Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 Immortal Gang 10th Yang Chapter 1963 Counter-sending!

The Tianzun monks below were in silence. The changes in this day made them no longer scream. They just looked at the sky, beyond the blurry sixteenth layer of golden light, the same blurry figure in white.

Wang Lin used his actions to completely change all the previous unfavorable situations, such as the world was reversed. All doubtful words and thoughts, in the face of absolute strength, turned into clouds in the sky, and the strong wind passed by without any trace of doubt. Keep.

The Immortal Emperor talked about soul armor and said that external forces were never perfect, so Wang Lin used his actions to tell everyone that just fourteen levels could not be his limit!

Faced with the accusations from thousands of people, Wang Lin didn't even say a word of defense. He just rushed away, breaking through the fourteenth floor, breaking through the fifteenth floor, and now he was even more determined, and he had never broken through those countless years. The sixteenth floor!

This is more powerful and shocking than ten thousand words of defense!

The whole day, Zun Nirvana was completely silent. Facing the countless gazes below, Wang Lin's expression was calm, without any fluctuation. He just closed his eyes and stood in the golden light, as if he was breathing in and out, as if he was waiting for Ming Dao Zun.

On his body, this scene suddenly transformed into a master-like aura, making all cultivators who saw it respect him.

Time passed, breath by breath... In the blink of an eye, a stick of incense passed, but outside the sixteenth floor, Wang Lin was still standing alone in the sky and earth, and there was no Ming Dao Master coming out.

After another half of the incense stick had passed, the sixteenth floor, which was already shrouded in golden light, once again emitted golden light. Under the golden light, Master Mingdao smiled.

His laughter contained his excitement and excitement. He had been silent for so many years, and finally today, he broke through the sixteenth floor! With a flash of his body, he suddenly transformed in front of Wang Lin, revealing a figure dressed in black.

"Sixteenth floor, I, Ming Dao Master, have passed the sixteenth floor today! Among all the Yue Tianzun in the entire immortal clan, who dares to compete! I would have to thank you, a monk who is good at deception, if not..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a sudden pause. Because the surroundings were too quiet, there were no cheers or exclamations because he had broken through the sixteenth floor. Instead, the monks below were silently staring at him with complicated expressions. .

"You're too slow." Wang Lin spoke slowly.

" have broken through the sixteenth floor?!" Ming Dao Zun's face immediately turned pale and he stared at Wang Lin with murderous intent in his eyes. He would never allow others to be stronger than him, and that's all for the Great Heavenly Lord. Among Yue Tianzun, he must be number one!

But right now, the cheers and fame he deserved for crossing the sixteenth floor were snatched away by Wang Lin in front of him.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, it was obviously much shorter than the time it took for him.

This change made the Ming Dao Master angry and humiliated. His arrogant heart could not bear such a thing!

"Are you coming again?" Wang Lin remained calm, looking at the Ming Dao Master whose expression changed, and said calmly. The more nonchalant his tone, the more unacceptable it became for the Ming Dao Lord. He stared at Wang Lin as if his eyes were about to burst out with anger.

"This person has such a human nature. I really don't know how he has cultivated to the level he is today, but it may have something to do with his aloofness. The more he is like this, the more it stimulates his mind and allows him to immerse himself in the pain of being transcended. Within the understanding of twisted life.

Just like a bow, the bigger the bow, the stronger the potential it can unleash... Even if it is the toughest bow in the world, I will let it break today! "Wang Lin glanced at the Ming Taoist Master. How could Wang Lin forget the humiliation this person had suffered before? He would retaliate throughout his life and would never let this person go.

What's more, this Ming Dao Lord is the most important person to the Immortal Emperor. Destroying him is also a powerful counterattack to the Immortal Emperor's words just now!

To destroy this Ming Taoist, you must completely destroy his confidence, let him go to the seventeenth level with you, trample on his pride again, let him completely collapse, and suppress him forever. Under yourself!

Just like a bow, although the greater the bend, the greater the potential, but once it exceeds the limit, there is no such thing as potential, but it will break! Wang Lin was cruel and even more vicious, so he simply took this opportunity to destroy the mind of this Underworld Master!

"Now that your face is torn, let's tear it even bigger!" Wang Lin sneered in his heart, with contempt in his eyes, and glanced at the Ming Taoist Master.

This contemptuous look made the Ming Dao Master clench his fists.

"Ming Dao, return to the palace with me!" At this moment, the Immortal Emperor below no longer looked gloomy, but spoke calmly. After speaking, he looked at Wang Lin with admiration in his eyes.

"Okay, there is a strong man among our Immortal Clan today, Wang Lin. I have misunderstood you before. When I return to the imperial city, I will immediately issue an edict and declare it to the world! And you and I had an agreement back then. , I invite you to come to the imperial city. Now many years have passed, and you have become Yue Tianzun, and this matter has been combined. A new Yue Tianzun has appeared in our immortal clan, and the royal family will all canonize it. This is the grand ceremony, you come to the royal family, this emperor I will do it for you personally!" The Immortal Emperor smiled slightly, as if he was not angry at all. His smile was like a spring breeze, which made all the monks around him seem to be affected. They all bowed their heads and clasped their fists.

"Thank you, Immortal Emperor." Wang Lin looked calm and spoke slowly.

