Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang No. 10 Yang Chapter 1958 1 Shocking (8) 2nd update

Dao Da Tianzun, wearing a simple Taoist robe, walked out with a smile and looked at Wang Lin outside the Nafu Twelve Hall in the sky.

Wang Lin looked calm and looked at Dao Da Tianzun. He pondered for a moment, clasped his fists and spoke slowly.

"Remember, if Wang breaks through the ninth floor, Taoist Heavenly Lord will come to recruit him."

"This matter is not urgent. Little friend Wang Lin can go to the twelfth floor first." Dao Da Tianzun smiled slightly and looked at Wu Feng Tianzun not far away.

The two of them looked at each other in confrontation, and seemed to have solidified.

This scene fell into the eyes of all the monks around, especially those Tianzun monks, who all looked strange. Except for the incident with Ming Dao Lord, this was the second time they saw why the Great Tianzun was fighting for him alone!

"Dao Yi, I'm optimistic about this son, don't fight with me!" Wu Feng Tianzun said slowly with a cold light in his eyes.

"Wu Feng, Brother Yuetianzun, even we can't force him. Everything depends on his own choice. If you don't like him, he will follow you!

Moreover, he is about to break into the twelfth level at the moment. Once he passes it, he will be comparable to the Ming Dao Lord back then. Such a person, not to mention you and me, even the old guy Jiudi, maybe I will also be moved...

There is also the Immortal Emperor. I don’t know what he promised to the Ming Dao Master back then, but he was recruited by him. "Daoda Tianzun smiled, shook his head and sent out his spiritual thoughts.

During the conversation between the two, Wang Lin in the sky took a deep breath and stepped into the twelfth floor hall!

The moment he entered the hall, Dao Yi and Wu Feng immediately stopped talking, raised their heads and stared away. All the monks around them, whether Tian Zun or Yue Tian Zun, did the same.

It's just that in this scene, in several places outside Tianzun's Nirvana, the people who saw it seemed to have different ideas. The middle-aged monk in the Ziyang Sect looked at the mirror in front of him bitterly and sighed deeply.

"Hey, how did this person get through the eleventh floor... The eleventh floor is fine, but don't get through this twelfth floor... Once he gets through, what can I do to persuade him? Recruitment...,

I am afraid that I will be immediately surrounded by Jiuge Great Heavenly Lord and Immortal Emperor. Even Dao Great Heavenly Lord and Wufeng Great Heavenly Lord will find it difficult to compare with those two immortals in terms of background...

It’s a pity that if there were no accidents in the last reincarnation of my Ziyang Sect twins, Great Heavenly Lord, I could still compare with Emperor Jiu and Xianxian…”

The middle-aged monk sighed bitterly,

I had almost given up the idea of ​​recruiting, but at this moment, the door of the stone room was kicked open, and a little girl in red clothes ran in.

"Xiao Guya, why are you still looking at that broken mirror? Why don't you come out and help me and Hanhan deal with that little wolf? This little wolf was so disobedient today! I'm going to teach him a lesson today!"

"Little Ancestor..." The middle-aged monk seemed to be about to cry and was about to speak.

"Huh? The person in this broken mirror has some grand eyes..." The little girl in red clothes looked at the mirror and frowned, seeming to be thinking.

"Let's do it..., little ancestor, of course you are familiar with them. Those are Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord and Dao Great Heavenly Lord..." The middle-aged monk sighed repeatedly and said to the side, and he had already planned to give up recruiting.

"Let's go, little ancestor, I'll help you pick up that... that little shackle...," the middle-aged monk sighed secretly, feeling very sorry for the monk named Greedy Wolf.

"It's not the bald man and the masked man, it's this one!" The little girl raised her right hand, pointed at the figure in the mirror, and stepped into Wang Lin on the twelfth floor.

"Hey, he has entered this hall, he is very jealous..., let me think about it..." The little girl thought for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up!

"His name is Wang Lin!! I remembered that when I found Xiaolang, I also saw him. I remember that Hanhan and I helped him once... and Hanhan seemed to have met him before me. he!

Is he the one you said you wanted to recruit before? Okay, okay, Hanhan and I will go with you. "The little girl blinked, clapped her hands and laughed.

The middle-aged man swallowed. Shui looked at the little girl blankly, and after a long time her expression immediately became excited.

"Little...little ancestor, are you sure you have known him before and saved him?"

"Xiao Guya, are you disobedient?" The little girl frowned and pointed at the excited middle-aged man with an old-fashioned tone.

"As expected of the Twin Great Heavenly Lords, they anticipated the current changes in advance and actually saved this person before. With this kind of relationship, maybe we can really recruit him!" The middle-aged monk laughed excitedly, with a look on his face. He was so excited that even his face seemed to be glowing, and he did not forget to coax the little ancestor in his eyes like a child.

When the little girl heard this, she immediately smiled and looked proud.

"Hmph, you little Guya is disobedient. You know how powerful Hanhan and I are, and you have gained experience. I told those guys who left before not to pay attention to them, but you still don't listen.

