Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1959 1 Shocking (9) 3rd update

The entire Immortal Clan, almost all the Heavenly Lords, Yue Tianzun, and even the five Great Heavenly Lords, all attracted all the attention because of the seemingly crazy behavior of the Heavenly Lord Nene Wang Lin.

This kind of thing rarely happens in the Immortal Clan. Only the Ming Dao Master back then received the same attention.

But now, this eye-catching light no longer belongs to Ming Dao Zun alone for eternity, but is scattered from him, and a part of it falls on Wang Lin!

From now on, on the land of the Immortal Clan, and even in the history of the Immortal Clan, perhaps Wang Lin's name will be like a bright star, rising high in the sky, with endless light, known by all qualified people!

Even in the near future, people from the ancient clan may very well hear about this!

The forty-ninth Immortal Clan is Yue Tianzun. After becoming Yue Tianzun for the first time, he has broken through the eleventh level, the twelfth level, and now, he is going to break through the thirteenth level!

The Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord on the Nadi Mountain, his eyes are not sparse, but piercing, staring at the autumn leaves in front of him. His expression is even more solemn at this moment, and he no longer has the slightest trace of laziness before.

He understood that being able to break through the thirteenth floor, even while wearing soul armor, was enough to prove the fact that this person might not be too weak...

As for the figure in the Zhongzhou Imperial Palace, the Immortal Emperor sitting on the dragon chair had a strange light in his eyes. In deep thought, he looked at the illusory curtain in front of him and Wang Lin inside, rushing in. Thirteenth floor.

Next to him, the black-robed Ming Taoist Master had already sat down cross-legged, his consciousness condensed in the Heavenly Spirit, and he was about to go to Heavenly Master's Nirvana!

At this moment, in the Nirvana of the Heavenly Lord, the Great Heavenly Lord frowned slightly and sighed secretly. He knew that Wang Lin was probably already stirring up a storm. As a Great Heavenly Lord, he wanted to recruit such a monk. There's a price to pay.

But no matter how high the price is, it is still worth it. Once this person can become a Great Heavenly Lord in the future, then all the previous efforts will be turned into good deeds and receive rich rewards. With a Taoist friend who is also a Great Heavenly Lord, each other has experienced the same things before. This kind of relationship means that for any Great Heavenly Lord, his status in the Immortal Clan will rise on a large scale.

The Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord next to him also sighed secretly. He could foresee that Wang Lin would be in a situation where the other four Great Heavenly Lords, except the twins, would fight for one person together.

Unless something unexpected happens...

There was silence in Tianzun's Nirvana. The Tianzun monks looked at the sky silently. During this day, they felt the gap between them and Wang Lin, which stretched from the fifth floor to the twelfth floor.

Even recalling the thoughts that arose in them when Wang Lin just broke through the fifth floor, looking at it now, it seems like a joke. With their cultivation level and their status as Heavenly Lord, they are not qualified to comment on a Yue Tianzun cultivator. The Yuetianzun monk who can break through the twelfth floor!

Now, they can only look up at the figure in the sky!

Even Xueyu and others' expressions became much less complicated in silence. After all, the gap was too big. This gap was enough to erase all complicated emotions.

"The Ming Dao Master back then stopped on the thirteenth floor... I wonder if this person can rise..."

"If he passes the thirteenth level, he will completely surpass the Ming Dao Master back then and become the first person to become the Yuetian Master for the first time! Even if he is not as good as the Ming Dao Master who can pass the fifteenth level now, but But it’s not far off!”

As for Zi Yue Tianzun next to him, his face was always pale. Regarding what he saw with his own eyes, even though he knew that he should completely change his mind, he still couldn't help it, and his expression was complicated.

"The thirteenth floor...he will never pass!"

In addition to Xueyu, Zihui and others, there were more than twenty Yuetianzun who came here. They spread out and looked at the sky to witness this grand event!

"I wonder if he can get through this thirteenth floor..."

"Among our immortal clan's Yue Tianzun, including Caiweizun and Mingdao Zun, there are nine people who stopped at the thirteenth level! Even if Wang Lin does not break through the thirteenth level, he will continue to reach this level. Heavenly Lord, become ten people!”

"He shouldn't be able to get through the thirteenth floor. He has his limits after all."

These friends of Yue Tianzun passed their spiritual thoughts to each other and looked at the outline of the thirteen-story hall hidden in the clouds and mist in the sky.

In the thirteenth-floor hall, Wang Lin's face was pale. The moment he stepped in, the blurry nothingness appeared in front of him again. The fog was still lingering around him. The rolling fog seemed to be thicker than the previous two floors.

In this fog, Wang Lin was silent.

"On the twelfth level, among the nine extraterrestrial spirits, the long-horned beetle appeared... To be able to pass through those twelfth levels, I can feel that it is already extremely powerful after putting on the soul armor...

After all, soul armor is not a panacea. It can improve my cultivation and increase my combat power, but as my cultivation gets higher and higher, its effect gradually decreases. After all, the most he can do is allow me to be infinitely close to the cow...

But this closeness actually still has a gap.

The good thing is that on the eleventh level, I learned the Extreme Fire Dao, and on the twelfth floor, I clearly understood the Extreme Water Dao, the Eight Extremes Dao inherited from the Immortal Ancestor in the ancient divine realm. Now I have mastered two of them!