"It doesn't matter, Ming Dao, don't leave yet!" The Immortal Emperor smiled and suddenly looked at the struggling Ming Dao Master in the sky. With a low drink, there was a thunderous roar in the mind of Ming Dao Master, which made him feel confused. Shocked, the anger in his expression suddenly disappeared and turned into calm. He stood there and looked at Wang Lin. At this moment, there was no trace of anger on his body.

He took a deep look at Wang Lin, swayed, and immediately flew downwards.

Wang Lin frowned. The Ming Dao Lord actually silenced all the anger in his heart, and also suppressed the unbearable pride. In this way, once this person is allowed to go back, with his special way, he will be very knowledgeable. There may be a breakthrough!

Wang Lin could not care about Ming Dao Zun in a rage, but the sudden silence and calmness of the other party after such a rage made Wang Lin feel a hint of danger.

"Why don't you break in?" Wang Lin remained calm and his words were cold.

When the Immortal Emperor heard this, his brows furrowed slightly. The Ming Taoist Master seemed not to have heard this and did not look back, but walked towards the Immortal Emperor.

"It turns out that this is Taoist Underworld. It's disappointing! He doesn't even have the courage to go to the seventeenth floor." Wang Lin saw that Taoist Underworld didn't even look back. This strange change made Wang Lin faintly I feel that it may not be an accident that this person can become the number one Yue Tianzun.

But the more this happens, the more he wants to destroy his thoughts here!

"Wang Lin, what do you mean?" The Immortal Emperor looked at Wang Lin with a threatening look in his eyes.

Ming Dao Zun paused and was silent for a breath, as if he was struggling a little with his eyes closed, but after a breath, he calmed down again and approached the Immortal Emperor without saying a word.

"I just want him to break through to the seventeenth floor. If he fails, he can leave!" Wang Lin smiled slightly, and his laughter fell on the ears of the Ming Dao Master, making his heart hurt.

This sentence was what he had said to Wang Lin before!

Breathing slightly, the Ming Dao Master paused again, as if there was anger burning in his body. His self-esteem was too much for him to bear. But at this moment, the Immortal Emperor flicked his sleeves and suddenly turned into a soft hunchback. The wind swept the Ming Dao Master and threw him towards the ancient teleportation array.

"Go back to Huangzi!"

Ming Dao Zun resisted the urge to turn around, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. Pushed by the power of the Immortal Emperor's sleeves, he instantly arrived at the ancient teleportation array. Together with the light, the array seemed to be starting to move.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly, he would never let the other party leave like this! Almost at the moment when the formation was in motion, Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand and pointed towards the ancient teleportation formation!

Under this finger, ninety-nine phantoms suddenly transformed and condensed together to form a huge finger phantom, which headed straight towards the teleportation array with a shocking roar.

The Immortal Emperor looked angry and was about to take action, but at this moment, the Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng laughed and stepped forward casually. However, this simple step made the Immortal Emperor... pause.

Both of them are Great Heavenly Lords. At this moment, their energy is locked with each other. If he makes a move, Wu Feng will definitely take action. After such a delay, I saw that illusory huge finger roaring towards the teleportation array!

The Ming Dao Lord in the teleportation array suddenly raised his head and let out a low roar. He was in the middle of teleportation at the moment and could not take action. He gritted his teeth and swayed out of the teleportation array. The moment he walked out, this The huge finger immediately disappeared in front of him, like a taunting finger!

This scene is clearly the same one that Ming Dao Master used on Wang Lin before!

"Wang Lin!!" Ming Dao Lord, who walked out of the teleportation array, raised his head sharply and stared at Wang Lin. The suppressed anger and humiliation in his body was about to burst out.

"Wang Lin, you are so brave. You dare to violate the regulations and take action here. Today, I will definitely capture you!" The Immortal Emperor obviously did not expect that Wang Lin would dare to take action.

"Oh? Did I hurt someone? Did he get hurt? Since he was not hurt, how can he violate it?" Wang Lin smiled slightly, and the words he counterattacked were exactly what the Immortal Emperor said before!

The Immortal Emperor paused for a moment and was about to speak, but Wang Lin spoke faster than him. He looked at the Ming Dao Lord who was suppressing his anger, and his voice echoed around the world.

"It turns out that you have lost your arrogance and self-esteem. I asked you why you left in a hurry and didn't go to the seventeenth floor. I am afraid that not only have you given up your self-esteem, but also your faith. You are just a walking zombie. Everything is gone. You must listen to the Immortal Emperor's arrangements and let you go. You dare not not leave, so you must leave immediately.

That's all, a monk like you is not qualified to let me take another look, so get out! "Wang Lin flicked his sleeves, with contempt in his eyes without any reservation, piercing into the heart of Ming Dao Zun like a knife.

"What a disappointment!" With these last words, the Ming Dao Master could no longer suppress it. He raised his head and roared while trembling, and he swayed straight towards the sky.

"Wang Lin, you and I will break through the seventeenth floor together!!"

"Okay!" Wang Lin laughed and stepped into the seventeenth floor hall almost at the same time as Ming Dao Master!

The Immortal Emperor was about to stop him, but was stopped by Wu Feng.

"Lian Daozhen, we won't interfere in Yue Tianzun's competition."! ~!

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