Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1933 Transformation! !

Most of the mountains and seas are sealed by the ink-colored Heiga. This Heiga is extremely strong and is formed by Haizi Tianzun's formation. It is difficult to break open easily.

In the sea between the Heijia and the bottom of the sea, Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun, a beautiful woman, were fighting!

The Haizi Tianzun used a strange magical power, and at the cost of spitting out a mouthful of blood, it condensed into an oval mark containing ninety-six magical powers. This mark was strange and unpredictable, and headed straight for Wang Lin.

Although Wang Lin was frightened, he still fought against the beetle. The huge shadow of the beetle collided with the oval mark in an instant.

As it expands, the roaring sound is astonishing, and it collapses and spreads crazily in the sea water, making the sea water seem to be separated, forming a strangulation transfer.

Haizi Tianzun's face was pale, and he rolled back. This move was taught by his master and was extremely powerful. However, she could not execute the second move perfectly, but even so, it was enough to make her a rare opponent under Yuetianzun. !

But now, she met Wang Lin!

Wang Lin also retreated, breathing rapidly. While his beetle body collapsed, the soul armor on his body also showed signs of dissipating.

Almost at the moment when he stepped back, Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he suddenly raised his right hand. At the moment when ninety-seven afterimages appeared, he pointed fiercely at Haizi Tianzun who was retreating in the distance!



"Constant!!" Wang Lin used the Immobilization Technique for the second time in front of Haizi Tianzun. The moment he performed the Immobilization Technique, the ninety-seven afterimages around him condensed with the main body and turned into the body. Haizi Tianzun's terrifying and angry finger came directly to him!

"Wang Lin, you..." Before Haizi Tianzun could finish his words, his retreating body was suddenly fixed there due to the previous injuries. After losing the rotation of his soul, and without the support of the octopus and sea beast, his body Like a sunken corpse, it fell towards the bottom of the sea.

But since she dared to stop Wang Lin, she was obviously prepared. Even though she was hasty and Wang Lin had the perfect opportunity to immobilize her body, she still only immobilized her soul, and her eyes were still filled with thoughts, as usual.

She stared at Wang Lin who was getting farther and farther away, with shame and anger in her eyes. If her jaw hadn't been unable to move, she would have gritted her teeth angrily at this moment.

There are two reasons why Wang Lin did not use the Immobilization Technique immediately after meeting Haizi Tianzun before. Since Haizi Tianzun dared to come and stop him, he must have been prepared and had a certain degree of confidence to resist his own Immobilization Technique. !

Therefore, this technique

You can never act immediately upon meeting, you have to wait for the most appropriate time to settle down in one fell swoop!

Secondly, even if the Haizi Tianzun is fixed there, unless Wang Lin takes action to seriously injure and kill him, and then escape immediately, otherwise, even if Wang Lin leaves the sea in a mere ten breaths, after the Haizi Tianzun recovers, They will also pursue you.

In contrast, instead of stabbing it and seriously injuring it, it is better to hit it seriously and then pin it there so that it does not dare to chase. This is the upright way!

After fixing the Haizi Tianzun, Wang Lin swayed and was about to kick away the octopus and sea beast and take the sea dragon straight to the top. His consciousness subconsciously swept Haizi Tianzun's body deep into the seabed from below.

But under this sweep, Wang Lin was suddenly stunned!

The place where he fought with Haizi Tianzun was not far from the seabed. The body of Haizi Tianzun was sinking, and not far below it was the black hole on the seabed.

Under Wang Lin's sweep, he vaguely saw a blur of ripples rushing out of the black hole, rushing toward Haizi Tianzun who had lost all power to resist!

There seems to be something strange inside the ripples, but it cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye!

"Now, it is not the spirit of Immortal Gang, it is sealed!" A vague spiritual thought spread in the sea water, and penetrated into Wang Lin's mind. The moment he saw it, Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed!

"not dead!"

Wang Lin's scalp was numb. He was very aware of the power of the sealed face that existed before. At this moment, he barely hesitated at all and was about to leave, but his body was beaten again.

The Haizi Tianzun below, her soul was fixed, but her eyes and thoughts were still there. She could clearly see a blurry shadow in the distant sea water fluctuations, which seemed to merge with the sea water and rush towards her.

An indescribable life-and-death crisis suddenly emerged in her heart. This crisis was far more powerful than the battle with Wang Lin. Even in her entire life, she had never experienced such heart palpitations that frightened her!

