Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1960 Don’t break through!

Chapter 12 of Volume 12 of Immortal Gang Tenth Yang, why don’t you break through!

At this moment, the entire Tianzun Nirvana seemed to be green. Those Tianzun monks were extremely shocked that they could get through the thirteenth floor. They had already overestimated it, but they didn't expect that their guess was wrong now.

"Thirteenth floor, how much fighting power does Wang Lin still have? Is he going to reach the nineteenth floor continuously today!!"

"This person has now become a blockbuster in one day!"

The Yuetianzun monks looked at the sky with shock in their eyes. They had enough reasons to be shocked by Wang Lin's current performance!

Almost at the moment after the golden light on the thirteenth level flashed, I don't know who was the first to change his gaze and look at the Ming Dao Master. After a moment, almost half of the eyes were suddenly focused on the Ming Dao Master.

Wang Lin's behavior of breaking through the thirteenth floor was like a challenge, a challenge to the Ming Dao Master!

Ming Dao Zun looked at the sky with a calm expression, but there was cold air dissipating from his body, as if a storm was gathering inside his body. The uproar in the cold air suddenly stopped.

In the sky, outside the main hall on the thirteenth floor, Wang Lin's figure appeared. His face was extremely pale. After appearing, he did not go to the fourteenth floor, but his body gradually sank.

As it sank into silence, the monks also looked at it.

"Why don't you break in!" In the silence, when Wang Lin was sinking, a cold voice slowly came out from the mouth of the Ming Dao Master.

At the moment when the voice echoed the Nirvana of Tianzun, all the monks who heard this sentence were shocked, and their eyes immediately showed a strange light, with a faint expectation, they could feel that next, there must be a storm!

The Great Heavenly Lord looked calm and did not speak. Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord next to him smiled slightly, as if he didn't hear it. He looked at the two immortal Yue Heavenly Lords, both of whom were extremely outstanding people. He wanted to see what would happen to these two people next.

This scene, even in the eyes of the surrounding monks, was more attractive than Wang Lin Chuang Tianzun Nirvana.

Even on the fairy continent far away from the land of Tianzun's nirvana, people who also saw this scene seemed to be very interested. On Nadi Mountain, Jiudi Great Tianzun looked at the autumn leaves in front of him, his eyes Brilliant.

"If he can get through the thirteenth floor, he is worth recruiting. Now this Taoist Master Ming is speaking forcefully and interestingly. I don't know how Wang Lin will reply. Judging from his appearance, the thirteenth floor is not going to be easy... But even so. , which is enough to make it famous.


Zhongzhou Royal Family, in the palace hall, the Immortal Emperor sitting on the dragon throne looked at the illusory curtain in front of him, a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

"It's nothing to worry about after only breaking through the thirteenth floor! Ming Dao's character is a bit aloof, and he won't allow anyone from Yue Tianzun to overtake him. Even when he becomes Yue Tianzun for the first time, he won't allow anyone better to appear. This character is not good. , but it’s pretty good that he can integrate this personality disadvantage into his practice.

Forget it, let this underworld teach Wang Lin a little lesson so that he will know that even if he has broken through the thirteenth floor and comes to our imperial city, he must bow his head! "

Dongzhou, Ziyang Sect, the middle-aged monk looked at the mirror in front of him and frowned.

"Ming Dao... this person has gone too far. In front of almost all Tianzun monks, speaking in such a tone clearly contains contempt!"

In the land of Nirvana, Wang Lin, who had sunk to the ninth level in the sky, suddenly paused and looked not far away, at the young man in black who was looking at him indifferently.

"Who are you!" Wang Lin spoke slowly, and he naturally saw the other party's hostility.

"Underworld!" The young man in black looked cold and arrogant.

"I'm asking you, why didn't you break in?"

Wang Lin frowned, pondered for a moment, and then guessed why the other party was acting like this. It was obvious that he had broken through the thirteenth floor and surpassed this person's past.

"After reaching the level of Yuetianzun, there are very few people with such a character. This person..." Wang Lin glanced at the Ming Daoist, and his eyes flashed incomprehensibly.

"He entered the Tao with aloofness, and with a high heart and arrogance, he practiced this way and could not allow others to surpass him... This aloofness filled his mind. No wonder he could become the first person among Yue Tianzun. This person is very likely, Don't care about worldly affairs, just focus on the aloof way!" Wang Lin smiled slightly and ignored the young man in black. Instead, he swayed and turned into a rainbow and headed straight for Dao Yi and Wu Feng Great Heavenly Lord in the distance.

"Wang Lin has met the two Great Heavenly Lords. He has stopped this time. I still have important things to do, so I'll just leave." In front of Dao Yi and Wu Feng, Wang Lin ignored the Ming Dao Lord and clasped his fists towards Dao Yi and Wu Feng. A bow.

"If you can break through the thirteenth floor, you will be considered the pinnacle of our Immortal Clan's Yue Tianzun. Wang Lin, I will go to find you!" The Wufeng Great Tianzun showed a smile on his face and nodded slightly towards Wang Lin.

"Haha, little friend Wang Lin, since you remember the agreement back then, I will also go to find you. We can discuss the specific conditions in detail when we meet." Daoda Tianzun smiled with appreciation in his eyes.

