Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1944 Dream Obstacle Reincarnation

Volume 12 Immortal Gang Tenth Yang Chapter 1944 Dream Obstacle Reincarnation (First Update)

At different times, in different spaces, in illusion and reality, Wang Lin was in the same place. This was an extremely rare thing. Wang Lin didn't know if others had experienced it, but he understood it. I am experiencing it myself.

He stood there, as if he had a dream on Suzaku Star. His whole person seemed to be sublimated, like an epiphany. Under the rain curtain, even though his eyes were closed, the heaven and earth were in his heart, and everything had a spirit.

It's like a wanderer who has been away from home for decades. At a special moment, he suddenly sees something familiar that seems familiar to him. After thinking about it for a long time, he can't remember the origin of this familiarity.

Now, with his eyes closed, Wang Lin connected this familiar feeling with the scenes in the cave world. With his body, it seemed to have turned into an invisible thin line, connecting the cave and Xiangang. mainland.

"The falling rain is very familiar... The sound of rain hitting the bluestone is equally familiar..." Wang Lin murmured. After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at the hills, the main hall, the square, and the square in the world. The scene in the cauldron made him seem to understand something.

"Life is like a dream, and dreams are like life... This is what I realized in the dream path on the Suzaku Star... I know that this realization is not the final..." Wang Lin looked calm, without any disturbance. He stood there, In the rain, there is no trace of mundane stains.

Liu Jinbiao stood behind Wang Lin, looking a little confused. Wang Lin did not whisper in his heart, but murmured his understanding at the moment. When Liu Jinbiao heard those words, he seemed to understand something.

"I used my left hand to live and my right hand to die... I used the open palm as the cause and grasping it as the effect... I used open eyes as truth and closing eyes as false. I used these three forms to outline a world that belongs to me. ...a world where life is like a dream..."

"I once saw a rain in the same place in the illusion. Now I am standing here in the real world and see the same rain...

The world is in my eyes, and I see it... Because I can see it, I exist..." The water vapor raised by the rain curtain made the surrounding area hazy, and some disciples hurriedly ran down the mountain and walked past Wang Lin. , the rain came so quickly that most of the disciples on this mountain were not prepared in advance.

But these people seemed unable to see Wang Lin and Liu Jinbiao, walking by as if they didn't exist.

"I use my eyes to see the world, and every plant and tree is in my eyes. I once thought that the world is real when I open my eyes, but if I close my eyes, everything is illusion... This reality Falseness is the expression of the heart. I think it is false. I think that every plant and tree will disappear after I close my eyes... But,

Will it really disappear..."

"What is existence and what is non-existence? I look at the world with my eyes, look at this heaven and earth, and this world is also looking at me... I close my eyes, everything is nothing. If the sky closes my eyes... if I don't, then there is nothing..." Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the sky along with the falling rain.

"I don't understand what the master said, but I feel that that reincarnation made me understand the second step of deception. The so-called deceiving yourself. In fact, it is not that you have reached perfection by believing it, but by The way to prove the truth is to believe in yourself and at the same time, let this world, this reincarnation, and these years all believe...

He said he had deceived himself, but in fact, he was trying to deceive reincarnation! I have deceived reincarnation, and I am at ease. Heaven and earth cannot reverse my will, and reincarnation cannot stop my God. I have deceived heaven and earth, and deceived the years...

I didn’t understand it before, but waking up after reincarnation made me understand..." Liu Jinbiao murmured to himself behind Wang Lin.

"Whoever decides on the Three Thousand Great Ways and chooses and sacrifices all things in the world and deceives the way is despised by all living beings and regards it as shameful, but they don't know that this deceiving way is only spiritual. Among the three thousand ways, there must be a deceiving way!" Liu Jinbiao! The dreams and pursuits of the previous life must not be trampled upon by anyone. We want this deception to become one of the three thousand avenues!

Even in this life, he is still like this!

"The origin of heaven and earth exists, and we cultivate the origin. Master once said that once the origin is completed, you can take the third step of cultivating the Tao! In my opinion, there are also three steps to deceiving the Tao. The first is to deceive others, and the second is to deceive yourself. When the time comes The third step is to go back to nature and deceive others after seeing mountains as mountains and water as water.

This other person is just a general term. In fact, it includes the sky, the earth, the cycle of time, and everything! Deceive heaven and earth, deceive the reincarnation of time, deceive the great avenue of heaven and earth! !

Even the Tao can be deceived, and I will become an immortal!

All Taoists share the same ancestry. This third step of my return to nature is the same as what the master said before, if you close your eyes, all things will disappear, and if the sky closes your eyes, you and I will not know whether you can exist, but it is the same truth! Liu Jinbiao murmured, and the confusion in his mind after waking up in this life gradually became clear in these words. In the end, it was like thunder splitting the void, and his eyes revealed a bright light.

His words fell into Wang Lin's ears. Wang Lin was shocked and at the same time, he seemed to understand.

