Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang Chapter 10 Yang Chapter 1934 1 male 1 female

But I saw that the severed palm, which was constantly bombarding, was suddenly attached to the light curtain outside the ten thousand-foot light curtain. Looking at it, the severed palm looked like a starfish at the moment.

It was so closely attached that the strange imprint in the palm of the severed palm was clearly exposed in front of Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun.

But this alone was not enough to make the expressions of the two of them change drastically. What shocked Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun was the sudden expansion and enlargement of the severed palm, and in the blink of an eye, it turned hundreds of zhangs, thousands of zhangs!

With the naked eye, the severed palm suddenly became bigger, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a huge size, covering the entire semi-circular light curtain!

With the appearance of the severed palm that seemed to devour the light curtain after being enlarged, the entire light curtain suddenly flickered violently, and a large number of ripples echoed, and then the light curtain suddenly became completely dark, and there was no light at all.

But even so, for Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun, as long as the cultivation base condenses their eyes, they can still see the surroundings clearly. Wang Lin was silent, and noticed that his head was faint and automatic, floating upwards slightly.

"It swallowed the protective light curtain of my desire, and it is moving fast!" Haizi Tianzun's eyes flashed and he said slowly.

"What the hell is it!" Haizi Tianzun looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin, who was a hundred meters away, looked down at his newly grown right hand. After a moment of silence, he spoke slowly.

"The seal of the mountain and sea trees!"

Haizi Tianzun's face was pale, and he didn't speak again with a wry smile. Instead, he sat down with his knees crossed and looked around Tao Hei, wondering what he was thinking of writing.

Time passed slowly, and soon, the soul armor on Wang Lin's body slowly dissipated. As the soul armor dissipated, a deep sense of exhaustion filled Wang Lin's mind.

"Your master is afraid that you won't be able to find this place in a short time. The severed palm swallowed up this protective light curtain, which should block all external connections, like a seal." Wang Lin sighed, looking at the dark top, calmly. said.

"You take the spirit of the mountain and sea tree, why do you want to provoke the seal of the mountain and sea tree, this seal was arranged by the immortal ancestors back then, you..." After a long time, the Haizi Tianzun looked at Wang Lin with a complicated expression.

"If I didn't save you, I would have left the mountains and seas now." Wang Lin glanced at the Haizi Tianzun and spoke slowly.

Tianzun Haizi was silent.

In this silence, time passed silently again, and it was three days in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, the two never talked again. The Haizi Tianzun sometimes looked at the light curtain above, and his expression changed. As for Wang Lin, he closed his eyes and meditated, and took out the few mountain and sea tree spirits he obtained. , take out one and melt it into the body.

"Your cultivation base is very strange. It is obviously only in the early stage of the robbery, but you have the combat power of Tianzun. Although the mountain and sea tree spirit can help the cultivator to condense the wood source in the source of truth, the cultivator of the empty robbery, even if it is no longer. With a few more sources, it will be difficult to cultivate to the ultimate level, so what's the use!" After three days of silence, Tianzun Haizi couldn't help but speak softly when he saw Wang Lin integrated into the spirit of mountains, seas and trees.

"I'm not the same as you." Wang Lin didn't explain much, opened his eyes and glanced at Tianzun Haizi, and said calmly.

"You don't seem to be worried or anxious here?" That Haizi Tianzun frowned.

Wang Jing was silent, closed his eyes, and continued to absorb the spirit of the mountain general tree that had merged into his body.

"My protective light curtain was swallowed. If it was as you said before, it would be difficult for my master to find it in a short time. Even if I came to this mountain and sea, if the broken palm went to other places, the master would look for it. It also takes some time.

At this moment we have lost all contact with the outside world, aren't you worried? Seeing Wang Lin closing his eyes and ignoring him, Tianzun Haizi pursed his lips and said still.

Seeing that Wang Lin still didn't speak, Tianzun Haizi looked at Wang Lin with beautiful eyes, and for a long time, her expression showed a sullen look.

"It's just the two of us here. You don't talk like a log. Watching me talking to myself, isn't it interesting!"

Wang Lin opened his eyes, feeling quite helpless in his heart, looking at Haizi Tianzun.

"In such an environment, I think it's not bad. You can practice meditation, if you don't always interrupt my practice."

"You!" That Haizi Tianzun immediately stood up and snorted softly. Miaoman's charming body turned around and left Wang Lin's surroundings, thousands of meters away. After a long distance, he ignored Wang Lin.

Seeing Heavenly Venerate Haizi leave, Wang Lin closed his eyes, immersed himself in the body and merged into the tree spirit of mountains and seas, but his consciousness spread out a little, and he was very vigilant.

As for the sea dragon, he was lying beside Wang Lin, staring viciously at the octopus sea beast that was also staring at him in the distance. The two sea beasts didn't roar at each other, but they fought each other with their eyes, as if there were endless vicious words. The words were contained in their eyes, and they came and went, as if they were cursing each other with their eyes.

In this silence, time passes again, ten days, twenty days, one month, two months, three months...

