Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1935 Whose Broken Palm!

"Zongmen..." Wang Lin woke up from his trance, with memories in his eyes.

"I come from the Seven Dao Sect." Wang Lin said calmly after a long while.

"Seven Dao Sect?" Haizi Tianzun thought for a moment, and all the powerful sects in his impression seemed to be absent from the Hua Dao Sect.

"Dongzhou Qidao Sect, a very famous sect..." Wang Lin sighed secretly. When he was asked about the sect, at this moment, he felt homesick in his heart.

"I don't have a sect, so I have followed Master and grown up on Mount Di." Tianzun Haizi said softly.

"Dishan is very beautiful. During this season, the mountains are covered with red leaves, as if they are on fire... If you have a chance, you can go to Dishan to see it."

As the two talked softly, a special atmosphere seemed to permeate the area of ​​100 feet.

"With your Tianzun fighting power, I believe that Dao Daoda Tianzun in Nanzhou will be recruiting you. Do you... agree?" Haizi Tianzun's beautiful eyes stared at Wang Lin.

"No." Wang Lin shook his head.

"My master is a very nice person... Why don't you follow him..." After hearing Wang Lin's words, Haizi Tianzun smiled on his face, blinked, and said softly.

"I haven't considered it yet." Wang Lin said tactfully instead of refusing directly.

"How many years have you been practicing Taoism?" Haizi Tianzun suddenly asked about this topic for some reason.

"Probably not as long as you." Wang Lin frowned.

When Haizi Tianzun heard this, he immediately covered his mouth and smiled sweetly. This was the first time she had done this in this year.

"With your cultivation, you have such Tianzun's combat power, and you are not in any hurry when you are trapped here. Presumably, you don't have a pair of Taoist companions. Otherwise, it is impossible to be like this without the slightest worry about when you will get out of trouble." That Haizi Tianzun Said with a sweet smile.

Wang Lin frowned again and glanced at the beautiful woman in front of him. He vaguely felt that this woman seemed a little strange, a little different from what he had felt before.

"Seeing that you and I are trapped here, and you haven't left alone before, would you like my sister to introduce one to you?" Haizi Tianzun seemed to be very interested in this topic, and looked at Wang Lin.

“He looks ordinary, but he has a unique temperament, which is not bad.

Average cultivation level,

But having Tianzun's combat power is very good.

Overall, I'm quite satisfied, so let's leave it like that. After you get out of trouble, your sister will help you find a companion. "Haizi Tianzun's eyes showed bright light, and when he looked at Wang Linzhi, he gently pursed his moving lips.

"Put away your magical power." Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he spoke slowly and coldly.

The Haizi Tianzun stood up beautifully, and when he was about to speak, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly burst into golden light. Under that golden light, his expression was extremely majestic, and there was also a suppressive force, making Haizi Tianzun's words no longer sound. Say it.

"If you are trapped here for too long and want to talk to someone, then Wang will help you find one!" As Wang Lin spoke, his body immediately had overlapping shadows, but his true form of Killing Thunder stepped out in one step, Sitting cross-legged between him and Haizi Tianzun.

"Just talk to this clone of Wang, don't disturb my practice!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed with a chill, he stood up and walked back, sat down again in the corner farthest from Haizi Tianzun, closed his eyes and meditated, refining The third mountain and sea tree spirit.

The Haizi Tianzun was stunned, obviously not expecting that Wang Lin would actually come up with such a method. He frowned, glanced at the cold and cold true body that exuded a strong aura of killing and thunder, staring at him, snorted softly, and closed his eyes. Close your eyes and sit up to meditate.

"This Haizi Tianzun, there is something weird!" Wang Lin's body in the distance, when Haizi Tianzun closed his eyes and meditated, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly.

"I thought something had happened to the Broken Palm Walker before, so after appearing, she did not come directly to me, but was the first to attack her...

Looking at it now, it seems that there are some hidden things..." The previous changes of Haizi Tianzun were completely different from what Wang Lin had remembered, but he was not aware of the secrets like two souls in one body, so he just used the Immortal Extreme Jian glanced across it, but still didn't notice any clues.

"The first feeling Haizi Tianzun gave me was quite normal, but just now he was a bit presumptuous." Wang Lin frowned, and after a moment of silence, he no longer paid attention to the matter, but was immersed in the calmness of Hai Shuling. Being absorbed.

Time flies, and it is three years.

In the past three years, Wang Lin did not pay any attention to the Haizi Tianzun, but continued to absorb the mountain and sea tree spirits in his body, causing the power of the wood source to continue to grow in his body. In three years, he absorbed four After a tree spirit, the power of this wood source has already been formed.

Pieces of green patterns appeared on Wang Lin's skin. Those patterns looked like the veins of plants, looming, making Wang Lin look a little weird.