Wang Lin clasped his fists towards Dao Yi and Wu Feng again, turned around and still ignored the Ming Dao Master, and headed straight for the ancient teleportation array in the distance, about to leave here.

He felt that he had achieved his goal with a bang, and if he hadn't used the power of some clones in the void on the thirteenth floor, he might not have been able to successfully pass through the nine heavenly spirits by relying solely on the soul armor. this layer.

Therefore, he planned to stop here at this moment. The thirteenth level was enough to attract the great attention of the Great Heavenly Lord.

Regarding Wang Lin's behavior, the monks around him followed him with their eyes, but they were slightly disappointed in their hearts.

"It seems that Wang Lin still doesn't dare to provoke the Ming Dao Master."

"This is because he is self-aware. After all, he has only passed the thirteenth floor, and the Ming Dao Master is the first Yuetian Master to pass the fifteenth floor!"

"But this Taoist Master Ming is a little aggressive. His words just now were without any tone, as if he was questioning."

"Why are you being so aggressive? We monks respect the strong. This Ming Dao is respected as the number one person under the Great Heavenly Master. This should be the case. Instead, Wang Lin ignored him and was a little arrogant."

The voices of discussion around him were no longer transmitted through spiritual thoughts, but buzzed, as if they were purposeful and deliberate. Gradually, the voices of discussion became louder and louder, even though Wang Lin had already arrived at the ancient teleportation array. , and you can still hear some.

With a frown, Wang Lin turned around and glanced at the monks behind him. Under his gaze, these discussions suddenly stopped. He turned around and ignored them. Wang Lin was about to leave the land of Tianzun Nirvana through the teleportation array.

But at this moment, someone didn't want him to leave just now!

"Are you leaving just like that? I have asked you twice in a row!!" A cold voice came from the sky, and the black-clothed young man Ming Taoist spoke coldly.

Wang Lin paused, pondered for a moment, then turned to look at the Ming Dao Master.

"That's right, Wang doesn't want to break in anymore. He wants to leave right now. What's the matter with you!"

"It's nothing. I just want you to try the fourteenth floor. After you fail, you can leave." The young man in black spoke slowly, his expression even more aloof.

When Wang Lin heard this, he suddenly laughed and ignored the Taoist Ming. His body swayed, and the teleportation array under his feet immediately emitted light. But at this moment, the young man in black suddenly had a murderous intent in the eyes of the Taoist Ming.

"Unbridled!" He raised his right hand as he spoke, and suddenly pointed directly towards the teleporter. Under this finger, the entire Tianzun Nirvana seemed to vibrate, and a huge finger transformed between heaven and earth, heading straight for the teleportation array. go!

In the land of Tianzun's nirvana, fighting is prohibited. This matter is an eternal rule, but now this Ming Dao Lord doesn't care about this rule and takes action directly!

This rule was not set by the Immortal Ancestor, but by later generations. Therefore, even if he takes action, it will not cause the change or obliteration of Tianzun Nirvana. However, few people dare to disobey this rule!

The moment the huge finger appeared, it aroused the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, causing the monks all around to take a breath, look horrified, and all retreat.

"How dare he take action here!!"

"As expected of the Great Heavenly Lord, he actually dares to violate the rules of this place!"

"This rule was set by the Great Heavenly Lord. This Underworld Lord is so brave!"

The huge fingers came straight towards Wang Lin in the teleportation array with an earth-shattering roar. If Wang Lin didn't resist, his consciousness would have been damaged during the teleportation process, and it was even possible that his consciousness was being teleported. mid-collapse.

But if he dodges, he will be forced to leave the teleportation array and will be unable to leave!

This kind of behavior undoubtedly killed Wang Lin's previous vigor in front of everyone, and at the same time dealt a serious blow to the reputation he had gained by continuously climbing through the thirteenth floor.

As a result, while Wang Lin became famous, he also made everyone aware of the strength of his Ming Dao Master! Moreover, Ming Dao Zun knows that although there are not many fights between Yue Tianzun, even if they occur, as long as they are not excessive, Great Tianzun will not interfere.

Dao Yi Tianzun and Wu Feng Great Tianzun frowned. Dao Yi hesitated and did not speak, but Wu Feng Great Tianzun snorted coldly.

"Ming Dao, you are so brave! You dare to take action here!" As he spoke, he raised his sleeve with his right hand and flicked it. But at this moment, a long laugh came from the monks below, and he saw a Tianzun monk. , his whole body suddenly erupted with golden light, and a phantom shadow suddenly appeared outside his body, covering his whole body. The phantom shadow, wearing a golden robe and an imperial crown, was none other than the Immortal Emperor!

This Immortal Emperor appears here with his special magical power! He raised his right hand and waved towards Wu Feng, immediately neutralizing the power of Wu Feng's sleeve.

Wang Lin in the teleportation array suddenly raised his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, revealing murderous intent! He didn't want to cause more trouble here and wanted to leave, but the current behavior of Ming Dao Master gave Wang Lin a chill!

He doesn't allow the goal he has achieved to be destroyed by the other party!

His body swayed, and at the moment when the fingers whizzed towards him, Wang Lin walked out of the teleportation array. After he walked out, the fingers suddenly disappeared in front of him, as if the opponent had no intention of killing him, but just a mocking gesture. refer to.

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[… Chapter 12 of Volume 12 of Immortal Gang, Tenth Yang, why don’t you break through! Green...】a! !

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