Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1954 1 Shocking (4)

Volume 12 Immortal Gang Tenth Yang Chapter 1954 A Blockbuster (4)

"I saw that this boy was extraordinary back then. In less than a hundred years, he actually broke through the ninth floor and could show him as his subordinate! Well, even though he refused once back then, this time, I went there separately. He can see I don't care about it!" Dao Yizong, in front of the waterfall that was suspected to be Tianhe Luo Jiutian, Dao Yida Tianzun's eyes were focused, and the smile on his face became stronger.

Beizhou Glacier, the Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng looked at the glacier in front of him and closed his eyes.

"This son has gone through the test in the mountains and seas, and has passed the ninth level. His combat power is almost the same as that of Yue Tianzun... Dao Yi values ​​​​first and will definitely snatch it, but Dao Yi's character is aloof. Although he will not use it to The spirit will go there, but at most it will be a clone... This time, I want the main body to personally recruit him, and from this aspect, he should be able to judge who pays attention to him!"

On Emperor Mountain, the beautiful woman had a happy smile on her face. She seemed even happier than Wang Lin when Wang Lin broke through to the ninth floor.

However, the old man beside him glanced at the autumn leaves, his expression still unconcerned.

"It's only the ninth level, the peak of Tianzun. After passing the tenth level, you can become Yue Tianzun. However, even if you pass the tenth level, you are still at the bottom of Yue Tianzun, which is far from the Ming Dao Lord. ." The old man shook his head and spoke slowly.

"Master!!" The beautiful woman turned around and said angrily.

The old man paused for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "That's all, if he can get through the tenth floor, I'll ask him if he wants to become my subordinate.

Alas, in this land of Tianzun Nirvana, the first to ninth floors are for Tianzun to enter. The tenth floor is the dividing line between Tianzun and Yue Tianzun. After tenth, it is Yue Tianzun. As for the eleventh floor and above, it is completely different from the first nine floors. , in addition to still needing cultivation and combat strength, there is also an understanding and understanding of the Tao.

Tianzun Nirvana, this word Nirvana, is the meaning of the last nine levels! The last nine floors, even if you haven't broken through the first floor, are like fate, this Wang Lin..." The old man glanced at his disciple and simply stopped talking.

The Haizi Tianzun looked excited, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and his consciousness came out, heading straight into the sky!

In the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, in a luxurious and unmanned palace, the moment Wang Lin broke through the ninth floor in the half-empty illusionary curtain, there was a cold laughter that echoed in the palace.

"Is this the person that Dao Fei never forgets... I underestimate him..."

In Dongzhou, Ziyang Sect, the middle-aged monk was alone, looking at the mirror in front of him, ignoring the faint screams coming from outside, his eyes were bright.

"We must recruit him! Since the Great Heavenly Lord separated again in his last reincarnation, many years have passed and his prestige is insufficient. Most of the cultivators of the Heavenly Lord and Yue Tianzun that he recruited have also left... Now that the Great Heavenly Lord is about to reincarnate again, if so If someone can become a subordinate, he will definitely be able to play a protective role!"

At the same time, at the place where Tianzun entered nirvana, after Wang Lin broke through the ninth floor, all the Tianzun monks here bowed together. Immediately afterwards, nearly a hundred people clasped their fists and quickly left the place. After their spiritual consciousness returned to their bodies, Using their respective connections, they immediately informed the acquaintance Tianzun about the matter.

After all, someone has broken through the ninth level. This matter is extremely important among the Tianzun. It can be called a grand event. As the matter continues to spread, it doesn't take long for more Tianzun monks to come from the land of the immortals. From various places, go straight to this Tianzun Nirvana.

In the flash of golden light on the ninth floor, Wang Lin walked out. He sat cross-legged in the air and did not continue to the tenth floor, but he also did not sink and give up.

The entire land of Tianzun Nirvana was illuminated by golden light. All the Tianzun monks who came here after being notified were immediately filled with golden light as soon as they appeared in the teleportation array. When they raised their heads, they could see that the ninth floor of the main hall was full of golden light. Endless golden light, and at the same time, I saw a cross-legged figure in the golden light.

Their expressions were solemn, and there was a hint of expectation!

At this moment, most of the Tianzun here have no intention of ridicule, and even their disdain has been crushed by the facts. They respect the strong, especially those who can break through the ninth level, and they are the pinnacle of the Tianzun. !

Time gradually passed, and more and more Tianzun monks came here. Rainbows came from the teleportation array in the distance, and the light of the teleportation array never stopped.

Soon, in this land of Tianzun Nirvana, the number of Tianzun monks suddenly reached nearly 700, accounting for almost 70% of all the Tianzun in the land of immortals!

And in the teleportation array, there were Tianzun monks who dared to come quickly after getting the news.

"This matter has caused a great sensation, and more and more people are coming to Tianzun Nirvana..."

"Once the tenth level is passed, he will be the Yue Tianzun cultivator... But this tenth level is said to be more difficult than the previous nine levels combined. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the forty-ninth Yue Tianzun to appear for tens of thousands of years. …”

"It may be a bit difficult. Although there are very few Tianzun who have broken through the ninth floor, there are still some. None of these people were famous back then. Even when they broke through the ninth floor, they caused a sensation. Under the expectations of many people , but failed on the tenth floor... This time, it is very likely to be the same."

