Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1945 Death Sect!

The green mountains are no longer…become bare mountains of death.

The green water is no longer clear and smells fishy...

Even the wind blowing over here is full of vicissitudes and sadness, with a smell of decay.

There is also the exquisite attic hall, which is covered with dust and has lost its vitality and is in decline.

The stone steps on the hills were even more damaged, and the large amounts of gravel seemed to be playing sad music in the wind.

Those Donglin Sect disciples who Wang Lin saw walking and galloping before, are now all skeletons in the square, in the main hall, and on the stone steps. They have been dead for an unknown period of time, and their bodies have long since rotted and become... Skeleton look.

There are also the Donglin Sect disciples who are sitting cross-legged and meditating in their respective residences. The same is true, they are all skeletons...

This is a dead sect!

There was no trace of life, and there was a strong aura of death...

But in Donglin, under the rich death aura, there is a dream barrier. This dream barrier is composed of the illusions of countless people before their death. It is like these dead Donglin Sect disciples. When you die, you don’t know you are dead…

They are still in that dream and continue to practice.

This is also the reason why Wang Lin and Liu Jinbiao were standing there before, and the Donglin Sect disciples walked past them one by one without any discovery. It was not that Wang Lin did not exist, but that they... did not exist.

It's inappropriate to say it's a ghost. From Wang Lin's perspective, there are no ghosts here. Some are just a dream barrier that does not know death... Under this dream barrier, even if outsiders come here, it is difficult to detect the clues. Even if they are attracted by it, a scene similar to an hallucination will appear. This is actually Above, it is due to the dream barrier of outsiders that merges with this place and blends in.

This place has been destroyed for countless years throughout the ages. Wang Lin didn’t know exactly how long it took... but he understood that maybe during these countless years, many people came here without realizing that this was actually a dead sect. After being a guest here, they left again... …

But he can't be the first to figure out the clues about this place!

Because he saw that in the center of the Donglin Sect, in a huge palace, there was a vitality of mourning silently existing.

That vitality is full of loneliness and sorrow, like a young son who has lost all his relatives after his home was destroyed. In the ruins, after crying miserably for a long time,

Guard silently.

There is no one to accompany you, only the ruins of death and corpses. In that loneliness and sorrow, everyone's dreams are condensed, making these illusory green mountains and green waters, illusory prosperous sects, and illusory things... Disciples of Linzong, come and accompany me...

Before Wang Lin clearly understood his virtual origin, he still couldn't see it even when he came here. But now he saw it and felt it. With a sigh, he closed his eyes again.

When the wind passed by, the decay and death of the Donglin Sect in his opened eyes disappeared, replaced by the scenes of vitality and the exchanges of many disciples.

"Let's go." Wang Lin said softly and walked forward. Liu Jinbiao couldn't see the changes here, but he could vaguely feel that something was wrong here. He looked at it for a long time, followed Wang Lin, and stepped forward.

Qianxingfeng, Wang Lin's body, faintly emitted ripples. These ripples were invisible to outsiders. This was a sign that Wang Lin let go of himself and allowed himself to merge into the dream barrier here.

The moment he and Liu Jinbiao landed on the land of Donglin Sect, they saw two long rainbows roaring from the distance, and in front of them, they transformed into two monks, a male and a female.

The two monks were young, and the male cultivator was quite handsome. His expression was not indifferent at all, but respectful. The woman beside him was very beautiful. She looked at Wang Lin with curiosity in her eyes.

"Senior, this junior, as ordered by our ancestors, please go to Donglin Hall." The young man smiled and clasped his fists, his words were respectful, and his expression was the same.

The woman beside him also clasped her fists and glanced at Wang Jing.

Wang Lin looked at the two Donglin Sect disciples in front of him, sighed inwardly, looked gentle, and nodded.

Under the guidance of these two Donglin Sect disciples, Wang Lin took Wang Lin and flew towards the Donglin Hall in the center. Donglin Sect was very big. Along the way, Wang Lin saw the entire Donglin Sect, full of life. .

He saw many cranes flying. On the ground, whether in the medicine courtyard or in the residences of disciples, there were monks either meditating alone or laughing with each other.

When the wind blows, it also contains a strong fairy spirit, just like a fairyland outside the world.

On the way, Wang Lin also saw some Donglin Sect disciples flying past. After seeing him, they showed their figures and bowed respectfully to him with fists in his hands.

The people of Donglin Sect were very gentle and polite to Wang Lin, as if Wang Lin was an honored guest of this sect.

When they were about to approach the Donglin Hall in the center, two long rainbows roared into the sky with a shocking force. They came to the front of Wang Lin in an instant, and hearty laughter could be heard.

"Dongcun, Xiaoyan, you two please step back." In the laughter, two monks were revealed in the two long rainbows. The person who spoke was an old man, and there was a middle-aged man beside him. With a smile, he cupped his fists and bowed to Wang Lin.

