For a moment, the entire inn immediately became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the old man in green shirt. The old man pinched the young man in his hand and glanced around coldly.

With eyes like lightning, these four words suddenly appeared in the hearts of all the monks one by one. A feeling as if the reality was seen through, and the whole body fell cold from the head, immediately appeared in the hearts of every monk.

A monk who was in the early stage of pill formation immediately dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground. He quickly lowered his head, with a look of horror in his eyes, and cried inwardly, saying secretly: "This feeling should be at the Nascent Soul stage..."

The old man withdrew his gaze and let go of his hand, only to see a circle of black bruises suddenly appearing on the young man's neck.

"Tell me what's going on." Lao poured himself a glass of wine and said slowly with a dull expression after drinking it.

The young man dared not take a breath. With his cultivation in the late stage of foundation building, it was difficult to tell whether the opponent was real or not. However, with many years of experience, the young man guessed that the opponent was at least in the middle stage of pill formation, or even in the late stage.

"That man suddenly appeared half a month ago and killed ten Danxing monks from the Fighting Evil Sect in a row. Then for some reason, he was given the Ten Thousand Demons Hundred Days Killing Order..." The young man told everything he knew. , describe it in detail.

The old man's eyes were slightly closed, and with a casual wave of his right hand, the young man's eyes immediately bulged out, and his body turned into a blood mist with a bang. At this time, a strange wind blew, and the blood mist immediately dissipated.

All the monks in the inn were immediately shocked and wanted to leave, but they did not dare to be the first to come forward.

The old man in Qingshan pondered for a while, then opened his eyes and scanned around again, staring at the monk in the early stage of forming pills. He said calmly: "You, come here."

The Danjie monk trembled. He stood up tremblingly and hurriedly came ten feet away in front of the old man. With an unusually respectful attitude, he said in a trembling voice: "Junior Xu Mu, please see your senior. If you have anything to say, senior, feel free to ask. I swear by the golden elixir in my body. There is absolutely no lies in what I said. I only ask for your mercy, senior."

Qingshan Lao poured a glass of wine. After drinking it, he said slowly: "From the moment you enter the inn. As soon as you hear the words about that person, the spiritual energy in your body becomes chaotic. You must have seen it with your own eyes, right?"

Xu Mu took a deep breath. Showing lingering fear. He whispered: "This junior has indeed seen that evil star with his own eyes."

"What kind of cultivation level does he have?" Qingshan Lao's eyes showed a glimmer of light. Asked what he wanted to know most. It was precisely because he was so angry that the young man had been talking for a long time but didn't get to the point. That's why he was killed.

"Early stage of pill formation!" Xu Mu was a little unsure. After finishing speaking, he quickly added: "Senior. This person seems to be in the early stage of forming pills. But he has two magic weapons..."

Hear the word magic weapon.

The old man in green shirt looked as usual. But there was a movement in my heart.

"One of them is a flying sword that can teleport..."

The old man felt a little disappointed in his heart, so he poured a glass of wine and drank it.

"There is another thing... I can't explain it clearly to this junior. I only saw a red light. There was something hidden in the red light. Anyone who was jumped by it would immediately turn into a skeleton and die." Xu Mu observed carefully. The other party looked nervous and said.

The old man pondered for a while, stood up, threw down a low-grade spiritual stone on the table, stretched out his big hand, grabbed Xu Mu's body, and the two immediately disappeared on the spot, and were thousands of miles away in an instant.

As soon as he left, the monks in the inn all looked shocked, and three words emerged in their hearts: "Nascent Soul Stage!"

Under Xu Mu's guidance, the old body flashed out in the air, and in just half an hour, he arrived at the Douxie Sect. He swept around with his powerful spiritual consciousness and found Shangguan Mo.

While he was stunned, the green-shirted old man actually took out another drop of soul blood from between his eyebrows. With a trace of connection between the two drops of soul blood, he dropped Xu Mu and quickly flew to the southwest.

Speaking of Wang Lin, he led Li Muwan very fast all the way, clearing the way with his crystal sword, and the thick fog of the Demonic Sea, all trying to avoid him and opening a gap.

The Xiu Demon Sea is shrouded in fog all year round, and in only one month, the fog can turn into sea water. After living in the Demonic Sea for these years, Wang Lin has never seen the process of the Sea of ​​Mist with his own eyes due to seclusion.

One month after he entered the Fourteenth Valley, the mist turned into sea water. This happened every year for the next three years until he came out. Today, it is almost the month of turning into sea water.

Li Muwan is different. She has personally experienced the transformation of the sea almost every year. The protection of the large formation prevents the seawater from being immersed in it. However, looking out through the formation, everything she sees is dark blue seawater, and even more of it. There were inland sea spiritual beasts that were rarely seen in the past swimming by.

In nearly four years, Li Muwan transformed into the sea four times. Each time, Li Muwan was extremely nervous and personally presided over the formation. Only after she had passed the sea-forming period, could she relax.

The humidity in the mist at this time was thicker than when the two of them first arrived, and in some places, the mist was already showing signs of turning into the sea.

As the two of them flew upward, the moisture in the mist became heavier, and in the end it even felt like they were swimming in water.

