Renegade Immortal

Is there a monthly pass?

Nine hours of coding, nearly 40,000 keystrokes, three cans of Red Bull, and two and a half packs of cigarettes.

With these, I wrote 11,000 words, including deletions and deletions, I wrote about 13,000 words.

I'm not exaggerating, I'm not lying, these are all worth it, should you vote for a monthly ticket? Saying this is not a pleading, not pretending to be pitiful, but a fact.

In July, I want to fight for the first place, I told myself that I must be the first day after tomorrow, and I will continue to explode

--- Sogou Pinyin input method input statistics --- Xianni

Statistics period: 2010.10.19 - 2011.7.18 (272 days in total)

Total number of words entered: 2384623 words

Total words entered today: 13518 words

Current typing speed: 24 words/min

Fastest speed today: 52 words/minute

The fastest speed in history: 56 words/minute rv! ~!

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