Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1932 Broken Palm! !

"While Haizi Tianzun was recovering, Wang Lin cut off the face's neck with a knife in the endless land inside the whirlpool of the black hole on the bottom of the sea.

The moment the knife fell and unfolded, the face let out a shocking roar and turned around completely. However, in front of Wang Lin, the layers collapsed and disintegrated, turning into a piece of fly ash, blending into the sea water and disappearing.

Blood dripped from the connection point between Wang Lin's right hand and the Bone Yin Knife. The Bone Yin Knife slowly shrank amidst the tremendous pain in Wang Lin's right hand, and finally completely disappeared and merged into his right arm.

Wang Lin had exerted all his power with the sword strike just now. He was already exhausted at this moment, especially the bone-yin sword on his right arm, which was almost collapsing from the force of the counter-shock.

Want to seal me? "Wang Lin was dressed in rough clothes. His cultivation was so high that even in the sea water, he was still as normal. His breath came out from his mouth and turned into a bubble rising, but there was no sea water to enter. Instead, there was a trace of the sea water contained in it. The breathable substance was inhaled by him.

He turned back and glanced at the layers of seals on the mountain and sea tree. This seal had not been broken by Wang Lin's knife just now. At this moment, the ripples on it slowly gradually dispersed, and it faintly returned to normal.

With a flash of eyes, Wang Lin was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, while checking the injuries in his body, he was also estimating the time of the soul armor. Due to the previous full-strength exertions, the time of the soul armor had dropped sharply. Now there is still about half a stick of incense left. .

"That's enough!" After Wang Lin's breathing stabilized, he swayed and went straight up. His figure appeared beside the black hole whirlpool in an instant, dived in, and left the true depths of the seabed. In the mountains and seas above.

Just when he walked out of the black hole, a sea dragon came rushing from above. When he saw Wang Lin, he immediately roared with surprise in his eyes and came quickly. Wang Lin nodded slightly and headed straight up with the sea dragon.

He had already noticed that the body-fixing technique on Haizi Tianzun had lost its effect.

Almost at the moment when Wang Lin rose rapidly, a sound of gnashing teeth echoed in the sea water.

Wang Lin! ! ! "Following the sound, the originally dark blue seawater immediately turned into black. In front of Wang Lin, the black was thicker, like ink, and there were huge tentacles swaying inside, causing the seawater to swell. It turned into whirlpools one after another and headed straight towards Wang Lin.

Haizi Tianzun, you are no match for me now. You and I have no hatred. This mountain and sea village spirit is not your private property. If we continue to entangle, don’t blame Wang for being cruel! "Wang Lin looked calm and controlled the sea dragon to avoid the black sea water, and went straight to the sea from the side.

This whole mountain and sea is my Dan Mansion, Haizi Yiting. How can I let you come just as you say?

Just leave! ! Mountain and Sea Formation! ! "The Haizi Tianzun's real name is Yiting, but because she has been in this mountain and sea all year round, she gained enlightenment here and became a Tianzun. Therefore, at the level of Tianzun, just like Wang Lin is called Tianzun, she is called Tianzun. It’s Haizi Tianzun!

As he spoke, he saw that almost all the sea water in all directions turned into black, especially above and below the sea surface, it formed a patch of ink that looked like dried ink!

This piece of Mojia is extremely solid, blocking most of the entire mountain and sea. If you look down from high above the sea, the boundless end of the mountain and sea seems to have become a black earth, solid and solid!

In the sea water, Haizi Tianzun's figure suddenly transformed. The octopus sea beast under him roared and was the first to rush out, heading straight for the sea dragon under Wang Lin.

It hated the sea dragon to the core, and it rushed out at this moment. Its roar shook the sea water and formed a large number of ripples. The sea dragon flashed its fierce eyes and roared as well. It rushed out and fought with the octopus and sea beast while roaring at each other.

The two sea beasts fought and fought, causing the sea water to roll like thunder, and there were violent waves and roars.

At the same time, the beautiful Haizi Tianzun stared at Wang Lin and walked away. She can't say she hates Wang Lin. On the contrary, during the battle between the two three years ago, she had a slightly deep impression of Wang Lin, but it was just like that. There was no wave in her heart, as if she was a stranger. It's just a chance encounter.

After Wang Lin failed in that battle, Haizi Tianzun ignored the matter, but now it was very different. When Wang Lin showed up three years later, when he pointed it out, she was actually frozen for more than ten breaths! !

This was simply unacceptable to her, and it was extremely embarrassing! You must know that even though she is a Heavenly Lord, she is still a female cultivator. A woman is fixed there without any resistance. This feeling makes her quite ashamed and angry!

In her original thought, although the mountain and sea tree spirit could condense the wood source, it was of little use to her. If Wang Lin lowered his posture and asked her for what he wanted, then for the sake of being the same Heavenly Lord, she could Give some to Wang Lin.

