the power of the seal!" …”

Fifteen breaths have passed from the earliest time to the present. Wang Lin's eyes showed decisiveness. He took a few steps back without moving forward. Instead, he cautiously swayed his body, and his thunderous true body came out and went straight towards the fragment of the Immortal Extreme Sword. After the moment approached, his right hand suddenly lifted up and grabbed the fragment directly!

"The Green Devil Temple also has a seal. It was no big deal back then, but now this seal seems to be a little different. "But wealth can be found in danger. If you leave like this, you won't be reconciled! ..." Thunder's real body grasped the half fragment that stretched out.

The moment his right hand grasped the fragment, the sealing power of the mountain and sea tree exploded! !

But he saw that the place where the fragment of the Immortal Extreme Sword was stuck was transformed into a circle of ripples. When the ripples appeared, they immediately formed a huge face. The face was full of majesty, and there was a pressing suppression that went straight towards the king. Lin Tingting left in person.

"Discovered, non-Immortal Gang spirit, sealed!!" An ancient voice suddenly whirled in the depths of the seabed.

"There is indeed a problem!..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed. (To be continued.

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