I can't pass this thirteenth floor, but I still can't..." Wang Lin looked at the fog and his eyes were filled with tears. What is the Tao!" As he was sinking in tears, the same voice from the first two floors came out from the fog. The voice echoed into nothingness, carrying a supreme pressure.

In the reverberation of this voice, Wang Lin's eyes gradually calmed down. He had answered this question twice, and each time it was different. The first time, he took life and death as the way, and the second time, he took cause and effect as the way.

This third time, Wang Lin understood that truth and falsehood were the guide!

This kind of understanding and test of Tao may be difficult for others, but Wang Lin saw that he had already started thinking about it when he was in the cave world.

"A blockbuster... I should just barely reach it, that's all. After breaking through the thirteenth floor, I stopped there. Based on this, even if those great gods can see that I have a soul armor, it is enough to explain the problem." Wang Lin was in tears and made up his mind.

"Life and death are a rope, which is the Tao. The two ends of the rope are connected together, forming a circle. This is cause and effect, and this is also the Tao! People have a dream barrier and cannot tell what is waking from a dream and what is a deep sleep. This dream barrier prevents all living beings from seeing clearly. Heaven and earth are immersed in truth and falsehood and cannot extricate themselves, so the power to break through the dream barrier and open the eyes is truth and falsehood, and it is also the Tao!" Under the constant echo of the voice, Wang Lin's mind suddenly became clear, and he thought of himself Suzaku Xing Yi Jiazi dreamed and spoke slowly.

As his words came out, the fog covering his front suddenly dissipated, revealing the complete starry sky...

Time passed, and everyone waiting in the land of Tianzun's Nirvana, after a stick of incense passed, looked at the thirteenth level of the sky, and gradually felt regret and hesitation.

"The time is much longer than when he was on the twelfth floor. It can be seen that the troublesome ghosts on the thirteenth floor..."

"It seems like he really has to stop at the thirteenth floor. After all, he has his limit!"

"That's right, after becoming Yue Tianzun for the first time, he became one of the top ten Yue Tianzun in our immortal clan. This person is famous enough!"

"It's a pity that if he can break through the thirteenth level, he can be second only to Caiweizun and become the three most powerful Yue Tianzun in our immortal clan..."

"After all, he still doesn't have the Taoist Yue Ming..."

Here, among the leaping gods, while waiting, each other exuded thoughts of regret or relief.

"Is this the limit?" Dao Yi Tianzun looked at the sky, but he felt a little relieved. He couldn't break through the thirteenth floor, and it would be easier for him to recruit.

Just when everyone was guessing that Wang Lin would stop on the thirteenth floor, suddenly the ancient teleportation array in the distance emitted bursts of light. As the light flickered, a figure condensed inside it. As the light moved, Dissipated, what was revealed to everyone was a young man in black.

His appearance did not overwhelm the previous sensation when Dao Yi and Wu Feng arrived. It also made everyone who saw him feel refreshed. It seemed that the appearance of this person would bring about the Nirvana of the Heavenly Lord. Here comes a new storm!

"Master Ming Dao!"

"Is he the Ming Dao Master?"

"Even he is here. It would be fine if Wang Lin had not broken through the thirteenth floor. But if he really did break through, I don't know what the expression of the Ming Dao Lord would be!" Not all of those Tianzun monks were I have met Ming Dao Zun, but during the sound transmission between each other, they all knew who this person was. They looked at Ming Dao Zun with respect and expectation.

They were looking forward to what would happen when the two of them looked at each other after Wang Lin appeared!

"The most powerful one among the Yue Tianzun, the number one person under the Great Heavenly Lord, this Ming Dao Lord actually came here at this time! This matter is interesting!"

"This Ming Dao Master is obviously unable to calm down and concentrate. After all, Wang Lin is obviously trying to overtake him. If he doesn't come, it will be out of character for him."

"This Ming Dao Master has always been aloof and arrogant. For a long time, no one has been able to challenge him. Even the talented Weizun can only be suppressed by this Ming Dao Master."

The only ones who really knew Ming Dao Zun were the Yuetian Zun monks of the same level. They looked at each other without moving their expressions. After scanning their gazes, their hearts were filled with the same expectations.

"Ming Dao has seen Dao Yi and Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord." The young man in black had a stern expression. He didn't look at the Heavenly Lord Yue Tianzun here at all, but walked towards Dao Yi and Wu Feng, cupping their fists and bowing.

Wu Feng looked at Ming Dao Zun and sighed inwardly. He had given this person excellent conditions back then, but he still chose the Immortal Emperor. Just as he was about to speak, Wu Feng suddenly raised his head.

Not only him, but everyone here was shocked at this moment. They no longer paid attention to the Ming Dao Master, but all raised their heads and stared at the sky.

But in the sky, the thirteenth-floor hall covered by clouds and mist suddenly burst out with golden light. The golden light shimmered, completely soaking the clouds and mist into a golden color, as if the entire sky had turned into a golden sky in an instant!

"He broke through the thirteenth floor!,,

"In the past, Ming Dao Zun became Yue Tian Zun. He tried to break through for the first time and stopped at the thirteenth floor. Now that Wang Lin has broken through the thirteenth floor, he has already surpassed Ming Dao Zun back then!"

The young man in black, Ming Dao Zun, had his eyes narrowed and his pupils were staring at the sky, his expression somewhat gloomy.

The third update is completed, please vote for me! ! This big chapter of a blockbuster has been completed so far, but it is still unknown whether Wang Lin will stop there. This chapter has already given hints, haha...

The ancient loneliness is uploaded.

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