Whether he or Liu Jinbiao, they are all people in this world who are struggling to realize their own path. The path is lonely. If you can see other people's path, you will not be alone on the path and at the same time, you can also realize your own path. road!

"You use deception as a way to deceive the world, while I use life as a way to subvert the world and correct my reflection... Between you and me, we are actually cultivating our minds..." Wang Lin Close your eyes.

"The world is in my eyes, then heaven and earth are my representation... If I close my eyes, heaven and earth are not there... Heaven and earth close my eyes, then I am there! If I can do it, if I open my eyes, then heaven and earth close my eyes, if I Immortality means that the world is sleeping, and I become an immortal!" Wang Lin took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"I have experienced life and death, walked through cause and effect, in truth and falsehood, in reincarnation, looking for me who has sunk into the sea of ​​suffering... The origin of virtuality, if there is a fourth path, is reincarnation...

This reincarnation is not the reincarnation of life and death in my early artistic conception, but the reincarnation of heaven and earth. It is not the soul retrieval from the underworld, but the universe of the great road...the reincarnation of all living beings..." Wang Lin took a deep breath, raised his feet, and walked forward under the rain curtain. .

"In the way of being imprisoned and sealed in heaven, all sentient beings need to survive countless calamities. They must leave the deep prison with one obsession and devote themselves to the practice of cultivation!

All sentient beings also go to the limitless front to understand this vast world, escape from the thoughts of heaven, take the path of the next life, and devote themselves to the true practice!

Those who lock the fate of heaven and seal the Ming Dynasty, so that all sentient beings cannot obtain the true way, will always sink into the sea of ​​suffering, and will never lose the true way, so they must cultivate the true way! "As Wang Lin walked forward, the strange Taoist scripture he heard in the cave world appeared in his ears and in his mind unconsciously.

He got it.

This Tao Sutra was complicated, and he was just ignorant of it back then, but now, in this Xiangang Continent, on the hill of Donglin Zong, under the rain curtain, he clearly understood the meaning of the Tao Sutra.

"Those living beings who cannot attain the true way will always sink into the sea of ​​suffering and will never lose the true way..."

"All living beings need to survive countless tribulations and escape from deep prison with just one obsession..."

"I understand life and death. Life and death are like a rope. The two ends of the rope are life and death. When connected together, they form a circle."

"I understand cause and effect. Cause and effect are like a net, composed of countless lives and deaths. It turns into a big net, and it is difficult for all living beings to break free."

"I realized the truth and falsehood. True and false are like dream barriers. There is a dream barrier in everyone's heart. When you think you are awake, you don't know that your world is a dream...

Everything around you is part of your dream... All living beings cannot truly wake up in their dreams. It is like a circle outside the body, surrounding it layer by layer, circle by circle. When you think you have stepped out of the circle, you wake up. When I came over, I didn’t know that I was still in another circle.

I now have the answers to Li Qianmei’s three questions..."

"I connected life and death to form a big net of cause and effect. From the dream barrier, I opened my eyes with truth and falsehood, swung out the net, and fished out a fish in the reincarnation composed of the dream barrier of all living beings... ...That fish is me!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed brightly as he walked forward.

He understood that this matter was also related to Liu Jinbiao. If it weren't for the verification of his deception, Wang Lin would still be in confusion, unable to completely see through and clearly see the origin of his three emptiness.

Liu Jinbiao followed behind, seeming to realize something. His eyes fell on Wang Lin in front of him, and he had a vague illusion. It seemed that Wang Lin now was a little different from before. He couldn't tell where this difference was. .

It seems that before, Wang Lin always had a layer of fog around him. This fog could not be seen clearly, it was just a feeling. It was like a person in a dream, which was very unreal.

But now, it was as if Wang Lin had truly woken up from his dream, and everything was clear.

"This Donglin Sect, I saw before, was extremely mysterious. The disciples of this sect almost never go out and only practice within the sect... I originally thought that this was the sect's rules and customs...

But when I stepped into this place, I felt familiar and had a clear understanding of the Tao. All of this is related to my state of mind, but more importantly, it is related to this place! "

Standing on the hill square, Wang Lin swayed and appeared on the top of the palace in the distance. He stood there, letting the mountain wind blow, blowing his white hair and clothes, looking down at the place. Within the whole world, most of the Donglin sects were present.

From his perspective, the entire Donglin Sect was extremely huge. He saw many Donglin Sect disciples galloping under the rain, and more monks meditating in their respective residences.

He even saw the beauty of the mountains and the vitality of the green trees in the wind and rain...

Looking at it, Wang Lin's eyes showed sadness.

"Su Dao... I don't know if this sect was like this when you were here that year... But now, this Donglin Sect... is a dead sect!

All this is just a dream... No wonder Donglin Sect is mysterious, no wonder its disciples rarely go out..." Wang Lin sighed softly, closed his eyes, and slowly opened them.

He saw a scene, Donglin Sect that outsiders could not see!

First update, please! ! ! ! ! ~!

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