In the past three years, Haizi Tianzun rarely said a word. Like Wang Lin, he was immersed in meditation. His expression changed from time to time, and he didn't know what kind of magic power he was practicing.

In the past three years, almost every once in a while, there would be a muffled roar coming from outside, as if there was a strong impact on the light curtain. As time went by, this roar became more and more frequent.

The hundred-foot light curtain has shown faint signs of shrinking in the past three years.

In the fourth month after three years, suddenly the roar in the light curtain was far more violent than before, interrupting Wang Lin's practice, causing him to suddenly look up.

The moment he raised his head, Wang Lin's expression changed, he stood up and took a step forward. Almost at the moment he moved, the hundred-foot light curtain suddenly shrunk under the roar!

From one hundred feet, it was directly reduced by half, becoming fifty feet! The Haizi Tianzun also woke up and moved forward with his expression changing.

The roaring sound lasted for about half an hour before slowly dissipating. Only fifty feet of the light barrier remained! The distance of fifty feet was already extremely close to Wang Lin and Haizi Tianzun, and the two looked at each other.

"It seems that this protective light curtain cannot last even for a hundred years... I have condensed and shrunk it to resist the severed palm, but even so, after three years of persistence, it still became fifty people...

If it was still nearly ten thousand feet before, it might have been broken by now due to the dispersion. "Haizi Tianzun's expression and words are all different from a few years ago, and he seems to be back to normal now.

"I'm afraid it won't take too long, and the fifty-foot range will shrink until the light curtain collapses..." Haizi Tianzun frowned, looking helpless.

Wang Lin's eyes flickered with cold light. He looked above the light curtain and once again saw a vague figure in the darkness outside. The figure was hidden there, seemingly looking into his eyes.

At the moment when they looked at each other, Wang Lin's mind was shaken, as if the gaze outside the light curtain contained a strange power that could draw Wang Lin's mind away, and it turned into a sense of restlessness. It permeated Wang Lin's whole body.

Wang Lin's eyes suddenly flashed with golden light, and he immediately woke up.

"It is always staring at us...observing our every move. It has been like this for the past few years." Haizi Tianzun said softly with fear in his eyes.

"It's a broken palm!" Wang Lin said slowly.

"Then, whose severed hand is it!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and when Haizi Tianzun was stunned, his body immediately flew up and flew straight up.

Wang Lin's sudden move made the Haizi Tianzun look worried immediately, and he swayed about to follow.

"Don't come up. If you find anything wrong with me, wake me up immediately!" Wang Lin did not look back, but his voice echoed in Haizi Tianzun's mind.

Haizi Tianzun paused and looked at Wang Lin's back heading straight up. This same back made her think of the scene a few years ago when Wang Lin blocked her outside.

Wang Lin instantly approached the edge of the light curtain above. Within the edge, less than three inches away from his face, was the light curtain. At this position, almost at the moment he came, suddenly a blurry shadow outside the light curtain appeared. , unexpectedly the same body moved, and he came straight towards Wang Lin.

Outside the light curtain, the blurry figure suddenly stopped. It was also only three inches away from the light curtain, and less than six inches away from Wang Lin across the light curtain!

It was a skinless face, bloody and bloody, extremely terrifying, but full of an indescribable majesty. It was just an illusion and blur, and it was not very clear. Only the left hand of the figure was extremely solid, as if It's as real as having a skin!

The moment he vaguely saw the figure's face, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly shrank, revealing a look of disbelief. His mind felt like a million thunders roaring, and his body shook violently!

The blurry skinless face and eyes showed a strange light at this moment, and went straight towards the light curtain three inches away, as if it was about to penetrate into Wang Mo's eyes.

Wang Lin's mind roared, and he lost all consciousness at this moment. Only the strange gaze in his mind turned into a pair of eternal eyes. There was an indescribable weirdness in those eyes, which turned into a wave that echoed in Wang Lin's mind. sound.


At the moment when the sound reverberated, Wang Lin suddenly heard a thunderous heartbeat sound within his body. The sound continued to roar, as if caressing the sound, causing Wang Lin to wake up suddenly. As he woke up, the sound in his ears Haizi Tianzun's anxious exclamation was heard, and even the fragrant breeze swept by, Haizi Tianzun was already approaching.

"I'm fine." Wang Lin said slowly. Now, he was only an inch away from the light curtain. As long as he moved a little further, he seemed to be able to penetrate and leave the light curtain!

The moment Wang Lin woke up, the blurry figure outside the light curtain roared and roared, and slammed into the light curtain, as if it was about to rush in. The light curtain flickered violently, but did not break.

"Immortal Ancestor..." Wang Lin's gaze fell on the figure that was crashing crazily through the fluctuating light curtain.

The ancient loneliness is uploaded.

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