Her eyes were enlarged. At this moment, her body could not move, and she had lost all resistance. She could only watch the shadow inside the ripples of the sea water, exuding a terrifying and terrifying aura, heading straight for her!

Haizi Tianzun, who has always been strong, at this moment, his eyes showed unprecedented fear and weakness, and his body trembled, as if struggling to wake up from the immobilization technique!

This feeling of life and death made her feel as if she was not a god at the moment, but a weak woman. When faced with terrible things, despair emerged in her eyes!

Within the ripples of the sea water was the severed palm that flew out of the black hole. It seemed to be going crazy. No matter who it was, as long as it encountered it, it would send out divine thoughts such as the spirit of the Immortal Gang and the seal.

If Wang Lin wants to escape at this moment, he can ignore the life and death of Haizi Tianzun, turn around and escape crazily at an extremely fast speed. It is very likely that Haizi Tianzun will be used as a bait to escape alone.

But in the moment of struggle in his eyes, he suddenly turned around, took one step forward, and rushed straight towards Haizi Tianzun below at an extremely fast speed!

"I, Wang Lin, have been neither a human being nor a gentleman throughout my life, but I have always wanted to be clear in my heart. This Haizi Tianzun has no enmity with me. This place is her cave, and it is her duty to protect her from letting others in!" Wang Lin speeded up very quickly! , thousands of feet in an instant.

"The seals of the mountains, seas, and trees were moved by me. They appear now and affect the Haizi Tianzun. Her body is also fixed by me. If I run away now and abandon her, then I, Wang Lin, cannot be innocent!

Since I can't do it with a clear conscience, why should I defy heaven, what will should I use to resurrect Wan'er, and what faith should I have to reach the top! Maybe others can do it, but I, Wang Lin, can't do it! "Wang Lin's eyes showed determination, and he suddenly ran straight towards Haizi Tianzun!

His move was seen by the desperate Haizi Tianzun, and she was stunned for a moment.

Wang Lin's speed was so fast that in a blink of an eye, the Haizi Tianzun in Linji was less than 40 feet away. However, no matter how fast he traveled, he could not reach the transparent broken palm in the ripples of the sea water. At this moment, the broken palm was already close to the Haizi Tianzun, which was less than 30 feet away!

With ferocity, bloodthirsty, and an unspeakable madness, the broken palm gradually solidified in the sea water, and its five fingers stretched out to devour Haizi Tianzun with one palm.

Wang Lin can use the Immobilization Technique, but he cannot unlock it, unless he encounters someone whose cultivation level is not as good as his own. He can forcefully deploy it with a single swipe of his hand. However, Haizi Tianzun's own cultivation level has reached Tianzun's combat power, and Wang Lin can't unlock it. Different, there is still a big gap between the two people's actual cultivation. Wang Lin can't break his own body-holding technique in just a short moment!

Moreover, the world under the sea had been sealed by Haizi Tianzun before, and it was impossible to teleport. Seeing that the severed palm condensed in front of Haizi Tianzun was about to swallow it up, at the moment of despair in Haizi Tianzun's eyes, Wang Lin let out a low roar, and his body was filled with energy. The five divine veins were roaring and spinning at the fastest speed, causing Wang Lin's body to explode at an unprecedented speed at this moment!

This kind of speed is the manifestation of the full force of the Divine Art pouring into the body. This kind of speed made Wang Lin move forward, and at the same time, ninety-seven afterimages suddenly appeared behind him, and the ninety-eighth afterimages even more... Condensed!

Ninety-eight afterimages and one body, added together, are ninety-nine!

With the help of the extra shadow created by the full force explosion, Wang Lin's speed suddenly increased sharply. At the moment when the broken palm was less than three feet away from Haizi Tianzun, the ferocious aura was revealed, and it was about to devour him, a powerful force blasted into the broken palm. Between him and Haizi Tianzun, the body of Haizi Tianzun was thrown away.

When Haizi Tianzun's body was rolled back, she saw Wang Lin's figure in front of her!

His body trembled, and at this moment, he suddenly resumed action.

The moment he recovered, Wang Lin's bone-yin knife in his right hand transformed and slashed away at the severed palm.

The broken palm lost the target of Haizi Tianzun, and he immediately stretched out his hand and went straight to Wang Lin to grab it.

"Now, the non-immortal spirit is sealed!" As the vague spiritual thoughts echoed, Wang Lin's Bone Yin Blade collided with it, and a loud rumbling sound was heard.

My friends, I wish you happiness every day.

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