These two people were surprisingly both Jinzun cultivators, extremely extraordinary. The old man clasped his fists at Wang Lin amidst hearty laughter.

"I am Xu Tiannian, the great elder of the Donglin Sect. Under the order of my ancestor, I welcome my senior to the Donglin Hall."

"What do you mean, junior? The head of the Donglin Sect has met the senior." The middle-aged man smiled and looked very polite.

Looking at these two people, Wang Lin's eyes showed sadness. What kind of loneliness can let a person gather the dream barrier to accompany him...

"Let's go." Wang Lin sighed softly and spoke to the two of them.

Accompanied by these two golden monks, who gave Wang Lin enough respect, they came to the center of Donglin Sect, the entire Donglin Sect's holy land, Donglin Hall!

"The ancestor is inside. I won't be able to go in without being summoned, so I ask you to go in on your own." The old man with a hearty laugh cupped his fists towards Wang Lin and spoke respectfully.

Wang Lin nodded and looked at the door of the east facing palace. In fact, he could have come alone after seeing through the dream barrier here before, and walked into the ruins of this palace that exuded sadness.

There was no need for him to talk to some illusory shadow in the dream barrier.

But he didn't do this. He could feel the sadness and loneliness. He gave respect to the Donglin Sect ancestor, and in exchange, it was the respect that the ancestor gave Wang Lin in that dream barrier.

"Jin Biao, wait for me outside." Wang Lin said softly and walked step by step towards the Donglin Hall in front.

After Liu Jinbiao said yes respectfully, he looked around subconsciously. He always felt that there was something strange here, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Slowly walking towards the east facing hall, until the moment Wang Lin completely stepped into the hall with his right foot, a vicissitudes of voice, full of loneliness and sadness, echoed in the hall.

"You came……"

In the main hall, directly in front of Wang Lin, there are three huge statues. The statues are carved with two men and one woman. They look up to the east, with smiles on their lips, and a majestic aura. From these three Scattered out of the statue.

Under the statue, an old man wearing gray robes sat cross-legged. The old man's face was covered with brown spots, just like an old man among mortals. His expression was miserable, revealing endless sadness.

He was sitting there, but besides the sadness, there was also a powerful aura buried deep within his body. This aura surpassed all the heavenly beings Wang Lin had ever seen.

"Here we come..." Wang Lin sighed softly, walked to the old man, sat down cross-legged, raised his right hand and took out a bottle of wine.

"Or?" Wang Lin handed the wine bottle to the old man.

The old man was silent for a moment, took the wine bottle, and took a sip.

"I feel a familiar aura on you. It shouldn't be your first time here." The old man raised his head and looked at Wang Lin.

"I came here in my dream." Wang Lin took out the second wine bottle, put it to his mouth and took a sip.

"Maybe... I have been sitting here for a long, long time. Maybe you have really been here in a dream." The old man looked at the door of the hall in the distance and said slowly.

"Is the Donglin Sect in your dream the same as it is now?" the old man asked softly.

"Same." Wang Lin looked at the old man, and he could feel the other man's sadness.

"Thank you..." The old man closed his eyes, and two lines of tears slowly flowed out. With his cultivation level, he shouldn't have known what tears were, but now, he shed them after Wang Lin said "the same".

"I have been sitting here for a long time, and you are the only one who made me feel familiar after seeing all this... This is my home... I left early, until I became a Yue After Tianzun, when he returned home, it was already like this..." The old man opened his eyes, which contained pain and deep sadness.

Wang Jing was silent.

"I don't know who did it... I can't find out, even the Great Heavenly Lord can't deduce it... I can only sit here, use my memories to compile a dream, and let this dream accompany me, Let the Donglin Sect continue to exist...until I die..." The old man spoke softly, his words hoarse.

Wang Lin looked at the old man and said nothing.

What kind of emotion can make a person feel like this, what kind of sadness can make a person deceive himself with dreams, what kind of loneliness can make a person accompany him with illusions and memories.

"If Wan'er never wakes up...if Ping'er can't open his eyes...if Suzaku Star is destroyed...perhaps, I will be like him, sitting alone in the vast starry sky, with only my own cultivation On the star, I silently anesthetize myself with dreams and create a dream-impaired world. In it, there are my parents, me, Wan'er, Ping'er, and many faces I am familiar with...

If one day, I might be like this too..."

"Those who lock the fate of the dead and seal the Ming Dynasty, so that all living beings cannot obtain the true way, will always sink into the sea of ​​suffering, never lose the true way, and devote themselves to the practice of true cultivation!" The old man suddenly spoke, saying such words that shocked Wang Lin's heart. !

"This sentence was written on a stone tablet by the murderer with the blood of my Donglin Sect members..."! ~!

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