Renegade Immortal

Volume 12 The 10th Yang of Immortal Gang Chapter 1964 The first person under the Great Heavenly Lord

"Master Ming Dao, wait for me outside. Don't leave alone before I come out." The moment the two entered the seventeenth floor hall, Wang Lin spoke slowly.

His words were extremely sinister. Not only did they point out that Ming Dao Zun would not be able to pass through this level, but they also blocked his escape route. If Ming Dao Zun failed and left alone, these words would definitely affect him. Taoist heart, let him practice as if he has inner demons in the future!

But if he really doesn't leave, but continues to wait, then although there will be no inner demons, once Wang Lin successfully breaks through, it will cause a huge blow to him. This kind of blow is like a bow breaking!

After saying this, the two figures disappeared into the seventeenth floor hall at the same time.

Tianzun couldn't hear this sentence. Yue Tianzun was far away and could only hear it vaguely, but the three great Tianzun here heard it clearly!

The great Heavenly Lord's eyes were focused, as if he was meeting Wang Lin for the first time. He looked at the seventeenth-floor hall among the clouds and mist, with a solemn look on his face.

"This Wang Lin is so scheming!"

And the Great Heavenly Lord Wu Feng also flashed his eyes, looked at the sky, and gradually smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that he is very determined to destroy this Ming Dao Master!" As for the Immortal Emperor, his expression was extremely gloomy. He flicked his sleeves as if he didn't want to see this scene. The phantom slowly dissipated and left the land of Tianzun's nirvana.

A sneer came from the imperial palace in Zhongzhou at this moment!

Also in Zhongzhou, on top of the Emperor Mountain, the Great Heavenly Lord Jiu Di had already stood up, looking at the autumn leaves with an extremely serious look on his face, his eyes shining with a strange light.

"He is a person!! Not only does he have a very high understanding of the Tao, but he also has extraordinary combat power. What's even more rare is that he has such a scheming mind..." Okay, this guy is by no means useless, but is even better than Ming Dao Master. Miaozi..." In the land of Tianzun Nirvana, after Wang Lin and Ming Dao Zun broke into the seventeenth floor, just after the third breath, suddenly from the seventeenth floor, there was a figure spraying blood mist, from which The inside rolled out with a bang.

The figure didn't stop until it was rolled hundreds of feet away. It was Taoist Master Ming in black. His face was extremely pale. After the figure paused, he spat out a mouthful of blood again. His body swayed, as if he could not stand still.

His eyes were blurry, and his whole person seemed to be lifeless. He stared blankly at the seventeenth-floor hall hundreds of feet away, silent.

He failed.

Almost as soon as he entered, he immediately failed and was seriously injured and rolled out.

While smiling miserably, he did not lower his head to look below." But he could feel the gazes of the monks below, like knives, cutting bloody wounds inside and outside his body.

Time passed, the fourth breath, the fifth breath, the sixth breath... until nearly half the time of the incense had passed.

"Under the torment of this breath, Ming Dao Zun's godless eyes did not leave, but looked at the seventeenth floor hall." He expected to see Wang Lin's figure rolling out.

The longer time passed, the stronger his expectation became. In the end, it almost reached its peak and became his only belief at the moment!

"If I don't succeed, he will definitely not succeed! If he doesn't make it, I won't be considered a loser!" The torment of waiting and expectation is enough to kill all the monks. This Taoist Master of the Underworld is now disheveled and his eyes are filled with tears. Bloodshot, staring intently.

Time passed again. "Half a stick of incense, a stick of incense... Soon, it was half an hour!"

Wang Lin had never stayed on any level for so long, but it was like this on the seventeenth level. The passing of half an hour gave Ming Dao Master a gradually rising confidence, allowing him to regain his confidence. Hope the same.

"The longer the time, the more difficult it is for him, and the less likely it is for him to successfully break through. This Wang Lin, he will definitely not be able to succeed, will never succeed, will never succeed!!", Ming Dao Zun all All his mind and energy were concentrated in his eyes, looking at the dim seventeenth floor hall.

His fragile hope now seems to be the last barrier to his pride. If this barrier is broken, then he will completely collapse and fall into a completely suppressed despair.

“It won’t work, it won’t work!!!”

Time passed for too long, and even the silent monks below became surprised and began to speculate.

The Great Heavenly Lord also frowned and looked at the seventeenth floor with hesitation in his heart. In this short day, his heart has changed several times. This kind of thing shouldn't happen to him, but at this moment, it still exists.

"There are only nineteen levels of Tianzun Nirvana. He has broken through the sixteenth level. Now on this seventeenth level, even if he failed to break through, it is enough to prove his existence... But once he really breaks through, On the seventeenth floor, then...I am afraid that Jiudi Great Heavenly Lord will also come for it and participate in the fight!

Such a character is rare to see in tens of thousands of years! ! Especially for the Ming Dao Lord, if he can rise up after being hit by him continuously, it would be fine, but if he cannot rise, it means that... the Taoist heart has been destroyed. "

Wu Feng Tianzun on the side also had complicated thoughts. He looked at the seventeenth floor of the hall, but compared to Dao Yi, he still had some confidence.

