Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1931 Face!

"Discovered, non-immortal spirit, seal!!..." This ancient voice suddenly echoed in Wang Lin's mind. This voice seemed to have come from countless thousands of years ago, carrying vicissitudes of life, swirling inside and outside the layers of seals.

Without any hesitation, Wang Lin's body took a step back almost as soon as the sound reverberated. As he stepped back, the Five Elements True Body transformed and headed straight ahead for the Thunderbolt True Body. At the same time, the layers of seals transformed into The huge face of Wang Lin's thunder body suddenly swallowed.

At the moment when the face transformed, a huge force of suction came out from the golden fragment of the Immortal Ultimate Sword inside it, as if the seal prevented the fragment from breaking away.

At this moment, if Wang Lin, the thunder avatar, immediately lets go and retreats hastily, he may be able to avoid the huge face that is swallowing him in front of him, but if he still doesn't let go, he will be in danger!

A cold light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes. Without thinking, his thunder body immediately erupted into roaring thunder, and countless lightnings spread out from his body. The arc-shaped lightning contained killing. This lightning, It’s the killing thunder contained in Wang Lin’s Thunder True Body! !

As soon as the thunder dissipated, the surrounding seafloor immediately roared, and the lightning emitted from Lei Tingzhen suddenly condensed together to form a huge lightning arm, which was pressed towards the devoured face with one palm!

The face was already blurry, and the detailed features could not be seen clearly. At this moment, the huge palm formed by the killing lightning of the thunder body was pressed on the face, and there was a loud bang immediately.

The face showed pain, and he paused for a moment. With the power of this pause, Wang Lin's thunder avatar flashed his eyes, grabbed the golden fragment tightly, and with a low roar, yanked it outward. In the confrontation with the huge suction power, the golden fragments stuck in the layers of seals on the face were pulled out an inch!!

But one inch seemed to have reached the limit. Almost at the moment when the Thunder Avatar pulled the fragment, Wang Lin's Five Elements Avatar approached, grabbed the Thunder Avatar, and pulled it fiercely.

The Thunder True Body was like a bridge. When the Five Elements True Body was pulling, great force poured in, and it once again pulled the fragment stuck in the seal. With a roar and whirling motion, the fragment was once again pulled out an inch! !

Now almost half of it is outside the seal, and only an inch remains inside the seal! !

Wang Lin's body was approaching at this moment. He clenched his right fist and struck suddenly at the huge face in front of him that was held down by the lightning palm. With this punch, Daogu's figure immediately transformed behind him and followed with a punch.

The roaring sound was earth-shattering at this moment. While rolling up the surrounding sea water, it also caused a storm vortex to form on the uppermost sea surface. A punch was blasted out, and it seemed to merge with the lightning palm to jointly resist the face.

Wang Lin grabbed the Five Elements Avatar with his left hand, and with a low roar, he gave a final tug outward!

The power of its body was transmitted to the Five Elements True Body, and after merging with the power of the Five Elements True Body, it was then transmitted to the right hand of the Thunder True Body that was holding the fragment." The Thunder True Body let out a shocking roar, and finally shook its right hand and pulled it out. Got the complete fragment of Xianji Sword!!

At the moment when the fragment was pulled out, a powerful force surged in, pushing and impacting like a sea of ​​fire. It hit Wang Lin's two real bodies crazily, causing the two real bodies to "rewind" and merge into Wang Lin's body. Afterwards, Wang Lin retreated sharply.

But that powerful force did not dissipate at all, and fell crazily on Wang Lin, causing Wang Lin's body to shudder, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. With his current physical strength, and his current Tianzun combat power, even in this seal To be injured, it shows that this seal is extremely strong!

But all this was far from over. When Wang Lin rolled back and was injured by the powerful impact, he saw that the lightning palm holding his face suddenly collapsed, and countless lightnings scattered in all directions.

This palm does not contain too much killing thunder, because Wang Lin's true body, once too much killing thunder is used, may not be able to bear it before the thunder is released. Collapse, after all, the killing thunder that he inadvertently birthed from heaven and earth contained a power that even Wang Lin was frightened by.

At this moment, the palm collapsed, but the killing thunder that made up the palm was scattered without any damage, and poured into Wang Lin's body while being rewinded.

Without the restraint of the hand, the huge face let out a silent roar, and went straight to pursue Wang Lin, as if it would never give up until it devoured and sealed Wang Lin, a non-immortal spirit!

His speed was so fast that he was less than ten feet away from Wang Lin in a blink of an eye. No matter how Wang Lin retreated, the face with layers of seals still followed him! !

If you look at this scene from another angle, you can clearly see Wang Lin retreating in a straight line. On the layers of seals of the mountains, seas and trees, this face seems to have an ever-extending neck. The neck is also blurry, but connected. The gap between the seal and the face was now extended by a hundred feet, and it was still spreading rapidly as the face pursued! !

From a distance, the face and neck look like the body of a huge python! !