I, the Great Twin God, never force others, and leave as soon as I want. How can they and you know how I plan my affairs? "The more the little girl talked, the more proud she became, and the corners of her mouth turned up.

"Gu Ya admires the elegance of the Twin Heavenly Lords, admires them..." The middle-aged monk smiled quickly, looking at the little girl in front of him with loving eyes.

Although his cultivation level is not as good as his own, since the accident occurred in the reincarnation of the Twins, when everyone left, he chose to stay and take care of these two little girls. Until now, everything is only because of the Twins in their heyday. Great God, be so kind to him.

Back then, he was just an inconspicuous deity under the command of the Twin Great Celestials, but now, he is the only one.

While the Ziyang Sect was laughing and talking, far away on the Emperor Mountain in Zhongzhou, the Great Heavenly Lord Jiudi who was lazily basking in the sun was now staring at the autumn leaves in front of him with his eyes wide open.

"I passed the eleventh floor and went to the twelfth floor... This... This can be regarded as a barely human figure, and I can barely recruit... But Haizi is there, and I have to walk over. It seems to be with me. What I said before seems to be inconsistent..." The old man said this, but his eyes were staring at the autumn leaves without blinking.

"That's all, it's just the eleventh level. This guy can't get past it, and he's far inferior to the Ming Dao Master." The old man tilted his head, closed his eyes and stopped looking. But after a while, he came again. Opened it and glanced at the autumn leaves.

"Can I pass*..."

Also in Zhongzhou, in the luxurious palace of the imperial capital, the Underworld Sect, dressed in black, stared at the illusive shadow of the hall, his brows gradually furrowed.

"With one breath, can I kill him?" A calm voice echoed in the hall.

Ming Dao Zun was silent, and after a while, he slowly spoke.

"One breath, okay!"

There seemed to be a smile echoing, and the voice came again.

"He can't break through to the twelfth floor. His longhorned soul armor will meet the longhorned beetle on the twelfth floor! Let others snatch this person. I, the emperor, have no interest..." But, just there The words were still reverberating in the main hall. At the moment when he seemed to have not spoken, his voice suddenly came suddenly, and he saw ripples echoing on the dragon chair in the main hall. He was wearing a golden robe and an imperial crown, and his appearance was very similar to that of the Immortal Ancestor. A similar middle-aged man was directly transformed.

There was a trace of shock in his eyes at this moment, looking at the illusory shadow in the hall, he saw that the twelfth floor hall in the illusory shadow suddenly burst out with dazzling golden light! !

This golden light was obviously spreading in the land of Tianzun's Nirvana, but at this moment it seemed to be able to penetrate all nothingness. It suddenly spread out from the illusory shadow in the main hall, and actually enveloped the main hall! !

"He broke through the twelfth floor!!" The middle-aged man in the golden robe seemed quite surprised.

The young man in black next to him, Ming Taoist Master, suddenly exuded a terrifying murderous intent. He stared at the illusory curtain with a chill in his eyes.

He understands that if the other party has broken through the twelfth level, just like him back then, he will definitely attract the attention of the public and be striven for by all the Great Heavenly Lords. He can choose better conditions to make his cultivation stronger!

The other party's behavior of breaking through the twelfth floor will make everyone mention that person's name in the future! This kind of thing makes him, who always considers himself the number one Yue Tianzun, very unhappy!

"It's only the twelfth floor. There are only a few people on the land of the Immortal Clan who can do this. Kill him and it's still a matter of breath!" The black-clothed Ming Taoist Master was silent for a moment and then slowly spoke.

But the middle-aged man in gold robe was staring at the illusory scene, wondering what he was thinking.

In the same well, on Emperor Mountain, the old man stood up suddenly, his eyes showing a strange light, but after hesitating for a moment, he slowly sat down again.

"I have seen him once before. This boy has the long-horned soul armor... With the power of the soul armor, he can break through the twelfth level, but he is still incomparable to Ming Dao Master... Unless he can Wear the soul armor and break through the thirteenth floor... Otherwise, you will just be an ordinary Yuotianzun." The old man pondered for a while, sat down and closed his eyes.

"Oh, it's useless... It's really useless... To recruit or not to recruit*..., he should not be able to get through the thirteenth floor, and he will probably choose to give up... Hey!" The old man immediately opened his eyes, but saw that In the autumn leaves, in the golden light of the twelfth floor hall, Wang Lin's whole body was filled with an invisible water vapor, which seemed to be close to his body, forming a wave of water that could be felt even when looking at the autumn leaves. Coercion.

"Ji Shui Dao!"

Just when the old man was observing the invisible water waves outside Wang Lin's body in the autumn leaves, he immediately saw Wang Lin's body suddenly swaying. He didn't give up yet, but headed straight for the thirteenth floor!

In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared into the clouds and mist, rushing towards the thirteenth floor hall!

This scene in the Zhongzhou Imperial Palace made the black-clothed Ming Taoist snort coldly, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"Immortal Emperor, I want to go to this Tianzun Nirvana and break through to the sixteenth floor!"

The second update is here, please vote for me!

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