During the Tianzun's Nirvana, more than seven hundred Tianzun were scattered. While looking at the figure in the ninth layer of golden light in the sky, they were also thinking, talking to each other, or asking about Wang Lin's name and what happened before.

Among these more than 700 Heavenly Lords, some have extremely calm expressions. They are different from others. Even the other Heavenly Lords standing there are extremely polite.

There were less than a few dozen of these people, and they were all those who stopped at the tenth floor after breaking through the ninth floor. They came here now to see if Wang Lin could take the step they dreamed of!

"Brother Zhao, do you think this person can get through the tenth floor?"

"It's difficult! You and I have tried it on the tenth level. If this person really had the confidence to break through to the tenth level, he wouldn't be still meditating now."

After another half a stick of incense, the number of monks gathered in the land of Tianzun's Nirvana has reached nearly 800. Almost half of the Tianzun in the land of immortals have put down everything, and their spiritual consciousness has come here to witness this event. Important event.

Among the crowd, there was a woman. This woman was extremely beautiful. She was none other than Haizi Tianzun. She did not want to see the autumn leaves at Mount Di, but came here in person, looking at the figure in the golden light in the sky. Haizi Tianzun's face smile on the face.

"This guy has been missing for more than ten years after leaving Shanhai. I didn't expect that he would be so shocking when he appeared!"

Just as nearly 800 Heavenly Lords were waiting for Wang Lin to break into the tenth floor, suddenly the teleportation array in the distance started to flicker continuously, and a middle-aged man in white clothes was seen stepping out. This man had a stern expression and appeared. He didn't look at the crowd at all, but jumped up and looked at Wang Lin in mid-air.

"Xue Yu Yue Tian Zun!!"

"Even Yue Tianzun was alarmed and came here!"

"It's not just Xue Yu Yue Tianzun, you see, that's Dao Wheel Yue Tianzun!" The appearance of Yue Tianzun immediately attracted the attention of Tianzun, but he saw someone walking out of the teleportation array in the flickering light. This person was a The old man frowned and lifted into the air. He and the man in white looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then looked at Wang Lin in the sky.

"Meng Shuangyue Tianzun!"

"That's Tianzun Zixiuyue, it's him, he looks like a child all year round, it must be him! Rumor has it that he has broken through the twelfth floor!!"

Bursts of spiritual thoughts conveyed the voices of discussion, echoing silently among the nearly eight hundred deities. In the ancient teleportation array, a total of four people appeared in Yue Tianzun. These four people did not talk to each other. After appearing, they immediately looked into the air.

At this moment, there was sudden silence all around, because Wang Lin, who was cross-legged in the golden light of the ninth-floor hall in the sky, stood up. His move immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wang Lin lowered his head and glanced at the large crowd below. He frowned, but soon relaxed. His purpose was to make a splash, and the more people there were, the better.

Among the crowd below, there were four people who caught Wang Lin's gaze. These four people were the four Yue Tianzun who came here. When Wang Lin looked at them, they also looked at Wang Lin with calm expressions. There is no emotion involved.

As soon as his eyes touched, Wang Lin retracted his head, raised his head towards the tenth floor, and suddenly took a step forward. As his footsteps moved, his body went straight to the tenth floor at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, he disappeared without a trace. !

"Breaking through the tenth floor!!"

"These ten levels can be called the Dragon Gate. Once you pass through, you will be the 49th Yue Tianzun of my immortal clan!"

All the monks below were paying close attention, for fear of missing anything.

Even at this moment, on the land of immortals, Dao Yi, Wu Feng, and the beings in the palace in the imperial city all looked at the scene of Tianzun Nirvana reflected in front of them, and watched Wang Lin enter the tenth floor!

And the middle-aged man in the Ziyang Sect took a deep breath without blinking.

"Can he survive..." This is the same thought that arises in the hearts of many people, including all the Tianzun monks here!

Time passed, and eight breaths had passed since Wang Lin entered the tenth floor!

The ninth breath, the tenth breath...

All eyes were focused on the tenth-floor palace that could only be vaguely seen in the sky. This palace had never emitted a trace of golden light for tens of thousands of years!

But every time it emits golden light in history, it means that there is an extra Yuetianzun in the Immortal Clan Continent!

There are currently only forty-eight Yue Tianzun in the Immortal Clan Continent. Once there is one more, it will be a prosperous age for the entire Immortal Clan. Even the ancient tribe will know his name. Such a monk is enough to cause a sensation in Immortal Gang!

The eleventh breath, the twelfth breath, the thirteenth breath... until the twentieth breath!

"It must have failed..." Someone immediately sighed, the Heavenly Lord below.

But at this moment, there were screams of exclamation, and in this quiet place of Nirvana, like a huge wave, it rose into the sky! !

"Golden light!!! That's golden light!!!"

"The tenth layer of golden light!! It has been tens of thousands of years, and the golden light appears again on this tenth layer!!!"

"He... broke through!!"

In the sky, which was mostly covered by clouds and fog, there was a blurry tenth layer. After twenty breaths passed, in everyone's eyes, an earth-shattering golden light suddenly emitted! !

The expressions of the four Yue Tianzun suddenly condensed!

Yue Tianzun, please! ! ! ! ~!

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