In the blink of an eye, it was four months.

For four months, Wang Lin didn't say a word. He was immersed in absorbing the spirits of mountains and seas. A greenishness slowly appeared on his skin.

The sea dragon beside him, after four months of staring at the octopus sea beast, still didn't feel tired. Instead, he was full of energy and stared viciously all the time.

On the contrary, the octopus sea beast seemed a little tired, but did not flinch, staring at each other for four months.

"Wang...Wang Lin, something is wrong..." One day after four months, the Heavenly Venerate Haizi looked worried, walked several thousand feet away, and sat down at twenty feet from Wang Lin.

Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at Tianzun Haizi. He hadn't seen this woman for four months. This woman's beautiful face was a little haggard, but despite this, she still possessed a beauty that made people feel heartbroken.

"It's impossible for my master to have not found us for four months... After the old man knew that I was in crisis, even if the severed palm left the mountains and seas, the master would deduce and calculate the location of the severed palm. It is absolutely impossible for four The moon hasn't appeared yet." Haizi Tianzun did not hide her worries, and after being trapped here for four months, she was unable to meditate, and she always had a bad feeling.

"Three possibilities." Wang Lin said calmly.

"This broken palm has gone to a place that no one can detect, even by deduction and calculation, it can't be inferred!"

"Second, your master is not as you thought, and will come to save you immediately."

"Impossible! If Shizun knows that I am in danger, he will come immediately! As for the first possibility you mentioned, it is not correct. With Shizun's cultivation, there is no way that he can't be counted on the land of the immortal race. The location!" Haizi Tianzun said immediately, she looked at Wang Lin, hesitated a little, and said again.

"You should have guessed it, my master is Emperor Jiu Tianzun!"

Wang Lin's expression was as usual, without the slightest surprise. When he took out the medicinal pill from the Haizi Celestial Clan, he saw the emperor's word on the medicinal pill. Tianzun is so sure that his master can save her, and the cultivation base must be amazing.

Combining the two, it is natural to guess that his master is very likely to be the Great Heavenly Venerate. Among the Great Heavenly Venerate, the person named after the emperor, except for the possibility of the Immortal Emperor, is the Jiudi Great Heavenly Venerate who is also in Zhongzhou.

"In this case, then there is the third possibility. This severed palm will swallow the light curtain that contains us. In its body, perhaps the passage of time is different from the outside world. Perhaps, hundreds of years have passed here, and the outside world is only one day. ." Wang Lin spoke slowly, his voice not hurried or slow.

The face of Haizi Tianzun immediately turned pale. She was a very smart person. She had guesses about this possibility, but now that she heard Wang Lin also thinks the same way, she has already determined six or seven times in her heart.

"This protective light curtain, although it was given to me by the master, can't last for hundreds of years... Once the light curtain is broken..." Haizi Tianzun's eyes showed the horror of the broken palm.

While the two of them were talking, suddenly the ten thousand zhang light curtain suddenly shook, and there was a faint roar, and the range from ten thousand zhang suddenly reduced to nine thousand zhang!

And in the darkness outside the light curtain as if nothingness, there was a blurry figure that could not be seen clearly, the figure floated there, looking at Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun inside the light curtain, a murderous aura faintly emanated.

"Now, not the spirit of the Immortal Gang, seal!" The vague figure muttered to himself.

As the scope of the light curtain was reduced, the Haizi Tianzun suddenly raised his head and looked upward, as if he could faintly see the figure in the darkness of the light curtain well.

"You reduce this light curtain to 100 feet. In this way, the resistance time will be longer." Wang Lin also saw the figure of the light curtain, and his eyes flashed coldly, and said slowly.

During the speech, Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved towards the sea dragon. The sea dragon turned into a blue light, and was taken away by Wang Lin. The Haizi Tianzun hesitated for a while, and also chose to take away the octopus sea beast, and in the gesture of his hands, he moved towards the surrounding people. With a finger on the light curtain, the light curtain flickered, suddenly condensed, and turned from nine thousand feet to one hundred feet.

As a result, within this hundred zhang, only Wang Lin and this Haizi Tianzun were left, a man and a woman.

In silence, Tianzun Haizi sat in a corner, sighed softly, closed his eyes and sat up in meditation.

Time passed, the fourth month, the sixth month... Soon, a year passed.

A year, if it is outside, is not long, but very short. But the two men and one woman who were trapped here seemed to be a little longer in this space that was only a hundred feet long.

Wang Lin is better. He is used to loneliness. In the past year, he has merged two tree spirits of mountains and seas. In the source of the five elements, there is a bud of the source of wood, which is growing rapidly.

But that Haizi Tianzun, after being silent for eight months, opened his beautiful eyes and looked at Wang Lin. The man in front of her made her both hate and complicated.

"I've never lived with a stranger within a hundred feet for a year since I started practicing Taoism. You... I only know that your name is Wang Lin, or you said it yourself back then, which sect are you from?" Haizi Tianzun said softly. .

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