"I have helped him before, and this help can be big or small. Even when he was accused by thousands of people, I was still helping him... In this way, under the same conditions, he will definitely choose me!

That Dao Yi was hesitant before was related to his character, but such a character can only attract some weak people. A truly strong person has his own pride. If there is no favor, how can he condescend to follow him!

However, if Wang Lin really breaks through the seventeenth floor, I am afraid that even I will have a hard time recruiting him... If nothing happens, there is almost an 80% chance that he will become the Great Heavenly Lord in the future! "In the palace of Zhongzhou Imperial City, there was a dead silence at the moment. There was only a majestic pressure, and it seemed that there was endless anger filling the world. In the main hall, the Immortal Emperor sat on the dragon chair, staring at the person in front of him. In the illusory curtain, looking at the pale-faced Ming Dao Lord, the Immortal Emperor's eyes revealed a strange color.

"I really should have listened to the advice of the National Master and killed Wang Lin! But I considered that as my Great Heavenly Lord, whether I took action myself or sent someone to kill, it was a bit fussy... I gave it to him. I thought everything was within my control regarding his opportunities to grow!

No matter how much he grows, once he comes to the imperial city, I can find any reason to wipe his mind and send him to the imperial master.

But I didn't expect that he would grow to such an extent now, and even attract the attention of the other great gods... He would even destroy the underworld that I had worked so hard to recruit at a great price..." The Immortal Emperor looked at While the illusory curtain was muttering, a smile appeared at the corner of its mouth that seemed inconsistent with the words.

"If he breaks through the seventeenth floor, he will definitely attract the attention of that old guy, Emperor Qiu. Once he is recruited by Emperor Jiu..." The Immortal Emperor closed his eyes.

"He may not be able to get through after such a long time!", "But... I hope that he can get through... and then hit the underworld hard...", the Immortal Emperor opened his eyes, with a strange expression on his mouth. The smile is thicker.

"Ming Dao, please don't let me down. I have done so much for you...even letting Wang Lin grow..." Na Jiudi Great Heavenly Venerable was concentrating on Emperor Mountain in Zhongzhou. Looking at Qiuye, his eyes were full of thoughts, and at the same time, he saw a question that several other great gods seemed to ignore.

"If he breaks through the seventeenth floor, it will not only achieve his illustrious reputation, but more importantly... it will reflect his combat power from the side. With this combat power, the entire Immortal Clan has become the Great Heavenly Lord. The first person... Even if the Great Heavenly Lord takes action, he seems to be able to escape...

How much does it cost to recruit such a person? I hope he can't get past the seventeenth floor. "While Emperor Jiu was pondering, his eyes looking at Qiuye became complicated for the first time.

The land of Tianzun Nirvana, both inside and outside, was filled with everyone's thoughts looking at the seventeenth floor, either expecting or not wanting Wang Lin to pass through, and the time of another stick of incense passed.

Without any news for so long, the Ming Dao Master no longer looked pale, but had strong hope and confidence. But just when his hope reached its peak and the moment he recovered from the shock, his whole face People tremble violently as if struck by lightning.

Because he saw that at that moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly erupted in the seventeenth-floor hall! ! !

The golden light spread crazily, covering everyone's eyes. In the golden light, a figure in white walked out. His white hair looked like blond hair under the golden light.

Walking out step by step, Wang Lin's eyes did not even glance at the Ming Dao Master. Instead, he walked past the Ming Dao Master who was completely staying in Huali and whose hopes had completely collapsed in front of everyone's attention.

Completely ignore it!

He did not go to the eighteenth floor, but descended step by step. He paused in front of Dao Yi and Wu Feng Tianzun, clasped his fists, glanced at Wu Feng Tianzun, and then turned into a long rainbow and came to the ancient place in the distance. The teleportation formation flashed with light, and Wang Lin left.

When leaving, he turned around and glanced at the man named Haizi in the crowd, with a smile on his face and nodded.

"He... broke through the seventeenth floor..." Ming Dao Zun murmured and spurted out a mouthful of blood. This blood, like the previous blood mist, was transformed by the essence of his soul. After all, this is the Nirvana of Tian Zun, not Come in the flesh.

As the blood-like energy of the soul dissipated, Ming Dao Zun once again seemed to have lost his life. He lowered his head, and his pride collapsed.

His Dao thoughts were ruthlessly destroyed by Wang Lin. With a sad smile, Dao Master Ming left silently.

But at this moment, no one cares about Ming Dao Zun. This place of Nirvana, after Wang Lin left, suddenly erupted in unprecedented exclamations! !

"The number one person under the Great Heavenly Lord! Wang Lin!!"

"Today, the situation of Yue Tianzun has changed, and this Wang Lin has become a blockbuster!!", "From now on, there will be one more powerful cultivator in the land of our Immortal Clan!! The first one of Yue Tianzun, the strongest one under Great Tianzun!!"

"He can even be called the future Sixth Yang of our immortal clan! He is most likely to become the cultivator of the Great Heavenly Lord!",! ~!

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