But Wang Lin was always indifferent whether it was three years ago or three years later. This made the beautiful Haizi Tianzun pretend to be difficult.

She has a high level of cultivation and a noble status. Except for a limited number of Yue Tianzun, she does not notice anything ordinary. It is precisely because of her noble status that she can occupy the entire mountain and sea without any interference from anyone. and provoke.

But she never expected that there would be a scene where she was locked there for more than ten seconds!

Facing the arrival of the Haizi Tianzun, Wang Lin frowned. His soul armor time was limited, and he really didn't want to delay too much with the Haizi Tianzun, but if this woman kept entangled, he wouldn't mind seriously injuring her as quickly as possible!

At this moment, he snorted coldly. At the moment when Haizi Tianzun arrived, Wang Lin took a step forward. During this step, ninety-seven afterimages appeared around him, heading straight for Haizi Tianzun.

At the moment when he was approaching, Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand and slapped the Haizi Tianzun with his palm!

At the moment when his palm was raised, ninety-seven afterimages raised their right palms at the same time. Under the fusion, the ninety-eight service spirit seals suddenly transformed, forming a huge palm print in front of Wang Lin and heading straight towards Haizi. Tianzun left.

The Haizi Tianzun bit his silver teeth, raised his hand and waved forward. Immediately, a blue light filled the air on his right hand, and suddenly turned into a huge bell. The bell expanded rapidly, and a sharp sound came from inside. Roaring, he saw a blue flying bird transform from the bell, its wings flapped seventy times in a row, and suddenly it contained seventy magical powers, heading straight for Wang Lin's spirit seal.

As the blue bird flew out, Haizi Tianzun raised his hand and pointed forward suddenly.

"My destiny is the first one in my body!" With one finger of Haizi Tianzun's hand, an oval-shaped mark suddenly appeared in front of him. The mark was composed of seventy strokes, which impressively contained seventy of his magical powers!

"Heaven is not against the second way!" The Tianzun Tianzun gritted her teeth, her beautiful face was a little pale, and when she raised her right hand, blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth. It was obvious that this technique was extremely difficult for her to promote!

During his words, he saw that the oval mark expanded dramatically. Twenty-six of the seventy strokes contained in it suddenly split, doubled in size, merged with the original seventy strokes, and transformed into Ninety-six ways!

These ninety-six strokes are equivalent to the fusion of ninety magical powers. The oval-shaped mark formed contains a shocking aura and goes straight to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's Spiritual Service Seal directly touched the blue bird. As the roaring sound reverberated, the blue bird collapsed and turned into a bell lock again. After being rolled up and flipped open, the remaining Spiritual Service Seal roared out. But the moment it touched the oval mark, the spiritual seal disintegrated silently!

"What kind of magical power is this!!" Wang Lin's pupils shrank, and the oval mark gave him a great crisis. As it approached, Wang Lin raised his hands without thinking, and bent his body backwards like a bow. Ninety-seven afterimages outside the body transformed, and they all moved, as if their heads were slammed forward!

"Tianniu collision!!"

However, they saw that the beetle supernatural power that shocked the ancestor of Dao Demon Sect Tianzun appeared again. These ninety-seven afterimages, together with Wang Lin's body, instantly created a huge beetle body, using those two roots. The huge horns, containing ninety-eight magical powers, headed straight for the oval mark.

When Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun were fighting in the mountain and sea that was frozen on the sea surface, deep in the seabed, in the black hole that Wang Lin blasted open before, was the location of Shanhai Village.

At this moment, there is an extremely strange change, which is rapidly condensing.

Beside the mountains and trees, outside the layers of seals, I saw where the face that had been cut off and disintegrated by Wang Lin disappeared. At this moment, a little light appeared, and these lights revealed a crazy ferocity and greed. There was blood, and there was a terrifying aura that was enough to scare people.

However, this aura was very strange and did not escape at all. It was not noticed by Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun who were fighting outside the black hole.

There was a faint roar from above, and there were more and more dark spots here. In a moment, there were almost no less than a hundred thousand dense spots. They merged one by one, and in a short period of time, they completely condensed into each other. Together.

Instead of forming the previous face, it formed a broken hand! !

There are only palms and no arms, so it is called broken palm! ! !

This broken palm was originally extremely huge, a hundred feet long, but after it was formed, it shrank sharply, and finally turned into the palm of an ordinary person. Its whole body was not a dark color, but transparent. If you don't look carefully, it would be difficult to see at all. clear.

In the palm of the hand, there seemed to be a faint mark, which could not be clearly seen.

Now, the spirit of non-Xiangang is sealed! ! "A vague sound came from the broken palm. In a flash, ripples of sea water were seen all around, and the broken palm went straight upward!

At this moment, during the battle between Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun, neither of them noticed the appearance and arrival of this severed palm in the black hole on the seabed! !

The ancient loneliness is uploaded.

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