"Discovered, non-Xiangang spirit, sealed!!..." During its pursuit, the ancient voice swirled again, as if it had some kind of will and some kind of mission, revealing an indescribable weirdness. !

Wang Lin's eyes were bloodshot. He had never encountered such a dangerous thing in the past fifty years since he had acquired Tianzun's combat power. But at this moment, he couldn't help but think too much about the so-called pursuit of wealth and danger. Now that he had decided, Won't regret it!

While retreating, at the moment when the face was roaring and devoured, Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand and clenched his fist, and astonishingly, ninety-seven afterimages appeared directly outside his body!

These ninety-seven afterimages all made a gesture with their hands and pressed their palms towards the sky.

"Shen Zhen, soldiers and cultivators!"

"Sorcery, a mountain of flames!"

"The devil's way, life and death are reversed!"

"Gods, monsters, demons, there are no immortals in the ancient way!!" Each afterimage roared out these four sentences and punched out. Finally, these ninety-seven afterimages merged with Wang Lin's body, and that one The punch blasted out, forming a gray ripple that suddenly spread towards the face that was swallowing up in front.

This was Wang Lin's most powerful attack so far, and he had no reservations about the strongest blow in his soul-borrowing armor! ! In these fifty years of challenges, he has never used this move, but now, he is throwing this punch in front of this seal!

The gray ripples were in direct contact with the huge face, and the rattling sounds were swirling in all directions. The face, three feet in front of Wang Lin, was immediately petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not only was the face petrified, but also the face was petrified. Even the neck-like thing connected to the seal was quickly petrified!

But all this is temporary. While it has not been completely petrified and the gray light is spreading, the part of the face that was first petrified suddenly started to loosen and showed signs of recovery!

"Not even the Ancient Dao Wuxian can completely destroy it. Even the face transformed by this seal is still recovering rapidly. I'm afraid it won't take a few breaths to fully recover!" Wang Lin's pupils shrank sharply, If he chooses to retreat quickly at this moment, he is 80% confident that he can leave here through the hole he blasted before and appear in the mountains and seas, or even rush out of the sea directly!

But if he leaves like this, Wang Lin doesn’t want to! A cold light flashed in his eyes. This seal had injured him, and although he was 80% confident of escaping from this place, there was still a 20% chance of an accident. Once this accident occurred, and the Haizi Tianzun regained his power of movement, both sides would be attacked. , which is extremely detrimental to him!

Wang Lin would not gamble on this kind of thing, he would rather take life into his own hands1

"Can't retreat!" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with light. In a flash, he did not retreat, but took a step forward and appeared directly behind the face. The petrified layers on the huge face were broken, and he was about to recover. He even twisted the neck connecting the face, trying to turn the face towards Wang Lin to devour him.

But most of his neck was petrified. Although he was recovering rapidly, it would still take several breaths to turn his head.

Wang Lin let out a low roar, and at the moment when his face was about to turn around, his right hand suddenly lifted up. During a burst of heartbreaking pain, a ferocious bone-yin knife suddenly came out of the palm of his right hand, which was three feet long. ! !

As soon as the Yin knife came out, the surrounding sea water immediately seemed to be frozen!

"Death!!" With the help of the soul armor, Wang Lin roared and the ninety-seven afterimages outside his body appeared again. Each afterimage had a ferocious expression, their eyes were red, and they raised the middle-bone Yin knife with their right hand to transform. .

The moment the sword was slashed, the ninety-seven afterimages formed ninety-seven swords, and all merged into Wang Lin's body, slashing down with a bang! ! Looking from a distance, the ninety-eight swords seemed to be connected together, forming a fan-shaped shadow of sword light. The sword fell towards the end of the neck where the face was turning around and connected to the face, and the sword fell! !

The roaring sound shook the entire mountain and sea at this moment. The neck connected to the huge face suddenly showed signs of collapse when the knife fell. As soon as this sign appeared, it was penetrated by the remaining shadows. In the blink of an eye, there was a roar!

The neck connected to the huge face was severed in two under this knife! !

The vibrations in the depths of the seafloor caused the entire mountain and sea to ripple and turn into a whirlpool, rolling up the seawater and roaring. The sea dragon on the sea twisted its body and was proudly provoking the octopus and sea beast, roaring like the only one among them. Words that can only be understood in a short time.

I don't know if the octopus sea beast can hear it, but judging from the anger and madness in its bulging eyes, it seems that it should be able to hear it.

But at this moment, being shocked by the fluctuations on the seabed, the sea dragon was stunned and suddenly felt a huge crisis coming. Without thinking, it immediately dived towards the seabed and fled quickly.

The moment it left, Haizi Tianzun on the back of the octopus sea beast trembled, and his eyes suddenly showed a cold light!

"Wang Lin!!!" The Haizi Tianzun recovered!

Fellow Taoists, have you seen the "first update" after the title of this chapter? Haha, come and order some monthly tickets. The exchange is to be continued.

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