"It's going to turn into the sea..." Li Muwan said softly.

Wang Lin did not reply, but suddenly stopped. After looking back for a while, he carefully observed the fog around him. He saw that the originally slowly moving fog increased its speed slightly and pushed forward. Even some creatures in the fog in the distance were swimming in all directions, but they only did not move forward.

"What's wrong? Senior brother." Li Muwan asked softly when she saw Wang Lin's serious expression.

"It's okay." After Wang Lin finished speaking, he flew forward even faster. He felt a little uneasy in his heart. Judging from the speed of the mist, there must be someone flying behind him at an extremely fast speed. The cultivation level behind him must be extremely strong, otherwise it would be impossible for the mist to create a sense of propulsion.

Moreover, the creatures in the fog scattered around, but they did not move forward. This made Wang Lin even more certain that someone was chasing behind him.

In fact, this is easy to explain. For example, there are a group of small fish in the pond. If a sword is thrust into the pond at a very fast speed, the fish will immediately scatter in all directions. But only, Not going forward.

When Wang Lin was a boy, he often went to play in mountain streams with his friends in the village. He had a deep understanding of such things. After a brief analysis at this time, the difference was abnormal.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed with coldness, he took out the spiritual liquid, and after taking a big sip, the golden elixir in his body immediately began to rotate rapidly, rapidly absorbing the spiritual energy of the spiritual liquid, and bursting out with even more powerful spiritual power. Wang Lin The speed is one minute faster again.

Li Muwan also deeply felt Wang Lin's nervousness. After thinking for a moment, she dug out some simple formation materials from her storage bag, made a simple formation, opened it and threw it behind her.

After Wang Lin glanced at it, his eyes showed admiration, and Li Muwan immediately felt sweet in her heart. Unfortunately, she had spent too much time on it before, and now she felt that she was unable to do what she wanted. She saw that Wang Lin was so fast after taking the spiritual liquid just now. Little, she hesitated for a moment, then carefully took out the jade bottle of spiritual liquid given to her by the other party. After drinking a few drops, she immediately felt refreshed. She looked at the liquid in the bottle in surprise. She quickly put it away and continued. Make a small formation.

The two of them flew all the way, and the higher they went upwards, the invisible resistance gradually appeared. This was the unique power of the sea within the Xiu Demon Sea. Anyone who tried to rush out would be affected by it.

Seventy thousand miles away from Wang Lin, Qingshan Lao slapped his storage bag, and an emerald green gourd flew out. The gourd was good at catching the wind, and it immediately swelled a hundred times. He sat on it calmly, and the gourd immediately flew forward. , the speed is more than twice as fast as when he teleported just now.

As Wang Lin walked, he felt the mist pushing around him getting stronger and stronger. Although this was partly caused by his own rapid movement, it was obvious that the speed of the pursuer behind him was increasing at an extremely fast rate.

At this time, the mist in the Sea of ​​Demonic Cultivation is gradually thinning, and water vapor slowly appears from top to bottom. If you look down from above the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation, you will see that the fog in the entire Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation has become so thin that it can be penetrated by sight.

Under the moonlight outside, the sea surface was sparkling, and there was already a layer of water. The depth of the water surface quickly spreads as time goes by. Gradually, waves appeared from time to time, making a roaring sound.

Qingshan Lao was sitting on the gourd, frowning. In front of him, there were formations that had been opened one after another. Each of these formations was extremely exquisite. Although he didn't take it to heart, the speed of impacting each one would definitely increase. hindered.

With a slight snort, the old man swung his sleeve and slapped the gourd hard. In an instant, the mouth of the gourd immediately opened, and a huge impact spurted out from it.

I saw circles of ripples appearing at the mouth of the gourd. These ripples were quickly pushed forward, forming a ring of ripples. All formation restrictions that were encountered were immediately shattered one by one. Even fog and sea water were destroyed. to open a channel.

Sitting on the gourd, Lao suddenly rushed into the passage.

Wang Lin's whole body was already soaked with water vapor. He took another sip of spiritual liquid and suddenly rushed out of the distance, directly into the seawater that was spreading downward.

He hugged Li Muwan, kicked forward, and paddled forward quickly like a fish. In the blink of an eye, the sea surface was as far as the eye could see. He turned around and his eyes showed a cold light. A flash of crystal light flew in front of him, and the flying sword immediately disappeared in place.

Then Wang Lin pulled Li Muwan and rushed away from the Demonic Sea like a sharp sword thrust into the sky from the bottom of the sea. The moment they broke through the sea, the two of them turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

At this time, under the sea surface, the crystal light flying sword flashed and undulated along the waves, waiting for the moment to strike.

Half an hour later, a huge whirlpool appeared on the sea. This whirlpool was a hundred feet long, rolling up countless huge waves and spinning rapidly in one direction.

At the center of the whirlpool, a dark passage connected the bottom of the Sea of ​​Demonic Demons. Gradually, a huge emerald green gourd slowly emerged from there.

This chapter has received 304 votes and has been updated. I am chasing 334 votes, 364 votes, and there are still two chapters to be updated... To be continued. If you want to know what happened next, please log in. There are more chapters.

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